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Australian PM describes frank call with Trump after Washington Post reports angry exchange


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Not the beginning at all. I have expressed the same sentiments long before he was elected and since. Certain posters refuse to believe that anyone who does not hate him obsessively can just give him the benefit of the doubt.
I actually like him better the more that he does now that he is power. That does not mean that I cannot see his negatives and he has plenty. The way that he treated a close ally is a legitimate example.

You have said that, but now finally you're also expressing criticism.

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6 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Yes. Queue Jumpers. The gall of these people. They must be executed at once. The anti-immigrant crowd can only find outrage at someone cutting in line and no outrage for the circumstances that drive them to this.


You do realize that all credible studies demonstrate that immigration has a net benefit to countries?


Australia is a country made from immigrants. Immigration continues to add to the Australian character.

There are immigrants that contribute to a country economically and assimilate, and then there are those from muslim countries.......

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A deal is a deal. Both Trump and the Aussie PM are wealthy businessmen, and they know a deal is a deal. And really, it's a trivial matter, and something that doesn't need to be tweeted by the president, regardless of whether he likes it or not. Shows a lack of maturity and level-headedness on his part.


The USA - Australia relationship is a long standing and deep alliance. Donald should understand that neither country benefits from poor relations.



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13 hours ago, Opl said:

"Even in conversations marred by hostile exchanges, Trump manages to work in references to his election accomplishments. U.S. officials said that he used his calls with Turnbull and Peña Nieto to mention his election win or the size of the crowd at his inauguration to depict his victory as an achievement of historic proportions... Trump’s position appears to reflect the transactional view he takes of relationships, even when it comes to diplomatic ties with long-standing allies. "



What about his pledge to put "Crooked Hillary" in jail?  Or to deal with voter fraud? LOL






Still no executive order on voter fraud, as Trump moves on


The Oval Office signing was abruptly canceled last Thursday and never rescheduled. The White House hasn't talked about it since. The President has moved on to other subjects.
A senior administration official told CNN that the voter fraud investigation is no longer a top priority for the President, insisting it's not off the table, but not expected anytime soon.


And some say the "liberal" press is against him.  He's his own worst enemy. LOL


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7 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Yes. Queue Jumpers. The gall of these people. They must be executed at once. The anti-immigrant crowd can only find outrage at someone cutting in line and no outrage for the circumstances that drive them to this.


You do realize that all credible studies demonstrate that immigration has a net benefit to countries?


Australia is a country made from immigrants. Immigration continues to add to the Australian character.

Have a look what's happening in Melbourne with the migrants from Somalia.

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7 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Yes. Queue Jumpers. The gall of these people. They must be executed at once. The anti-immigrant crowd can only find outrage at someone cutting in line and no outrage for the circumstances that drive them to this.


You do realize that all credible studies demonstrate that immigration has a net benefit to countries?


Australia is a country made from immigrants. Immigration continues to add to the Australian character.

Historically they have been Christians, drank beer, enjoyed pork and been adverse to the idea of blowing themselves up in public. Historically they have adopted the way of life and social norms of Australia. Well educated and motivated middle class immigrants are indeed a benefit. But how many cab drivers and semi literate house bound baby machines does the country need ?

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One must give Trump credit about dumbness. He is an expert: he lives, breathes and acts in full on ball to the walls dumb. Did anyone see his tweet about Australia wanting to send thousands to USA? So dumb he doesn't even know (or it didn't stick) that the deal was for 130 refugees, not thousands.

 many had hoped Trump could start acting 'presidential" when he got in office. That was bargaining stage of grief I reckon. Leopards can't change spots, and you can't fix his way of being stupid

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1 hour ago, NumbNut said:


And it is not 'illegal' to be a refugee.

One mans reffo is anothers illegal immigrant. Many are nothing more than economic migrants. There is a documented procedure for anyone wanting to migrate to Australia legally. Arriving without a passport in a leaky boat isn't part of that procedure. There are refugee camps run by international agencies specifically for the victims of war and oppression. Applications for entry to Western countries are gathered at these camps, assistance is given. However the people attempting to enter Australia illegally by boat have chosen to circumvent these agencies. And therefore shouldn't be entertained or entitled to consideration.

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

You have said that, but now finally you're also expressing criticism.

And I have done so before. That is usually ignored, because it is realistic critisism, rather than demonizing the man as is so prevalent among his critics.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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12 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

One mans reffo is anothers illegal immigrant. Many are nothing more than economic migrants. There is a documented procedure for anyone wanting to migrate to Australia legally. Arriving without a passport in a leaky boat isn't part of that procedure. There are refugee camps run by international agencies specifically for the victims of war and oppression. Applications for entry to Western countries are gathered at these camps, assistance is given. However the people attempting to enter Australia illegally by boat have chosen to circumvent these agencies. And therefore shouldn't be entertained or entitled to consideration.


One man's reffo is another's (alternative facts warning) illegal immigrant.


There you go Pdaz, I fixed that for you.

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Leaders and polticians of non-muslim countries that support the influx of muslim refugees or muslims migrants or visitors into their countries should be thrown up by their own citizens and arrested for treason and executed in public to prevent anymore of this nonsense. We have to stop the islamization of the world.

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7 minutes ago, Canceraid said:

Leaders and polticians of non-muslim countries that support the influx of muslim refugees or muslims migrants or visitors into their countries should be thrown up by their own citizens and arrested for treason and executed in public to prevent anymore of this nonsense. We have to stop the islamization of the world.

Does the same apply for leaders and politicians of non christian countries that support christian immigrants, visitors, christianization.


Edited by Peterw42
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2 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Name them.

Last time I looked, Thailand is a non christian country that has no problem with christians living, visiting, practicing their religion.

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7 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Last time I looked, Thailand is a non christian country that has no problem with christians living, visiting, practicing their religion.

Didn't know they accepted refugees, and that's one country. How many western countries have opened their doors to refugees from the middle east and Africa? Tell me how many non-Christian countries have?

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15 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Last time I looked, Thailand is a non christian country that has no problem with christians living, visiting, practicing their religion.


That has a lot to do with economics and little to do with empathy for refugees. Taking in penniless Christians fleeing Syria would be a different story.

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Dumb deal, I'll tell you dumb deal. Supporting Bush/America in that stupid Iraq war.

50+ Australian soldiers killed supporting your ally. Of course this refugee swap

helps out Australia from a politically difficult world opinion hammering but with

a one for one swap of central American refugees America gets out of taking

Hispanic refugees witch it also does not want to take in. Oh well, Trump is all about

me, me, me. Open mouth insert foot, then open mouth wider and insert other foot.

Sometimes you should keep your mouth shut and help a long time ally.  :coffee1:  

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2 hours ago, giddyup said:

There are immigrants that contribute to a country economically and assimilate, and then there are those from muslim countries.......


Ever been to the UAE? I generally have to transit there to pick up visas for work in Middle East North Africa (MENA) countries. Do lots of shopping. Better selection of large sizes than in Bangkok. For many reasons I don't find it a pleasant place but I think that your assumption of the incompatibility of muslim people and economic development is demonstrably false. Taken from an historical perspective, it can also be demonstrated to be incorrect. As for assimilation, I do not believe it is a one way street, but I will not divert from the core economic issue that I originally addressed being that immigration has a net benefit to host countries according to all credible studies.


Examining economic impact is rather useful since issues of race and religion can be marginalized. I do not say these issues can be eliminated since economics defines social transactions but economists are able to select the data that they want in their models.


So let's dispense with the whole immigrants taking our benefits crap and admit that fear and bigotry are driving attitudes against current immigration trends.

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13 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Ever been to the UAE? I generally have to transit there to pick up visas for work in Middle East North Africa (MENA) countries. Do lots of shopping. Better selection of large sizes than in Bangkok. For many reasons I don't find it a pleasant place but I think that your assumption of the incompatibility of muslim people and economic development is demonstrably false. Taken from an historical perspective, it can also be demonstrated to be incorrect. As for assimilation, I do not believe it is a one way street, but I will not divert from the core economic issue that I originally addressed being that immigration has a net benefit to host countries according to all credible studies.


Examining economic impact is rather useful since issues of race and religion can be marginalized. I do not say these issues can be eliminated since economics defines social transactions but economists are able to select the data that they want in their models.


So let's dispense with the whole immigrants taking our benefits crap and admit that fear and bigotry are driving attitudes against current immigration trends.

If you can prove to me that the import of muslim refugees to any European (and non European) country has an economic benefit and that they happily assimilate, I will change my position. The thousands of Greek, Italian, Polish, etc that Australia imported to aid in the growth of the country was an absolute success. Let's see if history will say the same about the muslim immigrants.

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2 minutes ago, giddyup said:

If you can prove to me that the import of muslim refugees to any European (and non European) country has an economic benefit and that they happily assimilate, I will change my position. The thousands of Greek, Italian, Polish, etc that Australia imported to aid in the growth of the country was an absolute success. Let's see if history will say the same about the muslim immigrants.

I will not bother citing the research on the economic benefits derived from immigration since you add a caveat to your demand that is clearly a subjective issue. I have my views on the meaning of assimilation but that is not the point I am addressing. If you want to address that, then isolate that point from the economic issue and we can argue on the merits of that and not be diverted with the 'immigrants are taking my benefits' crap.


I went to school with the 2nd generation children of the immigrants from Southern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean and witnessed first hand the issues they went through as bi-cultural, particularly those from more conservative (in my view backward) places. This was happening at the same time that Australian culture was changing as a result of immigration both in terms of superficial cultural appropriation such as cuisine and in real policy on diversity and multiculturalism. I also witnessed a similar process with the Vietnamese and Khmer immigrants in the 70's and 80's.


Australia changed as a result of the immigrants. The immigrants changed as a result of living in the Australian culture. The process was sometimes messy. I see nothing different about immigrants who follow Islam.


Why do you support a foreign national who vows America First over your Prime Minister who represents a diverse and multicultural country founded on immigration?

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Australia changed as a result of the immigrants. The immigrants changed as a result of living in the Australian culture. The process was sometimes messy. I see nothing different about immigrants who follow Islam.


The immigrants you are talking about were mostly Christian with compatible lifestyles and capitalist and democratic values.

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15 hours ago, jayboy said:

Yes yes we get it.Trump is a spectacularly naughty boy.Nevertheless I can't help feeling he has a point here.Isn't the real issue Australia's rotten immigration policies and its hellish off shore processing camps? Why exactly is the US or any other country expected to take in refugees that might normally be expected to be accommodated by the major power in the area, ie Australia.



He's not a naughty boy, he's the Messiah.

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15 hours ago, mfd101 said:

The answer to that is fairly clear: (1) under the previous Labor Party government, the effect of large numbers of boat people arriving from Sri Lanka & Iran, Iraq & Afghanistan was that a couple of thousand refugees drowned at sea. Since the Liberal government cracked down on boat people arrivals & made it clear that NONE would ever be allowed to enter Australia, there have been no drownings at sea & the networks of people smugglers including in Indonesia have been largely dismantled. So the argument is that Australia's refusal to accept refugees & would-be migrants who arrive by boat is that many lives are saved; (2) the effect however was that some people are now stuck in the various offshore island camps. The deal with Obama said: You take our boat people, all properly vetted as they now are (to the extent possible with people who were encouraged by people smugglers to destroy their ID papers before arrival), and we'll take an equal number of your illegal but vetted Latinos. From Australia's point of view this was a good deal because it maintains the line that no boat people will be admitted EVER to Australia.

Thank you for this and it helped me understand Australia's position better.I can fully understand why the deal was beneficial for Australia.But I still don't really comprehend why Australia's refusal to accept boat people directly should be seenas some kind of virtuous position.The argument about lives being saved is valid but one suspects has been invoked ex post facto.Other countries like Italy/Greece have to deal with much the same problem and on a much greater scale.On top of this the Australian record on off shore holding zones is very poor.I don't nevertheless reject the policy but I do find it odd - let's be clear moronically undiplomatic - that the Australian PM should feel it right to start discussing the Obama deal on his first conversation with Trump.I'm not surprised Trump blew a fuse - especially taking into account he would have been well aware of Turnbull's publicly expressed contempt pre-election.

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2 hours ago, Canceraid said:

Leaders and polticians of non-muslim countries that support the influx of muslim refugees or muslims migrants or visitors into their countries should be thrown up by their own citizens and arrested for treason and executed in public to prevent anymore of this nonsense. We have to stop the islamization of the world.

So basically you suggest to publicly execute every single leader and politician in the world, except for the leaders and politician of Muslim countries. Thats your brilliant idea to eradicate a religion you dont like?

Are you an Islamist yourself maybe Canceraids? Since you clearly want to murder every infidel!

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