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PM vows to get tough especially with passenger vans within 3 months from now


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4 hours ago, kannot said:

You mean like   promising to change that bald tyre  tomorrow  but I have to go now  officer as I have 20  passengers to cram into my 13  capacity max      "minideathvan /mobile crematorium"

AGREE.   Why not start 2 days ago with those shocking tyres as above?

They have the jurisdiction.

I bet new tyres would have happened or put off the road if  relatives of the cops were due to travel on that mini bus.

unbelievable slackness.      Mai pen  rai,         She'll be right mate.

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It took the international press publicizing that horrific crash..I refuse to call it an accident to get this response.

The entire population needs to be educated on driving skills and there needs to be enforcement.

Many suggestions have been made here.

But to address just the minivan situation, something that comes to mind is a schedule and a logbook at all stops with monitors noting the time of arrival. They also update the in vehicle logbook with departure times so that excuse is taken away.

If the vehicle arrives well before the time where observing the speed limit allowed, it gets reported.

A few of these and the vehicle is impounded.

The only reason I can see for the behaviour is that someone is making more money of they can make more trips.

In a country where they people to salute you in a grocery store, I'd think it would be a relatively cheap way to encourage obeying the speed limit.

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i have had 4 summons now , for driving my ford pick up, 2 for speeding 1 for crossing chevrons, 1 for parking. by some <deleted> using my address, (i do not drive here, have no vehicle) my agent explained this at the cop shop, as said there is no deterrant, he went to pay a fine for speeding and the cops desk was piled high with unpaid fines.i said why dont they check with immigration as this person must do a 90 day report. but obviously too much trouble for BIB.he has never lived in my condo, the name on the summons are not mine

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Now is no longer the buses and minivans but the whole country! Every government has absolutely no clue on how to tackle this problem and I am not surprised that the death figure will eventually cross over 1,000 in a couple of years.

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5 hours ago, kannot said:

Not "20 years"?? surely  some mistake?


Lets place bets for the 3  month  "Songkran  Special Death" toll


Driver  arrives checkpoint, book says started at 11am current time is 10 am yeah thatll fool em...".I  havent been not driving for not  one  hour officer"

Pathetic.can the drivers even write? and can the Police even read?


"This govt has exhausted all mean" ..........FERKIN PATHETIC    -1/10 of  course if  each driver displayed a "  I hate the King"  sticker I bet action would be taken then eh

Holy shit this government is pathetic. At least they admit that they are incompetent. If they could just get some foreign consultants to help them figure out that they need to raise the fines dramatically and install cameras everywhere and have traffic police that checks not only motorbike helmets. 

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Better late than never I guess. But history will judge the PM (not only for any success but also for all the failures). 


I only hope he does not designate this task to the Deputy PM - remember, he was going to fix Bangkok traffic problems in one month! Nothing heard from him since (no accountability and no responsibility). 


I get the feeling they just like to hear themselves talk to impress everyone but without actually doing anything.  :sad:

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58 minutes ago, Geoff Snell said:

Lets face it. Until it's personal who is going to lay out money on the table

They even announce police raids a couple of days in advance on the off chance that they would catch the wrong guys 

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"Exhausted all means to reduce accidents" - no you haven't.  Maybe have the police force actually enforce the road rules instead of just standing on the side of the road watching them happen. A couple examples:  there were 4 police officers directing traffic through a round-a-bout yesterday because nobody knows how to use them.  Right in front of the police as traffic was proceeding round a pickup pulls out (without giving way to the cars on the right and already on the round-a-bout) which blocked the traffic.  The police did nothing.  Many times you see people driving on the wrong side of the road (including the police).  Another incident was 2 police standing next to a pedestrian crossing near traffic lights fining people for not having helmets..... cars and bikes did not stop for pedestrians (yes it is law in Thailand) and were driving through the red lights.  Again the police did nothing even though it was happening right in front of where they were standing. 


“Simple fact. If there are activities, there are consequences as occurred. Many people using cars, cheap oil, good roads and cars run faster while drunk driving remains. So what laws can solve these problems besides the spirit of joint participation of every one of us. You asked how they can be solved? We in the cabinet have discussed the issue long enough,” said the prime minister, adding that he preferred the next government to tackle the problems. - no issued need to be discussed except having the authorities do their jobs properly or sack them.  Don't need anymore laws to solve the issues, just need the police to enforce the road rules/law that is already in place.  


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1 hour ago, crickets said:

speed cameras

red light cameras

ban tinted front windows

shock road safety advertisments

demerit point system

big fines

too many cowboys on the road who get away with anything.

Agree with all except the tinted front windows.  Having a tinted front windscreen is fine within reason and if its not too dark.  It's no different to wearing sunglasses.  I have been saying for the past 20 years that they should allow this in other countries.  Having the sun beaming directly in your eyes is also dangerous.    

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Doubt all this tech and other measures would help. Would thailand be able to manage the consequences. It's a bit like the horsemeat scandal or the tax expense scandal. Some things are just too damn big to solve. Step back 25 years and those measures in EU etc might be better beginnings to start with than the hi tec solutions in the west. Gotta start somewhere.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:


'... the prime minister said that his government had exhausted all the means to reduce the accidents and the resulting fatalities, “be it the use of Section 44 to impound cars, making arrests and everything and yet people still get killed ... ... So what laws can solve these problems ...' Ones that are enforced?

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

, the prime minister said that his government had exhausted all the means to reduce the accidents and the resulting fatalities, “be it the use of Section 44 to impound cars, making arrests and everything and yet people still get killed.”

Education education education. Police checks police checks police checks. Heavy fines heavy fines heavy fines vehicles confiscated and jail vehicles confiscated and jail vehicles confiscated and jail. Yes 3 months will prove what dear general that even accidents need a holiday. Thailand is chasing their tail on this one. 

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3 hours ago, whatproblem said:

The government don't know how to fix the problem ? Well they should all resign then because most farang with a bit of common sense would know how to 

Or think they have common sense and imagine to know how to ........Ehhhhhh.

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6 hours ago, Crossy said:

Introduce the tachograph for all commercial and public transport vehicles as was done in the EU in the 1980s http://techsheer.com/tachograph-history/


Couple with sensible penalties for transgressions.




Unlikely in my lifetime :(




Why delay?


From today and everyday this month, bombard the news channels, and every available outlet, that from 1st February next, EVERY motoring infraction (including parking)  will cost a minimum  5,000baht fine, whist those driving whilst drunk or under the influence of drugs, will be fined a minimum of 20,000baht, and serve a custodial sentence (whether or not there is a an accident or anyone is injured)


That I firmly believe will stop the majority. The minority who continue with their lawless ways will quite simply be locked up.




Are you reading and listening Khun Prayuth?

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What an answer from the guy running the country. Throws his hands up in defeat.   "his government had exhausted all the means to reduce the accidents and the resulting fatalities, “ The last statement covering van drivers is a start but the van drivers are only part of the problem. He knows what the answer is and its a herculean one if not impossible. The mentality here must change and the police must enforce the laws strictly with the backing of the courts.  

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3 minutes ago, prakhonchai nick said:



Why delay?


From today and everyday this month, bombard the news channels, and every available outlet, that from 1st February next, EVERY motoring infraction (including parking)  will cost a minimum  5,000baht fine, whist those driving whilst drunk or under the influence of drugs, will be fined a minimum of 20,000baht, and serve a custodial sentence (whether or not there is a an accident or anyone is injured)


That I firmly believe will stop the majority. The minority who continue with their lawless ways will quite simply be locked up.




Are you reading and listening Khun Prayuth?

A chain is only as strong as the condition of the individual links. 

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Specialist departments like VOSA in UK would need to be formed to inspect tachographs whether the older types or digital card and check vehicles on the road. At the end of the day there should be penalties for companies employing lax drivers behind the wheel of poorly maintained vehicles. Until that happens, nothing gonna change !

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6 hours ago, jerojero said:

Tried everything?  How about police patrolling instead of those stupid check points.  How about proper training, pay and equipment for police.  How about serious penalty for violations.  Tried everything my ass.

How about even a small bonus payment to each policeman who makes an arrest of a traffic violater? Problem solved. The traffic violater can contribute to the policemans bonus payment as well as the normal punishment.

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And who is going to enforce these new rules?

Without a complete overhaul & another rule stating any law enforcement officer taking monies will go to prison

there is no chance Mr Prime Minister of any improvement.

I will stay off the roads at Songkran

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What gets me is that the Thai passengers dont care either. Over 10 years  Ive been on many minibus trips between BKK and Bam Phe or Hua Hin with maniac drivers and observed the passengers. (Now I use taxis). Quite a few carry briefcases indicating they are on business so have at least half a brain. But  Ive never seen anyone appearing to care or show  any stress. Most doze or fall asleep during the journey. They dont seem to even think about the real and possible consequences  of death or serious injury. Do they simply resign themselves to their good or bad karma; their good luck or bad luck and so  think and feel no further? It baffles me!

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The prime minister said that every bus and passenger van driver must keep a logbook in which he or she must note down his/her name, the driving time, the route.


“Police at every checkpoint must check the logbooks. If a driver is found to have driven beyond the time limit, the vehicle must be impounded and all passengers told to get off to board a new van or bus and a new driver must be found,” said the prime minister.


I just pissed myself laughing!!!!
Obviously "tachometers" are beyond the budget 

Hand written log books checked by crooked cops.. thats the best he can come up with?
Don't expect any change soon then... 

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By Songkran I wanna see 500 mufti law enforcement cars on the road.

They already have a great communication network. Stop the idiots, & fine them heavily along with

Demerit points may not work here as they drive without a licence anyway or can just go & buy a new one

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I will never forget my second and last mini van trip on visa run a few years ago.


A farang woman passenger was screaming as we flew down the highway and the van would be launched into the air as we hit high and low points in the road.  :shock1: She was a nervous wreck the whole trip with her hands shaking and looking like a trapped animal. 


At the first stop around 09:00, she bought two beers and tried to get a little drunk so she would calm down.:cheesy:


I sat in the back seat with my legs braced against the seat in front of me thinking this might be the best place in a head on collision and I was hoping we would not get rear ended. Exploding in a ball of fire and being burnt alive never entered my mind. Just goes to show how nieve you can be. :cheesy:


The driver would change lanes, sometimes three at a time and then back again and at such a high rate of speed the van would lean over just a bit. Very exciting.


Just another "extreme sport" that Thailand offers to tourists.


Edited by NCC1701A
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