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Gary Glitter starts legal fight to stay in Cambodia

DISGRACED British glam rock star Gary Glitter has launched a legal fight to stay in Cambodia after being ordered out of the country due to his conviction for possessing child porn.

Glitter, whose real name is Paul Francis Gadd, spent four months in a British jail in 1999 after being found guilty of downloading child pornography from the internet.

He has since been hounded out of Cambodia twice by child rights activists and put on an entry blacklist, government officials said today.

He has, however, managed to return to the country which has a reputation as a haven for paedophiles and perverts.

Glitter has now filed a lawsuit against a Cambodian government deportation order, according to Women’s Affairs Minister Mu Sochua, who has fought to have him barred.

Local police said Glitter, who became a household name in Britain in the 1970s with his glam rock, had been living for nearly a year in Phnom Penh’s southern outskirts where he has bought a house.

"Sometime he comes out and goes jogging in the village. Sometimes he leaves for holidays but mostly he stays in Cambodia," local policeman Chan Savoeun said.

Neither Glitter nor his lawyers could be reached for comment.


Friday, 30 April, 2004, 16:03 GMT 17:03 UK

Glitter fights Cambodia eviction

Glitter was released from jail in the UK in 2000

Former glam rock star Gary Glitter is fighting to stay in Cambodia after being hounded out twice over his child pornography conviction, say reports.

Glitter has returned to the country and bought a house, said minister of women's affairs Mu Sochua who has campaigned to keep him out.

She said his with his "past record" he should not be allowed to stay.

She said she feared he may be allowed to remain there until a complaint is heard against his expulsion in 2002.

The shamed star was deported in December that year.

He had been held in jail for three nights over suspected sex offences, but has never been convicted of a crime in Cambodia.

Glitter had previously left the country voluntarily in May 2002, following a police investigation prompted by news of his child pornography conviction in the UK.

Living 'quietly'

He served two months of a four-month sentence in this country in 1999, after admitting 54 charges of possessing child pornography downloaded from the internet.

On his release from prison in January 2000 he was put on the sex offenders' register in the UK under his real name, Paul Gadd.

A senior Cambodian women's ministry official told a news agency he was aware Glitter was back but he had committed no crime.

He said the ministry would take action against him if they received orders from the government.

The authorities have been said to be worried Glitter's presence there draws attention to Cambodia's reputation as a sex tourism destination for paedophiles.

The former singer's previous visits caused a furore among women's and children's rights activists who called for him to be expelled.

Minister Mu Sochua said Glitter had purchased a house in Ta Khmao, a well-off suburb on the outskirts of the capital Phnom Penh.

She said she did not know how Glitter had managed to get back into the country.

"He has bought property and local authorities have confirmed to us that he has said he wants to stay in Cambodia quietly," she said.


a message for gary.

i would like to thank you for providing me with an idol during my earlier years, i loved your music but i would now like to ask you why you decided to abuse under age children.

i hope you realize how much you have let your fans and yourself down by becoming the sick individual that you have chose to be.

are you proud of yourself.


Has he ever been convicted of sex offences?

Yes I know he had photos on his computer,

but are there any convictions for abusing children?

Has he ever been convicted of sex offences?

Yes I know he had photos on his computer,

but are there any convictions for abusing children?

Do a Google search Astral. Why was he jailed in the UK ?

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