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Green light for hundreds of housing units in East Jerusalem settlements


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Green light for hundreds of housing units in East Jerusalem settlements

Seamus Kearney




JERUSALEM: -- The green light has been given for the construction of more than 560 housing units in three East Jerusalem settlements.


The approval for permits from the Jerusalem municipality comes just two days after the inauguration of President Trump.


Officials say the permits had been suspended until the departure of Barack Obama, who had been critical of settlement building.

Palestinians have reacted angrily.


Hanan Ashrawi, an executive committee member of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, told reporters: “By targeting specifically Jerusalem, they are making use of the statements during the Trump election campaign about recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and therefor legalising Israel’s illegal annexation of Jerusalem in order to expand its settlement activities in Jerusalem.”


Meanwhile, also under the spotlight is a bill being put forward by two pro-settlement MPs calling for the unilateral annexation of a large settlement in the West Bank, not far from Jerusalem, known as Ma’ale Adumim.


Israeli media reports say Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is pushing to delay progress of the bill.


This reportedly after President Trump’s advisors asked Israel not to surprise the US with any unilateral move before the two leaders have a chance to meet.


Netanyahu is expected to have a phone conversation with Trump on Sunday.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2017-01-23
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Always the same story , every occasion is good enough to get what they want , bending the facts and the truth to find cheap excuses for their acts , complete disregard and disrespect to what others think about their politics , they just do whatever they like , when the facts are there , it is always just a matter of finding excuses to justify their acts , looks like this will never change .

I am not on the side of palestinian terrorists who kill innocent people , I like peace and the idea of people working together to achieve this , but I can understand that the israelian policy creates extremists and make people around the world dislike jewish people . They do not care , mai pen rai , I do not buy anything produced in Israel any more , that's all I can do .



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2 hours ago, Credo said:

Well, this is interesting.   I was afraid that the ME might slide off the front page and that we might not hear contentious news out of Israel/Palestine.   



Have no fear dexterm will soon be here, his analysis is usually good.

Edited by uptheos
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2 hours ago, pumpuy said:

Always the same story , every occasion is good enough to get what they want , bending the facts and the truth to find cheap excuses for their acts , complete disregard and disrespect to what others think about their politics , they just do whatever they like , when the facts are there , it is always just a matter of finding excuses to justify their acts , looks like this will never change .

I am not on the side of palestinian terrorists who kill innocent people , I like peace and the idea of people working together to achieve this , but I can understand that the israelian policy creates extremists and make people around the world dislike jewish people . They do not care , mai pen rai , I do not buy anything produced in Israel any more , that's all I can do .




You probably buy more technology and electronics than you realise. OK boycott the Oranges.

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2 minutes ago, uptheos said:


You probably buy more technology and electronics than you realise. OK boycott the Oranges.


Sadly  you are correct - that is why the BDS movement is so important, to allow people to become better informed about where their money flows after they spend it.

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Very likely there will begin rocket attacks against Israel and a wave of attacks within Israel in retaliation as the only outlet for Palestine people's political frustration. That would not be  a great beginning for renewed negotiations for Trump. But you get what you reap.

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14 hours ago, redwinecheese said:

No wonder the world is on fire

Generally speaking, the world is not on fire, nor is the sky falling. And of course, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict does not, in fact, relate to most conflicts, strife and other troubles plaguing the planet.

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13 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

Watching one country, brazen and ruthless, slowly eating up another - it's like watching cancer spread, and it's infecting the whole world. Why doesn't the world rise up and stop this?

Disregarding your vile rhetoric, the "world" does not always interfere much with such things - China, Morocco , Russia - if you really needed examples. The usual focus on Israel is nothing new, and does not grow any bit more honest with each time it's applied.

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11 hours ago, pumpuy said:

Always the same story , every occasion is good enough to get what they want , bending the facts and the truth to find cheap excuses for their acts , complete disregard and disrespect to what others think about their politics , they just do whatever they like , when the facts are there , it is always just a matter of finding excuses to justify their acts , looks like this will never change .

I am not on the side of palestinian terrorists who kill innocent people , I like peace and the idea of people working together to achieve this , but I can understand that the israelian policy creates extremists and make people around the world dislike jewish people . They do not care , mai pen rai , I do not buy anything produced in Israel any more , that's all I can do .



The first part of the post above is nothing but a host of negative generalizations, which got little direct connection to the OP. They are there to set "facts".


While I share the view that the Israeli govrenment's policies are wrong and are bound to increase tensions, they are by no means the sole cause which "creates extremists" - these were present long before the first Israeli illegal settlement in the West Bank.


As for the "I do not buy anything produced in Israel" - my educated guess is that you do, one way or another, but not necessary  aware of it.

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9 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Sadly  you are correct - that is why the BDS movement is so important, to allow people to become better informed about where their money flows after they spend it.


The BDS is a futile effort, and worse than that - it contributes nothing to conflict resolution, even the opposite. The actual effects are minimal and will continue to be so. Worth pointing out again, that in all likelihood, most members advocating this aren't in effect, fully aware of neither of what they are buying and what the BDS stands for. To put the latter in perspective, even some of the personas often quoted as authoritative Israeli bashers are skeptical when it comes to BDS - and for good reasons.

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4 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Very likely there will begin rocket attacks against Israel and a wave of attacks within Israel in retaliation as the only outlet for Palestine people's political frustration. That would not be  a great beginning for renewed negotiations for Trump. But you get what you reap.

I doubt that the announcement itself will result in mass rocket fires or anything of the sort. This is not exactly a new issue or a new case, and it carries less political weight compared to a few others items on the line - proposed legislation regarding settlements built on privately owned Palestinian lands, proposed legislation aimed at annexing further settlements and lands in the vicinity of Jerusalem, and the proposed move of the US embassy to Jerusalem.


Asserting that the violence is the only outlet available for Palestinian to vent their frustrations is essentially lowering the bar with regard to one of the sides. There are various reasons which could be mentioned as to why violence is the response of choice, but that's not quite the same thing as saying that there are no other options. It's simply the road taken, for better or for worse.

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5 minutes ago, Morch said:


The BDS is a futile effort, and worse than that - it contributes nothing to conflict resolution, even the opposite. The actual effects are minimal and will continue to be so. Worth pointing out again, that in all likelihood, most members advocating this aren't in effect, fully aware of neither of what they are buying and what the BDS stands for. To put the latter in perspective, even some of the personas often quoted as authoritative Israeli bashers are skeptical when it comes to BDS - and for good reasons.


I would be genuinely interested to hear your take on why you think it is counterproductive in terms of conflict resolution. If its effects are minimal, then what harm can it do at a regional level?


I know that there is some controversy around certain individuals associated within the movement, but any political movement attracts people of differing convictions. Support for the intent of the movement does not imply support for the views of those associated with it.


As business become more and more international in operations, where technology is developed in Country A, the raw materials mined in country B, the component manufactured in country C and the final product assembled in country Z, it is most likely impossible for any individual to apply a personal blanket ban on financially supporting any country of which they disapprove, but awareness of how their purchases flow around the world will allow said individual to make a personal choice at a micro level.

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51 minutes ago, Morch said:

Generally speaking, the world is not on fire, nor is the sky falling. And of course, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict does not, in fact, relate to most conflicts, strife and other troubles plaguing the planet.

Historically speaking, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the longest on going conflict since 20th century.

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5 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


I would be genuinely interested to hear your take on why you think it is counterproductive in terms of conflict resolution. If its effects are minimal, then what harm can it do at a regional level?


I know that there is some controversy around certain individuals associated within the movement, but any political movement attracts people of differing convictions. Support for the intent of the movement does not imply support for the views of those associated with it.


As business become more and more international in operations, where technology is developed in Country A, the raw materials mined in country B, the component manufactured in country C and the final product assembled in country Z, it is most likely impossible for any individual to apply a personal blanket ban on financially supporting any country of which they disapprove, but awareness of how their purchases flow around the world will allow said individual to make a personal choice at a micro level.

Not like we haven''t been over this, even pretty recently, so might as well drop the "genuinely". There could be many objections raised to the BDS and the ideas it represents. As this is not really the subject of this topic, I will mention a few - not a comprehensive list by any means.


The BDS is counterproductive in that it promotes antagonism and hatred in an over generalized way. It does not target specific instances which relate to the Israeli occupation or to the Israeli government's policies - but claims to apply to anything and everything to do with Israel. In doing so, it effects (and some would say to a greater degree) the political and social forces more identified as supportive of peace efforts. The BDS focusing solely on Israel, tends to make the rhetoric attached hyperbolic, and contributes to lack of balance or perspective with regard to the conflict. This is not very different from the way Israel is treated by the UN, and it does not do much for the credibility of either.


The BDS's actual economic effects are minimal, but the image it projects is used both by those opposing Israel and by Israel's government, in ways which create more extremist views on both ends. One promotes the view of Israel as evil, a reincarnation of the South African Apartheid regime, while the other enhances a view which can be described as rejectionist, xenophobic and paranoid. Neither is very constructive with regard to the prospects of conflict resolution.


The general comment with regard to political movements being an assortment of views is not something often afforded, on this forum, with regard to Israelis or Palestinians. Obviously, it is not a position which the BDS itself holds with regard to Israel.


The last bit is, again, not something most people actually practice - or rather, cannot practice without applying considerable effort. If that what rocks someone's boat - that's fine. The illusion that it does have an effect, or that the effort is "successful" is, IMO, more of a feelgood thing, even "we the righteous" with some types. I think that there are more constructive ways of contributing to either conflict resolution or somewhat alleviating the plight of the Palestinians.

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26 minutes ago, redwinecheese said:

Historically speaking, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the longest on going conflict since 20th century.


And, even if correct, how would that have any bearing on the assertion aired in your previous post - "No wonder the world is on fire"?

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7 minutes ago, uptheos said:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday hailed US President Donald Trump for ushering in a “change of approach” in the White House after eight years of “enormous pressure” from former president Barack Obama.


What "enormous pressure" did the Obama administration apply? Are there less illegal setters in the West Bank compared to 2008? Did Israel hand back anything?

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4 minutes ago, Morch said:

Not like we haven''t been over this, even pretty recently, so might as well drop the "genuinely".

I have only come across arguments relating to the individuals behind the movement, not in any detail to actual intent itself. I do not dispute that explanatory posts may exist but I do not recall ever seeing them. As for my use of the word 'genuinely', it was a possibly clumsy attempt to make my question seem less partisan - there is more than enough bile spewed across these threads daily from all sides and there seem to be very few people who hold a firm position and can also converse civilly on the topic with those of an opposing mind.


As a someone who unintentionally stumbled into atheism, I have no particular issue with either Muslims or Jews - hence I prefer to focus more on the message rather than the messenger. As such, I will consider the points you make regarding BDS.


I do agree with your final point though - middle class posturing is possibly a big factor in BDS's 'success' as a brand but, validity of the cause or otherwise, when years and years of supposed experts' attempts at resolutions lead to nothing, what can we little people do except make token efforts?

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13 hours ago, pumpuy said:

I do not buy anything produced in Israel any more

So you want to boycott Israel?

So your organization has decided to boycott all products and services from Israel. Here is a list of activities that you now need to perform in order to comply with this boycott.



Part One – Technology and Food


First, remove all Intel Pentium and Celeron computer processor chips from personal computers (desktops, laptops and notebooks) as these were either developed or manufactured in Israel.


Note that the revolutionary new Ivy Bridge processor will be manufactured in Israel. Any computers running the Windows XT operating system must be turned off immediately as this was developed in Israel. All current Microsoft operating systems are not to be used as Microsoft is heavily reliant on its Israel R&D centre.


Step 2. Any computers that still work need to have their anti-virus software and personal firewalls removed as this technology originated in Israel. The organisation’s firewall will also need to be switched off. Staff should no longer open external emails as most of these will be infected with viruses. No outgoing emails can be sent. The algorithm (code) that’s used today for sending e-mails, was made by an Israeli who worked at the Ben-Gurion University in Be’er-Sheva in 1980.


Step 3. Discard all mobile phones, as this technology was developed in Israel, where the first mobile phones were manufactured. Mobile chip technology from a single Israeli company has now been installed in over 100 million devices. Only top-level staff may retain mobile phones for emergency situations. However the use of SMS (Texting) is expressly forbidden as this facility was developed in Israel. No 4G devices can be used, as the chipset is Israeli.


Step 4. Turn off your voice-mail service and delete any recorded messages. Israeli companies invented the voice-mail system. If someone you do not know answers your phone-call, then hang up. Israeli call-centres and call-centre technology is in widespread operation in the UK.


Step 5. Before accepting any printed material, check that the supplier has not used the Israeli device that might have saved up to 50% of the ink used.


Step 6. At home, do not use Facebook as many in-built and add-on applications are Israeli-developed. Do not watch videos on the Internet as the platform used to upload them may be from AOL and hence from an Israeli company. Do not use the Internet to search for answers to your questions as this may involve use of an Israeli-developed search engine. Better to remain unenlightened.


Step 7. On your TV or home entertainment centre, do not use Video On Demand (VOD) to watch movies as you may inadvertently see an advert displayed using Israeli software. Do not purchase any games devices as these are likely to use Israeli technology.


Step 8. Do not read books using an e-book as this may contain Israeli technology. Do not use data storage as it may have been developed at Israel’s storage technology R&D center.


Step 9. Do not buy an electric car as it is likely to be powered with an Israeli battery or use Israeli developed charging mats. Continue to sit in traffic knowing that you are polluting the environment and financing oil-rich despotic regimes.



Turning to food and drink, all food outlets on the organisation’s premises must dispose of cherry tomatoes, which were developed in Israel. Staff must ensure that no cherry tomatoes are included in sandwiches brought into office premises. The ban also applies to honey and any products derived from honey. Israel has developed solutions to the worldwide problem of bee-colony collapse, so that any products derived from bees might only be available now due to an Israeli invention.


Avoid drinking any of the world-recognized award-winning Israeli wines. Do not consume homemade drinks from Israeli-manufactured household drinks machines.


Avoid any fruit from South Africa or Peru as produce from these countries is being marketed with Israeli brand names.


No agricultural products from the following areas must be consumed as they use water irrigation and agricultural technology provided directly from Israel. This includes most of Africa, China, India, Indonesia (a Muslim country), Nepal and many others.


Much fruit and vegetables (including organic) imported into the UK has been enhanced using Israeli technology. This may save millions of people from starving around the world, but is not a good reason for you to eat it. To be safe, only eat fruit and vegetables that you have grown yourself using seeds that have been in your family for generations.


Part Two – Staff Health.


Destroy all personal medication. Israel’s Teva Pharmaceuticals, the largest generic drugs company in the world, will have manufactured many of your medicines.  Staff with the following illnesses will need to take specific precautions.


Cancer – do not take any form of medication or treatment. Israeli scientists have been working at the forefront of oncology for decades.


AIDS and HIV – beware; researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute or Hebrew University developed or improved AZT and Hypericin-based drugs; they have also developed a treatment that destroys HIV-infected cells without damaging healthy ones.


Diabetes – do not measure or inject Insulin using the devices developed by Israeli scientists.


Multiple Sclerosis – stop taking Copaxone, one of the most efficient medicines and the only non-interferon agent, as Teva developed it.  Don’t touch Laquinimod either.


Parkinson’s – remove the Israel-pioneered brain pacemaker to stop tremors. Discontinue Levodopa, which reduces motor disturbances. Cease sessions that involve magnetic cortex stimulation.


Staff with a family history of heart disease and arteriosclerosis must not use the Israeli device for early detection of these.  Rather, wait until onset of the disease.


Epileptics – stop treatment that may have benefited from the Israeli discovery of the underlying mutant gene; also throw away the bracelet that sends out an alert when a person goes into seizure.


Staff or relatives with Age-related Macular Degeneration – remove Israeli implants that arrest the disease.


Liver disease – abandon Israeli-developed antibody immunotherapy treatments.


Emphysema – steer clear of the Israeli protein replacement therapy.


Myeloma – stop taking the drug Velcade, which was developed over a period of 30 years by scientists at Haifa.


Sleep apnea – no tests using the breakthrough Israeli device for diagnosis.


Dyslexics must not benefit from the Israeli Internet-based reading system.


Skin allergies must be treated with steroid creams only, as the new safer non-steroid alternative is Israeli.


Any incident of stroke or head trauma or onset of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, epilepsy, glaucoma or brain tumor must avoid using any of the Weizmann Institute’s patented methods of treatment.


Before any surgery or medical tests, check that hospital catheters have not been protected from infection using the new plastic from Israel that disables microorganisms. Avoid throat surgery as this may utilize Israeli surgical lasers.


Ensure any colonoscopy or gastro investigation does not use internal Israeli cameras such as the Pillcam.  Never undergo surgery to install an artificial heart, as the first artificial heart transplant took place in Israel.


Kidney transplant patients must wait for donors of the same blood group as only Israel’s revolutionary new methods allow donors from other blood groups.  Staff of Arab origin must not make use of the only database for matching potential Arab donors of bone-marrow – in Israel.


In the event of a spinal injury or disease, do not accept spinal implants – likely to be an Israeli product or development. Heart rhythm problems must not be solved with the Israeli-developed heart pulse generator. All heart stents are off-limits as most of these originate from Israeli medical companies.


Check all vaccines as many of these have been developed in Israel.  Ensure that all X-rays do carry a radiation risk, as the only radiation-free system is Israeli.  Treatments derived from Stem Cell research must be avoided as most of these are Israeli-developed.


If you or your family are struck with a bacterial infection, do not take alternatives to older, ineffective bacteria-resistant antibiotics, as an Israeli discovery will have been responsible for the modern, effective drugs. Check that any pain relief medication is not based on soya as an Israeli doctor discovered the beneficial effect of the soya bean.


Do not use the revolutionary new Israeli bandage that saved the life of Arizona senator Gabriella Giffords after she was shot in the head.  If you break a bone badly, reject any treatment that involves introducing collagen, as this may have been manufactured from Israeli plants.


Do not protect babies and infants from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome with the Babysense system from Israel.


Do not use Epilady (or epilator) – two Israelis invented this hair removal device.


Finally, reject all major dental treatment, as your teeth may need to be scanned with an Israeli-developed dental scanner.



Part Three – Dealing with People.


When interviewing prospective new staff or holding meetings with members of the public or with individuals from other companies, it is vital that you check whether they originate from, or are associated with the following countries and areas. You must ensure that you do not have any contact with people who have benefited from Israel’s aid to those countries. The organization must avoid any possible acknowledgment of Israel’s contribution to world relief.   In addition, you must obtain a formal statement from the government of these countries that Israeli aid was not responsible for the production or development of any goods and services supplied to the organization.


These locations include:


Japan (As well as rescue teams, Israel supplied Geiger counters and Israeli thermal imaging cameras are monitoring the reactor cores – Mar 2011)


Ghana (has been receiving technological aid from Israel since 2006; Israel is now providing neonatal units to save many of the 4,800 babies that die each year – Mar 2011)


New Zealand (Israel sent several rescue teams, temporary shelters and water purification systems following the Christchurch earthquake in Feb 2011)


Chile, whose rescued miners were treated to a tour of Israel as part of their “Pilgrimage of Thanks” (Feb 2011)


Vietnam, whose milk industry is being totally transformed using high-yield Israeli cows (Feb 2011)


Uganda (Israeli solar-powered refrigerators were provided to store v1accines used to eliminate an outbreak of Polio from the country in Jan 2011)


Kenya (Israel’s Agency for International Development built a state-of-the-art Emergency Room in a hospital serving 6 million Kenyans in Jan 2011)


The Maldives (although non-Islamic worship is banned here, Israeli eye-doctors performed free operations for citizens in Dec 2010)


Philippines (signed major trade agreement with Israel in Nov 2010)


Romania (Israeli doctors treated babies following fire at a neonatal unit – Sep 2010)


Cameroon (Ophthalmologists from Haifa restored vision to patients and trained local medical teams in these procedures – Aug 2010)


The Congo (Israel were the first burn specialists on the scene following the oil tanker fire disaster in July 2010)


Angola (mines cleared by Israeli technology – July 2010)


Mississippi (bio-remediation technique used to clean up after oil spills was developed in Israel)


China (a major purchaser of Israeli technology, and recipient of medical aid and training)


South Africa (Israelis trained their doctors to perform circumcisions to prevent the spread of AIDS – July 2010)


Haiti (Israel set-up the largest field hospital to treat victims of the 2010 earthquake, the hurricane and the cholera outbreaks and provided vital assistance for over a year)


Sri Lanka (Israel conducted a massive airlift with food, 50 medical staff and rescue teams only 48 hours after the Tsunami in Dec 2004)


India (Israel sent an fully-equipped field hospital following Gujarat earthquake in Feb 2001)


El Salvador (Israel relief aid following earthquake in 2001)


Georgia (Israel contributed food and seeds for farmers following severe drought in 2001)


Turkey (Israel relief aid following earthquake in 2000)


Mozambique ((Israel  relief aid following floods in 2000)


Colombia (Israel sent medical aid and food following earthquake in 1999)


Venezuela (President Chavez has forgotten Israel’s aid following floods of 1999)


Central America (Israel sent emergency medical aid teams and equipment to help victims of Hurricane Mitch in 1998)


Pakistan (2005) and Peru (2007) both accepted aid from Israeli NGOs following earthquake disasters.


Peru’s hydro-electric power plants are also being built and run by an Israeli company.


Rawanda, Mexico, Chad, Sudan (Darfur) and Malawi all have received humanitarian aid from Israel, including medical assistance from Israel’s NGO IsraAID.


Always remember that the boycott extends to any individuals from the above regions that have been exposed to Israeli assistance during the 63 years existence of the current Jewish State.


Part Four – Other Impacts.


-Reject all products from the USA. Analysis conducted in a typical US stateshows that Israeli innovations were responsible for $2.4 billion in direct revenue to that state’s economy in 2009 and generated nearly 6,000 jobs.


-Do not tutor your children in advanced Mathematics techniques, which may have originated in Israel. Also, if these techniques are used in your children’s schools, withdraw your children immediately.


-Keen ornithologists should consider giving up their hobby as many rarespecies stop off or reside in Israel during their twice-yearly migration.

-Do not watch the new series of NCIS as one of the actresses is Israeli.


-Avoid going to any football matches featuring teams with Israeli players.


-Destroy all your recordings of Madonna, Bob Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel, Deep Purple, Bon Jovie, Justin Bieber, George Benson, Moby and many, many more artists who have ridiculed the illogical boycott and have proudly performed (or will shortly perform) concerts in Israel.


-Destroy any recordings of U2, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Bruce Springsteen, Beck, Rihanna Coldplay and any artist whose music has been recorded using the sound technology of the Grammy Award winning Israeli company Wave Audio. You also must get rid of any personal copies of Shrek,American Beauty and Star Wars. Do not trust anything recorded by Sony, JVC, Toshiba or Dell.



-Do not stay in hotels or visit shopping centers owned by Israeli companies (sorry, you will need to check which ones yourself).


-Do not have anything to do with the banks who are using Israeli software to prevent fraud.


-Do not use any credit or debit card as the Security monitoring system used by the credit card companies is likely to be Israeli.


-Do not buy an engagement ring containing a diamond as it is possible that this may have been cut in Israel.


-Do not travel by air, as your plane might get towed by the Israeli-built “Taxibot.”


-Do not use public transport inside Amsterdam, Moscow or Northern Chinain case you benefit from Israeli transportation devices.


-If you suffer a power or network failure, be grateful that at least you haven’t installed the Israeli system that prevents power outages.


-Finally, you need to leave all your taps running when you leave home and must never flush your toilet, because Israel provides water-saving technology to over half of the planet. It also is providing sewage treatment technology across the world, including to the UK. It should be obvious by now that all the measures specified in Parts 1 – 4 of this series of blogs will inevitably mean that your organization and your staff will be completely unable to function.  Let’s therefore hope that the decision by your organization to boycott Israeli products is flushed down the toilet of history.


I think, you need the whole world to boycott All these Israeli Products. If you can! Haha.

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And finally, something actually relating to the OP:


As detailed on previous topics, Netanyahu often finds himself in a bind due to political challenges and pressure by coalition partners, usually related to the right wing party Jewish Home, and it's leader, Bennett.


In this case, Bennett, who routinely pushes a more extreme agenda than Netanyahu's, brought up a new proposal which would have initiated legislation aimed at annexing a several major West Bank illegal settlements in the vicinity of Jerusalem. That is beyond even the current annexed East Jerusalem lines. Netanyahu is on the one hand, not unaware of the international backlash such a move will create, and on the other hand, cannot be presented as ideologically "weak" by a possible contender. Hence, a bargain of sorts - the motion was delayed, and the permits were approved. This is how these things are played out most times.


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22 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I have only come across arguments relating to the individuals behind the movement, not in any detail to actual intent itself. I do not dispute that explanatory posts may exist but I do not recall ever seeing them. As for my use of the word 'genuinely', it was a possibly clumsy attempt to make my question seem less partisan - there is more than enough bile spewed across these threads daily from all sides and there seem to be very few people who hold a firm position and can also converse civilly on the topic with those of an opposing mind.


As a someone who unintentionally stumbled into atheism, I have no particular issue with either Muslims or Jews - hence I prefer to focus more on the message rather than the messenger. As such, I will consider the points you make regarding BDS.


I do agree with your final point though - middle class posturing is possibly a big factor in BDS's 'success' as a brand but, validity of the cause or otherwise, when years and years of supposed experts' attempts at resolutions lead to nothing, what can we little people do except make token efforts?

We did have a similar conversation not too long ago, and I've made similar posts across quite a few topics. In general, I find that most posters participating in these "discussions" are not interested in facts, or even the various OP - but use whatever is available to launch their (often) extreme partisan views. Most times, off topic issues raised (such as the BDS, recounting of one-sided "historical" narratives, and truisms) do not contribute to the discussion but rather promote further antagonism.


The first thing people can do is educate themselves. This could prove a rather daunting task, considering that many of the available information is partisan or focuses on specific issues. Other than that, there are, worldwide many organizations, projects and other efforts aimed at creating a dialogue between the sides, bypassing the usual political channels. People identifying with the plight of the Palestinians can render direct help via various volunteer organizations which cover quite a lot of topics. My best advice on choosing information sources, dialogue and aid outreach projects would be to avoid those highlighting emotional and sensationalist elements.

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