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I Am Elgible For Retirement Visa .. Can Teach For Something To Do?"

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I intend to 'seriously investigate' retiring in Thailand .. I am over 60 & have the required savings + income + SS.

I have taken 10 vacations in Thailand .. just returned from a 5 week stay.

even did a 'visa run' .. my second 'required visa run' in the past 10 years.

I have contacted Sunbelt & they have graciously replied regarding a retirement visa .. their fees are reasonable.

I'd hate to ask to many 'free-be' questions of a for profit biz.

can a old kodger work / earn income in Thailand while on a valid retirement visa?

Can a retirement visa be switched to a 'teacher / work visa'?

I would like to have a part time job .. something to do.

I'll need something to do.

My main negative regarding Thailand is the amount of time I spend in bars while on vacation in Bkk ..

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If you apply (and get) a retirement visa your passport is stamped "Employment Prohibited"

So either get a work permit or get a retirement visa. Your other choice is to get a retirement visa and get involved with something like the Rotary, plus there are numerous charitys crying out for help. If you move down to Pattaya let me know and I will put you in touch.

We have a scheme down here where volunteers work with local government officers helping them with their english, we also have volunteer tourist police so plenty of things to do plus two ex pat clubs, computer group, financial investment group, a disscussion group etc, the choices are endless. I sometimes wonder how I found time to work!! :o

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1. There have been reported exceptions to the no work permit on retirement.

2. There is not "employment prohibited" stamp on immigration extensions of stay for retirement (at least not in my passport).

3. There should not be a serious problem changing if required.

Another option would be to see if a Consulate can issue you a multi entry non immigrant O visa valid for one year of 90 day stays. Then you can take your time to find out if you want to work or retire and be free to do so here in Thailand, with minimal paperwork required.

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I intend to 'seriously investigate' retiring in Thailand .. I am over 60 & have the required savings + income + SS.

I have taken 10 vacations in Thailand .. just returned from a 5 week stay.

even did a 'visa run' .. my second 'required visa run' in the past 10 years.

I have contacted Sunbelt & they have graciously replied regarding a retirement visa .. their fees are reasonable.

I'd hate to ask to many 'free-be' questions of a for profit biz.

can a old kodger work / earn income in Thailand while on a valid retirement visa?

Can a retirement visa be switched to a 'teacher / work visa'?

I would like to have a part time job .. something to do.

I'll need something to do.

My main negative regarding Thailand is the amount of time I spend in bars while on vacation in Bkk ..

You are just like the rest of the expats :o

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"plus there are numerous charitys crying out for help. If you move down to Pattaya let me know and I will put you in touch.

We have a scheme down here where volunteers work with local government officers..."

You need a work permit to do volunteer work. Someone else may tell you nobody is enforcing that law - but what will happen if they do?

If you're talking with Sunbelt I'm sure they can clue you in on the pros and cons of a retirement (O) vs a B visa.

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"plus there are numerous charitys crying out for help. If you move down to Pattaya let me know and I will put you in touch.

We have a scheme down here where volunteers work with local government officers..."

You need a work permit to do volunteer work. Someone else may tell you nobody is enforcing that law - but what will happen if they do?

That's what I've heard too. I still haven't figured out how someone volunteers for an organization in Thailand and is able to obtain a work permit for this. Anyone done it?

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"plus there are numerous charitys crying out for help. If you move down to Pattaya let me know and I will put you in touch.

We have a scheme down here where volunteers work with local government officers..."

You need a work permit to do volunteer work. Someone else may tell you nobody is enforcing that law - but what will happen if they do?

In Pattaya they are giving work permits with a retirement visa but in Bangkok, it has been hit or miss at best.

That's what I've heard too. I still haven't figured out how someone volunteers for an organization in Thailand and is able to obtain a work permit for this. Anyone done it?

Easy to get a work permit if they are a Foundation or an Association. We have done many for clients.


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I have contacted Sunbelt & they have graciously replied regarding a retirement visa .. their fees are reasonable.

I'd hate to ask to many 'free-be' questions of a for profit biz.

Thanks for the kind words. We are happy to help, please never be afraid to ask us.

can a old kodger work / earn income in Thailand while on a valid retirement visa?

Can a retirement visa be switched to a 'teacher / work visa'?

I would like to have a part time job .. something to do.

In Pattaya, you can still get a work permit with a retirement visa. In Bkk, its possible on your lucky day to get approved.( No logic why couple months ago, they were and now thay are reluctant. )


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You go head and listen to Sunbelt Asia there Pumper... They'll straighten you out.

BTW, you're 100% right in saying that you'll need something to do over here in your retirement. You don't need to look any farther than this here forum to see that. Why, some of these fellers on here don't even leave the house, just post on this forum ALL DAY LONG, talkin about VISAS! Don't even see the light of day some of 'em got THOUSANDS of posts to their name! You be sure to enjoy your self in the Land of Smile now Pumper. :o

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thanks guys.

My plan is to put my home on the market late summer / fall '07 .. so the 'home sale paper work' will be processed for the '08 US tax year.

I will 'move' to Thailand at that time.

Truck will be sold & personal items disappeared .. only thing I will regret selling is my lazy boy!

my 'ol dog is terminally ill now & I will not replace.

income deposits & savings will be in atm accessible 'fidelity money market accounts' .. w/ the required 'thai deposit' left alone in a thai bank.

I am agreeable to set up 'house keeping' in the local that is most favorable to my goals.

The west coast of Kra Peninsula (Raynong >> Phuket) is my dream local .. clean air & water.

I do not intend to buy a residence .. to many complicators .. will rent / lease.

House dog, middle aged tilac, high Speed internet & a full service satellite dish (/ tivo?) are my requirements.

I had an apartment in CM for 6 weeks in '98 .. the CM apartment, for 7k Thb + electric, had basic TV & phone included .. bedroom had A/C .. this was 'before my internet requirements' ..

all of my shopping needs / food requirements were available on the street or at Lotus .. so I assume the basics of life will be mostly available anywhere in the LOS!

My 2 favorite newspapers on the planet are the Post & Nation! .. so I will require a news stand within walking distance .. or perhaps daily delivery.

again thanks ..

glad there are such friendly folks in the LOS!

any comments / critiques on my 'plans' will be appreciated.

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...income deposits & savings will be in atm accessible 'fidelity money market accounts' .. w/ the required 'thai deposit' left alone in a thai bank.


Probably better to make a yearly SWIFT transfer to your Thai bank account and use it for monthly living expense.

The top up needs to be done at least 3 months before the applying for the yearly extension to stay.


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He plans to keep the 800k baht on deposit in a Thai bank so will not have to worry about the 3 month rule in that case. Most towns of any size will have normal food items but you will have more selection in larger venues. I agree that the ability to wire transfer is something you should have, even if you decide not to use it. You can buy recliners made here. But have you taken into consideration medical insurance?

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My 2 favorite newspapers on the planet are the Post & Nation! .. so I will require a news stand within walking distance .. or perhaps daily delivery.

Another option is "PressReader". For $9.95/month you can read daily issues of either the Nation or Bangkok Post, or, for $19.90 you can read them both daily. You can download them to your computer to read at your leisure, or you can read them actively online. These are the FULL print edition, not just highlighted articles you find on the newpaper web sites. Since you like them so much, why not give it a try now while you are in the US where you have no other option.

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Another option is "PressReader". For $9.95/month you can read daily issues of either the Nation or Bangkok Post, or, for $19.90 you can read them both daily. You can download them to your computer to read at your leisure, or you can read them actively online. These are the FULL print edition, not just highlighted articles you find on the newpaper web sites. Since you like them so much, why not give it a try now while you are in the US where you have no other option.

Sorry there fellers.... I guess i missed the topic there. :o

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If you apply (and get) a retirement visa your passport is stamped "Employment Prohibited"

So either get a work permit or get a retirement visa. Your other choice is to get a retirement visa and get involved with something like the Rotary, plus there are numerous charitys crying out for help. If you move down to Pattaya let me know and I will put you in touch.

We have a scheme down here where volunteers work with local government officers helping them with their english, we also have volunteer tourist police so plenty of things to do plus two ex pat clubs, computer group, financial investment group, a disscussion group etc, the choices are endless. I sometimes wonder how I found time to work!! :o

Honestly, do you guys doing volunteer work in Pattaya all have work permits?

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