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Trump, now president, vows to put 'America First' in nationalist speech


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I'm just relieved that we will see no more stupid Obama mistakes. No more pardons and no more releasing terrorists. I have to admit that I was not a big fan of Trump but I was firmly in the anti establishment and anyone but Hillary camp. I do like what the new president is saying and thought he showed a lot of class by honoring the Clintons. I doubt anyone will be disappointed with his policies because at least he has aims and plans. No more business as usual. Since he is a deal maker, he will get at least part of what he wants and that will certainly make the country healthier. If I were a democrat, I would never admit it and would at the least call myself an independent. I'm VERY ashamed of the left loonies across the country. One question I have is, when will the loonie Hollywood fantasy life celebrities start to move out of the country? Good riddance but I think they are liars.

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


Other than a captured EU which trades in the same currency, why do you think Germany is able to maintain a positive balance of trade year after year after year? They are a major manufacturing center and net exporter.




You should read up about trade balance / deficit and its relationship to the economy. Trading in the same currency is a big deal too. One of the main problems with trade deficit is global currency manipulation. America also imports more than they export, I don't think that will ever change unless people get in the habit of saving more money.


This is a quote from a site -

" There's no correlation between a country's trade deficit and a weak economy. America has had a trade deficit every year except one since 1981. Australia has had a trade deficit for decades and its economy hasn't faced a recession for 25 years. Yet Japan has a trade surplus and its economy is stagnant. "


Imposing tariffs won't help trade deficit. Its a more complicated issue than that.



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1 minute ago, rudy h said:

Please get out

This is an expat forum. Many people posting here do not live in their home nations, including Americans. People expatriate (short or long term) for a vast range of personal reasons, and probably not usually related to current politics in their home nations. Being an expat doesn't indicate loyalty or disloyalty to your nation. Being anti-trumpist doesn't indicate that either way either. 

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8 hours ago, jayboy said:

Mathew Paris captures the feelings of many.


"The Americans have elected a turkey as their president. He looks like a turkey, walks like a turkey, gobbles like a turkey — he is a turkey. There is nothing in Donald Trump’s record, in the appointments he has made or in his disgusting inaugural speech yesterday that prompts second thoughts. The new president is no evil genius, he’s just tiresome, rude and silly: one of those vexatious, loud and unpleasant people we do best to avoid."


Boring! It is totally expected that Trump haters gotta hate. There is nothing he could say that they would accept.. now they're coming out with another long thread of hate commentary. Boring!

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13 minutes ago, mike324 said:

You should read up about trade balance / deficit and its relationship to the economy. Trading in the same currency is a big deal too. One of the main problems with trade deficit is global currency manipulation. America also imports more than they export, I don't think that will ever change unless people get in the habit of saving more money.


This is a quote from a site -

" There's no correlation between a country's trade deficit and a weak economy. America has had a trade deficit every year except one since 1981. Australia has had a trade deficit for decades and its economy hasn't faced a recession for 25 years. Yet Japan has a trade surplus and its economy is stagnant. "


Imposing tariffs won't help trade deficit. Its a more complicated issue than that.


It isn't simple arithmetic, because wealth can be created - not only transferred.  But the only reason the US trade-deficit has not crushed the economy, is that the USA's currency - the "petro-dollar" - has been the only currency with which a nation could purchase oil, and is a "world reserve currency," so that each devaluation-by-printing is offset by its being held in vast quantities by non-US-citizens / entities.   With its trade-deficit and massive govt-debt, the only reason the USA is not in a financial-situation similar to Greece is its special currency situation.


The USA has all the natural resources it needs to be self-sufficient, and to the extent it sends it's raw materials offshore, and then imports finished goods made from those raw-materials, it becomes a poorer nation.  It is foolish and pointless from a national perspective, and only occurs to enrich the few who profit from using cheaper overseas-labor.  In the long-run, this process leads to the country running out of reserves / credit, and becoming bankrupt. 


The only way a nation could continue this in any sector, is if they sold other value-added goods and services which offset the losses in other sectors.  The USA is not doing this, as evidenced by the overall trade-deficit.  Therefore, it is national suicide, and should be stopped.

Edited by JackThompson
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9 minutes ago, rudy h said:

Well if your not here don't come and if your here get out.

Who are you exactly to spout such obnoxious directives? This is the thing with trumpists. trump's bullying incivility gives encouragement to his throngs of supporters. Dissenters are demonized as un-American. That was implicit in his disgusting, fascistic speech.  It's a SICKNESS. We've seen it before many times in history and Americans thought they were better than that. The election of trump tragically proves that wrong. Of course, it's not entirely new. We had the Know Nothing movement, the America First fascist lovers like Lindbergh, and Joseph McCarthy. It's not really a coincidence that trump's early mentor was Roy Cohn, the VILLAINOUS close associate to Senator Joseph McCarthy. But McCarthy never came even close to being president. Now we've really done it and only moral reaction to his immoral trumpist movement is RESISTANCE. Even in Russia people are resisting and often dying because of that. Americans should work hard to not let it get that bad. 

Edited by Jingthing
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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

This is an expat forum. Many people posting here do not live in their home nations, including Americans. People expatriate (short or long term) for a vast range of personal reasons, and probably not usually related to current politics in their home nations. Being an expat doesn't indicate loyalty or disloyalty to your nation. Being anti-trumpist doesn't indicate that either way either. 


One of the most important reasons that I am an expat is that working in Kalifornia for a LONG five years, made me totally sick of the liberals and the politically correct people of that loonie state. 

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7 hours ago, alex8912 said:

I capture the feeling of many as well. Some are just less hysterical than others and can wait and see.

talk is cheap....the money spinner for big industries is to produce cheaper...and the only potential to do is to reduce workers costs...best business model: let poor chinese/ bangladesh kids make work for u at a 50 cent a day rate....results: stocks raising..banks happy..talk big want do anythink to help us workers unless big bux is coming back to produce home again....and who from trumps mates wanna loose cash ??? as the only intetest they have is their own maximum profit best on the expense of others, not the wealth of the country nor the wellbeeing of its workers...thats why all this wto free trade bs..to help big bux to do what they want without regulations...results some little wealth in asia big poverty and crime in us and lots of money on big bux  bank accounts located in tax heavens....the other issue to fight islamic terror...another trump joke as it was the us government hand in hand with the cia who was the founding fathers of terror camps in afghanistan back in the eightys ... and they keep the money flow up till today ....its one of their main foreign agendas to keep chaos in the world alive to direct refugees into europe to keep europe down filled with problems....the jugo war was another us project...goal to keep their war industrie going one of the main us export products for the world to experience...first create chaos second come to assist third funnel public money into the privat Accounts of its policy makers as they run the war industries....trump is part of the problem not the solution...bernie sanders would have been a real alternative but they did not let him come up otherwise he might have faced the same fate as kennedy, a bullet in the face is the usa best argument for those who does not agree with their chewing gum democracy...but hope is still alive that trump an egomane will make a difference...but this will mean he has to offense the people who back him up...to go against of the us policys of the last thirty years right back to the moment when they dropped the gold standard for the dollar...

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Who are you exactly to spout such obnoxious directives? This is the thing with trumpists. trump's bullying incivility gives encouragement to his throngs of supporters. Dissenters are demonized as un-American. That was implicit in his disgusting, fascistic speech.  It's a SICKNESS. We've seen it before many times in history and Americans thought they were better than that. The election of trump tragically proves that wrong. Of course, it's not entirely new. We had the Know Nothing movement, the America First fascist lovers like Lindbergh, and Joseph McCarthy. It's not really a coincidence that trump's early mentor was Roy Cohn, the VILLAINOUS close associate to Senator Joseph McCarthy. But McCarthy never came even close to being president. Now we've really done it. 


Liberals with their "PC" bully-clubs bashing everyone and then crying about "poor dissenters."  Classic.  Let me know when a liberal-activist gets shut-down from giving a speech on a college campus.

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17 minutes ago, Gary A said:

If I were a democrat, I would never admit it and would at the least call myself an independent. I'm VERY ashamed of the left loonies across the country.


   Mass hysteria seems to have broken out from Clintons supporters .

Normally rational and intelligent people seem to have lost all sense of ration and are now just blabbering incoherently and just not making sense .

   Their senteces make sense , but they just dont fit into the reality of the situation .

An election has been held , as they do every four years and their is a new POTUS , anyone would think that the Russians have invaded the USA and Putin was now POTUS , going by some peoples response


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3 minutes ago, falang khinok said:

talk is cheap....the money spinner for big industries is to produce cheaper...and the only potential to do is to reduce workers costs...best business model: let poor chinese/ bangladesh kids make work for u at a 50 cent a day rate....results: stocks raising..banks happy..talk big want do anythink to help us workers unless big bux is coming back to produce home again....and who from trumps mates wanna loose cash ??? as the only intetest they have is their own maximum profit best on the expense of others, not the wealth of the country nor the wellbeeing of its workers...thats why all this wto free trade bs..to help big bux to do what they want without regulations...results some little wealth in asia big poverty and crime in us and lots of money on big bux  bank accounts located in tax heavens....the other issue to fight islamic terror...another trump joke as it was the us government hand in hand with the cia who was the founding fathers of terror camps in afghanistan back in the eightys ... and they keep the money flow up till today ....its one of their main foreign agendas to keep chaos in the world alive to direct refugees into europe to keep europe down filled with problems....the jugo war was another us project...goal to keep their war industrie going one of the main us export products for the world to experience...first create chaos second come to assist third funnel public money into the privat Accounts of its policy makers as they run the war industries....trump is part of the problem not the solution...bernie sanders would have been a real alternative but they did not let him come up otherwise he might have faced the same fate as kennedy, a bullet in the face is the usa best argument for those who does not agree with their chewing gum democracy...but hope is still alive that trump an egomane will make a difference...but this will mean he has to offense the people who back him up...to go against of the us policys of the last thirty years right back to the moment when they dropped the gold standard for the dollar...


If Bernie was for real, he would have backed Jill Stein after his primary loss (arguably, stolen) - not Hillary the neo-con warmongering free-trader.  His willingness to "work with the Dems" all these years makes me suspicious.  I did like the honesty of Dennis Kuchinich, who was gerrymandered out of his house-seat for NOT "cooperating" with the Chuck Shumer / Pelosi "sellout the American worker" types in his party.


What Trump's cabinet picks will do - whether those he appoints switch allegiance from "their shareholders" to the "American citizenry" - given their new positions - is an open question.  But Trump's anti-traitor-trade position is consistent since the 1980s. 


Whether Trump can cut-off the longstanding funding to radical-Islam terror groups, and end the attempts to continue trying to "coup / color-revolution" Russia into yet another vassal-state of the globalists, also remains to be seen.  Elements of the CIA have already launched two public broadside attacks on him, and their "former agents" (is there such a thing?) have bashed him in the media for months.

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   Mass hysteria seems to have broken out from Clintons supporters .

Normally rational and intelligent people seem to have lost all sense of ration and are now just blabbering incoherently and just not making sense .

   Their senteces make sense , but they just dont fit into the reality of the situation .

An election has been held , as they do every four years and their is a new POTUS , anyone would think that the Russians have invaded the USA and Putin was now POTUS , going by some peoples response


I agree. That's a terrible way to talk about the Siberian candidate.k

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9 hours ago, colinneil said:

I got plenty of tissues for all you Trump haters to wipe away your tears   :cheesy:

Bye bye Barrack, welcome President Trump.


If it was that simple then you could be right. But it ain't. Your post ignores many issues: Psycho-social amongst others. Anyone with any wider understanding of humanity and the world at large would be understandably concerned at the turn of events that has led this unfit and unqualified person to the Presidency. Sadly people put ideology before common sense, bigotry before human needs (and so on): that applies equally to Isis as it does to right wingers in so called 'civilised' countries.

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"When people's political beliefs are challenged, their brains become active in areas that govern personal identity and emotional responses to threats, neuroscientists have found.


"Political beliefs are like religious beliefs in the respect that both are part of who you are and important for the social circle to which you belong," said lead author Jonas Kaplan, an assistant research professor of psychology at the Brain and Creativity Institute at USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. "To consider an alternative view, you would have to consider an alternative version of yourself."


For the full study, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/12/161223115757.htm


If a Trump, a Bush, a Clinton can get to the top, the system works for all the elite: the Democratic elite and those who believe that they will save the masses and the Republicans who believe that they have the solution to save the masses. Are the elite not playing both groups against one another?


"The politics of other billion-dollar families aren’t as well known. Of the 50 richest families, 28 mainly donate to Republicans and only seven contribute mainly to Democrats. Not all families stay on the same side of the political spectrum — 15 support candidates from both parties. " (http://www.forbes.com/sites/katiasavchuk/2014/07/09/are-americas-richest-families-republicans-or-democrats/#2cbe3d00717e)


Who takes the scraps? Who takes it in the chin? Who takes it all? Or nearly all? 




Divide and conquer at its finest!


Keep fighting ... each other! In the MEANtime, in Davos,...


Edited by EnlightenedAtheist
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1 minute ago, ianf said:

If it was that simple then you could be right. But it ain't. Your post ignores many issues: Psycho-social amongst others. Anyone with any wider understanding of humanity and the world at large would be understandably concerned at the turn of events that has led this unfit and unqualified person to the Presidency. Sadly people put ideology before common sense, bigotry before human needs (and so on): that applies equally to Isis as it does to right wingers in so called 'civilised' countries.

Fortunately or unfortunately Guys, Pr. Trump is what you've got.

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17 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Who are you exactly to spout such obnoxious directives? This is the thing with trumpists. trump's bullying incivility gives encouragement to his throngs of supporters. Dissenters are demonized as un-American. That was implicit in his disgusting, fascistic speech.  It's a SICKNESS. We've seen it before many times in history and Americans thought they were better than that. The election of trump tragically proves that wrong. Of course, it's not entirely new. We had the Know Nothing movement, the America First fascist lovers like Lindbergh, and Joseph McCarthy. It's not really a coincidence that trump's early mentor was Roy Cohn, the VILLAINOUS close associate to Senator Joseph McCarthy. But McCarthy never came even close to being president. Now we've really done it and only moral reaction to his immoral trumpist movement is RESISTANCE. Even in Russia people are resisting and often dying because of that. Americans should work hard to not let it get that bad. 


The sickness is the people who are blind and cannot see that the country is in horrible condition. Check the definition of insanity that says doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results IS insane.

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8 hours ago, jayboy said:

Mathew Paris captures the feelings of many.


"The Americans have elected a turkey as their president. He looks like a turkey, walks like a turkey, gobbles like a turkey — he is a turkey. There is nothing in Donald Trump’s record, in the appointments he has made or in his disgusting inaugural speech yesterday that prompts second thoughts. The new president is no evil genius, he’s just tiresome, rude and silly: one of those vexatious, loud and unpleasant people we do best to avoid."

....most certainly he does not taste like a turkey.... :cheesy:

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9 minutes ago, JackThompson said:




What Trump's cabinet picks will do - whether those he appoints switch allegiance from "their shareholders" to the "American citizenry" - given their new positions - is an open question.  But Trump's anti-traitor-trade position is consistent since the 1980s. 


Are you familiar with the saying, "Put your money where your mouth is."?  For 2017 Trump's place, Mar y Lago is importing foreign workers. Trump claims he can't find local workers. The local employment agency says otherwise. Given the lousy wages he's offering, for once Trump may well be telling the truth.


I've yet to see a Trump supporter justify this.  

Edited by ilostmypassword
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3 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

Fortunately or unfortunately Guys, Pr. Trump is what you've got.

Definitely unfortunately which is why a historically strong resistance is already well under way. The USA hasn't been this divided since the civil war. 

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1 minute ago, Gary A said:


The sickness is the people who are blind and cannot see that the country is in horrible condition. Check the definition of insanity that says doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results IS insane.

Horrible condition or not, Jingthing is quite erudite and should be listened to.

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1 minute ago, TKDfella said:

It was you who wrote of 'civil war' not me and I just asked a question.

I didn't say it was a civil war. I said the USA has not been this divided since the actual civil war. You know, the 1860's? Please be more careful before posting such personalized rubbish. It adds nothing of value. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

I didn't say it was a civil war. I said the USA has not been this divided since the actual civil war. You know, the 1860's? Please be more careful before posting such personalized rubbish. It adds nothing of value. 

But implied it with  'Definitely unfortunately which is why a historically strong resistance is already well under way. The USA hasn't been this divided since the civil war. 

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