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Work Permit on visa based on marriage

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I've lived and worked as a teacher in Thailand for fifteen years. I've also been married to a Thai for fourteen of those years. Due to paperwork issues (lack of a BA), my job title was changed by the Labour Office and they were happy to issue me with a WP and the Immigration were happy to issue me with a visa based on this new job position. This went on for four years. Last year Immigration said that they wouldn't honour this WP, offered me a 'special' visa for 9000 baht!! This year I plan to change my visa to a marriage based one (I have the documents and the money in the bank) and then go to the Labour Office, with the school's documents and apply for a new WP. Does this make sense? Feedback appreciated.

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Thanks for your reply. Yes I understand that I'm just changing the reason for my extension of stay. I'm just a bit nervous about changing my visa first (to a marriage based one and depriving someone of their tea money) and then going on to get my WP. I have a life here with my wife, daughter, teaching, farm etc.... The Visa/WP time of year always gets a bit stressful! Have a good festive season.

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