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Moments from Glory


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Over the years there have been many instances, where victory has been snatched away at the last moment. In sport and life.


We have winessed those epic POTY duels, such as this year where a victory celebration was squashed at the last minute. It was like the incident where a foreigner finds out that his brother in law is actually his girlfiends husband. Those epic, or catostophic moments that just when it's all good, it comes crashing down.



So what examples have you encountered over the years? How does one recover from such a cruel twist of fate? 


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" We have witnessed those epic POTY duels "


Not really my type of fun, ThaiVisa get's annually unfazed, or maybe more lots of members who couldn't care less. POTY stands for, well never mind, I'll stuff it in the garbage annihilating utility.


All IMHO of course, with a smile on New Year's Eve.



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1 minute ago, rubl said:

" We have witnessed those epic POTY duels "


Not really my type of fun, ThaiVisa get's annually unfazed, or maybe more lots of members who couldn't care less. POTY stands for, well never mind, I'll stuff it in the garbage annihilating utility.


All IMHO of course, with a smile on New Year's Eve.



Think you must admit though that there are school boys out there that risked their LOS freedom just to feeerk up POTY....Unbelievable....There are a lot of folk out here really laughing at numb-nuts.... b0211.gif

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

Think you must admit though that there are school boys out there that risked their LOS freedom just to feeerk up POTY....Unbelievable....There are a lot of folk out here really laughing at numb-nuts.... b0211.gif


LOS freedom ?


Somehow I think you mean 'right of access' to TVF only.

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