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"Mummy when I grow up can I organize a coup?"


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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Comic books are sight related not hands on trigger squeezing. 


I watched Superman when I was a kid.  And I held pet birds a number of times.  Those experiences never gave me any reason to think that I could fly.  :smile:

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1 hour ago, robertson468 said:

This is a typical case of journalist trying to make something out of nothing.  I remember as a Member of the UK Armed Forces we used to hold Open Days and invite the Public (including their children) on to Barracks to see and handle the equipment on display, from radios, radars, rifles, machine guns up to tanks and self propelled guns.  Furthermore we have youngsters who join the Cadet Forces and are taught how to fire small arms on the ranges.  Sadly Jonathan Head and his cohorts have such a limited life experience, they are unable to comment maturely and intelligently and really should do more research instead of "firing from the hip" and making nonsense comments.

In Zurich, Switzerland there is a public holiday called Knabenshchiessen (Boys Shooting).

Kids get to fire guns and there is a Schuetzenkoenig (best shot) for the day, who wins 5000 francs (around 175,000 baht). I don't think Switzerland is a particularly bellicose country. I believe the tradition may go back to William Tell.

The essential difference with Thailand is that Switzerland has an education system that encourages critical thinking rather than blind adherence to authority.

Edited by eddie61
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2 minutes ago, rijb said:


I watched Superman when I was a kid.  And I held pet birds a number of times.  Those experiences never gave me any reason to think that I could fly.  :smile:

Good thing, could be dangerous if you own a condo. 

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If I remember correctly I've seen reports of kids climbing NATO tanks for fun in Eastern Europe last year. If  holding a gun is problem, then playing with tanks is probably worse...

Edited by SymS
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6 minutes ago, SymS said:

If I remember correctly I've seen reports of kids climbing NATO tanks for fun in Eastern Europe last year. If  holding a gun is problem, then playing with tanks is probably worse...


It was near the end of basic training and all the soldiers were getting ready for the war. A private came charging into his Lieutenant's office and said " Lieutenant, we don't have enough rifles. What am I going to use for the war?"

"I don't have time to deal with this right now" the lieutenant thought.

He grabbed a broom, sawed off the bottom, and handed it to the solder. "Here use this instead."

"How is this going to work?"

"When you see the bad guys coming at you, just point it at them and say 'Bangity Bang Bang, Bang Bang'".

So the private ran out with his new "rifle". But soon he came running back to the Lieutenant saying "Lieutenant, we don't have enough bayonets!"

The Lieutenant grabbed a piece of string off of his desk and gave it the private. "When you see the bad guys coming just throw this at them and say 'Stabity Stab Stab, Stab Stab.'"

So the private was all ready for his war. He was sitting in a fox hole, hating being out there, when he saw an enemy creeping along the top of a nearby hill.

He grabbed his broom, pointed it at the bad guy and said "Bangity Bang Bang, Bang Bang Bangity Bang Bang, Bang Bang" and he fell down dead.

"Wow this really works" thought the private. He started going through the underbrush when another enemy jumped out and try to gut him - he threw his string at him and said, 'Stabbity Stab Stab, Stab Stab!'. The enemy fell down, dead.

Pretty soon, he saw another guy rampaging through the woods. He pointed his broomstick at him and yelled, 'Bangity Bang Bang, Bang Bang!' Nothing, so he did it again, 'Bangity Bang Bang, Bang Bang!' The guy was running at him now. He threw the string, Stabbit Stab Stab StabStab!' The enemy kept running at him and plowed him over, mortally wounding him.

Then he heard the big guy mumbling as he went past him "Tankity Tank Tank Tank Tank Tankity Tank Tank Tank Tank."

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44 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Hitler was elected by physically barring the opposition from entering the house, what a piss poor example.


yes, self-serving bullies who want to get elected 'democratically' nowadays have developed much subtler techniques ... my, haven't we come a long way ...... too bad it's backwards ...

Edited by Yann55
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4 hours ago, robblok said:

I really don't see the harm here, but I understand red reporters like the two mentioned in the article would bend something like this into a anti junta rant. This has been going on this way long before the junta and now its bad all of a sudden. 

On a children's day we could familiarise the future society with environmental issues, sharing happiness, enjoying art and so many other virtues rather than violent shows, hatred and military. That goes a long way in shaping the future.

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How many countries in the world are there with children who are subverted into using weapons, or for that matter how many children in western countries are taught from an early age to shoot and hunt. If these guys want to rant about something then they should find something more relevant.

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

I really don't see the harm here, but I understand red reporters like the two mentioned in the article would bend something like this into a anti junta rant. This has been going on this way long before the junta and now its bad all of a sudden. 

In the Netherlands there are "open dagen" at the army every now and then and it's exactly the same. Not my cup of tea but it isn't Thailand only...


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Saw loads of Schoolkids today marching up and down the road in scouts and guides costumes, what has that got to do with education any more than tanks and machine guns have to do with kids day? All this militarization and glorification of armed forces, that have never actually won a war, is verging on child abuse. It's the sort of indoctrination the Soviets and Chinese used to do, these days only N Korea do it better, or worse depending on your viewpoint.The Thai elite want kids submissive, blindly loyal and to do what they are told, but what will they do about the internet?

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1 minute ago, douglasspade said:

Fact is... the kids had a great day!  A kid hanging on the commanders MG is probably not as bad as playing warfare computer games, being forced a religion down his throat or sitting at home watching propaganda american movies!


Yeah the isis kids have a great day as well and child soldiers in Africa, this is just one step behind and has the same motivation. Guns are not fun, they are for killing.

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12 minutes ago, Uncle Bob said:

In the Netherlands there are "open dagen" at the army every now and then and it's exactly the same. Not my cup of tea but it isn't Thailand only...


The army is not my cup of tea either, never served in the army and am happy I never served. Considered it a wast of time, was lucky that I did not have to serve (conscription) because I kept on studying. 

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3 minutes ago, douglasspade said:

Fact is... the kids had a great day!  A kid hanging on the commanders MG is probably not as bad as playing warfare computer games, being forced a religion down his throat or sitting at home watching propaganda american movies!


What American movies do Thai kids watch?

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When I was 12 I received a 22 Caliber Single shot rifle and was taught by my Grandfather to you it. In the military I was trained on many small arms weapons.


To date I have not killed anyone, although there were many in my life time I would love to have dispatched to judgement. I have the self discipline not to unless self defense would require it.


There in lies the problem, too many have neither self discipline or respect for humane life.


Bottom line let the children have their day and it up to the parent to decide, not some media nut who is a liberal mouth piece !!

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4 minutes ago, thai3 said:


Yeah the isis kids have a great day as well and child soldiers in Africa, this is just one step behind and has the same motivation. Guns are not fun, they are for killing.


Forcing children to fight is not the same as inviting them to a kids day party.  But, you already know that.  :crazy:

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

I really don't see the harm here, but I understand red reporters like the two mentioned in the article would bend something like this into a anti junta rant. This has been going on this way long before the junta and now its bad all of a sudden. 




Now if the kids had been treated to a PTP "democracy 555" lecture with pictures of a certain family patriarch all over the place, one of those reporters would have rejoiced. Don't know the other.


These lefties talk such <deleted>. Get all the boys playing with nice toys and stop wars - yeah right to. And when some radical nutter terrorists attack they'd be the first to hide behind the military.


RT have it about right. Just children being inquisitive and having fun.



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