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Thai Immigration celebrate two more high profile successes


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Just make a mass guest house/homes raids area by area in Pattaya, Thai authorities can find 1000 international criminals in a week!


They will never do it, as long as tourism is OK. Only way to control is to scan the finger print/eye scanning of the people coming in and match with Interpol criminal list.


In a week they can make 200-300 arrests at airport. Will they ever do it ?

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3 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Surely immigration should be reprimanded, not recognised. They pat themselves on the back, all the while continually extending their tourist visas -- and how is that even possible and why not just overstay if you're wanted? 

When I have a genuine multi-entry O, I get immigration suspiciously rifling through my passport. Not a blot on my resume... shakes head. :blink: 

This whole thing is just weird all round. I think I'll go and lie down. 

Since neither you or I are privy to the date the arrest-enabling Interpol 'red notice' was actually issued, I give the RTP Immigration guys the benefit of the doubt.


They are rounding up and deporting the oxygen wasters at such a rate, I fully expect ezzra to come down from his Bangkok ivory tower shortly and actually sample the true delights of Pattaya living without having to bugger about with his silly swamp pump.

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37 minutes ago, meatboy said:

living as tourists doing extensions since 2009,looks like they WERNT on the immigration computer.yet they pat their self on the back.


Here we go again.


Yes, like you and I, they were most certainly on the Thai immigration computer.


No, like you and I, they were not on the Interpol red notice.

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:


Ahhh, Pattaya, the bastion of piousness and morality,  I think when Trump said

to " drain the swamp " he really meant Pattaya, a truly cesspool of undesirable

and shady, unsavory people.....


Are you talking about the police here?

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

Here we go again.


Yes, like you and I, they were most certainly on the Thai immigration computer.


No, like you and I, they were not on the Interpol red notice.

i wonder were they doing 90DAY REPORTS. like you and me,GOT TO.

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3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

You can extend a tourist visa 7 times?

It seems immigration law works in different ways for different people.

criminals stay here with peace of mind for looooong time.

since 2009 on tourist visa !!!! Then what is it about 180 days annually !!!! 

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8 extensions within 7 years ?  How does that fit into the picture?  The longest Tourist visa one can get is 90 days.  (the new 6 month METV was introduced last year!)


It must have meant a few brown envelopes to Immigration officials.  


And by their press notice, they indirectly confess to it :shock1:

Edited by crazygreg44
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5 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Waiting on Thai immigration successes with allowing foreign husbands and wives married to Thais to actually stay, with the same rules and regulations we give them back at home. :w00t: 

Foreign husbands are at the bottom of the pile. Foreign women married to Thai men can apply for Thai citizenship based on their marriage to a Thai man after five years of marriage. 


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3 hours ago, Sphere said:


Is he now going to be escorted out by a tight-skirted lady through fast-track immigration with buggy right up to the gate?

Perhaps some of the elite card members can help answer this question.  Is there a contract ?  Is your membership revoked due to any sort of misconduct ? 


Been reading how the "privileged visa" is used to assure those with property have no visa kerfuffles.  Interesting scam; get patsy to buy property, create a visa problem, solve visa problem by forcing investor to cough up more money.  Two bights of the same apple.  Apply pressure.  Collect money.  


Sadly, it may be a while before the Chinese fellow renews his membership.

Edited by yellowboat
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3 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

So to recap; Thai immigration celebrate doing their job

What next?

Postman ecstatic after delivering letter to correct address

national day of celebration declared after doctor prescribes correct medication


Looking at the picture it was a banner day banner and all. In life you take the small or big successes as they come along. At least there was no baht tray in the picture. 

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1 hour ago, crazygreg44 said:

8 extensions within 7 years ?  How does that fit into the picture?  The longest Tourist visa one can get is 90 days.  (the new 6 month METV was introduced last year!)


It must have meant a few brown envelopes to Immigration officials.  


And by their press notice, they indirectly confess to it :shock1:


5 year 'tourist visas' have been available for many years.

Edited by Stray
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1 hour ago, crazygreg44 said:

8 extensions within 7 years ?  How does that fit into the picture?  The longest Tourist visa one can get is 90 days.  (the new 6 month METV was introduced last year!)


It must have meant a few brown envelopes to Immigration officials.  


And by their press notice, they indirectly confess to it :shock1:

They could have been double or triple entries which would have been available during that period.


As said in an earlier post, if the Thai authorities were not aware of the Interpol red notice (ie, it hadn't been issued yet) then there would have been no indication that anything was wrong with the couple. If you're not flagged in the system then you remain invisible for all intents and purposes..............;)

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I wonder how many Bad Guys they have celebrated catching with TM30, TM28, and 90 day reporting violations? With all the effort put into demonizing us with them, it would be nice to see what they have to show for their efforts, other than the steady fines/fees into the pockets of the higher ups.

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