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Crisis deepens as Trump floats 20 percent tax on Mexico goods to pay for wall


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19 minutes ago, Pib said:


So, Americans crossing into Mexico and Canada would foot the bill.



I am merely throwing possible avenues my President has ways to fund his projects. This could be for foreign passports only, but I would not have a problem paying a fee to drive cross into Canada or Mexico. I never had a problem paying the same fee in Thailand, the Philippines or any where else I have traveled. Infact Mexico has a $25 departure tax for air travel.

Edited by dcutman
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Backtracking already.




Hours later, amid an uproar from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, Spicer said that he was simply putting forward one idea Trump is considering to show how the administration could fund the multibillion-dollar construction of a wall on the US's southern border. Spicer repeatedly said the White House was aiming to be "illustrative" rather than "prescriptive" as he walked back the more definitive comments he made earlier Thursday.

I'd sure hate to be Spicer!!!  LOL

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9 minutes ago, dcutman said:

I am merely throwing possible avenues my President has ways to fund his projects. This could be for foreign passports only, but I would not have a problem paying a fee to drive cross into Canada or Mexico. I never had a problem paying the same fee in Thailand, the Philippines or any where else I have traveled.

The border traffic is insane at many crossings.  It will never work.  How many times have your crossed at the Mexican border?  I've crossed probably 100 times as I lived in San Diego and use to go across often during my 20 years there.  Ridiculous to try to charge a fee for people like me just going across for the weekend.  Remember, the Mexican's can't cross unless they have the proper papers. 


Luckily, it's not up to Trump.  He's got to get this past congress.  And in my link above, some of the more powerful Republicans are against this ridiculous idea.

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

The border traffic is insane at many crossings.  It will never work.  How many times have your crossed at the Mexican border?  I've crossed probably 100 times as I lived in San Diego and use to go across often during my 20 years there.  Ridiculous to try to charge a fee for people like me just going across for the weekend.  Remember, the Mexican's can't cross unless they have the proper papers. 


Luckily, it's not up to Trump.  He's got to get this past congress.  And in my link above, some of the more powerful Republicans are against this ridiculous idea.

Well there you go again with your crystal ball. Keep it up, I get a good giggle every time you are wrong on what Trump can and does get done.

Edited by dcutman
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Trump needs all these executive orders to believe he's got what he wants, in his virtual reality world


1/ "The Mexicans will pay" but it is the taxpayers who will pay, if the congress accepts

Now he says that Mexicans will pay through the tariffs he will put on Mexican products. But that's not true!
Customs duties are part of his protectionist Policy  and will be put in place with or without Mexican  wall.


2/ On the other hand, it will be the American consumers who will have to pay more for imported products


3/ Trump will also levy customs duties on several Canadian products, particularly softwood lumber. He will also be able to boast that Canada is paying for the Mexican Wall! LOL

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3 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Well there you go again with your crystal ball. Keep it up, I get a good giggle every time you are wrong on what Trump can and does get done.

What has Trump accomplished so for?  Or are you using that so called crystal ball??? LOL


He's got lots of opposition to getting this done.  From my CNN link above:



Several Republicans expressed concern about Trump's growing feud with Mexico, worried that the new President is starting a trade war with one of the country's most significant trading partners -- and could drive up the debt in the process.


Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina tweeted: "Border security yes, tariffs no. Mexico is 3rd largest trading partner. Any tariff we can levy they can levy. Huge barrier to econ growth. Simply put, any policy proposal which drives up costs of Corona, tequila, or margaritas is a big-time bad idea. Mucho Sad."


Graham is one of the most power Republicans in congress.  No crystal ball from him either.

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

What has Trump accomplished so for?  Or are you using that so called crystal ball??? LOL


He's got lots of opposition to getting this done.  From my CNN link above:

Graham is one of the most power Republicans in congress.  No crystal ball from him either.

Got to love you most liberal biased media links available. CNN has about as much credibility as the QZ links you spread out.

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Put factories BACK in America where they came from in the first place. More American jobs, which means employers will be forced to pay higher wages as supply/demand works both ways, not the single path that the naysayers on this topic seem to think is the only path. Higher wages = more disposable income.  This is the model that Henry Ford pioneered that built the middle class in America.

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

In one of my first economics classes, we studied the buggy whip.  Very popular and in demand years ago, but eventually, all manufacturers went out of business.  The net?  Be prepared, as you were.  Recognize where the market is going.  Sadly, many do get caught in this trap with few skills to provide other than making "buggy whips".  No easy answers here, and for sure not what Trump's proposing.  It's madness.  But, caters to a certain part of the population.




Multi national corporations have been forcing localities and entire countries to race to the bottom in terms of wages and environmental regulations. This is the inevitable consequence of freeing up the movement of capital and goods, while people are mostly stuck living where they are. While western workers are just losing their jobs, third world workers are losing their very living environment. In China, high pollution levels are causing rapid and alarming rise in cancer and serious respiratory cases.crops and drinking water in many localities, dangerously toxic.


Meanwhile in America, the solution to lost jobs (in a few localized areas) and stagnant wages was proposed by HRC, but ignored by most. It involved a multi-pronged approach including tax credits, welfare enhancements, retraining programs, etc. but that was too nuanced and meant a lot of hard work, going back to school, learning new skills. It was much easier to just vote for Trump's solution of bringing their old high-paying jobs back—something that just can't happen, unless the whole world agrees to just go back to the 1950s.


HRC said: eat your veggies. Trump said: don't worry 'bout it, I'll get you a magic donut.


The rubes went for the donut. But it's a magic donut; it ain't real.



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I am merely throwing possible avenues my President has ways to fund his projects. This could be for foreign passports only, but I would not have a problem paying a fee to drive cross into Canada or Mexico. I never had a problem paying the same fee in Thailand, the Philippines or any where else I have traveled. Infact Mexico has a $25 departure tax for air travel.

So you have never paid the Bt220 fee Thai bank ATM fee applied to foriegn bank cards? And just because you may have ATM fee reimbursing card like me don't count as the fee is still being applied. And you have been lucky if getting into govt parks at the Thai price.
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Next step is to close all those roaming mexican consulates that have popped up across America like so many taco stands. They interfere directly with American government, advising mexican illegals on ways to get around American law and acquire benefits using bogus IDs.

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great for whatever Thai exporters there are that still include the USA as a market. 

maybe soon you can raise your prices 20%, and keep it in your pocket!

but it still works out great for the USA.. because the BOT avoids making any more bids on the Thai Baht than it has too..... and so buys US Treasury debt.... helping to finance, as it always has, continued US hegemony.  but now with Trump at the helm and "USA first and only".




Edited by maewang99
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So much for the Mexican president's assertion that "we're not going to pay for that <explative deleted> wall."  I believe ya'll will be.  By the way Mexico, how do you handle illegal immigration into your own country on your own Southern border? 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Trump wants the measure to be part of a broader tax overhaul package that the U.S. Congress is contemplating, White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters on Thursday.


It was not immediately clear how the tax would work. Parts of the proposal that Spicer described resemble an existing idea, known as a border adjustment tax, being considered by the Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives.


Spicer said: "We have a new tax at $50 billion at 20 percent of imports -which is, by the way, a practice that 160 other countries do right now."


"Our country's policy is to tax exports and let imports flow freely in, which is ridiculous. But by doing it that way we can do $10 billion a year and easily pay for the wall. Just through that mechanism alone," Spicer told reporters travelling with Trump to Philadelphia.

Ah, mr "alternative facts" said all this.


So just another bunch of lies then.

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16 hours ago, zydeco said:

Put factories BACK in America where they came from in the first place. More American jobs, which means employers will be forced to pay higher wages as supply/demand works both ways, not the single path that the naysayers on this topic seem to think is the only path. Higher wages = more disposable income.  This is the model that Henry Ford pioneered that built the middle class in America.

you got it right.  bring back the middle class. manufacture in the states and spend in the states.maybe pay a little more but people are working and contributing to society. people working pay taxes to support the system. people unemployed drain the system. problem now is the unemployed still want to be consumers,and they want things cheap so they can spend their free money on consumer trash. l think most of the complainers about trump enjoy living life living off others tax dollars. and could care less if there were jobs to be had

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40 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Got to love you most liberal biased media links available. CNN has about as much credibility as the QZ links you spread out.

CNN is a highly respected media organization.  Like all sites, it does have a bias, but it's a credible news agency.  I don't know about QZ, but the same info is available from a variety of websites.  Here's but one.  Is this OK with you? LOL




A new study says the number has been reduced to 170,000 in 2015, one-tenth what it was in 2005.







Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) scoffed at a proposal floated by President Trump's press secretary about taxing Mexican imports to pay for a border wall in a pair of tweets Thursday.


"Border security yes, tariffs no. Mexico is 3rd largest trading partner. Any tariff we can levy they can levy. Huge barrier to econ growth," Graham wrote in a tweet. "Simply put, any policy proposal which drives up costs of Corona, tequila, or margaritas is a big-time bad idea. Mucho Sad."

Border security yes, tariffs no. Mexico is 3rd largest trading partner. Any tariff we can levy they can levy. Huge barrier to econ growth /1

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 26, 2017


Happy now? LOL


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43 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Put factories BACK in America where they came from in the first place. More American jobs, which means employers will be forced to pay higher wages as supply/demand works both ways, not the single path that the naysayers on this topic seem to think is the only path. Higher wages = more disposable income.  This is the model that Henry Ford pioneered that built the middle class in America.

As has been pointed out, automation is one of the biggest killers of jobs in nations like the US.  Germany included.  Can't blame others on that.  It's a fact of life and will only be increased in the near future.  Henry Ford being one of the pioneers of automation for increased efficiency.

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24 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

great for whatever Thai exporters there are that still include the USA as a market. 

maybe soon you can raise your prices 20%, and keep it in your pocket!

but it still works out great for the USA.. because the BOT avoids making any more bids on the Thai Baht than it has too..... and so buys US Treasury debt.... helping to finance, as it always has, continued US hegemony.  but now with Trump at the helm and "USA first and only".




If Mexico is slapped with a flat 20% tariff, so will Thailand and all other countries that the US does not have a FTA with. Rules of the WTO. Unless of course the Donald exits the WTO. I can't see congress ever signing of on that. 

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3 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Trump's high-handed treatment of Mexico and disrespect shown towards Enrique Pena Nieto is a disgrace. Americans should be ashamed its leader is treating a neighboring country in such a condescending and rude manner. 


It must be awkward for @realDonaldTrump to know that a majority of US voters are cheering for the Mexican President right now.

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33 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

As has been pointed out, automation is one of the biggest killers of jobs in nations like the US.  Germany included.  Can't blame others on that.  It's a fact of life and will only be increased in the near future.  Henry Ford being one of the pioneers of automation for increased efficiency.

So, then, it makes even less sense to allow uneducated illegals with no skills to remain in the US.

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36 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


It must be awkward for @realDonaldTrump to know that a majority of US voters are cheering for the Mexican President right now.

If this keeps up, the burn out/turnover rate in Trump's cabinet and inner circle is going to be sky-high. Spicer and Conway both already look stressed out and in need of prescription sedatives. The American public and the world is exhausted after one week of his presidency. Imagine what it must be like in the center of Trump's universe of "alternative-facts", constant contradictions and backtracking, and policy blindsides. With so many administration positions as yet unfilled, surely many prospective candidates, witnessing  the chaotic and dysfunctional work environment, must be having second thoughts.

Edited by Gecko123
Spicer's name mis-spelled
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21 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Trump's high-handed treatment of Mexico and disrespect shown towards Enrique Pena Nieto is a disgrace. Americans should be ashamed its leader is treating a neighboring country in such a condescending and rude manner. 

Mexico should be ashamed that it cannot house, educate, feed, and provide health care for its own citizens, instead of dumping all its losers into the US.

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3 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

If this keeps up, the burn out turnover rate in Trump's cabinet and inner circle is going to be sky-high. Spitzer and Conway both already look like stressed out and in need of prescription sedatives. The American public and the world is exhausted after one week of his presidency. Imagine what it must be like in the center of Trump's "alternative-facts", constant contradictions and backtracking, and policy blindsides. With so many administration positions as yet unfilled, surely many prospective candidates who see the chaotic and dysfunctional work environment must be having second thoughts.

"Spitzer"  LOL

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