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Why an Irishman with a huge IQ chose Thailand!


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47 minutes ago, Mook23 said:

sorry, but no HIGHLY INTELLIGENT man can be that fat! i'm sure they measured his BMI and confused it with his IQ.


This post is more interesting and revealing than some might think.

There is a correlation between obesity and, let's say, academic ability. Scroll down the photos on the Nobel Prize website. Count the guys who ate all the pies, divide by the total, multiply by Planck's constant - you won't find the answer in Thailand.

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I would like to know which tests were used to measure his IQ as the two standard tests used in psychology only go to 140 and then special tests must be used.  The "normal" IQ range is from 90 to 110 then there is a big drop off.  Further, there is no known correlation between the size of the person and their IQ.  If you research correctly, this person is not even mentioned as being in the top 5 people having the highest IQ.  Check him out on GOOGLE to find some "home truths" about his claims.


Edited by wotsdermatter
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6 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


 A real interesting link:


Elsewhere, he claims that he was "diagnosed as a child prodigy with an IQ of 197." First off, there are significant questions about IQ as a particularly useful measurement of anything. Furthermore, the idea that there's some definitive list of those with the highest IQs seems equally questionable. A quick Google search will show you a whole bunch of "top 10 lists" of IQs -- all of them different, and none of them including anyone named Walter O'Brien. 


BTW, my IQ was measured when I was 7 and 220 isn't that bad, or?


As far as I know for British Mensa's supervised tests two test papers were and are still used:

  • Cattell III B 
  • Cattell Culture Fair III A

Cattell III B pass for British Mensa I think is 148 with a top score of 162 for an adult, scores are weighted for children so say a child scoring a perfect 162 this would be adjusted to a higher figure dependant upon their age when taking the test, so that's why some people may have a score of over 162.

The Culture Fair test is more graphically oriented to help those who may have difficulty understanding written questions and also has a lower scores for the same IQ, I think the pass rate for British Mensa is 132.

Different national societies may use different tests ( I understand American Mensa uses tests that have far higher scores) and the admission to any nation Mensa organisation would be based on achieving a score that equals the top 2% of that countries population, so quoting someones score is meaningless.



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4 minutes ago, Basil B said:


As far as I know for British Mensa's supervised tests two test papers were and are still used:

  • Cattell III B 
  • Cattell Culture Fair III A

Cattell III B pass for British Mensa I think is 148 with a top score of 162 for an adult, score a weighted for children so say a child scoring a perfect 162 this would be adjusted to a higher figure so that's why some people may have a score of over 162.

The Culture Fair test is more graphically oriented to help those who may have difficulty understanding written questions and also has a lower scores for the same IQ, I think the pass rate for British Mensa is 132.

Different national societies may use different tests ( I understand American Mensa uses tests that have far higher scores) and the admission to any nation Mensa organisation would be based on achieving a score that equals the top 2% of that countries population, so quoting someones score is meaningless.





 A great example of intelligence....


At least when it comes to Mensa quizzes, the oldest IQ tests in the world. Wahi recently scored a perfect score of162. It's believed that both Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein only had an IQ of 160.Jan 11, 2016


  So these two guys have/had a less IQ? Makes me wonder.  



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3 minutes ago, lostinisaan said:


 A great example of intelligence....


At least when it comes to Mensa quizzes, the oldest IQ tests in the world. Wahi recently scored a perfect score of162. It's believed that both Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein only had an IQ of 160.Jan 11, 2016


  So these two guys have/had a less IQ? Makes me wonder.  




But still depends on which test was taken...

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Some of the posters on this topic sound to me like the Fox  who couldn't reach the bunch of lucious Grapes and therefore told himself that those Grapes must be sour since he couldn't reach them.

I make no claim to be a great intellect, but if you ask me, "Why are you here and not some

place else?

My answer would be, well everybody has to be somewhere and that is whay I am here rather than somewhere else.


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23 hours ago, Enoon said:


Because Thailand is a magnet for pathological liars and con-men?:


Walter O'Brien - Wikipedia




From Wikipedia ... "He is known for having a self-reported high IQ and for his claims to have hacked NASA at age 13. The authenticity of his claims has been the subject of speculation in the press" Did anyone here check him out?

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" "He was most impressed with Thailand's tourism facilities," he said. "He said Thais are very kind and next time he wanted to go to new places and do filming"."
Smart enough to work tourist board for some VIP treatment (free, I would hope) and know how to butter them up appropriately. I'm stupid enough to be in MENSA but smart enough to know better.

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17 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


 A great example of intelligence....


At least when it comes to Mensa quizzes, the oldest IQ tests in the world. Wahi recently scored a perfect score of162. It's believed that both Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein only had an IQ of 160.Jan 11, 2016


  So these two guys have/had a less IQ? Makes me wonder.  



Stephen Hawking had an IQ of 160?  What happened, did he lose it, did they take it away from him?

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2 hours ago, smotherb said:

Now, just how does your huge 'other thing" compensate for a brain?


It has been said of many male tourist to, LOS that's where their brain is...


Maybe that's why they think their brain is bigger than what it is...

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 "He was most impressed with Thailand's tourism facilities," 

Only because he was given the "Red carpet treatment" if he was left on his own to find food & entertainment he would have got mugged on his first night out!

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