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Tens of thousands in U.S. cities protest Trump immigration order


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If most of the US is against Trump then why was he voted in....?

He won the presidential race, he is now your President you'll should be supporting him, he is doing what he said he would do, either way the guy has got the ball$ to do it, at moment I think he is doing great, I agree with all he has done, but then being from UK I voted for Brexit. 


Strikes me that a lot of US people are very similar to the whingers we have in UK, get over it you lost the vote, time for C H A N G E ! ! ! 


Is a knocking bet he and Putin are gonna get on just mighty fine, and has the Trumpster said lets knock the Hell out of ISIS, then the whingers and appeasers can all start protesting again... 


Only have to look at the one sided news coverage both in US and the BBC (thought the Beeb was supposed to present a balanced argument? seems they wheel out some minority person with an axe to grind every time against trump - just saying like) 



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5 minutes ago, Lokie said:

If most of the US is against Trump then why was he voted in....?

He won the presidential race, he is now your President you'll should be supporting him, he is doing what he said he would do, either way the guy has got the ball$ to do it, at moment I think he is doing great, I agree with all he has done, but then being from UK I voted for Brexit. 


Strikes me that a lot of US people are very similar to the whingers we have in UK, get over it you lost the vote, time for C H A N G E ! ! ! 


Is a knocking bet he and Putin are gonna get on just mighty fine, and has the Trumpster said lets knock the Hell out of ISIS, then the whingers and appeasers can all start protesting again... 


Only have to look at the one sided news coverage both in US and the BBC (thought the Beeb was supposed to present a balanced argument? seems they wheel out some minority person with an axe to grind every time against trump - just saying like) 



The reason trump won was the way the U.S. electoral college is structured. He didn't get the most votes. Not even close. He lost by THREE MILLION votes. Hope that answers your question. 


The trump - Brexit false equivalence is getting stupid. Brits, you got Brexit ... would you have voted for it if it killed your National Health system? I don't think so. Would you have killed it it meant you were stuck with a Prime Minister for 4 years that reminds so many people all over the world of an authoritarian dictator? I don't think so.


Again, not the same situation at all. Yes, I understand Brexit is a very big deal, but in other ways. The trade situation, Scotland, etc. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

The reason trump won was the way the U.S. electoral college is structured. He didn't get the most votes. Not even close. He lost by THREE MILLION votes. Hope that answers your question. 

Not at all JT, Trump won he is your President, now you should all get behind him and his government and what is it now - Make America Great Again, seems the US has lost a lot of credibility under Mr Obama, two terms what he actually done? is the world a safer place??



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Just now, Lokie said:

Not at all JT, Trump won he is your President, now you should all get behind him and his government and what is it now - Make America Great Again, seems the US has lost a lot of credibility under Mr Obama, two terms what he actually done? is the world a safer place??



You clearly don't understand the American system. If we oppose our president, the patriotic thing is NOT to get behind him but the opposite actually. Not interested in moronic McCarthyism style lectures especially from non-Americans. IGNORE LIST. 

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The reason trump won was the way the U.S. electoral college is structured. He didn't get the most votes. Not even close. He lost by THREE MILLION votes. Hope that answers your question. 


The trump - Brexit false equivalence is getting stupid. Brits, you got Brexit ... would you have voted for it if it killed your National Health system? I don't think so. Would you have killed it it meant you were stuck with a Prime Minister for 4 years that reminds so many people all over the world of an authoritarian dictator? I don't think so.


Again, not the same situation at all. Yes, I understand Brexit is a very big deal, but in other ways. The trade situation, Scotland, etc. 

Please don't quote our beloved NHS, it is on its knees from all the non-UK nationals who are getting free health care and have not paid on e penny into the system, you will not see this on any news channel and it is suppressed. So on that alone seems there is some sort of connection no...?


The free meal tickets seem to becoming to an end, maybe the ME countries and African countries can make some room for all the 'Refugees' etc Mmm I wonder why they do not want to go to these places...

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On 1/30/2017 at 6:22 PM, Ken Khomdee said:

How dare the President of the United States put the safety of it's citizens first!


Are you joking ?  The biggest danger comes from the US citizens themselves .Try to count all the terrorist attacks and mass killings inside the US since 2001.  


They were all done by US citizens , not Iranians , Syrians etc.  Remember the night club in Florida ? Or the mass murderer  in California ?  People with a brain knows this and will remember the truth.  


Trump is just plain stupid. 




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The wife of the san bernardino shooter, who also did some some shooting, was not a US Citizen, only had residency status.  (was not a citizen)


The Somali who did the 'isis' related knife attack in Minnesota was an immigrant.


Trump should have cranked up the screening of anyone returning from 'problem' countries,  as well as the monitoring of legal residents and visa holders already in the US instead of his grandstand, inept move.


I bet if you did some routine, LEGAL screening of a lot of visa and green card holders, you'll find a high percentage of them in violation of conditions.   Check up on them, send them home.      


I heard somebody on a talk program complaining a Moslem student friend of his was deported after they found out he was working in the US without authorisation....and it was an 'anti moslem' action.       :)




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3 hours ago, petesc55 said:



Trump should have cranked up the screening of anyone returning from 'problem' countries, as well as the monitoring of legal residents and visa holders already in the US instead of his grandstand, inept move.




Give him time. This is only a first step.

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4 hours ago, balo said:


Are you joking ?  The biggest danger comes from the US citizens themselves .Try to count all the terrorist attacks and mass killings inside the US since 2001.  



Not really. Some were done by immigrants and many were inspired by Islamic Terrorism. Something needs to be done and Trump is taking the first major step.

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?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2F53%2F81%2F6904c333457 Banksy calls attention to a little-known fact :  


Steve Jobs's Father was a Syrian, refugee 

"We're often led to believe migration is a drain on the country's resources but Steve Jobs was the son of a Syrian migrant," Banksy said in a rare public statement obtained by BBC.  "Apple is the world's most profitable company," Banksy added. "It pays over $7bn (£4.6bn) a year in taxes - and it only exists because [the United States] allowed in a young man from Homs."



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51 minutes ago, Opl said:

Steve Jobs's Father was a Syrian, refugee,



Not a good example of any problem with Trump's executive order. Job's father came to America around 1954 - not a lot of Islamic terrorism then. Steve Jobs did not even know him and he was an immigrant, not a refuge. Jobs was adopted and raised by a Christian couple.

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42 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Not a good example of any problem with Trump's executive order. Job's father came to America around 1954 - not a lot of Islamic terrorism then. Steve Jobs did not even know him and he was an immigrant, not a refuge. Jobs was adopted and raised by a Christian couple.

I am not sure if your problem is reading, comprehension or both.   


The Executive Order bars all people from Syria, not just refugees.   Had Job's father not been admitted, there would never have been a Steve Jobs.   It's a good example.   

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19 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

There was not trouble with world wide Islamic Terrorism in 1954. There is now. It is completely different situation. The problem is not with Syrians. The problem is with Islamic radicals.

So then why are Syrian's banned?   

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10 minutes ago, Credo said:

So then why are Syrian's banned?   

Because of the Islamic radicals in Syria.


The people most upset by this, are the ignorant and oblivious. I lived and operated in the Persian Gulf for a 15 year Period. it was not unusual for countries to play games with visas, and for passengers to be screened/interrogated, even U.S. citizens, when flying back to the U.S. To me, this isn't a big deal, and as per usual, being blown out of proportion, by the ignorant, or even worse, like the drama queens/kings like Pelosi and Schumer.


The facts is, Yemen has been a failing state for years, Sudan, Somalia, for decades, and never mind the interference by the Iranians in the Gulf Region and farther a field. Again, all of this is political grandstanding, as usual.

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Not really. Some were done by immigrants and many were inspired by Islamic Terrorism. Something needs to be done and Trump is taking the first major step.

Many "terrorist" events in the US were also inspired by violent TV.    This is Trump pulling at the easy to find strings of some of his supporters.  Reality is much different than campaign rhetoric.  Of which Trump was a master at.




How Many Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. Have Been Carried Out by Immigrants from the 7 Banned Muslim Countries?


Of this list, zero fatal attacks were carried out by immigrants from the seven Muslim-majority countries targeted by the ban. Two attacks were carried out by individuals with ties to the seven countries: the 2006 UNC SUV attack, and the 2016 Ohio State University attack. Neither of those plots resulted in American deaths.






The chances of a refugee killing you - and other surprising immigration stats

When we say barely, we mean BARELY. According to the CATO Institute, not one person from the seven countries included in the ban has killed anyone in a terror attack on US soil in the last 40 years. This includes refugees, as well.





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One dirty bomb exploded in a big city and all those statistics about the past are going to seem pretty short-sighted.  Terrorists are trying to inflict as much damage and fear as possible. Trump is trying to PREVENT future - possible much more dangerous - attacks.


Conceptually, a dirty bomb (or radiological dispersion bomb) is a very simple device. It's a conventional explosive, such as TNT (trinitrotoluene), packaged with radioactive material. It's a lot cruder and cheaper than a nuclear bomb, and it's also a lot less effective. But it does have the combination of explosive de­struction and radiation damage.


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2 hours ago, beechguy said:

Because of the Islamic radicals in Syria.


The people most upset by this, are the ignorant and oblivious. I lived and operated in the Persian Gulf for a 15 year Period. it was not unusual for countries to play games with visas, and for passengers to be screened/interrogated, even U.S. citizens, when flying back to the U.S. To me, this isn't a big deal, and as per usual, being blown out of proportion, by the ignorant, or even worse, like the drama queens/kings like Pelosi and Schumer.


The facts is, Yemen has been a failing state for years, Sudan, Somalia, for decades, and never mind the interference by the Iranians in the Gulf Region and farther a field. Again, all of this is political grandstanding, as usual.


2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

ISIS, Al-Qaeda affiliates, etc. No one knows who is who.

What nonsense.   There are very few ISIS or AQ members from Syria.   Many, if not most of them were imports from Europe, Iraq, and other areas.   There is no reason to ban people from Syria, or probably anywhere else for that matter.   


Do you think nobody knows who anybody is?   Do you think that there is a huge and growing amount of intelligence about the membership and supporters of ISIS.   Oh, and if you can't confirm that they aren't a member of ISIS, then don't admit them.   As it is now, an acquaintance of mine was to be re-united with his nearly 80 year old mother, who is from Syria.   Her home was bombed and his brother's were killed.   I really don't think she is a threat to national security.   Oh, and by the way, she wasn't coming as a refugee, although she had been screened as one.   She would be arriving as an immigrant and her son would be responsible for her care and maintenance.


What a mess this President is causing and the outcome will probably greater threats to Americans world-wide.   

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8 minutes ago, Credo said:


What nonsense.   There are very few ISIS or AQ members from Syria.    




Wrong. No matter where they are from. They are in Syria now and very difficult to vet effectively.  The country is in chaos and the identities and claims of the applicants are nearly impossible to verify. The lack of U.S. relationships with the government and law enforcement and the use of fake passports and fraudulent documents is widespread.



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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Wrong. No matter where they are from. They are in Syria now and very difficult to vet effectively.



What alternate universe do you live in?   If you can't vet them effectively, then don't let them in.   Don't punish everyone because you can't figure out who some of them are.   

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4 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

Too little, too late. The all-wise electorate wanted a thug dictator and it GOT one, Nice to watch all the "buyer's regret" from ten thousand miles away.:smile:

Yes and no.


45 LOST the popular vote by three million.

There have only been four presidents in U.S. history that have been elected president while losing the popular vote.

trump's popular vote loss was the LARGEST of those four.

He has no mandate.

So for the majority of Americans, this is not buyer's remorse because most of us never bought the insane con man clown's game. 

But yes, it is extremely tragic. Our very democracy is at risk. We're stuck with mentally bizarre demagogic authoritarian populist. Right or left, that's always a disaster. Yes, he was elected. So was Chavez. So was Putin (now democracy is dead there). So was Hitler. 


God help us. 

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21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes and no.


45 LOST the popular vote by three million.

There have only been four presidents in U.S. history that have been elected president while losing the popular vote.

trump's popular vote loss was the LARGEST of those four.

He has no mandate.

So for the majority of Americans, this is not buyer's remorse because most of us never bought the insane con man clown's game. 

But yes, it is extremely tragic. Our very democracy is at risk. We're stuck with mentally bizarre demagogic authoritarian populist. Right or left, that's always a disaster. Yes, he was elected. So was Chavez. So was Putin (now democracy is dead there). So was Hitler. 


God help us. 


I am afraid you are mistaken.You are also deluded in suggesting that Trump has no mandate.It is true that like a few other Presidents including George W Bush he lost the popular vote.However the Electoral College is not just some eighteenth century anachronism:it was established to reflect that the US is a union of formerly independent states.The Founding Fathers had great wisdom (how amazing that such a set of geniuses came together so providentially) and the outcome is that very populous states like California, NY and Florida cannot dominate the smaller states automatically.


There is a powerful case against Trump, and it's one that I subscribe to.I think he will do great damage and it seems to me impeachment can't be ruled out.But  many of his opponents on the streets and in the press (and above all the social media) are hopelessly vague and emotional.This is a time for democrats to show cool heads and think through their arguments with laser like intensity.Tere are plenty of old fools - and young fools too - who will bleat "fascist" without bothering to think through exactly what they object to.And if enough of the mob confine themselves to this, the case against Trump will be lost by default.


I don't agree with all of it but Daniel Hannan's thoughts should be read by all interested in this subject.




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33 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes and no.


45 LOST the popular vote by three million.

There have only been four presidents in U.S. history that have been elected president while losing the popular vote.

trump's popular vote loss was the LARGEST of those four.

He has no mandate.

So for the majority of Americans, this is not buyer's remorse because most of us never bought the insane con man clown's game. 

But yes, it is extremely tragic. Our very democracy is at risk. We're stuck with mentally bizarre demagogic authoritarian populist. Right or left, that's always a disaster. Yes, he was elected. So was Chavez. So was Putin (now democracy is dead there). So was Hitler. 


God help us. 

No, God help us all, because we will need it with this clown. 

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This post isn't off topic, and doesn't make any claim as to which/what group does what to whom/where, but it undeniably shows a pattern which needs to be taken into account in light of current restrictions.  I say that; no more, no less, as I don't want to get into a piss*ng contest.



The shoe bomber was a Muslim

The beltway Snipers were Muslim

The Ft Hood shooter was a Muslim

The underwear bomber was a Muslim

The USS Cole bombers were Muslims

The Madrid train bombers were Muslims

The Bali nightclub bombers were Muslims

The London subway bombers were Muslims

The Moscow theatre attackers were Muslims

The Boston Marathon bombers were Muslims

The Pan Am flight 93 bombers were Muslims

The Buenos Aires suicide bombers were Muslims

The Kenyan US Embassy bombers were Muslims

The Saudi Khobar Towers bombers were Muslims

The Besian Russian School attackers were Muslims

The Bombay attackers were Muslims


And, of course


The 9/11 hijackers were Muslims.



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