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"Don't Burn for 60 Days" Campaign Document in Thai?


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31 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

I hope somebody responds to your request and I also hope that you don't plan on pointing out its contents to errant neighbours or nearby locals, it wont end will if you do.

Agree.  Just let them do as they want.... even the monks at the temple next door to me are burning stuff every day. 

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I don't think a official document written in Thai would stop anyone burning fields. Years ago the last king would talk on TV in great detail about the disadvantages of burning fields. I have found it a comfort that no one listen'd to him, so why would my wife listen to anything I say.

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1 hour ago, chiang mai said:

... I also hope that you don't plan on pointing out its contents to errant neighbours or nearby locals ...

Don't worry, my plan is more subtle :giggle:.
I count on the greed of some people in the village who are wellknown to do almost everything for 5'000 THB ... Simply let them know by a "direct mailshot" :ph34r: about the opportunity to make an easy supplementary income ...

Edited by rebo
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34 minutes ago, rebo said:

Don't worry, my plan is more subtle :giggle:.
I count on the greed of some people in the village who are wellknown to do almost everything for 5'000 THB ... Simply let them know by a "direct mailshot" :ph34r: about the opportunity to make an easy supplementary income ...


Make sure you have some one else do the mailings, preferably in a distant Province - you will get found out, trust me.

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Memory says that 12 months ago-ish, CM Uni published a study on the burning, stating, words to effect of 

That it was burning of 'Cane' waste, that was causing the problem.

In Thailand, it was not the traditional burning of 'Rice' waste which was comparatively small, compared with the massive amount of waste from 'Cane'.

They mentioned that our smog was a relatively 'New' event of say the last 15 years.



Head stuck over parapet and awaiting incoming.

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well burning here has been around  since the stone age   rules are made by goverment

and not Always carried out   , but this is in most countries  .

my neighbours burn as well but we put up with it . it is part of there culture   . nothing to do with teaching them

maybe some farangs need teaching to to just walk away  if you dont like it leave .go to Norway there it is all electric no fires as i am told


when we celebrate new year   65 million euro fire works went in the air and the polution was like china so some small neighbour fire is just a bit of a setback

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The illegal burning of forests is most often done to insure a good crop of wild mushrooms when the rains come. The guys doing the burning are often paid to do it at night to avoid getting caught. Some locals desperately need the income from mushrooms. It may not be such a bad idea anyway. Without annual burning trash buildup could cause real damage to homes , livestock and the trees themselves. The burning of rice paddocks  and garbage are another matter. They can rarely fine the property owner as it is the hired ones who start most of the fires.

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For what its worth, the smoke here where we are is no where near as bad as CM, however a guy down the road burns those trees in a 44 gallon drum which really irritates my throat, sinuses and makes me agro as I have trouble breathing, suffice to say I purchased an air purifier which has helped me breath once again.


The other day I started opening doors and windows because I couldn't see any smoke signals over the rood tops, could even go outside without the N95 mask by M3, and I said to the wife, what's with the guy down the road, has he gone away, and her reply was, I went to the mayor and he said he had just spoke to him that morning having had complaints from others over the past week, so he was ahead of her, and it should stop now or else, that and the Mayor said his grandchild of 1 years of age was suffering from asthma, go figure....

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