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Temple dog killer turns himself in - but she bit me first, he says.


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On 05/01/2017 at 1:06 PM, The man from udon said:

How can a stray vicious dangerous dogs life be worth 2 years and 40,000b.hes probably done the community and the dog a favour.i had a pack of nearly 20 at the end of my soi this week engaged in a massive orgy.god know how many there's going to be here in a few months.

I've been keeping an eye on the end of my soi.i could swear they were eating one of their own tonight.the carcus had steam coming off it.

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On 1/6/2017 at 0:42 AM, aussiebrian said:


I have never been attacked by a dog in Thailand or India, or anywhere where dogs and I wander the street. I normally pat them if I feel they are friendly. Haven't been wrong yet. 

I used to breed German Shepherds and train them in Australia. If you are fearful, you smell many times stronger than if you aren't afraid. The dog is then more likely to attack if it smells fear. The dog squad gave us a lecture once and they said when they suspect there is someone prowling around say a car yard, they yell 'dog squad', when the person hears that they fear that the dog will find them and the police then release the dog and it can find them much easier. 

If you threaten dogs, thinking you are protecting yourself as you are fearful, with a stick or something, or run away, then you will maybe bitten. Been coming here for 40 years and living here 11 years, I only feel sorry for the soi dogs, that is not their fault they are in that predicament. If you are on your bike and you are being chased by a pack of dogs or just one, stop, and turn the bike off. It will walk away. Wow attacked 8 times and bitten 3 times, and you don't think YOU are bringing it on yourself? Me chased on my bike numerous times, attacked 0 bitten 0. I was bitten by a tiger, but that is an other story.

Never been scared of a dog in my life. They have been in my family since I was born and the first recollections was a beautiful German Shepherd we owned for years then we moved to collies. You weren't there or know the details of the attacks in Thailand so better you don't be so objective. If you knew the details then I would respect your objection but you weren't there so you don't know. End of story. 

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On Thursday, January 05, 2017 at 0:53 PM, poohy said:

Nearly on topic

Dogs at temples are kept alive basically, not looked after ,so many dogs pack mentality just asking for trouble!


I have 3 large pet dogs together when excited they can be a handful, so a pack of mangy inbred strays  is a disaster waiting to happen.(talking about dogs not monks)..... although ?!


sadly a cull is needed

Are sure it's the former not the latter?

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On 05/01/2017 at 8:31 PM, geriatrickid said:


Yours is the classic irresponsible selfish post of the thread. Why wasn't your dog spayed? Why weren't you a responsible human? You bitch and complain, but you have just shown that you are a selfish, irresponsible person.  Why didn't you act responsibly and prevent  the inevitable  problem?  And if you will now claim, it wasn't inevitable, you truly are short a few cards  in the deck. Of course your dog would one day get out. It happens. Everyone's dog gets out at some point, because people make mistakes. Don't blame your wife because you failed.  And who  purchases a cold weather siberian husky for a hot tropical climate? Again, not much going on upstairs if you believe that was appropriate  animal management.





I support multiple  animal care organizations around the world including in Thailand. My last donation was probably more than what you paid in Thai income tax for the last year. I  do it because that is the way I was raised and because I am fortunate to be able to share my wealth.    I also contribute to a number of  other charities because I have some very persistent  family members, clients and neighbours including one lady who won't take no.


Again you are running off on a tangent because this is about a DRUNK who intentionally ran down a sleeping dog.  Know what's amazing? Your desperate attempt to justify an event that defiled the wat and that offended every religious Buddhist in that wat. You don't care do you? On any  given day you wouldn't accept the claims of a Thai criminal, but on this you embrace the violent drunk driver's claim about an alleged  biting incident. Odd that no one corroborates the story. Why would you take a cruel, malicious drunk driver at his word?  The man is most likely lying because he was caught. The idiot was DRUNK and needed an excuse to justify the evil he brought at the wat.  Do you not understand that killing living objects in a wat is forbidden? Make an effort man. You are living in Thailand.

What a Hero!


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On 05/01/2017 at 9:42 PM, transat99 said:

"The more I see of man, the more I like dogs" -- Madame de Staël (1766 – 1817)



I have to agree...

The more l experience people, the more l like cats.

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I love a good dog topic.  Ignoring the drunk Thai dog killer, lets concentrate on unowned dogs: soi or wat dogs, the title is irrelevant. Dog lovers should stop bristling with indignation and calmly accept that these dogs are; a source of disease (dog-dirt/parasites); a cause of accidents (fatal sometimes); an annoyance by constant nocturnal barking; a threat to any human (child or otherwise) who invades their space.


Given all the above it is incomprehensible how dog lovers attempt to defend the indefensible.  In the absence of proper authorities failing to control this danger, it is only natural that people will take their own steps to defend their family.

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