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What's Wrong With This Picture?


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My current Amex card is expiring at the end of this month, and Amex Thailand was kind enough to send a courier to my office with the new card.

As I was signing the back and looking it over, I noticed the following:


All I can do is shake my head and say "Amazing Thailand!" :o

Edited by bino
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Buckwheat- I can assure you that the numbers are correct- I checked them first, along with the spelling of my name before turning the card over to sign it.

Ayutthaya- The website URL is indeed incorrect / not working. although I could see them hastily registering it to correct the problem!

Florin- I'm agreeing with you and I suppose that I will call them and b*tch about it. Even though it would probably never be a problem at a Thai merchant, some sharp eyed merchant in another country might notice it - especially since it is a Thailand issued card - and decline me service when I really need it.

Maybe if I complain loud enough I'll get a free annual fee or some miles!

Edited by bino
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BTW bino, it's amusing and it made me laugh, however i would contact them and ask for a replacement card without spelling mistakes as it could easily be refused. People could well think that it is indeed a fake. I would not feel the need to be nasty about it or make a big issue of it.

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As a merchant I'd be inclined to knock back an americanexperss card.

I'd also knock back a dinners card, mistercard and veesacard.

I wonder how many people here are looking at what you wrote and are thinking what the joke is supposed to be. (Donz? :o )

Edited by Sing_Sling
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Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.

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Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.

fcuknig gerat

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I just checked my Amex gold and platinum cards (yes, I'm bragging again) and there's no spelling mistakes.

Obviously just the Green ones :o

Not in the same league, but I just had my name cards re-printed to reflect my 08 mobile number, and I also decideed to print everything in Thai on the reverse, as I've found it sometimes comes in handy.

I don't know if you have noticed but if you have three names ( two given and one surname), Thais will invariably use the 3 names in full on any document requiring your name in Thai. So I went to the print shop armed with my full name and address in Thai. I even got the wife to confirm with them the spelling of my names in Thai, as there is a great variety of ways they can be spelt.

The wife picked up the cards last week and I checked the English and she checked the Thai. All O.K - or so I thought.

Today we were at the traffic office re-registering my car, and I had my card in my hand and asked the wife to read out my name from the printed Thai script.

I'll let you into a little secret: my middle name is Andrew.

She read it out: xxxxx Anne xxxxx


Yes, Anne.

But it should be ANDREW!!!

But look dear, your name is so long, there's no room on the card, so they've shortened the middle name to Anne. :D

That's bloody ridiculous

Don't worry about it - no one will notice :D

Yeah yeah..... another 300 Baht down the drain :D

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Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.

fcuknig gerat

Aegerd. I msut say I lvoe it. In furtue I am giong to wiret liek taht.

Godo fun realyl!

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After checking my girlfriends AMX card i believe the picture in the op has been changed, it's not even a new card as the op states it is, you can see the scratches on it. this is not real. :o

Can't see any scratches on it just oily finger print kind of marks. Banks in Thailand have lots of different cards available sometimes too. I'd like to know also when this card was issued?

If misspeling is the topic, it's legendary in Thailand.

Worst one so far was this languege school at Victory monument advertising on a huge sign various languages they teach also Deutsh, I think it was spelled. :D That was over one year ago, I'll have to go to check if theres still a foto to catch.

PS Have you ever noticed in how many different ways ''phat khrapao'' can be written in thai on the menus?

edited for spelling::

Edited by sonnyJ
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Worst one so far was this languege school

edited for spelling::


Sorry I can't resist. A post making fun of spelling mistakes, edited for spelling mistakes, and still containing a spelling mistake. :o

Not that I do any better of course. I had to fix a spelling mistake in this post. :D

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Worst one so far was this languege school at Victory monument advertising on a huge sign various languages they teach also Deutsh, I think it was spelled. :o

I'm guessing that perhaps you don't realize that in Germany the name for their language is "Deutsche". So if they spelled it that way, they were correct. A lot of people don't realize that, and think "Deutsche" is supposed to actually be "Dutch".

Edited by Soju
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Worst one so far was this languege school at Victory monument advertising on a huge sign various languages they teach also Deutsh, I think it was spelled. :o

I'm guessing that perhaps you don't realize that in Germany the name for their language is "Deutsche". So if they spelled it that way, they were correct. A lot of people don't realize that, and think "Deutsche" is supposed to actually be "Dutch".

Actually, the language is 'Deutsch'.

'Deutsh' is wrong in every way and 'Dutch' in Dutch would be 'Nederlands'

I hope that clears it up, especially the Dutch part. :D

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Worst one so far was this languege school at Victory monument advertising on a huge sign various languages they teach also Deutsh, I think it was spelled. :o

I'm guessing that perhaps you don't realize that in Germany the name for their language is "Deutsche". So if they spelled it that way, they were correct. A lot of people don't realize that, and think "Deutsche" is supposed to actually be "Dutch".

Reminds me of the true story of a downed WWII pilot who sought help at a house asking "are you Dutch?" He was taken in by the family only to find out later that they thought he had said "are you Deutsche".

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Just checked my AE card (gold).Issued at AE headoffice in Bkk.Everything fine :o

About names:

Just had a new account at SCB.

On-line, I checked the name (writte in thai) and I found trouble.

I do have 3 given names and a last name.

Not having space enough for all 3 given names they decided to put the last given name in front of my last name.

given names:a-b-c

last name : d

I now have on my account: given names:a-b

last name: c-d

I wonder if a transfer from abroad will go allright?

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I once lived somewhere (many years ago) that started issuing new driver's licenses, but they spelled it: Driver's Licence.

I don't exactly remember what happened, but I think some heads rolled over the deal.

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Worst one so far was this languege school

edited for spelling::


Sorry I can't resist. A post making fun of spelling mistakes, edited for spelling mistakes, and still containing a spelling mistake. :o

Not that I do any better of course. I had to fix a spelling mistake in this post. :D

Damned, I used to think I was perfect... :D

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this is not real. :o

It is indeed real... whether you believe it or not is up to you! The card is new and unused. It doesn't activate until 1/1/07.

I'd like to know also when this card was issued?

The card was issued to me by Amex Thailand last Tuesday. I have noticed that there is a code number in the top right corner of the card, which likely identifies when and where the card blank was produced.

The current Thai Amex which expires on 31/12/06 has a code SP 24835 10/03, which I believe indicates that the blank was manufactured in Singapore in Oct 2003, which is a couple of months before it was issued to me.

I also have a gold Amex from Canada. It has a code USA 12-03, even though the card wasn't issued to me until March 05.

The code on this card is OCS-JKT 06/06. So, I'm guessing that the card blank was produced in Jakarta in June 2006.

So- I'm wondering if they have really been issuing cards like this since June 2006, and how many more like it are out there. Can't believe that no one else has noticed this if the cards have been in circulation for 6 months!

Anyone else have a Thai Amex with a JKT code?

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