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Can you identify this place?


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This is a strange request I know but I'm going to give it a try.  I hope somebody either knows about this place or can read Thai on the signage and help me.  I am no longer in Chiang Mai so I'm reaching out here in hopes that somebody can help.


About 18 months ago, a friend invited me to a temple.  I expected to arrive at a traditional place but instead found myself at one of the block townhouse rows with the shops on the bottom floor.  I was led through a restaurant and up some stairs.  The women and men took different staircases.  

The temple turned out to be a large room with a lot of statues etc and a lot of people dressed in specific clothing running around taking care of things.  I was placed in a line and next thing I know I was standing at an alter, then kneeling and being led through a ceremony with a priestess drawing something on my forehead and whispering a secret word that I was told I could never tell anybody.  No worries because I didn't understand what the hell she said anyway.  


I think I accidently joined a cult.


Anyway, I was describing this to a friend today and they asked the name of the place.  I know it is part of a larger group that originates in China.  This is the location I believe.  The balconies with the lanterns is the spot.  https://www.google.com/maps/@18.759368,99.0034348,3a,75y,16.35h,106.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdn4gQgsltYzV_BhaTZg-og!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


The followers and very devoted and spend a lot of time working there and even sleeping there sometimes.  


Does anybody know anything about this place?  I'm very curious.  




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The sign says; vegetarian cafe. The big hanging banner outside displays the food dishes.  The shop sign next door on the right is called; Sarattin, probably the name of the shop owner.


Sometimes the Chinese lanterns can signify it`s a brothel with a cafe downstairs being used to front the brothel, but that`s not always the case, this could be just as it seems, a veggie cafe. Also that Google Streetview map is 6 years old so that cafe may not even be there now.


As for alters and priestesses, I would advise you cutback on your alcohol consumption or change the type of medications you are on.

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