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Obama expels 35 Russian diplomats, accuses Russia of meddling in election


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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


       Russians also hacked Republican political computers.  Yet, because the Russkies wanted Trump to win, they only released data on the Dems, not data from Reps.  In sum:  Russian state operatives tangibly helped Trump win.  Obviously, Trump doesn't like that news, so he's doing all he can to downplay it.  What other CIA findings will Trump downplay in his incessantly subjective skewing of intelligence reports?    


        I intensely dislike Trump for many reasons, but can he at least read and acknowledge findings sent to him by the CIA and other intelligence agencies?   US taxpayers pay a lot of money for the CIA.  They may make mistakes sometimes (like WMD in Iraq) ......but most of the time, they get it right, like in the 1960's when they notified then president Kennedy of Soviet Nuke missiles getting clandestinely stationed in Cuba.  If Trump had been president then, he would have said something like, "No. I like Kruschev. He says nice things about me.  He wouldn't be putting nukes in Cuba.  It's not true."


       As for Obama's latest retaliations against the Russkies:  I'm fully behind what he's doing.   He'll go down as being one of the best US presidents.



More likely go down as one of the worst US Presidents .

"Among the measures announced were sanctions against Russia’s FSB and GRU intelligence agencies, the designation of 35 Russian operatives as “persona non grata” and the closure of two Russian compounds in New York and Maryland that the United States says are used “for intelligence-related purposes.”


"The US government is also declassifying technical information on Russian cyber activity to help companies defend against future attacks."


So according to the above the US knew about the 2 Russian compounds doing spy and cyber attacks but is only now doing anything about it. And now they are declassifying technical information on Russian cyber activity to hellp companies defend against future attacks that they could and should have done before but are only doing now because Obama is pissed.

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1 hour ago, Honthy said:


1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Guaranteed Obama knows more about this than you or I.  It it was a lie, He wouldn't have taken such extreme actions.  Do some research, plenty of info out there to get educated on what happened.


Thanks, I made it already and fed enough. I have a strong feeling that no clear election is possible. It includes that no parties use legal gears only, but ready to implement illegal, immoral devices without any hesitation. One of them will win. Like in a bad table game. 

Otherwise Obama and his actions, worth not a word.


....ready to implement illegal, immoral devices without any hesitation. One of them will win. Like in a bad table game.


... you mean like teaching people to hate each other, turning free media into political bullhorns, rule by lie and confusion?  Divide and conquer has been politics 101 from the beginning of time, I only wonder why so many can't see this.


I'll make another guarantee. No matter what Obama knows, what the Russians did,  where Wikileaks got the info, and what the info said, Obama's actions are pure politics, as is everything he's done from day one.  The Russians, Chinese, and others have been hacking all sectors in the US with impunity for years. Where was Obama?  Maybe he was doing something, maybe not, we don't know because there was no political issue. Thar's your sign.

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1 hour ago, lostlink said:


That was a fake news report.  After there was leakage from the DNC the RNC had their system looked at by the FBI. The FBI found that attempts were made to hack into the RNC and NONE were successful.

Citation to this information?

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


       Russians also hacked Republican political computers.  Yet, because the Russkies wanted Trump to win, they only released data on the Dems, not data from Reps.  In sum:  Russian state operatives tangibly helped Trump win.  Obviously, Trump doesn't like that news, so he's doing all he can to downplay it.  What other CIA findings will Trump downplay in his incessantly subjective skewing of intelligence reports?    


....Russians also hacked Republican political computers.  


"Vlad, nothing here, we move on."

"Ya, but, um, take that folder with the pictures, no?"


Edited by rabas
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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

If your country's computers were hacked, data made public, and potentially impacted your election process, would you just say "get over it"?  I doubt it.


I accept that this may sound a little naive but I cannot help but think that nobody should be kept in the dark by another party especially for nefarious reasons.  Joe Public deserves to here both sides of the story even if, or especially if, it is propaganda by both sides.  Why  do governments keep secrets from the people that they are supposedly serving?  Why encompass a philosophy of control over your own citizenry unless it is for your own gain.

As I said, naive I know, but people should decide their own course and not be manipulated by others.  It smacks of stealing grandma's radio to buy heroin to me.

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1 minute ago, rabas said:

The Russians, Chinese, and others have been hacking all sectors in the US with impunity for years.

and the USA hacking itself, like NSA. We are very close to Orwell's 1984..... He miscalculated some years or was too optimistic concerning the development of the technology. I would be deeply shocked learned that any serious country neglect to control their citizens, risk a clear election. Or even the opposition would risk this.

At the end of the day, I am starting to believe, that every thread goes into one hand and we are just a puppet in the best scenario.

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3 hours ago, Caps said:

The US can not moan about anyone hacking them, yes is not good but when the boot is on the other foot

No point in moaning about things you do yourself.

NSA Hack Google

NSA hack Merkels phone 

To name but a few


Get over it 

Intelligence gathering versus selected-intelligence dissemination; not the same thing. If Russia did intentionally sway the US election; you think the US should just get over it?

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Looking at some of these rep (Trump) apologists, it makes me wonder if the USA shouldn't have been 1st on the worlds most ignorant list.


I am not American, but since when is it ok to have your #1 enemy interfere with your elections?

If the Russians would have released info ONLY about Trump, what would we be hearing now???


If there was interference by Russia then both parties and ALL Americans should be very concerned and do everything to find out the full extent of the hacking.


This is national security. If you are a patriot and really put America first then there should really be only one clear course of action here, investigate this fully and prevent this from happening again.

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1 hour ago, Tony125 said:

More likely go down as one of the worst US Presidents .

"Among the measures announced were sanctions against Russia’s FSB and GRU intelligence agencies, the designation of 35 Russian operatives as “persona non grata” and the closure of two Russian compounds in New York and Maryland that the United States says are used “for intelligence-related purposes.”


"The US government is also declassifying technical information on Russian cyber activity to help companies defend against future attacks."


So according to the above the US knew about the 2 Russian compounds doing spy and cyber attacks but is only now doing anything about it. And now they are declassifying technical information on Russian cyber activity to hellp companies defend against future attacks that they could and should have done before but are only doing now because Obama is pissed.

You are somewhat naive about intelligence matters. It is much easier to monitor their intelligence work at their buildings within the USA than trying to do it within Russia. Now we are just punishing them for all they have done....and we are sort of punishing ourselves. The NSA and the Brit listening post GCHQ in Cheltenham, England are the two top listening posts in the West. Much easier to penetrate the Ruskies in America from the NSA post than in England thousands of miles away. 

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14 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Intelligence gathering versus selected-intelligence dissemination; not the same thing. If Russia did intentionally sway the US election; you think the US should just get over it?


Why do you think these hacking happened? Just to know what Merkel had for dinner ? 

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2 hours ago, lostlink said:


That was a fake news report.  After there was leakage from the DNC the RNC had their system looked at by the FBI. The FBI found that attempts were made to hack into the RNC and NONE were successful.

Not a fake news report.  RNC had their system hacked also, just nothing made it to the internet.  I wonder why....LOL  Worth reading:






The CIA’s analysis, according to the Times and Post summaries of the CIA’s reasoning, is that the Russians appear to have also hacked computer systems belonging to the Republican Party. But whereas the Democrats’ emails found their way to WikiLeaks, Republican emails stayed under wraps.


If these reports are correct, it would be powerful evidence that the Russians weren’t just trying to sow general chaos — they were specifically trying to make Donald Trump, rather than Hillary Clinton, the next president of the United States.






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56 minutes ago, car720 said:


I accept that this may sound a little naive but I cannot help but think that nobody should be kept in the dark by another party especially for nefarious reasons.  Joe Public deserves to here both sides of the story even if, or especially if, it is propaganda by both sides.  Why  do governments keep secrets from the people that they are supposedly serving?  Why encompass a philosophy of control over your own citizenry unless it is for your own gain.

As I said, naive I know, but people should decide their own course and not be manipulated by others.  It smacks of stealing grandma's radio to buy heroin to me.

Private info on private servers is just that.  Private.  No vetting of the data was done, just dumped on the internet.  Where do you draw the line?  It was illegal and proper measures should be taken.  Such as what Obama has done.  Good for him.


These servers are not owned by the government.  They are private.

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2 hours ago, lostlink said:


That was a fake news report.  After there was leakage from the DNC the RNC had their system looked at by the FBI. The FBI found that attempts were made to hack into the RNC and NONE were successful.

Pretty much what the Wall Street Journal reported a few weeks ago. I don't know if there have been new revolations since.



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I can't believe the support  given here for the Russian hacking and yes, interference in the US electoral process. Is there no respect for the US voting system? IS the  petty hatred of political opponents so great that it causes some Americans to support an attack on their own nation? Truly disgusting display by many US nationals on here, who are also very quick to label equitable treatment of people "commie" or leftwing and to belittle patriots who support the US Constitution as libtards.


Thankfully, there are still some rational members of the Republican party and  senators who will take action against the Russians. It's a crisis of national security.

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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Pretty much what the Wall Street Journal reported a few weeks ago. I don't know if there have been new revolations since.



Actually, info was hacked.  But as we now know, the real target was Hillary.  If it was Trump, the tables would have been turned easily.  The Russian's picked their target.




Nick Klitzing said the state GOP on its own found 18 of its emails on the website DCLeaks.com. The New York Times reported the website was an outlet that U.S. intelligence officials and private cybersecurity companies believe was created by a unit controlled by the GRU, Russia's military intelligence agency.


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4 hours ago, Jeffrey346 said:

This is about hacking. Not about Hillary or the election results..  Obama did the right thing and hopefully Trump will support the Obama's actions....


After Obama sanctions Russia, Trump says it’s time ‘to move on to bigger and better things’




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2 hours ago, lostlink said:

That was a fake news report.  After there was leakage from the DNC the RNC had their system looked at by the FBI. The FBI found that attempts were made to hack into the RNC and NONE were successful.


The same FBI which made an announcement, a week before the election, which fanned conspiracy theorists' belief that HRC is the devil incarnate.


           In a related story:  It's been found that there was an email account on a dedicated server parked at Trump Tower, NYC which sent/rec'd emails from only one other account.  That other account was a newly-rich bank owner in Moscow who, coincidentally, is bosom buddies with Putin.  So, who would be sending clandestine emails in that manner?  Hmmmmm....   Trump Tower?   Who's in control there?  Naww, Trump wouldn't be doing such a thing with his bromance buddy Putin - to skew the election in Trump's favor, would he?  Perish the thought.

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Actually, info was hacked.  But as we now know, the real target was Hillary.  If it was Trump, the tables would have been turned easily.  The Russian's picked their target.





As far as I can see, your link does not support your theory. It says only some minor RNC emails were hacked. The Wall Street Journal article came out several days later and says pretty much the same thing.

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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


As far as I can see, your link does not support your theory. It says only some minor RNC emails were hacked. The Wall Street Journal article came out several days later and says pretty much the same thing.

Minor, yes.  But hacked.  Yes.  Some here are saying it was a fake news report.  Obviously, it wasn't.  But yes, a minor hack.

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18 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Actually, info was hacked.  But as we now know, the real target was Hillary.  If it was Trump, the tables would have been turned easily.  The Russian's picked their target.




I always enjoy your posts, you are an honest poster (and were also a v fair mod)

but hopefully your views are not the norm for the Dem party. If the dems really are going to blame Mr.Putin for the electoral drubbing, you guys are going to again field Clinton in 4 yrs on a platform of open borders and then again act thunderstruck when Don or Ivanka wipes the floor with you. Come on guys, your candidate blew, she lost, stop blaming manbearpig/putin/global warming for it. Take responsibility for heavens sake. I'm not sure I can handle 4 years of this frantic whining and random blame casting.

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6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Yes, showing the Americans what Hillary was up to definitely hurt her chances. How dare those Russians expose the truth.

And how dare any nation other than America meddle in other countries elections.


Yes, we're grateful to the Russians for exposing what everybody already knew, but at the same time that is unacceptable conduct. Sanctions are justified. If it were within my power I would sanction the press also, for not doing what the Russians did.

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