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I'm looking to buy a good razor.

Can anyone recommend any good electric razor and where to buy?

Disposable blades are fine also but seem super expensive here.


Thank You





Would appreciate not having to scroll down five minutes to answer your posts and spam request for information causing this.


After trying many electrics have given up and returned to blade.  I also not a fan for the price they charge for most blades and the clones are like using a dull knife - but find the Bic 3 blade to be just as good as number one name brands of more (and even better than there own 4 blade version).  Highly recommend.


Razer 65 baht from Lotus - 4 blades 110 baht.



Have no idea but suspect some places would have - it is not a high priced item so probably not advertised well.  I have been using for about a year and find the replaceable blade type much better than the throw away (both 3 blade) and as said find it better than any of the others I have tried (and have tried quite a lot).  As for electric never feel clean using them and take forever and never get nearly as close as a blade.

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