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Another minivan crash - but this time it's the driver's own family


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Another minivan crash - but this time it's the driver's own family



Picture: Daily News


BANGKOK: -- Police attended another minivan accident last night on the inbound section of the Bangkok tollway.


Four people were slightly hurt when a tire burst on a van as it came to an exit ramp near the Thai Public Broadcasting Service HQ. The van ended up sliding on its side.


Driver Manoon Kruaysawatdi said that it was his vehicle and he normally rented it out to another operator but it was their day off.


So he had taken his family out to Korat for the day. He said a tire burst causing him to lose control.


But he credited an amulet of the departed King Rama 9 for saving their lives.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-01-05
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I'm sorry but us farang just don't get it.it wasn't the drivers fault,it was the tyres fault..or maybe the amulets fault but deffo not the drivers fault.going to cost him now with no income and a repair bill.som non nah...if I was him I would flog that amulet to someone he don't like.2017 thai year of the monkey,2018 Thai year of the monkey,2019 Thai year of...youve guessed it.

Edited by The man from udon
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3 hours ago, PJPom said:

You beat me to it, rental van with worn or damaged tyres, also probably missing a couple of lights BUT...brand new unused seat belts. TIT



TIT being a very appropriate word!!

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education is what is needed and it would take over a decade to get better educated people making a difference, while people are still stupid enough to believe a tatty junk necklace saved them and have no feeling of personal responsibility change can not happen, change of mindset is needed first and that unlikely when the Monkey at the top is also a amulet fool .

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1 hour ago, johng said:

the tires may have been inflated to 100 PSI to improve speed and fuel economy :lol:


This is commonplace in TH.  Too often I try to help out drivers with my tire pressure gauge, which I carry at all times. In about 70% of these cases, the drivers refuse my offer, and rather kick at the tires after having them filled. Thai drivers are not aware, that they have to inflate their tires to a specific pressure. They just let the compressor do the work and release the pressure hose, when there is no more airflow, not knowing, that the tire is over inflated. Very likely another reason for a lot of dangerous and avoidable accidents.

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5 hours ago, Reigntax said:

Its much cheaper to buy a lucky amulet than have the van serviced or replacing those worn tyres.


Do you need to change the batteries regularly or are they powered by a superior force?

How many of the 25 killed in Chonburi were  wearing Rama IX amulets?

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The average Thai male starts to reject discipline around the age of 3-5...it is always a boy you hear crying & having a tantrum here...they carry on thru' school..getting more big-headed once they have mates around them of the same militant-nature...once the family has signed for their 1st Honda then that's it...they're well on the road to doing as they please, & by now they'll rule the road (in their heads at least).

 Once they have had years of self-discipline, seen umpteen Thai soaps where the young men all have knives or guns..he's now ready to slap women, bully others, & last but not least drive like a tw** on the nation's roads.

  There's not 1 or 2 Thai males like this..there's 100's of 1000's of 'em..!!!

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3 minutes ago, Usual Suspect said:

The average Thai male starts to reject discipline around the age of 3-5...it is always a boy you hear crying & having a tantrum here...they carry on thru' school..getting more big-headed once they have mates around them of the same militant-nature...once the family has signed for their 1st Honda then that's it...they're well on the road to doing as they please, & by now they'll rule the road (in their heads at least).

 Once they have had years of self-discipline, seen umpteen Thai soaps where the young men all have knives or guns..he's now ready to slap women, bully others, & last but not least drive like a tw** on the nation's roads.

  There's not 1 or 2 Thai males like this..there's 100's of 1000's of 'em..!!!

What if I said ''Same as Americans right?  But they see the movies with guns, drugs and fighting.  Look at Europe, America etc.. plenty of youth crime and violence..... I suggest you stop being a raciest bigot or at least keep you mouth shut. 

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In reply to the above posting it would seem I have touched a nerve..but maybe my observations on the upbringing of Thai males are indeed in keeping with what many others see on a daily basis..?

 As for being a 'raciest bigot'.. that I will leave for both yourself & others to judge..?

 As for telling me to  keep my mouth shut..?  This is a forum, & airing one's feelings/views are what forum-members do on here,

  & I do apologise if my posting offended you enough to make comments like this towards me.


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the tires were already bald when he took the vehicle back from the regular driver. The owner had the inconvenience of going through 3 police checkpoints and having to pay 100 baht each time, but only one tire blew out, so the police were 75 per cent right to let him continue......

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Can someone help me out here? Not sure where one saw that the tires were bald or that they were overinflated with upwards of 100 PSI. It would help if  one posted where they obtained such information. Maybe it was in the Daily News as my Thai isn't that good. As for having a blowout.. had one few years back on a tire with less than 150 miles on it, so not only bald tires that burst. To sit at ones computer and continuously pretend you know the true cause of an accident and make fun of their belief is a disgrace. Yes some Thai drivers could use a lot of help but so could drivers I encountered throughout China, Europe and North America. Some cases worst than here.

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11 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Careful what you say on here.  Criticising Thai's for what the rest of the world would consider reckless stupidity can get you banned or suspended for pointing out the obvious.

I would say it's a bit late for that. lol

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4 hours ago, Pigdog747 said:

Can someone help me out here? Not sure where one saw that the tires were bald or that they were overinflated with upwards of 100 PSI. It would help if  one posted where they obtained such information. Maybe it was in the Daily News as my Thai isn't that good. As for having a blowout.. had one few years back on a tire with less than 150 miles on it, so not only bald tires that burst. To sit at ones computer and continuously pretend you know the true cause of an accident and make fun of their belief is a disgrace. Yes some Thai drivers could use a lot of help but so could drivers I encountered throughout China, Europe and North America. Some cases worst than here.

Here's the thing...The people that are bitching about Thai drivers are not living in China, Europe or North America...They live here, in Thailand.....You know, that country that has the SECOND highest highway fatality rate in the world. Trust me....I do believe most of us living here have figured out after 10 or 15 years what the root causes of accidents are. And the real disgrace is the ignorance shown by people that believe some trinket is going to prevent them from having their brains smashed all over the highway.......

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Now a days  most drivers have dash cameras in their vehicles,  this is helping us all

see the news stories with more detail, and gore.  What a world we live in.!  These mini vans are

starting to look more and more dangerous, so I am glad there are still the big buses, and trains and

planes to get around in Thailand with,   heck even a new ferry route from Pattaya to Hua  Hin to help the

tourists and rich people avoid the hiways.


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6 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Now a days  most drivers have dash cameras in their vehicles,  this is helping us all

see the news stories with more detail, and gore.  What a world we live in.!  These mini vans are

starting to look more and more dangerous, so I am glad there are still the big buses, and trains and

planes to get around in Thailand with,   heck even a new ferry route from Pattaya to Hua  Hin to help the

tourists and rich people avoid the hiways.




 More people can die in a big bus. The only safe way is Nakhon Chai Air. NCA.

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