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SWEDEN AT BREAKING POINT: Police make urgent plea for help as violent crime spirals

Jonathan Fairfield

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7 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


What is considered personally identifying information varies from country to country, in several countries in Europe, country of origin is included in this and so it is not in the public domain, it is that simple, do you want people to be able to work out who you are?  That is all it is about, protecting peoples identity, they could have an agency compile a statistic probably without compromising that security, but they haven't done, perhaps that is because it does not serve any beneficial purpose and the only people who actually want it done have an anti-immigration/Muslim agenda.


And at the same time, there's a growing trend regarding transparency of government and improved access to related information by the general public.


Releasing general demographic information, figures and statistics related to the country of origin does not pertain to exposing individuals or invading their privacy. It does not reveal one's identity. 


That you choose to deny that there are neutral or beneficial reasons for wishing the information known seems a bit narrow minded. But even if one was to accept your premise (which I don't) - keeping such information hidden does little, IMO, to counter anti-immigration views. Rather, it gives rise to speculation and the spread of unfounded opinions. Further, people have the right to hold different views, and being anti-immigration does not necessarily lie outside of legitimate political opinion.

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7 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


I suggest you take it up with their home office, you clearly seem to think you need to know, they will set you straight, anyway, why do you want to know, presumably you are neither a researcher nor an outreach group?




So, for lack of any meaningful response, you make it personal. Lovely. I never said anything about myself needing to know, but rather dealt with a general argument. Not here to satisfy your curiosity, but let's just say you presume too much.


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49 minutes ago, Flustered said:

The old  "You don't need to know" attitude.


Every Swede is entitled to know which country these immigrants come from. It is the Swedes country, not some secret society.


Keeping information from the general public is the first step to dictatorship. A bit like the countries the immigrants are deserting.


I believe you quoted me out of context. Or perhaps not.


My point was that people should not get direct access to information and personal details of other people. Doesn't matter if those are migrants/refugees/asylum seekers. That said, no particularly good reasons presented to justify withholding access to demographic information which doesn't expose individuals. For example, knowing how many people had "X" as their country of origin is not a problem.

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I keep getting interrupted by messages, mostly from Shawn. It is the posts from Morch that speak for me mostly. Morch you clearly and intellectually spell out most of my aversion to Shawn. For me, refugees flee to the nearest safe haven and then return when things are restored. The worlds humanitarian aid should be directed to supporting these close countries with refugee camps. For some legit refugee to pick and choose a nation to move to changes him from refugee to illegal economic migrant. The fact that some European countries choose to welcome anyone from anywhere without proper vetting places all of Europe and indeed the world in a security lapse that may impact us all. Literally. Shawn likes to attack personally and it is why I refuse to reply to him. You would probably be wise to do likewise. HISD. Head in sand dorks are really not worth the effort, he has another agenda. 

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Just another post as a final response. I am an Aussie and at the last census, all ethnic groups wishing to identify themselves were able to. Statistics showing the percentages of cultural diversity are freely available.  But that is an aside. Nearly all ethnic groups were able to identify themselves in costume or by flag waving in celebrations across the country. Many choose to take the Australian oath while also retaining their cultural and religious beliefs and background. No one minds that muslims  that were once supposed to be about 3% of the population are now closer to 6%. Within 50 years. Most are hard working, law abiding citizens. But some of the children and grandchildren are determined to die while killing a soldier or policeman and preposting online blogs urging others to do the same. The ones that are shot during their attacks are described as low esteem, low IQ, and low in their acceptance of Australian culture. Their parents were given the full charity handouts on arrival in Australia and the children cannot understand why they should work for a living. The parents, when questioned say that they lost control of their children because Australia is so free.

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4 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Just another post as a final response. I am an Aussie and at the last census, all ethnic groups wishing to identify themselves were able to. Statistics showing the percentages of cultural diversity are freely available.  But that is an aside. Nearly all ethnic groups were able to identify themselves in costume or by flag waving in celebrations across the country. Many choose to take the Australian oath while also retaining their cultural and religious beliefs and background. No one minds that muslims  that were once supposed to be about 3% of the population are now closer to 6%. Within 50 years. Most are hard working, law abiding citizens. But some of the children and grandchildren are determined to die while killing a soldier or policeman and preposting online blogs urging others to do the same. The ones that are shot during their attacks are described as low esteem, low IQ, and low in their acceptance of Australian culture. Their parents were given the full charity handouts on arrival in Australia and the children cannot understand why they should work for a living. The parents, when questioned say that they lost control of their children because Australia is so free.

Most Muslims in Australia entered the country by way of migration, not via refugee programs, so how do you reach the conclusion of charity handouts for the parents of terrorists who are mainly not from a refugee background? As to your other comments would be good to see supporting links to back up your opinions.


Regards the outcomes of Islamic terrorism to date in Oz have a read of the following.




and straight from the mouth of a terror suspect in Oz (found not guilty)...



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8 hours ago, Morch said:


Ah, progress of sorts - we've moved from the claims that releasing such information would be  "only useful for neo-nazis", to "only has the potential to be used for hate mongering". Less definitive, and no neo-nazis. Good. But still, no other possible uses? Let's see now - academic research, outreach projects to specific communities, and that tired old public right to know.



Demographics info for Sweden is available from the Civil Registry. I find it unsubstantiated that Swedish authorities do not record nationalities background info and so on as without such data the Swedish authorities would not be able to identify resources and funding required for migrants / refugees.



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They surely keep busy... on top of burning 2000++ cars per year. Rinkeby & Co. are model neighbourhoods too, with lot's of "racist white abusive swedes" living among "new swedes.

Sydsvenskan 26 februari 2017 19:14


Something in english too (2nd case like this that just surfaced):
Sweden gang rape ‘live-streamed on Facebook’
http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/772107/Sweden-gang-rape-live-stream-Facebook-Stockholm (26.2.2017)


Swedish police has some problems getting new people hired and they have lowered IQ requirement already.. and I think this article is already sign of things to come:
Swedish police chief sparks anger by SYMPATHISING with Somali boy, 15, charged with social worker's murder 


The numbers from Germany are mind-boggling...
Merkel’s economic adviser SAVAGES her migrant policy and says it will cost Germany £340BN


Hopefully Le Pen wins.

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On 2/25/2017 at 6:42 PM, Laughing Gravy said:

You are entitled to your opinion. I have lived in a couple of Muslim countries and I can tell you that they are not a modern thinking, equality, forward thinking places to live. People seem to be wanting to leave, which I understand but bring their ideology with them. Sweden have tried very patiently but are now realizing 'oil and water' do not mix. Very much like Marxism and Communism, it sounds great on paper but in reality it isn't and doesn't work. This is like the immigration and globalization which is policy. It isn't working and never will. The liberals and left will have you believe it will work. History will once again prove it will not. 


What is wrong with caring and putting your own country first? The annoying thing for me is that one time you were a patriot. Now you are classed as a racist, which is rubbish. Sadly that's the rhetoric that people say, when you have a difference of opinion to them, that goes against the globalization and cultural integration. It is the PC's answer that is picked up by the liberal media.



I do agree with you regarding to laws in muslim countries, they are not as forward and progress as in other non-muslim country. You are wrong in saying  "People seem to be wanting to leave", they leave because of war and other serious issues in their home country making it unlivable. I do agree with you that if they relocate to another country, they  can't put their ideology on their host country and they need to accept it.


Sweden is only trying to help the world by saving lives and taking in these refugees. There are always bond to be bad apples among them.


There is nothing wrong with caring and putting your own country first. Whats wrong is those who paint the whole group of people with a broad brush, causing more confusion and hatred among a society.

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Not so cheap in Sweden either...

"Sweden’s 318,000 “Syrian” refugees, or migrants, will cost the country a bare minimum of $32.7 billion USD in 2017. That’s 33% of Sweden’s central government’s annual budget, and 5.5% of their GDP—imagine if the US spent $1 trillion on refugees, same proportions.
Furthermore, migrants are not contributing to Sweden’s economy—of those refugees that came in 2015, only 500 have jobs."



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11 hours ago, Morch said:


And at the same time, there's a growing trend regarding transparency of government and improved access to related information by the general public.


Releasing general demographic information, figures and statistics related to the country of origin does not pertain to exposing individuals or invading their privacy. It does not reveal one's identity. 


That you choose to deny that there are neutral or beneficial reasons for wishing the information known seems a bit narrow minded. But even if one was to accept your premise (which I don't) - keeping such information hidden does little, IMO, to counter anti-immigration views. Rather, it gives rise to speculation and the spread of unfounded opinions. Further, people have the right to hold different views, and being anti-immigration does not necessarily lie outside of legitimate political opinion.


I don't know why you can't grasp what I have already said, the issue is about having the data sat around, that exposes people to risk, it is their decision, and an old one, nothing about migration or refugees, but data security, your inability to understand their reasoning does nothing to negate the importance they felt when they made this decision.  I find it funny that when people have to divulge data they deem unimportant, such as in the new Thai visa applications, they start crying about state control, but when the state compiles less information people also cry the same, in truth the less they compile the freer the people.


I don't deny that there may be neutral or beneficial reasons for wishing the information known, I just don't know what they might be, and it seems that neither do you, as I have asked you and you have failed to provide anything other than very vague fields of study, I guess you have no idea what their reasoning for studying this would be though or you would have come up with something a little better than, history.



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5 hours ago, simple1 said:

Demographics info for Sweden is available from the Civil Registry. I find it unsubstantiated that Swedish authorities do not record nationalities background info and so on as without such data the Swedish authorities would not be able to identify resources and funding required for migrants / refugees.




They only record certain information, like every country only records certain information, and not all the information is made publicly available, here is a quote from the Swedish public registry which confirms what I have been talking about the entire time.


"The Tax Agency does not release information if there is special reason to assume that the person to whom the information applies, or a close relative of that person, would be harmed by its doing so."


The reason we do not have information regarding origins of refugees in Sweden is because it could expose them to the likes of neo-Nazi's.  Everyone is given a degree of the same protection, as they are everywhere, but it goes further for refugees as they are particularly vulnerable.

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46 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:

Not so cheap in Sweden either...

"Sweden’s 318,000 “Syrian” refugees, or migrants, will cost the country a bare minimum of $32.7 billion USD in 2017. That’s 33% of Sweden’s central government’s annual budget, and 5.5% of their GDP—imagine if the US spent $1 trillion on refugees, same proportions.
Furthermore, migrants are not contributing to Sweden’s economy—of those refugees that came in 2015, only 500 have jobs."




The bio for the cretin who wrote the crap you have slung out to perpetuate ignorance and hatred references disciplines that do not actually exist. Doctoral Candidate Spencer P. Morrison appears to have much skill in economic analysis as my backside.


Every study by credible researchers and institutions demonstrates immigration provides a net benefit to host countries. You may wish to read one of these if you were not an intellectually dishonest purveyor of false and misleading information.

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1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


The bio for the cretin who wrote the crap you have slung out to perpetuate ignorance and hatred references disciplines that do not actually exist. Doctoral Candidate Spencer P. Morrison appears to have much skill in economic analysis as my backside.


Every study by credible researchers and institutions demonstrates immigration provides a net benefit to host countries. You may wish to read one of these if you were not an intellectually dishonest purveyor of false and misleading information.

Show me numbers then how much are the costs. Or let me guess, you have none? What did the prime minister of Sweden comment on these costs? Oh, maybe he's wrong too and has no glue (which I can actually believe based on his behaviour).

Anyways, how does the math work in your calculator. How does this benefit the host nation?
"From the 165000 refugees only 500 have jobs."

I run a factory and 100% of the workforce are working. I do not take an extra 1000 just to stand around.

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7 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


They only record certain information, like every country only records certain information, and not all the information is made publicly available, here is a quote from the Swedish public registry which confirms what I have been talking about the entire time.


"The Tax Agency does not release information if there is special reason to assume that the person to whom the information applies, or a close relative of that person, would be harmed by its doing so."


The reason we do not have information regarding origins of refugees in Sweden is because it could expose them to the likes of neo-Nazi's.  Everyone is given a degree of the same protection, as they are everywhere, but it goes further for refugees as they are particularly vulnerable.

Neo-Nazi's. Yes, that is the REAL problem in Sweden. They just burned an asylum centre in Sweden. Oh, my bad, they were the refugees themselves who wanted to have a better accommodation closer to big city.

Or like the ones that hacked the Disqus forum and started to chase people from their homes? Oh, my bad, they were the main stream journalists.


Look up "code 291" how they cover up all the crimes and close their eyes from anything what is happening around them. Swedish people know this but if you open your mouth you lose your job.

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7 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:

Neo-Nazi's. Yes, that is the REAL problem in Sweden. They just burned an asylum centre in Sweden. Oh, my bad, they were the refugees themselves who wanted to have a better accommodation closer to big city.

Or like the ones that hacked the Disqus forum and started to chase people from their homes? Oh, my bad, they were the main stream journalists.


Look up "code 291" how they cover up all the crimes and close their eyes from anything what is happening around them. Swedish people know this but if you open your mouth you lose your job.


I would say the recent neo Nazi serial killer was a real problem and killing people being more of a REAL problem than arson or hacking a forum, but no doubt you can overlook a little thing like a serial killer when you have disgruntled refugees to vent your anger at.


The only info I can find on code 291 are from proven misinformation site speisa.com and the conspiracy theory site inforwars.com, do you have a reliable source where I can read about it?

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39 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:


Look up "code 291" how they cover up all the crimes and close their eyes from anything what is happening around them. Swedish people know this but if you open your mouth you lose your job.

Code R291 is not a means to cover up crime statistics by migrants / refugees, rather a code implemented to report on such incidents. Your claim is the usual right wing conspiracy nonsense that you seem to be fully invested in.






Perhaps you may like to clarify why you attempt to minimise the neo Nazi movement in Sweden, plenty of hits on Google that contradict your effort. In addition why no reference from you and your ilk on the current Swedish government's significant cutback on refugee intake and other refugee related policies to address concerns. Seems you lot are more interested in posting non stop spiteful and vindictive generalised commentary, rather than positive actions being implemented.



On the unemployment front your comments do not reflect the harsh reality for integration services available in Sweden.



They may be registered in our database as unemployed, but they are only entitled to basic services, that is using our online services and talking to advisers. But there are no programme-based alternatives, that is no courses and no traineeships,






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13 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:

Show me numbers then how much are the costs. Or let me guess, you have none? What did the prime minister of Sweden comment on these costs? Oh, maybe he's wrong too and has no glue (which I can actually believe based on his behaviour).

Anyways, how does the math work in your calculator. How does this benefit the host nation?
"From the 165000 refugees only 500 have jobs."

I run a factory and 100% of the workforce are working. I do not take an extra 1000 just to stand around.


You post a bunch of made up numbers and claim this to be a credible economic analysis. You want a pissing contest over numbers. That is not economics. That is propaganda. It is pseudo-science peddled by the ignorant. The very simple response to destroy your hysterical claims is that Doctoral Candidate Spencer P. Morrison does not provide a cost benefit analysis. He merely performs simple arithmetic on numbers based on assumptions. Economic Cost Benefit Analysis relies on modeling assumptions, but those assumptions are explicit and are part of the structure of the model.


A credible model, presented by Harvard Kerr & Kerr 2008 on earnings assimilation of migrants:


"The first studies in this vein found that US immigrants earned less than natives when entering the country but converged to the native wage level in 15 years. After 30 years, immigrants were found to earn more than natives of similar age and education."

http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Publication Files/09-013_15702a45-fbc3-44d7-be52-477123ee58d0.pdf


The formula for the basis of these findings is in the paper for your reference - since you asked for my 'numbers'. Of course, I do not expect you to refer to it nor to even comprehend it since you and Doctoral Candidate Spencer P. Morrison are not making any economic argument.


Your numbers are questionable. The assumptions underlying your numbers are questionable. Claiming the Swedish Prime Minister supports your claim is absurd. Your feeble arithmatic demonstrates nothing but a biased and bigoted anti-immigrant view.

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24 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:

Neo-Nazi's. Yes, that is the REAL problem in Sweden. They just burned an asylum centre in Sweden. Oh, my bad, they were the refugees themselves who wanted to have a better accommodation closer to big city.

Or like the ones that hacked the Disqus forum and started to chase people from their homes? Oh, my bad, they were the main stream journalists.


Look up "code 291" how they cover up all the crimes and close their eyes from anything what is happening around them. Swedish people know this but if you open your mouth you lose your job.


Normalising neo-Nazis. I regret the time I wasted on responding to your ideology. I will now go and try and wash off the filth that your words have left.

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32 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Normalising neo-Nazis. I regret the time I wasted on responding to your ideology. I will now go and try and wash off the filth that your words have left.

Refugees vs. neo-Nazis - who commit the most crimes in Sweden now?

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38 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You post a bunch of made up numbers and claim this to be a credible economic analysis. You want a pissing contest over numbers. That is not economics. That is propaganda. It is pseudo-science peddled by the ignorant. The very simple response to destroy your hysterical claims is that Doctoral Candidate Spencer P. Morrison does not provide a cost benefit analysis. He merely performs simple arithmetic on numbers based on assumptions. Economic Cost Benefit Analysis relies on modeling assumptions, but those assumptions are explicit and are part of the structure of the model.


A credible model, presented by Harvard Kerr & Kerr 2008 on earnings assimilation of migrants:


"The first studies in this vein found that US immigrants earned less than natives when entering the country but converged to the native wage level in 15 years. After 30 years, immigrants were found to earn more than natives of similar age and education."

http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Publication Files/09-013_15702a45-fbc3-44d7-be52-477123ee58d0.pdf


The formula for the basis of these findings is in the paper for your reference - since you asked for my 'numbers'. Of course, I do not expect you to refer to it nor to even comprehend it since you and Doctoral Candidate Spencer P. Morrison are not making any economic argument.


Your numbers are questionable. The assumptions underlying your numbers are questionable. Claiming the Swedish Prime Minister supports your claim is absurd. Your feeble arithmatic demonstrates nothing but a biased and bigoted anti-immigrant view.

We are talking about Sweden. Do you have any numbers from SWEDEN to back up your claims? I believe not. You might not be even able to understand Swedish so I understand why it might be difficult to you.

You can continue to live in your bubble but if you see and EXPERIENCE the situation then you might have other thoughts. Many do not do even when they get beaten or stoned.

Soaring asylum numbers force Sweden to cut costs, borrow more

Sweden sees costs of migration crisis almost quadruple

Sweden sees faster growth but immigration costs mount
Just weeks after saying Europe should not build walls to keep out refugees, Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said Sweden needed a "breathing space".


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But such a nice place to live.

What's REALLY Going On In Sweden? #swedenincident

How did it go for pro-immigration DN (Dagens Nyheter) journalist during his visit in Rinkeby?

Migrants in Gothenburg, Sweden have the local police on special alert at the country’s leading mall. Many are afraid to visit Nordstan mall, as citizens are openly harassed and even attacked, Expressen reports, citing police.

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35 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


They've had more than one serial killer targeting migrants, John Ausonius and Peter Mangs in relatively recent past, and recent murders of migrants, including the Iraqi boy, which the article in the OP is referencing regarding the police call for people to come forward to give evidence, are suspected to be the work of a new serial killer targeting migrants.  Others have been quick to fabricate stories of the boy being a gangster but these lies have been proven false, the only lead points to the murder being racially motivated as his classmates have been subjected to racial abuse and are afraid to give evidence.  There are 11 murders and 80 attempted murders currently being investigated.  Malmo has seen a surge in racially motivated crimes against migrants, this issue gets glossed over by the right wing press who instead use the facts regarding extra police being drafted into Malmo to paint a picture of spiraling crime among the migrants themselves, and crime levels are high, but a lot of the crime is against them rather than committed by them.  They ignore the 11 murders of migrants and instead focus on the burning of an empty building.


John Ausonius.. yes, a very recent one....

Almost as recent as when the somali misunderstood poor refugee who went to Ikea to cut some heads off...

Nice leftist rant anyways.

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36 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


What type of crime? If we are talking murder then almost certainly the neo-Nazi's.

I doubt that. Refugee figures (if we take all the killings, rapes and what not) are in thousands under the 291 code.

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10 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:

John Ausonius.. yes, a very recent one....

Almost as recent as when the somali misunderstood poor refugee who went to Ikea to cut some heads off...

Nice leftist rant anyways.

Actually it was an Eritrean Christian who stabbed the woman in the stomach and her son died from defensive wounds. It was the right wing sites that insisted they were murdered by a Muslim who tried to cut off heads. Again showing up where you source your info.



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10 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Actually it was an Eritrean Christian who stabbed the woman in the stomach and her son died from defensive wounds. It was the right wing sites that insisted they were murdered by a Muslim who tried to cut off heads. Again showing up where you source your info.



I did not say anything about that somali being a muslim.

If you think it makes it better you get killed by stabbing in the stomach and defensive wounds by a CHRISTIAN then so be it. 

One fact remains - without this massive immigration they would be still alive. This is the point.

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I always wondered how any western nation could successfully implement the guest immigration system found in nations like (HK, Japan, Singapore, Dubai..etc..) simple as that anybody who is useful to the nation is welcome that includes (wealthy individuals or businessmen, skilled workers, guest workers ) is welcome regardless of race or religion. Criminals elements, refugees and welfare assisted populace are not welcome, why it s hard for any lefty to understands this concept ?  high criteria migration system based on quality and not quantity ?

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