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Security Threat In Pattaya

Chris Hill

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davethailand, have you or any other bar/club owners in pattaya instituted any kind of door security measures such as a guard to "pat down" customers or check bags as they come in, watch for left bags in the toilets or under tables,check cars and motorcycles parked outside. in much the same way as london clubs/restaurants etc. did during periods of ira tensions?

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Quote: I think the overall tone of this message is far too high key. It is mere speculation with no evidence to back it up, but is phrased as though the writer has inside knowledge. Just the sort of rumour mongering that plays into the hand of terrorists, and does damage to a resort like Pattaya.

There rarely is 'evidence' to back up any terrorist threat other than bits of bodies strewn on a street that was peacefully going about its business moments earlier.

Intel-chatter? Fine, works sometimes but not half as reliable as assuming the worst is at least under consideration. This is not to suggest we all hide under our tables, far from, but let's face it, Thailand is a tourist spot and that makes her vulnerable to those whose avowed aim is the dismantling of civilised society as we know it.

Never forget - the aim of a terrorist is NOT to kill but to instil fear, or terror upon the perceived enemy, to disrupt and devalue the quality of their lives, and hopefully by this method bring about capitualtion. Historically, it works.

For my money, if/when they do turn their heads to this fair city they might as well start in Saudi Pattaya.

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just watched the English language TV News proramme Nation. They dedicated around 1/3 of the programme to the southern problems. They said a threat had been made of a holy war to start 7 days after the burial of those killed last Wednesday. This will start with suicide bombings and the "war" will be far worst then the one in the 70's(?). BKK was mentioned as a target. Pattaya has got to come in 2nd place as a target (my opinion only). TAT have said that tourist numbers are expected to be 10% short of those forecast for 2004.

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Just an opinion and no intent here to be an alarmist...but is it not better to head off Thailand's "911"?

And trust on this, when it comes it will not be "drugged teenagers or arms dealers, or thugs...at the ROOTS, it will be Moslems.

France gave the terrorists an "in" and Spain has given Thailand an out...Britain is rapidly becoming a Moslem refuge (it is almost easier to get a curry based entree in England than 'fish and chips'...can't wait until the mosques start showing up in Ireland.

Well...? :o

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davethailand, have you or any other bar/club owners in pattaya instituted any kind of door security measures such as a guard to "pat down" customers or check bags as they come in, watch for left bags in the toilets or under tables,check cars and motorcycles parked outside. in much the same way as london clubs/restaurants etc. did during periods of ira tensions?

in our case no not really, but saying that arabian/muslim looking customers with big bags will be checked.

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Tahksin will kick ass on anybody that dares to mess with Thais Tourism.

Those smiling, polite folks are the nastiest people on earth when they are provoked.

Besides, there are more Arabs in Pattaya than Americans.

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I'm heading for Patty in about twelve days for a month visit and while I hardly qualify as an expert on the city, I REALLY don't believe there are THAT MANY arabs in Pattaya! Yes, there is a patch of Arab bars, restaurants & stores on Pratamnak on the way out to Jontein. And there are a fair amount of them out past Suk Av on the east end, but I would be surprised if they make up more than 5% of the total population of 90,000 in Pattaya?

Has there EVER been a history of them being politically active in Pattaya ? From my experience in town they would much rather sell you a suit than blow up a bar........

Just my take on things....


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I can see that the authorities and particularly the Americans

are taking Chris's warning very seriously.

See the other posts about the American troops coming to Pattaya on R&R.

Let up hope all remains quiet for everybody's sake.

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WISteve: Has there EVER been a history of them being politically active in Pattaya?

Nope, no history at all of Moslem radicals in Pty, just as there was no history of turning passenger planes into guided missiles before 911. Sure, they tried it in against Israel, but the Israelis shot them down before they could reach populated areas. Took a load of shit over that, as Israel tends to whenever they harm a Moslem in defence of Jews, but the bottom line is that the first 911 occured, ironically, not in Tel-Aviv but New York, that haven for the Islamic cause in the form of a United Nations.

I believe the decent majority must never be allowed to forget the scenes of rejoicing, not only by the Palestinians but in many other places around the Moslem world in the aftermath of 911. Forget, discount, try to explain away or in any other form dilute that fact, and you have not a clue as to the true nature of Islam.

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Moving: Spot on!

As a newbie I may be well out of line so spam away till your fingers go numb, but I have noticed on this and other boards that as soon as a Thai 911 is mentioned many people tend to step back from the realities of the situation. Either that or they truly do not, cannot, or do not wish to understand the implications of radical Islam.

It's far easier to think and feel and hope that such a thing will never occur in the peaceful spot we have chosen to spend some time than it is to bother noticing what is actually happening around the world.

I agree too that France gave the terrorists an “in”. Naturally, I would never dream of suggesting this may have anything at all to do with French economic and political interests in predominantly Moslem countries, but if you look at the background of all known major Islamic terrorists and vocal radicals, each one of them has called France “home” at some time in their lives. Says much, don’t you think?

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I have just returned from Malaysia, where the problems in Thailand are headline news.

The items being discussed are the possibility of Malaysian help to Thailand in providing a new set of leaders in the religious commumity, more geared to the philosophy of Malaysian Muslim practices, which are bradly peaceful (thanks to Doctor Mahatir Mohammed's policy of eliminating the radicals as soon as they raised their heads). On peninsular Malaysia the multi-cultural society seems to work. Chris Hill talking about the Thai insurgents being based in Malaysia is not in accordance with my experience (five years of travelling between Thailand and Malaysia). The leaders of Thai troubles do skip across the border, as did the IRA when the British Army cracked down on Derry. But unlike the border counties of Eire, there is no aparent infrastructure to support them over the border. Just lack of pursuit by the authorities.

Remeber that about three years ago there were two incidents of arms being taken from military armouries in Malaysia. In one, all perpetrators were surrounded and all died. In the other two lived after being caught, but died later from their wounds. This was Dr. MM's way and I have seen no evidence of change since his retirement.

The Malaysian clerics and civil leaders do preach peace and a united community. They do not carry 200-year-old grievances about an independent kingdom. They are, in many cases, poorer than their Thai counterparts in the South. But there is little or no publicly expressed dissatisfaction with the way things are, just an urging to do better and be better.

If the Thai Muslim communities can get a similar type of leadership, then the problems will fade in the South. Especially if make-work projects are placed in the area.

With regard to Pattaya - there are two things here where Chris Hill appears to be confused - there is an Arab tourist area and there is a Thai Muslim community. The two are different. The Arabs are here to do what is not allowed in their home environment - drink alcohol, look at women, actually go out with women, as well as what is allowed (smoke hookahs, go out with small boys, etc.,). These guys are a problem in that they are incapable of interacting with other facets of society, because normal life is so different from what they have been brought up to do. But they are not terrorists an few go to mosques.

The local Thai muslim community is basically hard working, the interaction with tourists being where many of the motorbike rental people are muslim, as are some tailor shops and so on. These people maintain three mosques on Sukhumvit - I don't know of any others, but then I'm not into this community. There may be some rebellious teen-agers among this group, but nothing like the religious school and mosque instruction that has been spreading across Pattani, Songkhla and that area.

Terrorist acts can take place anywhere, at any time. But I do not see that Pattaya is any more at risk than any other place where people gather to enjoy themselves. This is the thing that pisses off the religious nuts - the capacity to enjoy oneself. This is where they want to attack us.

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Moving: Spot on!

As a newbie I may be well out of line so spam away till your fingers go numb, but I have noticed on this and other boards that as soon as a Thai 911 is mentioned many people tend to step back from the realities of the situation. Either that or they truly do not, cannot, or do not wish to understand the implications of radical Islam.

It's far easier to think and feel and hope that such a thing will never occur in the peaceful spot we have chosen to spend some time than it is to bother noticing what is actually happening around the world.

I agree too that France gave the terrorists an “in”. Naturally, I would never dream of suggesting this may have anything at all to do with French economic and political interests in predominantly Moslem countries, but if you look at the background of all known major Islamic terrorists and vocal radicals, each one of them has called France “home” at some time in their lives. Says much, don’t you think?

My experience (for what it's worth) goes to support much of what is said here.

At 9/11 I was in Libya. In the NOC Hospital Palestinian laboratory workers were dancing in the corridors at 9/11. Speaking with many Palestinians since, in Libya, in Saudi and in UAE, all have said that 9/11 was an Israeli operation and that all Jews were warned to keep away from the twin towers that day. When I have pointed out that this is fallacious, I am told that the jews killed were 'not Zionists, so not warned'. This has been the story of literally forty-to-fifty Palestinians that I have personally talked to over three years. All preached from their mosques, taught in their schools. This is one aspect of radical Islam. (Remember Josef Goebbels - a lie told often enough becomes to be perceived as the truth)

There is no telling as to where the next terrorist act will occur - as I have said above, personal enjoyment is anathema to these fanatics. They have no joy in their lives, due to poverty, lack of education, lack of decent living conditions, lack of work or any combination of the foregoing. So they attack people who do have joy in their lives. This makes tourist spots like Bali, Pattaya, Phuket, Langkawi to be potential targets. Maybe the Genting Highlands casinos in Malaysia. But should we stop going there? And become as miserable as these sad apologies for humanity? No - just keep aware and report all strang activities (except mine - some of mine are really strange :o )

As to France, which has had a tradition of sheltering dissidents - from the South African Mahatma Ghandi to Khomeini - and a tradition of anti-semitism from Dreyfuss to the present - they are paying the penalty themselves, with literally millions of North Africans unemployed, unemployable and living off the state, creating ghettoes and perverting Islam into a tool of war against the (supposedly) egalitarian society ruled by the Enarques such as Chirac. Le Pen and his ilk will grow stronger in France than in any other European country, fuelled by the expansion into the East. France will be close to civil war within a decade.

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