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Philippines versus Thailand.....

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The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence until you eat it and realise they use S.... to get the grass green. If PI was so great why are there so much less expats there than here and the same goes for Vietnam. For each of us its a personal choice and the sum total of our individual choices reflects in the expats numbers. Vietnam for one is a communist country where you have very little freedom of expression (Thailand going that way but not there yet). In PI they have a mad man in charge (here we have one that has the same potential but not yet there). What is today a logical choice for expats may in a year from now not be so logical or rational anymore. The medical services here is just so much better that Vietnam and PI.  Unfortunately some people only realise the importance of this too late.

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29 minutes ago, smotherb said:

I have lived about ten years in each country. The first time in the PI was 1967, first time in Thailand 1968.  I have consistently visited each country many times over the years.  


Thailand has a more advanced infrastructure--civil and technological. One point I like, is that clean toilets are rather common in Thailand. Thai food shows much more imagination and is far better prepared. Expenses for lodging, utilities and food may even be cheaper in Thailand.  The Thai women come in more varied sizes, shapes and skin color. My wife is Filipina, but she prefers Thailand. However, she is an American citizen and has lived in the States and all over the world with me; so she is not the typical Filipina.  


The Philippines is much cheaper for alcohol and cigarettes. The ladies are more willing to please; they are all ready to leave the PI or set-up house in the PI with their jack-pot. Perhaps because they speak English, the sweet mouth-silver tongued farang can score more easily. The PI has many more mountains, beaches and islands; so a much prettier country--if you can avoid the garbage. Immigration hassles are less--the big plus is if you are married to a Filipina, you get a one year visa exempt status, every year. Money works for single foreigners to get visas. Crime and corruption in the PI makes Thailand appear pristine--you cannot even leave your house unoccupied; if you do it will be burglarized. However, my wife was robbed at gun point here in Thailand and not in the PI; so crime exists in both places.


So, for an alcohol-swilling, tobacco-burning sexpat; the PI may be a better choice. If you just want a good woman to take care of you; the PI may be a better choice. If you want less immigration hassles, the PI may be a better choice.  If you like more advanced technology, cleaner toilets, better food, cheaper rent; and don't forget, the opportunity to work as an English teacher, Thailand may be the  better choice.


I know expats here who swear they will never leave Thailand; I know expats there who swear they will never leave the PI--so, as my grandpappy used to say: "You pays your money and takes your choice."


you surprised me when you said Thailand and cheaper rent,


you mean that renting a house/condo/appt is generally cheaper in Thailand than PI?




having been born and bred in Europe I frequently find it easier to relate to PIs with their christian mindset than

to a thai buddhist/animism mindset



Let us never take for granted the available and enviable health care options here.


LOS was not my first early retirement choice, but you can't dispute our many options for good care.


Like both  places..   Good  and  friendly people,  beautiful girls and places in  both...   Food  better,   hotels cheaper  in  Thailand..    Not keen  on  Manila..   Have  to try  Vietnam as I  have never  been there.


Phillippines has over 100 million populaton , Thailand  only 65 million yet Phill  has about 5 million tourists a year vs Thailand 30 million +  Also mentioned less expats living there.than in Thailand. Current President sending out killing squads to get rid of drug dealers. Abu Syayaf kidnaping people for ransome. Sure the girls are friendly and cheap and as said want to leave the Phill and live overseas , why> Cuz its a poor hell hole and they want a better life. I personally know 3 guys who after bringing their wife back to US had 2 of the girls file for a diviorce within  a month citing physical abuse ( that way they can stay in US and won't be sent back to Phill). The 3rd girl was a little smarter she waited till she had a kid by a retired cop and after 5 years when the guy was attached to his daughter started running around with Pinay and other guys and told him to leave if he didn't like it. poor guy doesn't want to seperate his kid from the mother so takes it.

Thailand much better food, infrastucture, medical facilities, lower cost for hotel accomedations , cheaper restaurants better internet ,less electric power failures , cleaner  but if you like cheap sex/girls cigs and alcohol you will like the Phillippines.

PS and the girls being Catholic/Christian  means nothing they will cheat lie and rip you off without it bothering them.  Below a river in the Phillippinesgarbage-river-in-phillipines.jpg

4 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

20 years ago the  7/11 were still non existing in Phills.


I said 20 years but it was actually 19 years ago and 7 months or so. I am pretty sure I visited 7-11's in Manila. A quick google says the first 7-11 opened in 1984. 

1 hour ago, melvinmelvin said:


you surprised me when you said Thailand and cheaper rent,


you mean that renting a house/condo/appt is generally cheaper in Thailand than PI?




having been born and bred in Europe I frequently find it easier to relate to PIs with their christian mindset than

to a thai buddhist/animism mindset


I can only compare the hotels in which I've stayed and houses I have rented in both countries. The accommodations in Thailand are not only cheaper, but better--for example, I spent most of September in the PI.


On the way, I spent a few days in a Bangkok hotel for B1,100/day ($31) and a few in a Manila hotel at P2000/day ($40). The hotel in Bangkok was nicer.  My friend in Tacloban rents a  two story, two bedroom, two bath row house for P15,000/mo ($300) and I rent a three story, four bedroom, three bath row house in Hatyai for B8,000/mo ($222).   My place in Thailand is not only bigger, but the neighborhood is much nicer.


The Thai civil infrastructure is good enough that power outages are uncommon and the few we do get last only a short time. In the PI power outages--what the Filipinos call "Brownouts"-- are much more common and they last days sometimes.


Street food too is cheaper in Thailand--my wife gets steamed meat buns (bao) for B12-13 (34 cents); the same buns (siopao) in the PI are P25-30 (50 cents). Thai noodle soup is B40 ($1.11), the Filipino noodle soup (mami) about P75 ($1.50) and the Thai bun and soup are better. 


These food prices are not Bangkok or Manila; where I'd imagine both would cost more. These are Tacloban PI and Hatyai Thailand prices.



5 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

20 years ago the  7/11 were still non existing in Phills.

Dont think you are correct.  I was working in the Philippines allot in the mid 90's and they had 7-11 then. 


l also have lived in both countries & my ex was a Filipina.

l much prefer Thailand for all the reasons mentioned above.

Thailand wins hands down.

Just MHO, I think that Thai women are prettier than Filipinas.

l also feel safer in Thailand.

16 hours ago, CNXBKKMAN said:

7-11 in Thailand you walk in buy your stufff and leave. 7-11 in the Philippines armed guard at the door and swamped by child beggars when you leave. I haven't been for 20 years so it may have changed.


When 7-11ns were new in Thailand they also had armed guards at the door.

2 hours ago, bandito said:


When 7-11ns were new in Thailand they also had armed guards at the door.

I do not recall that - but re Philippines we are talking shotgun toting armed guards at almost every place, including the Pizza Hut.  Our white skin makes us attractive as more than a partner.  Kidnapping is frequent and always a major concern for those thought to have means and even worse if done for political reasons.


That said everything in perspective - most people will never have problems in either country and should not rule either out from our banter.  But I believe most will feel a bit more on edge in the Philippines for valid reasons.        




but re Philippines we are talking shotgun toting armed guards at almost every place, including the Pizza Hut.


i was walking in manila and a team of 3 electricity men obviously looking for wires stealing electric came along with 4 gun carrying guards

who watched everywhere as they cut the wires right back to where it came from

and i dont think the big fella liked me taking his photo :(



manila guards with guns for electric men 14 apr 16 DSC05528.jpg

manila guards with guns for electric men 14 apr 16 DSC05535.jpg

20 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

No way IMHO.  Much less chance here than in PI and believe police set up is very common in PI.  Here police have other ways to make ends meet.  Although understand it may appear that way due to the much higher tourist numbers in Thailand.

Believe what you like I have never seen a cop anywhere except in the police box's

20 hours ago, captnhoy said:

This is an interesting topic for me as I consider spending some time in PI. One topic has just been touched on and I'm curious about personal safety there compared to Thailand. After 10 years I have concluded that Thailand is a bit of The Wild West. More people are packing than I ever imagined and to some degree a farang can be hurt or killed by a Thai with impunity I think. It is even worse in the PI? Muggings? Angry Pinoys? What?

Its nothing like that here.

On Friday, December 23, 2016 at 6:00 PM, CNXBKKMAN said:

7-11 in Thailand you waink in buy your stufff and leave. 7-11 in the Philippines armed guard at the door and swamped by child beggars when you leave. I haven't been for 20 years so it may have changed.


I spent some time there about 18 months ago, Manila and Baguio, only a few days In Mamnila, and didn't see a single beggar In either place.  I'm sure they exist from what I read, and I was happy not to encounter any.  I find kids begging particularly confronting/upsetting.




Unable to edit typo.

On 23/12/2016 at 3:53 PM, gecko2112 said:

Have lived in the Philippines for a year + and currently working and living here in BKK. Most of what Sharktooth posted is pretty much true.


Women: Not to paint all with the same brush, but I much prefer Filipino women. I find as a Westerner, I have more in common with the Catholic mindset than the Buddhist way of thinking. Women are much more genuine, warm and family orientated. And, English is a huge bonus.


Food: Thailand hands down.


Costs: Street food is horrible or non-existant in the Philippines which forces one to eat in restaurants which can become costly. Accommodations also more expensive.


Manila, except for a few pockets is a s*&^hole, but once out the city the country is beautiful.



I have a house in Sipalay City Negros Occidental and in Nong Khai where I holiday each year for two months. 

I have a Filapina GF and live in the provinces which I like. 

Once you get to know about the local food it is not too bad but the Thai food is cheaper and better. 

I travel a lot so visas are no problem and Immigration are friendly and polite. 

The visas are probably a little dearer but no problems. 

The ladies are attractive and the almost universally English speaking is appreciated. 

Easier to work or have business in the Philippines. 

On 12/23/2016 at 11:11 AM, Dante99 said:

Vietnam beats the hell out of both of them.

except you have to put up with thieving desperate vietnamese who are out for your money every minute. Also the beeping horns.. no thanks




except you have to put up with thieving desperate vietnamese who are out for your money every minute


i spent a week in saigon and a week in nha trang in september and i never

met one thieving  desperate vietnamese person in the whole two weeks !


no body tried to trick cheat steal or do anything nasty or bad to me either :)


and the uni freshers in the park wanted to know all about me why i went there

where i was from etc for half an hour .... nice kids 



vietnam saigon mr ho hi minh statue figure 24 sept 16 20160924_123736.jpg

vietnam saigon uni freshers in park 25 sept 16 20160925_121725.jpg

vietnam nha trang cable car to vinpearl island 27 sept 16.jpg

vietnam nha trang cable car to vinpearl island 29 sept 16 20160928_122742.jpg

I can only compare the hotels in which I've stayed and houses I have rented in both countries. The accommodations in Thailand are not only cheaper, but better--for example, I spent most of September in the PI.
On the way, I spent a few days in a Bangkok hotel for B1,100/day ($31) and a few in a Manila hotel at P2000/day ($40). The hotel in Bangkok was nicer.  My friend in Tacloban rents a  two story, two bedroom, two bath row house for P15,000/mo ($300) and I rent a three story, four bedroom, three bath row house in Hatyai for B8,000/mo ($222).   My place in Thailand is not only bigger, but the neighborhood is much nicer.
The Thai civil infrastructure is good enough that power outages are uncommon and the few we do get last only a short time. In the PI power outages--what the Filipinos call "Brownouts"-- are much more common and they last days sometimes.
Street food too is cheaper in Thailand--my wife gets steamed meat buns (bao) for B12-13 (34 cents); the same buns (siopao) in the PI are P25-30 (50 cents). Thai noodle soup is B40 ($1.11), the Filipino noodle soup (mami) about P75 ($1.50) and the Thai bun and soup are better. 
These food prices are not Bangkok or Manila; where I'd imagine both would cost more. These are Tacloban PI and Hatyai Thailand prices.

And you forget that PI are really more hit by destructiveness Typhoons

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7 hours ago, pby92 said:


And you forget that PI are really more hit by destructiveness Typhoons

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

I didn't forget. You will note I also did not get into any political issues.

Vietnam beats the hell out of both of them.

Ha ha ha Its a loud noisy back packer infested shit hole!

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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