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Bruce Springsteen says the 'new resistance' against Trump has begun


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On 1/23/2017 at 5:08 PM, WaywardWind said:

As a matter of fact, I have, many times. Drank a bunch of beers with him too.


I was heavily involved in the formation of Vietnam Veterans of America, and Bruce was one of our strongest supporters. There were many times when we were at the end of our rope trying to pay the bills, and Bruce stepped up to the plate. Without Bruce, VVA would have folded in the early days and 45 years of helping Vietnam vets fight the system would not have happened. He also gave millions to labor unions, food banks, etc., during the hard times that were the Reagan years.


He is extremely well spoken, and considers everything before he does so, unlike many here on TV, yourself apparently among them.



And "Donnie" won't even pay $1 USD in taxes to support the country "he lovessssssssssssssss so much." What a joke of a human being. 

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2 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Yea and to hear Sean Spicer and the other fact free crowd after a/b "5 minutes" say re: questions asked that are real and concerning facts "it's so demoralizing."  What a bunch of punk asses.... no offence to "punks" however. lol What a bunch of thin skinned BABIES. But they what else is new for "bully boys." The chief bully is a coward to the core. Stand up to him and he cries "foul" they're against me... it's rigged against me.... he's of Mexican heritage and against me. lol lol lol lol Now what's that word that starts with a C???????

I think the word you're looking for to characterize the new president is "snowflake".

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On 1/25/2017 at 5:44 AM, selftaopath said:

Under popular-vote LOOSER U.S. does look grim. But currently b/c of his predecessor unemployment is down to ???? 4%, stock market is high, corporate profits at an all time high, CEO's making salaries that are mind boggling etc. But wait and see. The only thing that doesn't look grim is how Trump's gang will increase their wealth - at the expense of others. He's a taker - not a giver. Hell he WON'T even pay his fair share of taxes.


Who was talking about taxes? I suppose the cooked books of Hillary and the rest of the wolves of wall street are 100 percent accurate and they pay their fair share?? Please! They are all crooks.

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On 24/01/2017 at 11:23 AM, ilostmypassword said:


A real musician can make a $100 guitar sound good. It's the wannabes who can't compete in musicianship who make claims like yours.

While that may be true it's not applicable here. Japanese made guitars are every bit as good as their American counterparts, better in some cases (and often just as expensive). 

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You are a real piece of work.
Bruce donated millions to the veterans' organizations, as well as similar amounts to labor unions, strike funds, food banks, etc. This started in the 1970s and continues to this day.
As I said, read the book and maybe, just maybe, your eyes will be opened. Read about the time that he cancelled the medical insurance that his father had put in place for Donald's nephew, who had cerebral palsy and astronomical medical expenses; read more about getting caught red-handed for tax evasion by New York authorities but wiggling out of by offering to testify against others under investigation, and on and on and on... just two examples from a lifetime of conning and cheating people.
Trump will do significant damage to the dignity of the office of the President that will take years to undo.
21 year old idealist? Not hardly. Late 60s, Vietnam infantry veteran, former street cop, former lawyer. Want to put your credentials up against mine?

You forgot to add, those dammed "tax returns "40 years of tradition. What the hell are you hiding Don.

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Who was talking about taxes? I suppose the cooked books of Hillary and the rest of the wolves of wall street are 100 percent accurate and they pay their fair share?? Please! They are all crooks.

Topic is not about Clinton.
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On January 23, 2017 at 10:50 AM, daveAustin said:

Millions of people voted the other way, remember Bruce, and (despite the Ruski hacking claims) he got in legitimately.



Even though 3 million more voted for his opponent than him. :laugh:




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