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Trump bars door to refugees, visitors from seven nations


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2 hours ago, Richard W said:

(a) There was advance notice before it came into force.

(b) It only affected visa waiver - visas were still possible, and visas weren't cancelled.


The banning of green card holders was particularly  unpleasant.  Will the administration be given the benefit of the doubt, and put down merely to gross incompetence?

According to reports this morning, green card holders are not banned. They are being screened more closely.

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23 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Dear me, change the tune, it's getting really boring. If the bloke were racist he wouldn't hire black people or have married his immigrant wife. At least he is doing something tangible to try to throttle ISLAMIC terrorism to his country. It might have the opposite effect and inconvenience some, but it was a campaign pledge and is worth a try. Should probably have included Saudi and Pakistan though. The likes of Jeremy Corbyn and their dainty left tripe (when is his party going to boot him out!) are sickening to listen to.

Are you sure? Have you done any research? Or is this merely an opinion? You could check this out the results of a google search topic: do White bigots marry blacks 

Edited by selftaopath
Forgot to ask.
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3 hours ago, Credo said:

Which would mean that as a country of particular concern, they would already be subjected to stringent measures before being admitted to the US.   



The governments of these countries are also either almost non-existent or hate America. How much rigorous vetting can actually be done? The Obama administration ALSO deemed them “countries of concern”, so not exactly outrageous that Trump is concentrating on them for a start.

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18 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

The governments of these countries are also either almost non-existent or hate America. How much rigorous vetting can actually be done? The Obama administration ALSO deemed them “countries of concern”, so not exactly outrageous that Trump is concentrating on them for a start.

I question your overall thinking.   When someone applies for any kind of a visa to the US, it is the US EMBASSY or consulate that does the vetting.   It makes no difference what country they are in.   


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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

They already are.  Extreme vetting of immigrants from bad areas is only common sense.

No one would suggest that vetting of refugees is wrong. On the contrary, it is widely supported. What is unforgivable though is the deceitful, sly, ham-fisted, discriminatory manner in which this order was formulated and executed: with retrospectivity so that those who had visas, sold their homes, left their jobs...only to be turned away at airports before boarding or on arrival.

No one with a shred of decency could support the way this has been handled.

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23 minutes ago, Credo said:

I question your overall thinking.   When someone applies for any kind of a visa to the US, it is the US EMBASSY or consulate that does the vetting.   It makes no difference what country they are in.   


How much credible vetting can they do in a country with a barely functioning police force and government?

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The Donald has done it again!  Such good news. He could have added a few more countries, but all in all a very good start.


You lefties have been exposed and are totally irrelevant now. The election of Trump underscores this fact. Trump will take back America and give to the people for whom it belongs.....true Americans. I won't feel secure in the USA until all Muslims are indeed banned and vetted from the USA. I don't consider the Muslin cult a religion in any sense of the word. All Muslims should be made to feel unwelcome in our country, no matter what their status-radical, passive, non-violent, etc. They are a cancer to our culture and American way of life. Not to mention a direct danger to citizens.


I support Trump to go to whatever means in his power to get them all out the US. 


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On 1/29/2017 at 8:48 AM, alanrchase said:


Who knows? He did however have a phone conversation with the Pakistan leader in which he heaped praise on the country and people and mentioned "opportunities". Opportunities for what was not clear.

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If the popular-vote LOOSER was transparent and released his tax return U.S. citizens would have more information a/b this looser's intent.

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GOP.... Iran and Syria instead of Saudi Arabia.... The Evil Fed... instead of AIS gorging at the trough of Derivatives in the Trillions of dollahs. "bad real estate loans" ... instead of interest rate derviatives issued by banks and insurance companies.

and the Dems? #1 for me, at least. Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio with their "ice slowing melting in Greenland".... instead of Larsen C..... Hillary and her "responsible" feelings that she shares with us on Climate.. but never any action...

it works great.  other examples include the never dying Adolph Hitler.... instead of Germans.... antisemitism (Hitler invented it) and the Red Army (which we allowed to go into Berlin ahead of us)... which is why some little long dead guy is still one of the biggest hits on Youtube almost 100 years later.

that, and this "new" topic as well.... with a very good sprinkling of racism mixed in.


Edited by maewang99
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The Commander Stumbles

After President Trump signed an executive order on Saturday giving the Joint Chiefs of Staff 30 days to devise a plan for destroying ISIS, I emailed several senior U.S. military officers—some active duty, some retired, all with combat experience in our recent wars—and asked them what sort of plan the chiefs should submit.

One of the officers, a general, wrote back, “They might begin by telling him to lift this stupid and heinous visa ban.”

The remark highlights a big problem not just with Trump’s scattershot orders but also with his tenure so far as commander-in-chief: He doesn’t seem to understand the political nature of war or the strategic consequences of politics.


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29 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

The Commander Stumbles

After President Trump signed an executive order on Saturday giving the Joint Chiefs of Staff 30 days to devise a plan for destroying ISIS, I emailed several senior U.S. military officers—some active duty, some retired, all with combat experience in our recent wars—and asked them what sort of plan the chiefs should submit.

One of the officers, a general, wrote back, “They might begin by telling him to lift this stupid and heinous visa ban.”

The remark highlights a big problem not just with Trump’s scattershot orders but also with his tenure so far as commander-in-chief: He doesn’t seem to understand the political nature of war or the strategic consequences of politics.



I think the assessment offered above is a good one, and it's the unfortunate result of electing a loon like Trump who doesn't bother to actually think and consider the consequences of things, listen to others, weigh options and alternatives, etc etc.


The evidence of that shows in the ham-fisted way the exclusion order was promulgated. I support the order and actually think it should have included other countries as well, such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. 


But, the clear evidence of the Administration simply not thinking shows from their failing to make exceptions for (including in the order) people like those employed by the U.S. government/military and those who already hold U.S. green cards. Those kinds of groups never should have been brought into this. And probably those holding existing B (business) visas as well.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Just a few points in response to the hysterical frothing by much of the media:


1.  It is not a Muslim ban!  It is a ban on NATIONALS.  Pakistanis can still go, Indonesians can still go and UK muslims can still go etc etc etc!


2. The exact same seven countries were selected by the Obama administration as 'countries of concern' in 2016.https://www.dhs.gov/news/2016/02/18/dhs-announces-further-travel-restrictions-visa-waiver-program


3. Obama banned Iraqi refugees for 6 months in 2011, where was the outrage then?

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1 hour ago, teatree said:

Just a few points in response to the hysterical frothing by much of the media:


1.  It is not a Muslim ban!  It is a ban on NATIONALS.  Pakistanis can still go, Indonesians can still go and UK muslims can still go etc etc etc!


2. The exact same seven countries were selected by the Obama administration as 'countries of concern' in 2016.https://www.dhs.gov/news/2016/02/18/dhs-announces-further-travel-restrictions-visa-waiver-program


3. Obama banned Iraqi refugees for 6 months in 2011, where was the outrage then?

Obama did ban iraqui refugess for 6 months in response to a specific problem.  There have no problems since. Trump is doing this only for political purposes.

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The corporate world is in shock that a politician is actually doing what he said he would all along…and repeating that he would dozens of times.


The CEO of Starbucks now wants to hire 10,000 refugees. Im sure they'll make fine baristas…lol. MIght even make it easier for one of these loonies to shoot up the place.


Looks like a broad customer ban on starbucks is called for.


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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

The corporate world is in shock that a politician is actually doing what he said he would all along…and repeating that he would dozens of times.


The CEO of Starbucks now wants to hire 10,000 refugees. Im sure they'll make fine baristas…lol. MIght even make it easier for one of these loonies to shoot up the place.


Looks like a broad customer ban on starbucks is called for.


I doubt that Starbucks is in imminent danger of a backlash, probably the converse. On the other hand, had it been the CEO of Walmart making such an announcement, another matter entirely.

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1 minute ago, LammyTS1 said:

Must admit he's doing exactly what he said he would do if elected.


He must be respected for that. 



And he does deserve credit for that. On the other hand , being such a nutcase about it he rightly deserves the vilification he's getting from within the US and around the world. 

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15 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

I doubt that Starbucks is in imminent danger of a backlash, probably the converse. On the other hand, had it been the CEO of Walmart making such an announcement, another matter entirely.


Its a lame move by starbucks….let them hire refugees wherever the hell they like….difference is they won't be able to do so in the USA.


What schulze is doing is simply pandering to the latte sipping liberals to increase his own sales….guy probably thinks no one can see what he's really doing. Despicable, using refugees to promote his brand.

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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, he kept his promise by doing something massively stupid. Therefore, he should not be criticized.

stupid, according to you. millions of decent, peace loving people think he's doing the right thing.

There's no guarantee his way will work. But the ways of the more seasoned politicians haven't 

worked either. All they've led to is more strife for citizens and personal enrichment for the politicians.


As Donald says "we're going in a different direction"….you are welcome to jeer from the sidelines.

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

stupid, according to you. millions of decent, peace loving people think he's doing the right thing.

There's no guarantee his way will work. But the ways of the more seasoned politicians haven't 

worked either. All they've led to is more strife for citizens and personal enrichment for the politicians.


As Donald says "we're going in a different direction"….you are welcome to jeer from the sidelines.

And the vast majority of Americans supported the 2nd Iraq war.  Nice appeal to non-reason.


So the USA is going in this "different direction" because  America has been overrun with terrorist attacks committed by immigrants of these 7 nations?  


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2 hours ago, USPatriot said:

For doing what he said he would do during the election?

No, but for braking the first amendment.


"The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition.  It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices.  It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely.  It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government"




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31 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Its a lame move by starbucks….let them hire refugees wherever the hell they like….difference is they won't be able to do so in the USA.


What schulze is doing is simply pandering to the latte sipping liberals to increase his own sales….guy probably thinks no one can see what he's really doing. Despicable, using refugees to promote his brand.

>>Despicable, using refugees to promote his brand.

...Isn't that exactly what Trump is doing...making Muslim refugees the bogeymen to appeal to his redneck racist supporter base, but taking care not to upset the UAE and Saudi Arabia (not on his list even though the home base for 9/11 and funding to ISIS)..not good for his business interests.

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