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"Mummy when I grow up can I organize a coup?"


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Fact is... the kids had a great day!  A kid hanging on the commanders MG is probably not as bad as playing warfare computer games, being forced a religion down his throat or sitting at home watching propaganda american movies!

Well...kids in Thailand basically have all of the above PLUS a really %%+¥£€} up education system!

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I really don't see the harm here, but I understand red reporters like the two mentioned in the article would bend something like this into a anti junta rant. This has been going on this way long before the junta and now its bad all of a sudden. 

You don't see a problem in a country with as many illegal guns as citizens, life as cheap as a bottle of Leo and put in the whole loss of face and young minds being exposed to guns is a recipe for disaster.
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"Mummy when I grow up can I organize a coup?"


Sure kid, as long as you pledge allegiance to the old elite. A coup happens here on average every fifth years so you should be able to participate in several - won't that be fun! An added benefit is that you will certainly get rich by pursuing a military career if you can worm yourself up to flag rank. It REALLY pays to be a General in Thailand, son.

Just remember to always pretend you're doing it for the benefit of the country. Don't worry, nobody believes you anyway but we have to keep up appearances as TIT.


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7 hours ago, robblok said:

Thanks yes those guys are known red supporters, point is that children's day and the army opening up their ranks for the kids has ben going on for a long time, long before the coup. Now its all of a sudden bad, while before they kept their mouth shut. Seems more a way of trying to score some points and have an anti junta rant at the same time.


As others have shown in other countries this happens too. 


Richard Barrow being a red supporter is a lie. 

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The soldiers, and weapons, are French.

Leaving aside the silliness of having a .50mg in a camouflaged emplacement with a great big F. O. white map hanging off the cam net...

Personally I am fairly relaxed about letting small boys pose with military kit, although I am a bit more bemused by some of the enthusiasm some adults have for doing so.

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4 hours ago, thai3 said:

Saw loads of Schoolkids today marching up and down the road in scouts and guides costumes, what has that got to do with education any more than tanks and machine guns have to do with kids day? All this militarization and glorification of armed forces, that have never actually won a war, is verging on child abuse. It's the sort of indoctrination the Soviets and Chinese used to do, these days only N Korea do it better, or worse depending on your viewpoint.The Thai elite want kids submissive, blindly loyal and to do what they are told, but what will they do about the internet?


4 hours ago, thai3 said:

Not sure if this can be posted or not, spot on though




sick photo



There is no magazine in the M16 assault rifle.

Are you Thai or is that just your user name?

The Thai scouts and girl guides upset you?

Hmm, how about Thai food? Too spicy?

Do you know the words of the Thai National Anthem?

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5 hours ago, rijb said:


It was near the end of basic training and all the soldiers were getting ready for the war. A private came charging into his Lieutenant's office and said " Lieutenant, we don't have enough rifles. What am I going to use for the war?"

"I don't have time to deal with this right now" the lieutenant thought.

He grabbed a broom, sawed off the bottom, and handed it to the solder. "Here use this instead."

"How is this going to work?"

"When you see the bad guys coming at you, just point it at them and say 'Bangity Bang Bang, Bang Bang'".

So the private ran out with his new "rifle". But soon he came running back to the Lieutenant saying "Lieutenant, we don't have enough bayonets!"

The Lieutenant grabbed a piece of string off of his desk and gave it the private. "When you see the bad guys coming just throw this at them and say 'Stabity Stab Stab, Stab Stab.'"

So the private was all ready for his war. He was sitting in a fox hole, hating being out there, when he saw an enemy creeping along the top of a nearby hill.

He grabbed his broom, pointed it at the bad guy and said "Bangity Bang Bang, Bang Bang Bangity Bang Bang, Bang Bang" and he fell down dead.

"Wow this really works" thought the private. He started going through the underbrush when another enemy jumped out and try to gut him - he threw his string at him and said, 'Stabbity Stab Stab, Stab Stab!'. The enemy fell down, dead.

Pretty soon, he saw another guy rampaging through the woods. He pointed his broomstick at him and yelled, 'Bangity Bang Bang, Bang Bang!' Nothing, so he did it again, 'Bangity Bang Bang, Bang Bang!' The guy was running at him now. He threw the string, Stabbit Stab Stab StabStab!' The enemy kept running at him and plowed him over, mortally wounding him.

Then he heard the big guy mumbling as he went past him "Tankity Tank Tank Tank Tank Tankity Tank Tank Tank Tank."

Moral of the story believe nothing of what you hear and only half of you see. Life can mow you down at the strangest of times and for the silliest reasons. 

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This may not be true but it illustrates the stupidity  of society and the media today

General Cosgrove was interviewed on the radio recently. Read his reply to the lady who interviewed him concerning guns and children.

So, General Cosgrove, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?

We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery and shooting.

Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?

I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range.

Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?

I don't see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm. 

But you're equipping them to become violent killers.

Well, Ma'am, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you?

The broadcast went silent for 46 seconds and when it returned, the interview was over."

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Notice anything unusual about the pictures of the kids playing war games, courtesy of the overgrown schoolboys in uniform currently running the country  regime?


That's right - all of them are boys. 


Where were the girls - attending the phony wounded in make-believe hospital tents?


What else should one really expect in a patriarchal society run by aging brasshats whose latest brainwave is to introduce military training for kids in kindergarten?


Honestly! It's not Thailand's children who need help in growing up, but leaders bent on turning future generations into unthinking little soldiers of the state.



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From Richard Barrow's website.

People keep asking me why I don’t have an “about me” page on my blog. The main reason is that I am a private person and don’t like the attention that my work sometimes brings me. I’m flattered and very surprised when people recognize me on the streets, but in preference I prefer to work anonymously. Which is why I have a rule to turn down any requests for interviews. I also don’t do selfies and rarely post photos of myself. I know it sounds strange to say I am publicity shy as my name is everywhere on my blogs. Unlike some other bloggers and people on social media, I chose right from the start to use my real name in order to be accountable for what I say and do. I think there are too many “bar stool” experts on forums already who hide behind anonymity.

Well said Richard. He was just stating an opinion on Children's day. Such as my opinion now. But he is known and I can hide. He is brave and me not.

Carry on Richard. Your not hiding. I wish I was brave as you.
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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

Notice anything unusual about the pictures of the kids playing war games, courtesy of the overgrown schoolboys in uniform currently running the country  regime?


That's right - all of them are boys. 


Where were the girls - attending the phony wounded in make-believe hospital tents?


What else should one really expect in a patriarchal society run by aging brasshats whose latest brainwave is to introduce military training for kids in kindergarten?


Honestly! It's not Thailand's children who need help in growing up, but leaders bent on turning future generations into unthinking little soldiers of the state.




Hardly unusual, you might note that in the pictures from France they are all boys, and you might also care to note the picture of the girl with the rifle above.

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6 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Each are entitled to their own views. I thought that article load of cobblers. Written by another liberal left PC journalist with his head so far up his own arse he believes reality is his imagination.



"...with his head so far up his own arse he believes reality is his imagination."

Kinda sounds like your dear leader Prayuth, doesn't it?

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I cringe when I see children playing with guns.Not nice to see what damage a gun (or sword) can inflict on a human in reality. I discouraged my children to play at 'killing', and then one of them goes and marries into the reserves. So much for trying to be a responsible father!

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Why  not  fully indoctrinate educate them and show them the results  of what firing a  bullet at someone could do with  good  full size  colour photos of entry exit  wounds especially  a  head shot

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18 hours ago, robblok said:

I really don't see the harm here, but I understand red reporters like the two mentioned in the article would bend something like this into a anti junta rant. This has been going on this way long before the junta and now its bad all of a sudden. 

It's bad at any time. Completely irresponsible and unethical.  And what the heck is 'red reporters'? And why wouldn't you be critical of any military junta?  :angry:

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9 hours ago, AlanJ said:

This may not be true but it illustrates the stupidity  of society and the media today

General Cosgrove was interviewed on the radio recently. Read his reply to the lady who interviewed him concerning guns and children.

So, General Cosgrove, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?

We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery and shooting.

Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?

I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range.

Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?

I don't see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm. 

But you're equipping them to become violent killers.

Well, Ma'am, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you?

The broadcast went silent for 46 seconds and when it returned, the interview was over."

Entirely appropriate, but sadly, an urban myth.

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30 minutes ago, bandito said:


Aw, come off it.

It was a fun day out for the kids and has been so for many years and, as said by another poster, long before this and other coups.

Yes of course it's a fun day for the kids. When I was a kid I would have loved it! BUT, we are adults and as such we have a responsibility to guide children away from that which promotes, normalizes or may desensitize them to violence.  If after our parenting has finished and as young adults they decide to join the military, OK. 

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19 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

There goes your work permit Richard Barrow. Stick to travel blogging, politics will only get you into trouble.

I guess that the "liberal" foreign press wants the the Thai children to hide under their beds  and be ignorant that things like guns,wars,and other controversial things actually exist in the world.They still have no clue that others fight and die so that these "chicken-little fright mongers" can spew their distorted version of news. 

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I remember growing up in Australia. As a child we went to army displays where the army conducted mock battles with blanks and tanks and bombs going off. At least the ground would explode. And after all the kids would get to handle the guns and climb all over the tanks and play with the radios in the vehicles. So it seem not much has changed, just the country and the perception of the media is different.  Let kids be kids. Who didn't play with guns growing up. 

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19 minutes ago, Essaybloke said:

Yes of course it's a fun day for the kids. When I was a kid I would have loved it! BUT, we are adults and as such we have a responsibility to guide children away from that which promotes, normalizes or may desensitize them to violence.  If after our parenting has finished and as young adults they decide to join the military, OK. 

I understand your point of view.

I remember when I was a kid, my godfather bought my brother and I some "cap pistols." My parents threw in the bin with a "You don't need to play with those things." Of course, it was only a decade after the end of WWII and my parents had lived through the horror of the war. In later years, they had no objection to my joining the University rifle shooting team.


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For those with worries about the kids, I can accept that point of view, what I can't accept is to link an event that has been going on for years pre coup pre junta and so on and now link it to coups and the junta. That is making a cheap point by reporters with an agenda, that is my only point. 


Using something that is normal here and has been going on for years and now all of a sudden its a sing of the junta and helps support a coup. Had they made the point about how its bad for the kids it would not be as hypocritical as it is now. That would be a point to consider, this is just scoring cheap points.


Though I have no Idea where i stand on this if this is bad for kids or not, i certainly never went to such a thing when I was young. But I played countless videogames and played with toy guns too. So far I have never committed an act of violence in my adult life no fight nothing. I find those links tedious at best. 


If you look at history how many soldiers never fire their guy (it goes against human nature and they need to be trained to try to kill someone). There have been studies done to show its hard to change this in people. Then now all of a sudden computer games, toy guns and army visits are doing all that what is considered hard to do in army training.  I don't really buy that. 



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1 minute ago, tigermoth said:

Very sad to see. The imitation plastic guns from simple handguns to sophiticated automatic weapons which are available in supermarkets should be totally banned.


banned?  Like voting booths?

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