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How Thai Smile ruined my holiday


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50 minutes ago, MJCM said:

Guys,  he only mentioned that he had to remove his laptop from (his) TSA approved Laptop Bag !


Same that I have TSA approved locks for my suitcase


Why would a county that mandates a laptop be removed from it's bag care that the bag is TSA approved?


Good luck not having your locks broken off.

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14 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Why would a county that mandates a laptop be removed from it's bag care that the bag is TSA approved?


Good luck not having your locks broken off.


Not happened yet, and good luck traveling with standard locks on your bags and not having your locks broken off.





Luggage locks accepted by the TSA can be opened by the authorities using publicly known universal "master" keys.[4] Locks using this system are produced to meet standards set by Travel Sentry. Under agreement with the TSA, it is Travel Sentry that sets the standards for these locks and approves each design. Every lock with the Travel Sentry identifying mark (red diamond) is accepted by the TSA.

Some TSA accepted locks feature an indicator which will appear red if opened by a master key, so the owner will know that their bag has been accessed.[5]




Edited by MJCM
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1 hour ago, MJCM said:

Guys,  he only mentioned that he had to remove his laptop from (his) TSA approved Laptop Bag !


Same that I have TSA approved locks for my suitcase


Exactly...and my assumption was not that TSA has any kind of *jurisdiction* outside the US, just that one would assume, perhaps, that the function of the bag would be recognized and accepted internationally (and, from what I've encountered in countries that aren't Thailand, it is).

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Thai Smile did not ruin your holiday. You were  solely responsible for the outcome because you did not verify the cargo/baggage restrictions of Thai Smile. You were the negligent party.  Are you oblivious to the fact that there is an ongoing insurrection  in Thailand? The southern based rebels have mounted multiple terror attacks across Thailand, even striking in "secure" Hua Hin, home of the King's summer palace and multiple military detachments and bases.  Thailand's airlines came close to being blacklisted because of safety lapses, and have responded by  being extra careful to ensure that there is an improvement.

Wax can hold all manner of substances and it is difficult to differentiate between some types of explosives that are similar to paraffin and  basic wax.  Drugs  have been shipped in wax form. And yet, you expect to show up with a large amount of wax products as  baggage? Seriously? 


I don't know what's so special about Thai candles. You could have  had similar made for you in South Africa.  If you think that the candles are much better because some  guy in an orange robe muttered an incantation, then that's your personal belief. The wax sourced in South Africa would have been no different, with the exception it might have been purer and most likely free of some heavy metal contaminants and toxic  organic chemicals as South Africa has stricter environmental protection rules about the use of such things.

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20 hours ago, MJCM said:


Not happened yet, and good luck traveling with standard locks on your bags and not having your locks broken off.






I've had both broken off. I use the Pelican cable style TSA lock, but only the TSA has the master keys, not security in other countries. 

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20 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:


Exactly...and my assumption was not that TSA has any kind of *jurisdiction* outside the US, just that one would assume, perhaps, that the function of the bag would be recognized and accepted internationally (and, from what I've encountered in countries that aren't Thailand, it is).


Where do you travel? I have a Samsonite TSA approve and I've have to take the laptop out in Singapore, Delhi, Narita, Dubai and KL.


The only place I don't have to take it out seems to be the US, but I'm usually "TSA Approved" so I wouldn't have to take it out anyway.


TSA cracks me up.

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