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Former Senator calls for probe into rampant Phuket corruption


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Former Senator calls for probe into rampant Phuket corruption

The Phuket News



Former Phuket Senator Tunyaratt Achariyachai has already notified a deputy chairman of the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) about the rampant corruption in Phuket. Photo: Tunyaratt Achariyachai / Facebook


PHUKET: -- Former Phuket Senator Tunyaratt Achariyachai, who has also previously served for years as the Chair of the Senate committee for Tourism, has called for a Bangkok-led investigation into rampant corruption among officials in Phuket.


Speaking to the press on Friday (Jan 27), Ms Tunyaratt said local police and government officials were exploiting the law to extort money from foreign employees and migrant workers.


Ms Tunyaratt said she had received many complaints from people affected by the shakedowns.


“A major Scandinavian tour agency that brings many tourists to the island said that foreign staff with work permits were being repeatedly harassed by officials, particularly in key tourist areas such as Kata, Karon and Patong beaches,” she said.


Ms Tunyaratt said the officials kept returning to check foreigners’ work permits, and usually carried out their “raids” on Fridays.


“Even though the foreigners insisted they had valid permits, the officials threatened to take them to a police station for detention pending further questioning,” Ms Tunyaratt explained.


The officials chose Fridays as the foreigners would have difficulty raising the funds to post bail in order to avoid spending two days in a Phuket holding cell.


“If they didn’t want to go to the station, they were asked to pay B20,000,” said Ms Tunyaratt.


Speaking on behalf of Phuket’s dive industry, Ratanapon Promchu, Manager of the Phuket-based Association of Thailand Underwater Sports (ATUS) office, on Saturday (Jan 28) warned that ongoing shakedowns targeting local dive operators could kill off many businesses in the island’s booming dive industry.


Full story: http://www.thephuketnews.com/former-senator-calls-for-probe-into-rampant-phuket-corruption-60836.php

-- © Copyright Phuket News 2017-01-30
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I give Former Phuket Senator Tunyaratt Achariyachai alot of credit for speaking out. Not many whistle blowers in this country. Most are too afraid to say anything, and if they do they get crushed like ants, or face cowardly defamation suits. What she is saying is something everyone already knows. But, at least she is saying it. Will anything be done? No. Why? This government has no interest in fighting corruption. None whatsoever. They are all about maintaining the status quo. If anyone gets arrested, they will be very little fish. And it is questionable if they will even be brought to trial, and in the unlikely event that happens, will they be convicted? Only if they are not wealthy, connected, or influential.


When was the last time you saw a CURRENT official, Army officer, high ranking policeman, or CEO charged with anything, and convicted? Not on Little P's watch. He does not have it in him. 

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