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"Karl Marx said that "Religion is the opiate of the masses," and he couldn't have been more correct. Religion is a drug that encourages you to not think for yourself, and, in my very humble opinion, is much worse and far more deadly than heroin, pot, cocaine, and alcohol all put together. None of these other drugs breeds contempt for other people, but all religions do in one way or another. Religion is the insidious evil of our planet, and the sooner people start to wake up to that the sooner we can get on to bigger, more important issues like peace and goodwill toward others."


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"Karl Marx said that "Religion is the opiate of the masses," and he couldn't have been more correct. Religion is a drug that encourages you to not think for yourself, and, in my very humble opinion, is much worse and far more deadly than heroin, pot, cocaine, and alcohol all put together. None of these other drugs breeds contempt for other people, but all religions do in one way or another. Religion is the insidious evil of our planet, and the sooner people start to wake up to that the sooner we can get on to bigger, more important issues like peace and goodwill toward others."


A bit of a weird post for you Corkscrew, have you been on the wacky backy? How about this...

"Robski said that "Money is the opiate of the masses," and he couldn't have been more correct. Money is a drug that encourages you to not think for yourself, and, in my very humble opinion, is much worse and far more deadly than heroin, pot, cocaine, and alcohol all put together. None of these other drugs breeds contempt for other people, but Money does in one way or another. Money is the insidious evil of our planet, and the sooner people start to wake up to that the sooner we can get on to bigger, more important issues like peace and goodwill toward others."

Why don't you sell your Mercs and spread some goodwill........ :o

Edited by Robski
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"Karl Marx said that "Religion is the opiate of the masses," and he couldn't have been more correct. Religion is a drug that encourages you to not think for yourself, and, in my very humble opinion, is much worse and far more deadly than heroin, pot, cocaine, and alcohol all put together. None of these other drugs breeds contempt for other people, but all religions do in one way or another. Religion is the insidious evil of our planet, and the sooner people start to wake up to that the sooner we can get on to bigger, more important issues like peace and goodwill toward others."


I agree that much religion is 'man-made' and harmful.

But corkscrew do you believe in God or are you an atheist?

Your topic was entitled 'God' maybe it should have been 'Religion'.

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I agree that much religion is 'man-made' and harmful.

But corkscrew do you believe in God or are you an atheist?

Your topic was entitled 'God' maybe it should have been 'Religion'.


Hard to take seriously that Corkscrew wants to start a discussion to delve into the human psyche and asking for compasion for the humaqn conditon, when he flaunts his wealth in his signature. I reckon somebody spiked his G&T.

'Nuff said, I'm outa here. :o

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It ain't religion that's so bad.

I might even have become religious if it weren't for the manner in which religion is often preached.

the goodness that can come fof religion I admire and respect immensly. But it has been so used as a tool to influence the masses that it has irreversibly corrupted itself in it's present form, be it Christianity, Buddhism, Muslim, Sikh, etc....

It is therefore not religion that is bad, or an opiate to the masses.

It is the (majority of) preachers and the masses themselves who are the guilty parties. The former fro using a power of goodness for selfish, egotistical and irrational goals, and the latter for not being smarter than that and being gullible and had.

One example: The Renaissance came about after the printing press was invented. This is when people started to learn how to read, and started to read the bible, and come up with their own views on the readings. Started disagreeing with the church. This is when Lutherans and Calvinists came into being. The protestants.

This is when the anglican church came into being.

This is also when people in Europe started to see that there were other ways.

This is when forms of Agnosticism and Atheism came into a larger scale being.

And this is also when so many of the modern day inventions came into being, including many aspects of the sciences.

People started exploring and discovering more. They were no longer tied down by the guilt and oppression of the churches.

So what has happened?

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We Need to bring back the Elder Gods and Goddesses and proper Neo-Pagan ecofriendly faiths and traditions. No centralized "church" no doctorin of crusade or Jihad. Just a earth loving peaceful approach to Magick and Star Clad full moon rituals for every one! Yay!

Oh and a quick edit to keep it Thai;

Thais are already half way there. While they are primarily Buddhist, they still pay homage to a number of the Verdic Deities like Hannuman and Ganesh. And their belife in magick is highly evident when you ask Thais about it very few will say they don't believe. Check out the Tattoos of protection and warrior skills that some boys get on their backs...

This is one of the things I truly Love about Thailand, they never lost touch with the old ways.

Edited by Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t
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"Karl Marx said that "Religion is the opiate of the masses," and he couldn't have been more correct. Religion is a drug that encourages you to not think for yourself, and, in my very humble opinion, is much worse and far more deadly than heroin, pot, cocaine, and alcohol all put together. None of these other drugs breeds contempt for other people, but all religions do in one way or another. Religion is the insidious evil of our planet, and the sooner people start to wake up to that the sooner we can get on to bigger, more important issues like peace and goodwill toward others."


What are you doing up here corkscrew ...? :D Have you been kicked out of the Shangri La buffet ....? :o

Edited by davidjtayler
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Sorry, don't follow you there? :o

The missionaries have moved in, haven't you noticed. Where i live, in the North

they are ten fold what they were 10 years ago..

Surely the missionaries are bringing religion too? This is not a country with one single religion is it.

Edited by bkkmadness
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What are you doing up here corkscrew ...? :D Have you been kicked out of the Shangri La buffet ....? :o

Maybe he's prospecting for a new customer base.

Didn't somebody once say that if you want to get rich start a new religion.?

Or maybe he's going all Bill Gates/Richard Branson on us. :D

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What are you doing up here corkscrew ...? :D Have you been kicked out of the Shangri La buffet ....? :D

Maybe he's prospecting for a new customer base.

Didn't somebody once say that if you want to get rich start a new religion.?

Or maybe he's going all Bill Gates/Richard Branson on us. :D

Ha ha ... he might be doing a Billy Graham :D ... As long as he doesn't go the Koresh way .... :o

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I despise missionaries. Why if your going to help some one why must you also try and make him change gods as payment for your aid. Just do good for the sake of doing good. Your reward shall come from putting good and positive energy and deeds out into the universe. Missionaries like cancer, form Tumors in societies that inevitably serve to isolate people into groups of believers and non believers. Were before there was unity after a missionary there is nothing but division and turmoil.

Chinoa Achebe, a well known African Artist wrote a great book about the affect of Missionaries in Africa called "Things Fall Apart"

Really lays down how they function and their negative impact on society.

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It ain't religion that's so bad.

I might even have become religious if it weren't for the manner in which religion is often preached.

the goodness that can come fof religion I admire and respect immensly. But it has been so used as a tool to influence the masses that it has irreversibly corrupted itself in it's present form, be it Christianity, Buddhism, Muslim, Sikh, etc....

It is therefore not religion that is bad, or an opiate to the masses.

It is the (majority of) preachers and the masses themselves who are the guilty parties. The former fro using a power of goodness for selfish, egotistical and irrational goals, and the latter for not being smarter than that and being gullible and had.

One example: The Renaissance came about after the printing press was invented. This is when people started to learn how to read, and started to read the bible, and come up with their own views on the readings. Started disagreeing with the church. This is when Lutherans and Calvinists came into being. The protestants.

This is when the anglican church came into being.

This is also when people in Europe started to see that there were other ways.

This is when forms of Agnosticism and Atheism came into a larger scale being.

And this is also when so many of the modern day inventions came into being, including many aspects of the sciences.

People started exploring and discovering more. They were no longer tied down by the guilt and oppression of the churches.

So what has happened?

Do you mean 'so what has happened?' as in after 250+ years of progressive enlightenment we are plunging back into a religious dark age, making it look like all that has been achieved in human emancipation, will just become a blip on the radar of human existence? oh that 'so what has happened?' I think you know the answer, but it's a thought provoking question, so...

Two Religions that serve the same role, to control the people and consolodate power. Three of course, but let's not go there.

In the richer societies people are turning to religion because the world is moving too fast and they are willing to hand over thinking to those that advocate Christianity, for the sake of an easy answer.

In poorer or unjust societies the advocates of Islam are using religion as a rallying point for the disaffected, with financial aid people feel that Islam is the only 'group' that cares for them.

They have to play one off the other, without evil there cannot be good, when people live in fear they can be controlled. A nightmare of Orwellian proportions.

Of course there are a lot of people that are rational and enlightened in this world, but they don't control the media or govenment or religion, and therefore are not 'with the program'.

It's spiritual warfare, and it is being lost by the good guys.

Edited by Robski
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Hard to take seriously that Corkscrew wants to start a discussion to delve into the human psyche and asking for compasion for the humaqn conditon, when he flaunts his wealth in his signature.

And have you checked out the avatar? Apparently subtlety is not a prerequisite for Benz ownership. :o

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Corkscrew. Before claiming to be a Marxist (I know you don't but before you do), read about it.

Your interpretation of Karl Marx's quote is far, from what he meant it to mean.

Briefly,he regarded religion as means to subdue and keep the working classes content .. 'not gain class consciousness 'akin to being drugged and content) and thus not question the structure of society (Capitalism) and ultimately not revolt.

I suggest you study and read more before making a crass judgement of a statement such as the one given by Marx.

Furthremore he would actually largely disagree with your statement reffering to conflict's being fundamentally economic. This you will find to be largely the case, religion is generally not at the cause of conflict per se. Look at Northern Ireland, Protestant and Catholics.. its really economics. Israel and Palestine is far more than just religion, its about who holds the power... economically. Etc etc.

This correct interpretation does have a lot to do with Thailand in that many people seem overly content - 'mi pen rai' for example and that does quite a bit to do with Buddihism.

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And have you checked out the avatar? Apparently subtlety is not a prerequisite for Benz ownership. :o

He didn't wait around long for an answer.

Maybe he's jumped into his Merc and headed for the nearest country club where he can forget about 'silly things' like religion and world peace.

Or maybe that was some heavy stuff he was smoking and he's passed out. :D

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