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Trump adopting same behavior he criticized Clinton for


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11 hours ago, muffy said:

PRESIDENT Trump will be FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!


......for wealthy Americans, too-big-to-fail corps, weapons manufacturers, and David Duke fans.


10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Baloney. He owns lots of businesses and has lots of money. If he ran his businesses "into the ground", he would be penniless. The statement was ridiculous.


       Imagine I build a large house and hire several contractors (each with dozens of employees) to do the work;  When the house is done, I don't pay the contractors and sell the house and leave town.  That's one part of Trump's cheating modus operandi.  


       Additionally, when banks call in loans which I haven't paid for months, I simply take the bank prez out to dinner and tell him I can't be foreclosed upon because I employ many people in the community, and they'll all lose their jobs if I'm forced to pay back my loans.  Eventually, the bank settles for a lot less than its owned and/or it repossesses properties that are worth a lot less than they appeared to be (that I swore they were) worth when the loan was issued.  That's another way Trump does business. 


        Similarly, investors in Trump properties/businesses often take big hits on their investments - pennies on the dollar.  Trump doesn't lose because he cashes out and leaves town before the investors know they got fleeced.  Trump laughs at the 3,000+ lawsuits against him for 2 main reasons:  He can 'continuance' them (delay them) for decades, and best of all ....He will soon be prez!  Who's going to sue a sitting president?   ha ha ha ha.


         Trump will use the same rip-off & lying methods to debilitate the US.  Look at Republican Brownback's miserable mess in Kansas for a microcosm of what Trump will do to the US.   


One of the cherries on top is:  Now Trump can compel foreign dignitaries and delegations to stay at his properties in D.C., NYC and elsewhere.  Already, foreign diplomats are cancelling their stays at other resorts, in order to gain favor with Trump by staying at His hotels.  Trump's got the world by the balls.  ha ha ha ha.

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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



The "facts" are that he is a successful businessman who is very wealthy - just as I said. The hateful, personal insults are only opinions.

Successful businessmen don't file many bankruptcies like that.  Ethical ones sure don't benefit from them.

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4 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


       Imagine I build a large house and hire several contractors (each with dozens of employees) to do the work;  When the house is done, I don't pay the contractors and sell the house and leave town.  That's one part of Trump's cheating modus operandi.  




So you keep repeating. However, the claim was that Trump has run his businesses "into the ground" yet he is still amazingly wealthy. The claim is untrue.

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24 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Successful businessmen don't file many bankruptcies like that.  Ethical ones sure don't benefit from them.


Really? Lots do. Walt Disney and Henry Ford spring to mind.




Today, certain people file for bankruptcy, businesses and individuals, and it no longer has the stigma it once had. Now it's almost considered wise, a way to regroup and come back again.
David Dinkins



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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Strange that only those who despise him anyway are so concerned about this. A wall with some fencing makes no difference to most of us. Where is the beating a dead horse smiley when you need it?


Again, you miss the point. In numerous interviews, these promises are among the reasons his supporters say they would vote for him.


But it's occurred to me that perhaps *I'm * missing his supporters' point, which I think is this:
"While his detractors took him literally but not seriously, his acolytes took him seriously but not literally"


In which case none of his promises matter. It was for some unspoken reason that they gave him their support.


After all is said and done, perhaps it is  simply all about misogynistic white supremacy, because it certainly doesn't seem to be about the wall, "lock her up", draining the swamp, or many of the other promises and policy proposals (such as they were) made in his stump speeches


The one promise he can be counted on to keep is that he'll always be a a white male misogynistic a-hole who sticks it to the PC crowd.


Perhaps that's all that matters to his supporters

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18 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Spin it anyway you want.  Bankruptcy is not a typical sign of a successful businessman.  Especially one who profits off it at taxpayers expense.  Many times! LOL

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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Perhaps that's all that matters to his supporters



What matters to his supporters is stopping illegal aliens from flooding the country, preventing Islamic terrorist attacks, creating decent jobs, straightening the military, getting rid of political correctness and making American great again. All the charges of racism/ antisemitism/Homophobia and such are nothing but dishonest political spin designed to win an election. However, it did not work.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:



What matters to his supporters is stopping illegal aliens from flooding the country, preventing Islamic terrorist attacks, creating decent jobs, straightening the military, getting rid of political correctness and making American great again. All the charges of racism/ antisemitism/Homophobia and such are nothing but dishonest political spin designed to win an election. However, it did not work.

His comments about racism/homophobia/etc prove otherwise.  Can't hide nor spin the truth.  There are too many examples like this out there.  At least once, UG, admit Trump has done some really bad things.  It gives you more credibility when you fight for him.  Time will tell if he will be a good leader or not.  The jury's out. 






"Grab ’em by the pussy”: how Trump talked about women in private is horrifying

The way Donald Trump talks about women when everyone can hear — or read on Twitter — is pretty offensive. Imagine what he’s like in private.


A newly released secret video from 2005 captures it. Here’s what Trump says about the norms of being a famous man: “They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy.”





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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Maybe, but having lots of businesses, lots of money and lots of property IS.

But perhaps not a good indication of a successful and ethical businessman.  And definitely not an indication of a good leader for the US.  Time will tell.

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9 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

His comments about racism/homophobia/etc prove otherwise.  Can't hide nor spin the truth.  There are too many examples like this out there.  At least once, UG, admit Trump has done some really bad things.  It gives you more credibility when you fight for him.  Time will tell if he will be a good leader or not.  The jury's out. 





You will have to provide some legitimate examples of racism/homophobia. That last article was ridiculous.


As far as what he said about groping women, I guess I lived in Thailand too long to get upset. Many men I know talk like that. I really did not care about Bill Clinton's shenanigans either.


I do agree with your last statement though:  "Time will tell if he will be a good leader or not.  The jury's out."

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You will have to provide some examples. That last article was ridiculous.


As far as what he said about groping women, I guess I lived in Thailand too long to get upset. Many men I know talk like that. I really did not care about Bill Clinton's shenanigans either.

Agreed.  Ridiculous the president-elect would say such a thing.  This has been widely published.


A list of his inappropriate quotes.  Unreal.





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Just now, Ulysses G. said:



You could be right, but IMO,  too many people refuse to give him a chance. Like you said, time will tell.

Giving him a chance and admitting he's made mistakes are two different things. You've yet to admit the latter.

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

Giving him a chance and admitting he's made mistakes are two different things. You've yet to admit the latter.


I think he has made lots of mistakes and said and done stupid things, but nothing that convinces me that he will not end up being a great president. I am pretty happy with the things he has done since being elected.

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

He is now, and that's what's scaring many people.  Past actions indicate future performance.  Guaranteed.


Like Mitt Romney cutting someone's bangs off in high school?

Like Barack Obama studying Islam and taking hard drugs?

Like Hillary lying about landing under fire?


We all have our bad moments.

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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Like Mitt Romney cutting someone's bangs off in high school?

Like Barack Obama studying Islam and taking hard drugs?

Like Hillary lying about landing under fire?


We all have our bad moments.

Barack Obama studied Islam?  Studying Islam is a bad thing?  Better to be ignorant about it?  And I'm sure you wouldn't be referring to the time when he was a child and his other had him in a school in Indonesia.  That would be ridiculous.

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23 hours ago, Gary A said:

How would anyone EVER win an election if they were not a good liar? It worked twice for Obama. It failed for Hillary because people are slowly catching on after eight years of broken promises from the democrats. The citizens are not totally stupid.



For Obama? Ohh are we back to the fake birth certificate stuff are we?

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


So you keep repeating. However, the claim was that Trump has run his businesses "into the ground" yet he is still amazingly wealthy. The claim is untrue.

I like the way you selectively quote. Very dishonest. What I wrote was that he ran his businesses into the ground. Not he has run Are you denying that? Where are all his casinos? Where are all his airlines? And in fact for quite a while he had negative worth. Yes, he recovered. What he's gifted at is hyping his name. So people actually believe he's a great businessman and a great negotiator. The Apprentice did wonders for his reputation. It's licensing his name that has made him rich again. 

And your claim that his bankruptcies were just strategic is nonsense. He lost those businesses to banks or other investors.. Some strategy.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

Like Mitt Romney cutting someone's bangs off in high school?

Like Barack Obama studying Islam and taking hard drugs?

Like Hillary lying about landing under fire?


After more than 2 dozen posts on this thread and you have not addressed the OP in any shape or form. :biggrin:


While continuing your standard practice of misdirect and deflect...

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


I think he has made lots of mistakes and said and done stupid things, but nothing that convinces me that he will not end up being a great president. I am pretty happy with the things he has done since being elected.

So him backtracking on comments about draining the swamp in Washington is OK?  And then filling posts with billionaires?  Some with business connections that they can influence and enrich themselves?  Wasn't he for the average guy?  Seems like he's adopting the same behavior he criticized Hillary for.  Maybe we need to start calling him Liar Trump?  He called Hillary crooked.  If the shoe fits....

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

So him backtracking on comments about draining the swamp in Washington is OK?  And then filling posts with billionaires?  Some with business connections that they can influence and enrich themselves?  Wasn't he for the average guy?  Seems like he's adopting the same behavior he criticized Hillary for. 


I am not so sure that he isn't draining the swamp.  I have nothing against rich, successful people who love their country. I was a great admirer of John F. Kennedy and truly believe that he wanted to help the little guy.  I understand that it is the democrat's talking point, but that does not make it true.

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