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Trump adopting same behavior he criticized Clinton for


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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Wow! Name calling. Is that all you've got. By the way, I believe the guy you are picturing here voted for Clinton.

That's why I posted it. He IS a liberal, but he does know about today's kids. Very few kids have ever heard about working their way through college. They take no fail courses that are basically useless for a career and want it for free. They expect that they will never have to repay the loans they take out and many make no attempt to pay. The US has semi literate graduates.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

I'm a strong believer in voting.  It's a huge part of what democracy is all about.  I had some issues voting from here, so in the end, didn't vote.  I'd have voted for one of the underdogs rather than for Trump or Hillary.  Protest vote.


Sanders should have been the DP candidate. Had the DNC and Hilary not conspired and cheated to get her the nomination I believe Bernie would have won. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Sure it must be fun for non-Americans to watch the U.S. melt down by electing a man baby demagogue.


It is. And also fun to watch the opposition try defending a witch of a candidate who cheated to get the nomination, and really wasn't fit for further office.


Whilst poor Sanders, who probably resonated with a broader cross section and especially the young was squeezed out through dubious means.


Fun, but then again, similar to most Western countries at the moment.

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8 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

First of all, a wall and a fence are not the same. Ever try using a pair of wire cutters to get through a wall? Second, he said that where there are "vicious rivers" and mountains you won't need to put up a wall. 


Don't need a concrete wall everywhere.  It would be stupid to put it in place where fencing is more appropriate. Besides, I'm more interested in interior enforcement. I want them dragged out of their jobs and houses and put on the next bus out of the country. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Sure it must be fun for non-Americans to watch the U.S. melt down by electing a man baby demagogue.


How are you going to react when Trump makes America great again? Will you admit that you made a mistake? I already know how you're going to answer but you were wrong about the election, were you not?

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3 hours ago, Gary A said:

 Just cling to your popular vote victory, not that it means anything. Do you think your hate and bile will sustain you for the next eight years? Anyways have a Happy New Year.


I "liked" your post. Except for wishing the Happy New Year.

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4 minutes ago, Usernames said:


Don't need a concrete wall everywhere.  It would be stupid to put it in place where fencing is more appropriate. Besides, I'm more interested in interior enforcement. I want them dragged out of their jobs and houses and put on the next bus out of the country. 


I disagree. I don't want working productive illegals thrown out. I want the criminal leech bums deported. If the working illegals were deported, those jobs would go unfilled because of the VERY lucrative welfare program that the professional welfare clients receive generation after generation.

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Running the country,or running his businesses ,which will get priority ?,

I know he is suppose to give control of his businesses to someone else,

BUT will he,we know what happened when we had a businessman be in

charge of Thailand,he did some good things at first,like shaking up the

civil servants,so you could get things done in a few hours instead of a 

few days (unless you paid), 


Then power went to his head,I can see the same thing happening to 


regards Worgeordie

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Just now, Gary A said:


I disagree. I don't want working productive illegals thrown out. I want the criminal leech bums deported. If the working illegals were deported, those jobs would go unfilled because of the VERY lucrative welfare program that the professional welfare clients receive generation after generation.


One of the most important things Trump should do is preserve the wage rights of working Americans.  You can't do that if illegals are allowed to come in the country and undercut citizens for everything from lawn care to dry wall. Sure, they DO contribute to agricultural harvests.  But there is a designated special program for that, too.  Agribusiness needs to go through it, instead of hiring illegals who bring their families and then dump their children on the taxpayer for everything from medical care to schooling.

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6 minutes ago, Usernames said:


I "liked" your post. Except for wishing the Happy New Year.


It's nice to be charitable to the hateful bile filled few, most of them are here. You know they are not going to have a Happy New Year anyways.

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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He has not changed his mind on Muslims, immigration, the wall. He might have modified a few things, but that is it. Personally, I prefer that he take more moderate positions.


The approach you were spouting prior to the election was far from moderate. Nothings you said was ever 'moderate'.


9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I didn't vote for him, but I could care less if it is a wall or a fence or natural barriers. They all keep illegals out. Frankly, I do not understand why anyone else cares either.


As with the quote from you at the top, it seems you clearly caught Trumpster disease as well. You have an unassuming ability to back peddle only akin to Trump himself. If the search function were better I would pull out and list all your extreme rants in favour of Trump.


8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


The Wall in Israel - which certainly seems to work - is a combination of walls and a multi-layered fence system.  


That wall also works because when you try and get through it you also get shot, maybe Trump can employ the '2nd amendment folks ' to sit and shoot people trying to get through the 'fence' or across the 'vicious rivers and mountains' that constitute the Mexican border (did Trump really say that?). Why would Palestinians try and escape into Israel anyway? Do you think they would have a better life in Israel as an illegal immigrant? The walls in the ghetto's, and Berlin also worked well, just add some mine fields and snipers with the razor wire and problem solved.



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2 minutes ago, Usernames said:


One of the most important things Trump should do is preserve the wage rights of working Americans.  You can't do that if illegals are allowed to come in the country and undercut citizens for everything from lawn care to dry wall. Sure, they DO contribute to agricultural harvests.  But there is a designated special program for that, too.  Agribusiness needs to go through it, instead of hiring illegals who bring their families and then dump their children on the taxpayer for everything from medical care to schooling.


So as an American citizen, if you are so concerned why not employ people to do the lawn or dry wall from companies that employ Americans and pay American wages. Vote with your wallet eh! It is easier to ride the outrage bus without having to pay full fare isn't it.

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4 minutes ago, Usernames said:


One of the most important things Trump should do is preserve the wage rights of working Americans.  You can't do that if illegals are allowed to come in the country and undercut citizens for everything from lawn care to dry wall. Sure, they DO contribute to agricultural harvests.  But there is a designated special program for that, too.  Agribusiness needs to go through it, instead of hiring illegals who bring their families and then dump their children on the taxpayer for everything from medical care to schooling.


Years ago the government was much smarter than it is today. The strange part is that it was the democrats who came up with the Bracero/Guest Worker program many years ago.

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Just now, Andaman Al said:


So as an American citizen, if you are so concerned why not employ people to do the lawn or dry wall from companies that employ Americans and pay American wages. Vote with your wallet eh! It is easier to ride the outrage bus without having to pay full fare isn't it.


For one thing, I'm not there anymore.  But when I was, I specified to my contractors for fencing, roof repair, and any home refurbishment that the crew must be citizens. And if I discovered any who weren't (and I would ask), I told them I would fire them and call immigration. In most cases I did pay more.  But not that much more. As for the lawn and small jobs, I did that myself.

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Just now, Usernames said:


For one thing, I'm not there anymore.  But when I was, I specified to my contractors for fencing, roof repair, and any home refurbishment that the crew must be citizens. And if I discovered any who weren't (and I would ask), I told them I would fire them and call immigration. In most cases I did pay more.  But not that much more. As for the lawn and small jobs, I did that myself.

cool, so why don't your fellow citizens do that? Because its simple, they all want the outrage until it costs them 30% more, then for some strange reason they all lose their voice and desire for action. Funny how law abiding respectful patriots seem to leave the country.

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24 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

cool, so why don't your fellow citizens do that? Because its simple, they all want the outrage until it costs them 30% more, then for some strange reason they all lose their voice and desire for action. Funny how law abiding respectful patriots seem to leave the country.


Yes, I left the US because the Thai government paid me to perform a specialist task. As for the rest of your "argument," how many people will bother to investigate their contractors? Not many.  And the contractors themselves have been forced to hire illegals because they are undercut by their competition, which pays not taxes and avoids regulations. In fact, this has been the plan by ethnic panderers and big business from the beginning, effectively to hide the effects of illegal immigration so that customers only see the contact point between the product or service they buy and not the other parts of the problem--the increased costs for infrastructure, public services, schools, hospitals, and population stress that illegals cause that are passed on to states and local municipalities.  All that becomes abstracted into state and local property taxes, sales taxes, and "fees." Sanctimony is cheap these days, too.

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53 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

You have an unassuming ability to back peddle only akin to Trump himself. 



The expected Red Herring. I have not "back peddled". As usual, you are making things up from thin air to fit a dishonest argument.

The left often resort to the same tactics to demonize Donald Trump.

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Well, for all you people who support Trump and think foreign workers are stealing jobs, let's see you justify this. Trump got permission under the H2B visa program to hire 69 foreign workers. He's actually paying some of them less than he did last year.  Trump claims that there are no locals available for the jobs. Yet the local employment agency says otherwise.  

CareerSource Palm Beach County, a nonprofit job placement agency, says it knows plenty of American citizens willing to work at Mar-a-Lago.

“We have hundreds of qualified candidates and hundreds of job orders for various hospitality positions such as servers, chefs, cooks, bartenders, housekeeping, guest services, spa services, recreation, maintenance and more,” CareerSource spokesman Tom Veenstra said.

While Mar-a-Lago asks the federal government for dozens of H-2B visas every tourist season, the private club has asked CareerSource for help finding a local employee only once in the past decade, Veenstra said.


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21 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The expected Red Herring. I have not "back peddled". As usual, you are making things up from thin air to fit a dishonest argument.

The left often resort to the same tactics to demonize Donald Trump.

Whether or not the charge is true in your case, why would the left have to make up things to demonize Trump when he supplies so much ammunition himself?

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26 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The expected Red Herring. I have not "back peddled". As usual, you are making things up from thin air to fit a dishonest argument.

The left often resort to the same tactics to demonize Donald Trump.

I saw that you recently liked a comment that said Trump had so far made no mistakes in his transition.  Really?

And only a fanboy could have written this:



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He DOES own businesses and property all over the world. That is a FACT. As far as bringing up posts that I have "liked", if they are on topic, you need to provide links. I have no idea what you are talking about and I don't trust your spin on what it actually says.



Edited by Ulysses G.
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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

He DOES own businesses and property all over the world. That is a FACT. As far as bringing up posts that I have "liked", if they are on topic, you need to provide links. I have no idea what you are talking about and I don't trust your slant on what it actually says.



How many words can you hold in your heat at one time.  So you didn't write "He did not run anything into the ground". Did Mr. Hyde write that?

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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

He DOES own businesses and property all over the world. That is a FACT. As far as bringing up posts that I have "liked", if they are on topic, you need to provide links. I have no idea what you are talking about and I don't trust your slant on what it actually says.



Here a quote you "liked". So, Donald Trump so far has made no missteps?

On 12/20/2016 at 1:45 AM, Ulysses G. said:

Isn't constant baiting against Thai Visa rules?


Does anyone really believe that Obama will "retaliate" against Russia in a significant way?

Certainly not.  The man is nothing but an astute Leader who thus far has made no missteps. :smile:

Ulysses G., Pimay1 and uptheos like this  Like this
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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You have posted a quote of one of my posts. It is impossible for me to have "liked" it. The software does not allow it. Not sure what you are on about.

"Certainly not. The man is an astute leader who has so far made no missteps"  This is a quote form Boon Mee which you liked.

The ID # is 265. And I notice that you still haven't replied to my quesitoning of your assertion that Trump hasn't run any businesses into the ground.

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8 hours ago, Gary A said:

He really doesn't have to do much. Any improvements from the business as usual establishment will spell progress that will be appreciated. You rabid democrats don't seem to understand that citizens were sick of business as usual with more stupid rules that make government bigger and  justify the politicians existence. If Trump is able to eliminate redundant departments, eliminate silly laws and reduce the size of the government, people will be happy.


        "business as usual" for the past 8 years was a Democratic prez with good ideas to help the non-wealthy in the US, stymied at every step by a do-nothing obstructionist Republican dominated congress.  Trump fans say they want change, but even they (with their adled brains) should be able to see by now that Trump is right smack in the middle of monied establishment.  His cabinet picks, thus far, have a cumulative value of $14 billion.  He's already appointed 4 Goldman Sachs Execs to important posts. Trump voters got suckered and shafted.  When Trump's ship starts sinking, all the Republican rats will jump ship faster than you can say "roll out the lifeboats!"  


6 hours ago, retarius said:

I abstained from voting in the election. I would never have voted for Clinton despite being a one time supporter of her. Her performance as Secretary of State was as bad as any within living memory. A known warmonger.

Having said that I couldn't cast a vote for Trump despite him saying encouraging things about my number one issue, US warmongering. I had a feeling he would change his tune if he got elected and his tweet about starting a new nuclear arms race  isn't exactly what I had hoped to hear.

Is it any surprise that politicians lie to get into office as they get at least 4 years in power to enrich themselves and their mates, and there is no possibility of recalling them. It would be nice to have a recall procedure for those whom fail to implement the agenda that they got elected on.


    Retaruis opines: "Her performance as Secretary of State was as bad as any within living memory. A known warmonger."


     Please name one war she started.  You can't.  In contrast, she was at the helm when Osama Bin Laden was found and killed, and she laid the groundwork for getting Iran to agree to slow down its nuclear program.  Now Trump is gearing up to trash the Iran agreement, just like he'll be trashing many other decent deals put together prior, by more intelligent people.  


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