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British Citizens Who Chose To Go Permanently Abroad


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well I assumed you were talking about the ones who go to AUS & tell you they are struggling as, as you have never been to the UK I can't see how you would know otherwise??? :o

well its really easy boo,

as i hav'nt met one yet that tells me to go screaming over there and even if they did i would'nt be so silly.

there's so many english punters telling every body on this forum and in person that its not the greatest place, so who am i to argue.?

it might be fantastic for the knobs with a squillen quid and 10 houses but what about the normal punter as thats who im talking about.

blind freddy can read the writing on the wall. ( and he's frigging blind ) :D

if its such a cracking place why are all the punters leaving?

the ones that are crying the most on this forum are the ones who are entrenched in the mother land and how would they possibly now what this debate is all about.

we dont have a great exodise fleeing from aussie or thailand so its crystal clear to me where the place is to be.

and it aint frigging england. :bah:

but when all's said and done i dont give a toss as i know some really top poms who dont want to be in blighty and i'll stick with them. ;)

cheers to all my pommy mates. :D

and in conclusion to the ones that want to be there,

frigging stay there will you and give us all a break. :o


some of you blighters get wound up. :bah::D:D

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Wow never knew I had a squillion quid terry57. it is amusing though, as I have a fair few aussie mates here who tell me that AUS is going to pot & how great they have UK passports (ancestry)so they can live & work here. And as I have been to australia I can't say I disagree with them either but considering I never lived there & just visited I take their comments with a pinch of salt but as has been said all along, its the perception of the indivdual. So I suggest you dont take your UK mates too seriously cause if they all now live in AUS I dont' know how they would know what it's like anyway?? Or else get on a plane & form an opinion of your own. :o

Edited by Boo
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Its very simple guesthouse.Just like the 'white flight' surveys of inner cities it would give a good indication as to whom is actually leaving.

The survey in question shows typical BBC bias.No question.This is the <deleted> Beeb were talking about here(are they your only source of infomation or what?).Somehow they have managed to show the exodus of millions of citzens in a good light! They are basically saying,don't worry,thousands might be leaving but the good old 'third worlders' are coming to take their place.. yippee!

Robski made several excellent points about this and you have chosen to ignore all of them.

The BBC are liberal,Labour run loosers that are out of touch with the majority of the population(they have even admitted the latter...).How they have presented this survey is typical beeb BS that anyone with half a brain can see.

There,i have answered your question.Hope you are happy. :o

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fair enough guesthouse,

i dont live in the U.K and can personally tell you ill never go there unless someone payed me a <deleted> load of money.

ive lived with poms, travelled with them young and old and ive never had one scream at me that i have to go over there.

you know that i am an aussie, we have got everything that the english want , australia is full of them and i mostly like them.

they appreciate to be able to live in aussie or los as a matter of fact because the U.K is going down the gurgler real quick. thats what they all tell me anyway.

for you to say they should all " keep up or get left behind " tells me exactly what your attitude is towards your own countrymen who dont happen to be as well off as you.

its screams out loud, "IM ALRIGHT JACK AND FRIG THE REST OF YOU" .

whilst your sitting on your arse in rome eating spaghetti your bretherin are struggling to survive in good old blighty and all you can say is


truly pathetic peace of logic guest house and im glad your no mate of mine. as a matter of fact i will report to our immigration department as a life member of the jack brigade.

if you get anywhere near aussie you will self destuct.

you've disapointed me guesthouse as i was just starting to take to you but now im back to thinking your a right tosser.

now dont take that as being offensive as its only my observation and i could be wrong.

but guesthouse, i though i was wrong once but i was mistaken.

lighten up guesthouse and have a bit of compassion for your pommy mates.

your bestest buddy, terry

Not coming to the UK! Oh that's a shame - and all of us here were so hoping you would make it over!

Maybe your information about the UK is more of a reflection of the company you keep - but then again i would have presumed someone of your status, intellect and sensitivity would only socialise with the great and the good :bah:

A shame you, yet again, had to resort to personal insults with your verbal jousting with Guesthouse as a) you always lose, :bah: you tend to look an idiot and c) you were doing so well without it!

Hint: How about looking for a topic you know something about before commenting - although admittedly I haven't found the 'too many smileys by pig ignorant fireman' section yet!

i loving you little gemlin but in a sort of a sick way. :o

you and guesthouse should get a room together as you are obviously connected in some sort of fantasy.

escaped from bedlam have we. :D

look little fella, i got to keep on topic as ill get in trouble from the mods. :D

for someone who is sitting in pommy land how would you possibly know what we are talking about. ?

its for the people who have lived in both countries to make a comment and who have travelled extensively.

your remarks are insignificant and when you get up to speed please continue with our discussion.

its not very nice to say bad things about firefighters either as you might need the boys one day. :D

your also slagging off the poms i know and id appreciate it if you just keep abusing me. :D

thank you very much my little horrible friend and i mean that in the nicest possible way. :D

cheers and love terry.

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Or else get on a plane & form an opinion of your own. :D

I have no desire to suffer the wrath of Terry (the Wrath of Khan was bad enough)

I just have to say.... Nice one Boo :D

P.S. Terry.... it's Lager... not Larger (that just means bigger).... I know you haven't typed that word for a while, I'm just saving future cringes, I hope :o

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Guest House I respect your integrity and view you as a knowedgable and sensible guy BUT do not believe the lies and propaganda being promulgated by the current UK government.

We have a good many fully trained and qualified English nurses who cannot gain employment here as job vacancies are being filled by foreigners.

The same goes for many newly qualified professionals who require a decent salary in order to pay back student loans but many businesses here again employ the cheaper foreign option.

Industry performance standards suffer as a direct consequence of this but the government and employers take the PC or the short term profit view almost every time.

My own business life has been spent in construction where I now see many foreigners have replaced the British tradesman and have no idea how to do anything other than a botched job and whose health and safety knowledge and compliance is far less tthan adequate and compromises the safety of others.

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GH you really have got a hard on for yourself, please keep holding your baited breath and do us all a favor.

The figures are at the bottom of the report.

You're a prick. :o

A well laid out and writen counter to what you had writen and that is your reply? Further more you were complaining about other people resorting to personal attacks only a few posts ago.

Your reply says far more about you than it does about GuestHouse, now thats a fact you cant argue.

At least he understood it. :D

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Wow never knew I had a squillion quid terry57. it is amusing though, as I have a fair few aussie mates here who tell me that AUS is going to pot & how great they have UK passports (ancestry)so they can live & work here. And as I have been to australia I can't say I disagree with them either but considering I never lived there & just visited I take their comments with a pinch of salt but as has been said all along, its the perception of the indivdual. So I suggest you dont take your UK mates too seriously cause if they all now live in AUS I dont' know how they would know what it's like anyway?? Or else get on a plane & form an opinion of your own. :o


i take your point about going over to pommy land and id love to see all your history.

but truly,

i must tell you that it has never ever been a place ive wanted to spend my money, as it costs an arm and a leg for us aussies.

its to frigging cold and miserable anyway as im a beach dude.

surfing, diving and all that top stuff.

besides that im not just interested in the place at all. especially after i know so many punters that have been escaping from the place.

but just to make you happy,

if you give me a 5000 pound sling ill give it a crack ok.

but im not looking forward to it .

id rather give your money to the street people here in los and see it go to a good cause.


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As everyone has discussed and knows, there are loads of reasons why people are moving abroad from the UK. I believe one of the reasons why the UK is slowly going down the pan is the younger generations lack of respect. I know this sounds old fashioned but I feel really strongly about this.

While I was at secondary school (93-98) studying 'History' I struggle to remember being taught about WWI & WWII. Now I can understand why the government may be concerned about promoting tension toward Germany, even though Today's Germany and Nazi Germany are a million miles apart.

But what I'm trying to say is, I believe one of the main reasons why today's kids don't have respect for their elders and country is partly down to not being taught about the wars. I can't imagine how upset and angry a war veteran is seeing the current state of the country that they laid and gave their lives for. Looking at the current state of the majority if the younger generation with all the ASBOs being handed out that its only going to get worse with each generation until they are taught about valuing their country and being proud of it.

So how on earth is our country going to get better when its left in the hands of people who don't respect it in the first place.

Sorry to disappoint you but you couldn't be more wrong! As someone who has been teaching history in London secondary schools over the last two years I can tell you that the History syllabus is completely weighed down by both world wars - in fact from year 9 onwards kids tend to study it to the exclusion of everything else (although in year 11 there is a little bit of Russian revolution and cold war to cover).

So I don't think this is the reason for anti-social behaviour!

On another note - i went to my wife's citizenship ceremony yesterday. Now I was sceptical about the need and purpose of everything she had to do - but now I am a little less so. The ceremony may be a little over important but the whole process gave becoming part of British society some relevant meaning - and listening to the speech by the local dignitary prior to ceremony about the qualities of the UK -tolerance, freedom of speech, government participation and opportunity and then hearing of the list of former nationals becoming British - people from Iraq, Afghanistan, Albania, Zimbabwe - these words in the speech that normally sound like meaningless platitudes actually held some real meaning to the majority of people there.

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Its very simple guesthouse.Just like the 'white flight' surveys of inner cities it would give a good indication as to whom is actually leaving.

The survey in question shows typical BBC bias.No question.This is the <deleted> Beeb were talking about here(are they your only source of infomation or what?).Somehow they have managed to show the exodus of millions of citzens in a good light! They are basically saying,don't worry,thousands might be leaving but the good old 'third worlders' are coming to take their place.. yippee!

Robski made several excellent points about this and you have chosen to ignore all of them.

The BBC are liberal,Labour run loosers that are out of touch with the majority of the population(they have even admitted the latter...).How they have presented this survey is typical beeb BS that anyone with half a brain can see.

There,i have answered your question.Hope you are happy. :o

What 'third worlders' are you refering to? Is it the Thai wives and husbands of people on this forum or is is it doctors and heart surgeons from India? maybe it's the Chinese Neuro surgeons, maybe it's the philippine nurses or the scientists from the Eastern block. What about the Americans that move there or for that matter the Australians or western Europeans?

Maybe you just rely on your tory newspapers for your information who would have you believe it's only unskilled imigrants who move to the UK and decide to ignore the rest.

Oh no, don't tell me it's all the foreign football players.

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How they have presented this survey is typical beeb BS that anyone with half a brain can see.

I guess having half a brain gives you some advantages.

And what’s all this about….. 'White exodus' and "good old 'third worlders' are coming to take their place.. yippee!"

I feel your hurt man, it can't be nice for you being at the bottom of the pile..

But, hey, it's not my fault you didn’t pay attention at school.

You can't keep up, so you blame the immigrants, and then without irony head off to live overseas.

I always wondered where the old 'Dogs <deleted> Bar' down Pattaya way got it's customers from, now I know.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Or else get on a plane & form an opinion of your own. :bah:

I have no desire to suffer the wrath of Terry (the Wrath of Khan was bad enough)

I just have to say.... Nice one Boo :D

P.S. Terry.... it's Lager... not Larger (that just means bigger).... I know you haven't typed that word for a while, I'm just saving future cringes, I hope :o

thanks mate,

as you set me strait last time and ive never forgotton how to spell that larger word. :o:D

cricky's mate,

i think guesthouse and the little horrible gremlin are going to have a nervous breakdown. :D

what do you recon.? :bah::D

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The survey in question shows typical BBC bias.No question.

Where? ..... please point it out.

This is the <deleted> Beeb were talking about here(are they your only source of infomation or what?).

I doubt it.

Somehow they have managed to show the exodus of millions of citzens in a good light! They are basically saying,don't worry,thousands might be leaving but the good old 'third worlders' are coming to take their place.. yippee!

Basic Math 101.... you need a thousand thousands to make a million...... duh, me and my 999.999 mates all agreed with you.

How they have presented this survey is typical beeb BS that anyone with half a brain can see.

No comment.

There,i have answered your question.Hope you are happy. :o

1. No you haven't.

2. Very much so, thank you.

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Its very simple guesthouse.Just like the 'white flight' surveys of inner cities it would give a good indication as to whom is actually leaving.

The survey in question shows typical BBC bias.No question.This is the <deleted> Beeb were talking about here(are they your only source of infomation or what?).Somehow they have managed to show the exodus of millions of citzens in a good light! They are basically saying,don't worry,thousands might be leaving but the good old 'third worlders' are coming to take their place.. yippee!

Robski made several excellent points about this and you have chosen to ignore all of them.

The BBC are liberal,Labour run loosers that are out of touch with the majority of the population(they have even admitted the latter...).How they have presented this survey is typical beeb BS that anyone with half a brain can see.

There,i have answered your question.Hope you are happy. :o

What 'third worlders' are you refering to? Is it the Thai wives and husbands of people on this forum or is is it doctors and heart surgeons from India? maybe it's the Chinese Neuro surgeons, maybe it's the philippine nurses or the scientists from the Eastern block. What about the Americans that move there or for that matter the Australians or western Europeans?

Maybe you just rely on your tory newspapers for your information who would have you believe it's only unskilled imigrants who move to the UK and decide to ignore the rest.

Oh no, don't tell me it's all the foreign football players.

This is turning in to a joke. I think he is talking about the 600,000+ Poles and 300,000 other unskilled or semi skilled workers, that are doing jobs for a lower wage, thereby holding down wages for people on low incomes or worse yet making them redundant. Good news for bosses, bad news for Brits. Even the report says that Immigration is putting a strain on the social cohesion of the UK.

I mean you flame me for baseness toward GH when I give up trying to make a point and then you come in and do the same thing as him, offering a one sided opinon that must be right soley because your the most self righteous.

I'm going back to bashing sprouts it's much more rewarding. :D:D:D:D:bah:

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GH you really have got a hard on for yourself, please keep holding your baited breath and do us all a favor.

The figures are at the bottom of the report.

You're a prick. :o

A well laid out and writen counter to what you had writen and that is your reply? Further more you were complaining about other people resorting to personal attacks only a few posts ago.

Your reply says far more about you than it does about GuestHouse, now thats a fact you cant argue.

At least he understood it. :D

Thats it, good lad, stick to the school boy insults, thats what your good at. :D

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Fiar enough, I'm not going to argue with a History teacher as you obviously know the syllabus more than I do. And I didn't say that the lack of teaching of the world wars was the reason for antisocial behaviour, I merely said it contributed to it.

I can honestly say I can't remember being taught much World War stuff at all.

Another thing about the UK, compared to (this hurts me to say) Aussie we just aren't anywhere near as patriotic as we should be, I'll probably be flamed for saying this, maybe the reason for this is because our British Identity is being diluted by the huge number of immigrants.

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Or else get on a plane & form an opinion of your own. :o

I have no desire to suffer the wrath of Terry (the Wrath of Khan was bad enough)

I just have to say.... Nice one Boo :D

P.S. Terry.... it's Lager... not Larger (that just means bigger).... I know you haven't typed that word for a while, I'm just saving future cringes, I hope :o

i think guesthouse and the little horrible gremlin are going to have a nervous breakdown. :D

what do you recon.? :bah::D

It's on the horizon mate... but GH does make some good points and quite eloquently too.

P.S. Have I corrected you on the larger/lager thing before.... I can't remember, maybe too many Charngs :D:bah:

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Thats it, good lad, stick to the school boy insults, thats what your good at. :D

Sure Don it's all some people can understand.

Look at post #101 and I think you might see that he deserves that title.

I think the polish has rubbed off your buddy.

BTW I'm not your lad, but you are a condecending dolt. :o

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if its such a cracking place why are all the punters leaving?

Easy ...

To give all of our less fortunate Brothers and Sisters from wherever they come from,wot ever their nationality or backgrounds (that includes Auz- as well )the opportunity to become part of the worlds most respected and dare I suggest democratic and civilised society,to establis themselves and their family... and make a bit of dosh while they are at it.......

The urge to promote good or improve human quality of life applies throughout over "ere and although most of the "punters"who leave probably unwittingly or maybe because they cant actually spell the word have by default embraced /related to the true fundamental sense of a philanthrophic pattern that would have them encompassing their altruistic activity which could only emerge from such an enlightened background.

Yeah....... the BBC has a lot to answer for.....

....says it all really dont it :o

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Terry, when I need a lesson on compassion I shall not come looking to you to give it.

Likewise when I want to know about life in Britain, I'll go elsewhere than to rely on your second hand information.

You tell us British expats living in Australia give you their views of the failings of Britain – Well that’s one view.

Here’s another.

I'm telling you that Britain is a far better place than many would have you believe. I'll go further, I have stated right up front that the view of Britain is personal and dependent on personal experience. My personal experience is that Britain is a great place, offers a fantastic life style, opportunity AND is an open outward looking society that I am proud to come from.

Others are happy to run the old country down, and as we see from the posts here, very happy to point the finger at Johnny foreigner.

The question I ask when I hear someone moaning about the UK is, 'Is all the fault with Britain, or is the fault with the individual?'.

I've been an expat most of my working life, I have a home in the UK and will always maintain a home in the UK. The British expats I know and work with, like me have all got great things to say about the UK. - Why is that? - Because the UK has given us great lives, it gives our families great lives.

So there are a range of opinions, take your choice, believe some guy who is running away from the UK because he can't keep up, believe someone who gets a great life out of the UK. – Up to You!

But don't presume to tell me my view of the UK is wrong, when you have never so much as set foot in the place.

Absolutely I have a great life, a great job, a great privilege to live the life I live. – All of that was built on the fantastic foundations I got from the UK (Thank you UK!).

The UK is a bloody great place and like I say only a fool would burn his bridges back to there.

look guesthouse,

you frigging amaze me for all the wrong reasons.

your a pommy bleeder at heart, filthy rich business man with a thai wife, kids and some thai workers under you and live in rome eating spaghetti.

your plan is to return to los and start a guest house.

the thing is, ive never read from you, a good work about thailand and now we have you crying out loud how frigging fantastic the old blighty is.

your always sitting on the fence guesthouse and have not made a commitment yet.

why dont you just return to the old blighty and stay there forever living happily ever after in that mighty country of yours.

how about stepping up for once and make it perfectly clear where you stand on this issue.

where do you really want to be guesthouse. ?

at least im out there on the edge letting everybody know how i feel about things and will always stand up and be counted.

the little gremlin likes to slam me but he's a nothing to me. :D

you guesthouse are a very confusing lad and talk in circles.

its only an observation guesthouse so please dont start crying on me.

jes--us mate,

your a bit touchy and as chopper reid always says,

toughen the <deleted>> up. :D

cheers mate :o

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Fiar enough, I'm not going to argue with a History teacher as you obviously know the syllabus more than I do. And I didn't say that the lack of teaching of the world wars was the reason for antisocial behaviour, I merely said it contributed to it.

I can honestly say I can't remember being taught much World War stuff at all.

Another thing about the UK, compared to (this hurts me to say) Aussie we just aren't anywhere near as patriotic as we should be, I'll probably be flamed for saying this, maybe the reason for this is because our British Identity is being diluted by the huge number of immigrants.

We are not as patriotic as the Aussies - but I'm not sure that is a negative! When i lived in Oz the constant 'made in Australia' and 'buy aussie' advertising really began to grate - as did the constant flag waving and listening to advance 'Australia fair'. But i think this is to do with Australia being a new country - and remember Australia is a nation of which 99% are immigrants in the last 200 years! Things are changing in the UK, as the connotations of the far right with the Union flag is becoming less so - The St Georges cross and the Union flag was displayed everywhere in London during the recent world cup - noticeably as much by recent immigrants than everyone else!

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look guesthouse,

you frigging amaze me for all the wrong reasons.

your a pommy bleeder at heart, filthy rich business man with a thai wife, kids and some thai workers under you and live in rome eating spaghetti.

your plan is to return to los and start a guest house.

the thing is, ive never read from you, a good work about thailand and now we have you crying out loud how frigging fantastic the old blighty is.

your always sitting on the fence guesthouse and have not made a commitment yet.

why dont you just return to the old blighty and stay there forever living happily ever after in that mighty country of yours.

how about stepping up for once and make it perfectly clear where you stand on this issue.

where do you really want to be guesthouse. ?

at least im out there on the edge letting everybody know how i feel about things and will always stand up and be counted.

the little gremlin likes to slam me but he's a nothing to me. :D

you guesthouse are a very confusing lad and talk in circles.

its only an observation guesthouse so please dont start crying on me.

jes--us mate,

your a bit touchy and as chopper reid always says,

toughen the <deleted>> up. :D

cheers mate :o

Can anyone who speaks this strange language offer a translation of what this Muppet is actually trying to say?

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Robski, let me guess, your an un-skilled manual worker and this is why your whinging about it?

Yes it was a guess, no you're wrong and the only whinging noises are coming from you.

Go and pick an argument with somebody who cares what you think.

BTW that guess and your comment, it says a lot about you too. :o

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I along with many other people I know are refusing to renew our television licences as we object to funding what we consider to be total political and multi-cultural bias by the BBC.

Agreeing or disagreeing with our decision is irrellevant.

So sadly I guess you will have to look forward to more submissions by myself here as I shall not be watching television in the UK again.

Even my Thai wife once asked me how to start a political party here in the UK. When I asked her why she said that needed a British- Rag- British party here as our government seemed to care more for the foriegner than their own people.

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Fiar enough, I'm not going to argue with a History teacher as you obviously know the syllabus more than I do. And I didn't say that the lack of teaching of the world wars was the reason for antisocial behaviour, I merely said it contributed to it.

I can honestly say I can't remember being taught much World War stuff at all.

Another thing about the UK, compared to (this hurts me to say) Aussie we just aren't anywhere near as patriotic as we should be, I'll probably be flamed for saying this, maybe the reason for this is because our British Identity is being diluted by the huge number of immigrants.

We are not as patriotic as the Aussies - but I'm not sure that is a negative! When i lived in Oz the constant 'made in Australia' and 'buy aussie' advertising really began to grate - as did the constant flag waving and listening to advance 'Australia fair'. But i think this is to do with Australia being a new country - and remember Australia is a nation of which 99% are immigrants in the last 200 years! Things are changing in the UK, as the connotations of the far right with the Union flag is becoming less so - The St Georges cross and the Union flag was displayed everywhere in London during the recent world cup - noticeably as much by recent immigrants than everyone else!


im glad you bloody left the country mate and dissapeared back to your little class room in the mighty freezing blighty. :D

but we must stay on topic,

the aussies are patriotic because its the land of milk and honey, sunshine, cracking beaches, beautiful city's and unbelievable culture. ( B.B.Q'S and the sunday session).

aussies love to travell and can always have a laugh at themselves,

you know why that is, little horrible gremlin from bedlam?

because she's a cracking country with cracking good people including the poms that live there. :D

anyway little fella,

i can here your mommy calling you,

so off you go to bed. :D

nighty night. :D:o

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Can anyone who speaks this strange language offer a translation of what this Muppet is actually trying to say?

Yes I do understand what he's saying, no I cant offer you FA.

:o little gremlin :D

you know the really funny thing,

this little horrible gremlin hides way down the bottom in bedlam contributing to the incredible thread (ABOUT NOTHING) :bah::D

he only comes out when mommy lets him and cricky he gets in trouble as i always kick his little arse. :D


anyway fellas,

we got to keep on topic ok.

so i would like to say that the little gremlin should stay in his little hole in blighty and bedlam and all the poms who want to stay in los or the great aussie can stay there. :o

easy really. ;)

cheers to all my pommy mates once again. :D

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