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"Don't know whether to laugh or cry" Ubon woman wins the lottery as German husband lies on his deathbed


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6 hours ago, catinthehat said:

Never knew that Lottery winners had to go to the police first. My God do they even have their grubby mits in these winnings? Must one pay a cut to them when they win. would those scumbags never let anyone out of their sight knowing they have come into  that much money without sharing. Someone please tell me I am wrong.

over a certain amount of winnings you are required to validate ticket number and ticket holder, purely for security purposes mind you.

Now it all depends how you would like to infer what I wrote and what you asked.

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1 hour ago, snowgard said:


Right, but some people never want to understand the rules and wrote complete nonsens.


You're telling me that if I write a will leaving my money to someone, it is invalid if I am married. How strange! I never knew the rules and was always thinking complete nonsens 

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No wonder Thai Wrath cant get hold of her,i'm not surprised.If shes got any sense, she will haves F###ed off a bit live'o before any of her new relations can get to her. If i was her i would be in the best hotel i could find,drinking Champagne and deciding what i was gonna do with the money.Sorry Hubby,but that's the way it is here.Cruel,but by next month you will be a distant memory.

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11 hours ago, oldcarguy said:

I hope the German has a brother who is in his will and gets his 50%.........


like that would ever happen......


or maybe his 2nd wife........

What second wife - sounds like a voice of experience flapping around there.

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11 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

She'll have a queue of Somchais at her door, that's what's she's got!


  I very interested she ,  if  she  want take care , good  farang .

          Maybe , now she have money , she not want  farang  .

              Thai culture . 555

Edited by elliss
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It is a sad reflection on the bloggers - I assume foreigners - that are posting the diatribe regarding this post. The woman is obviously distraught by her husbands plight and the contradiction posed by winning the lotto. In the same situation I would feel the same. The only negative I can find in this story is that it ended up on TV and the usual hate responses followed. In my experience these negative bloggers are not representational of foreigners in Thailand. 

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12 hours ago, Lingba said:


you go to the police to file a report in order to validate that its your ticket..in case it ever gets stolen or lost...everyone who has won in the past has done the same thing..In fact the lottery office may also require a copy of the report...No Big Deal

 Thanks for clearing this up for me. I really didn't have any idea why peoples would tell the police about this. But now it makes sence to me.


I was thinking in the direction of Insurance fraude or to make sure she would not be accused of being a golddigger by maybe his family for when he passed.

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How do you know she is clearly 'distraught' did she tell you personally.

? What information do you have that we dont? Are you in possession of more than the picture posted and the comments she made.? Her face looks dead pan to me,and her words could be lies(as thats what Thais live on)And how do you know that negativity is not representational of foreigners  in Thailand.Wrong again OZ.  Jealousy and negativity go hand in hand,and thats what most foreigners here are good at.And if this story had not have ended up on Thai Visa,then Thats no fun.Thats what we are here for,to be negative.

Iifes a bitch,If you are having a good day,watch some bastard come along and spoil it(9out of 10 he will be a TV blogger):smile:

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My wife tells me that it's being reported on Thai media that the near destitute husband gave her what little money he could and told her to buy the ticket.

She is said to be happy to have won the money that should safeguard her future, but sad that it has probably come too late to make a significant difference to her husband's plight.


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20 hours ago, jaltsc said:


Or more likely, harvest his good organs,  sell them, and add to her riches. 


I've lived here so long, I'm not sure if I'm being cynical or just observant. 

 Both?  :whistling:


As you are entitled to.

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On 2017/1/17 at 8:07 PM, In the jungle said:

She must be insane telling the local police she has just won six million on the lottery.

That's what I thought too. I think she was trying to get proof of her winning in case someone stole her ticket. Even if she lost her ticket the lottery office will have to believe her with the backing of the police.

Anyone has any idea why she went to the police. In some countries the police will murder you after you collected the money. They will murder you for even less than that amount.



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