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Iran vows "roaring missiles" if threatened, defies new sanctions


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20 minutes ago, captspectre said:

that might have worked when tinker bell was in office, but now they had better get a reality check! the U.S. has enough missiles and nuc's to turn Iran into a glass sand box and there is not doubt that if they were foolish enough to attack, trump would respond. 

And obviously, that's the last thing we want.  It'd put the global economy in the toilet and create incredible hassles for travelers.  A last resort for sure.  Sadly, Trump doesn't seem to have the ability to properly negotiate these delicate matters.  Member Opl's cartoon is pretty close to reality. LOL

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13 minutes ago, captspectre said:

that might have worked when tinker bell was in office, but now they had better get a reality check! the U.S. has enough missiles and nuc's to turn Iran into a glass sand box and there is not doubt that if they were foolish enough to attack, trump would respond. 

         Yes, US weaponry could turn Iran into a glass covered sand box.  But pure might should not be the deciding factor in int'l affairs.  There are a score of countries ww which, individually, could flatten remaining countries.  We're not in the Pleistocene age any more. That's why we have diplomats and discussions, and that's how a long arduous series of talks led to the current Iran agreement for them to tone down their U-refining processes which, before the talks/agreement were spinning full bore.


          Plus, it's precisely the 'turning Iran into a glass sand box' type rhetoric which compels the Iranians to want to join the nuclear club.  They don't want to sit back while countries with stronger militaries breathe down their necks.  Trump has shown, repeatedly, how his proposed 'fixes' for problems actually exacerbate them.  If you're going to have delicate heart surgery, you don't want a clumsy inexperienced man with fat fingers doing the job. 

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          To give a window on how much Trump knows about int'l affairs;  months after the Russians rolled into Ukraine and wrenched Crimea from them, Trump was asked a question about Ukraine.  Trump said, and it's on video: "The Russians won't go into Ukraine, you can take that to (the bank) ....wherever. It won't happen."  


        Note: Russia has military posted on Ukraine's eastern border as we speak, and there have been military clashes on the Ukrainian side of the border for months - including a passenger jet shot down by Russkies there.


        Americans are going into the 3rd week of a 224 week presidential term, and already Trump is proving what many of us saw coming for the past years:  a man at the helm of the US Titanic - taking it into dangerous waters with barely a clue how to deal with dangerous challenges.  He put Bannon as his Security chief, but that's like putting a loose cannon on a greasy rotten-wood deck. 

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20 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

And obviously, that's the last thing we want.  It'd put the global economy in the toilet and create incredible hassles for travelers.  A last resort for sure.  Sadly, Trump doesn't seem to have the ability to properly negotiate these delicate matters.  Member Opl's cartoon is pretty close to reality. LOL

once the mulla's were destroyed, the Irian people could take back their country!

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28 minutes ago, captspectre said:

that might have worked when tinker bell was in office, but now they had better get a reality check! the U.S. has enough missiles and nuc's to turn Iran into a glass sand box and there is not doubt that if they were foolish enough to attack, trump would respond. 


The secret is convincing Iran that the President would respond, without actually having to do it. The Mullahs knew that the last administration would go to any lengths to avoid a confrontation   - even signing "the stupidest deal ever" - but Trump is a wild card and they do not know what he is capable of.  All the malarkey about him being "crazy" might actually scare enemies into better behavior and his plans about building up the military couldn't hurt. It seemed to work for Ronald Reagan.

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32 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The secret is convincing Iran that the President would respond, without actually having to do it. The Mullahs knew that the last administration would go to any lengths to avoid a confrontation   - even signing "the stupidest deal ever" - but Trump is a wild card and they do not know what he is capable of.  All the malarkey about him being "crazy" might actually scare enemies into better behavior and his plans about building up the military couldn't hurt. It seemed to work for Ronald Reagan.

Yes, he definitely impressed the Lebanese. Especially after he turned tail and ran.

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Seems to me it all comes down to this....  does Iran still cling to an ultimate goal of a contiguous Islamic Republic from the Middle East to the Iberian Peninsula?  It all comes down to a matter of trust over peaceful co-existence with other nations, faiths and governments, or pursuit of the aforementioned Republic.

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59 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Seems to me it all comes down to this....  does Iran still cling to an ultimate goal of a contiguous Islamic Republic from the Middle East to the Iberian Peninsula?  It all comes down to a matter of trust over peaceful co-existence with other nations, faiths and governments, or pursuit of the aforementioned Republic.

I'll say this for you. You probably do know more about Islam than Donald Trump. But that's about as much as I can say in your favor.  Iran adheres to the Shia version of Islam. In the Muslim world of the Middle East, it's very much a minority religion. It's not even a remote possibility that Sunni Muslims would accept such governance.

And what makes your assertion even more bizarre is that it's the Salafist version of Sunni Islam, the kind that is still being propagated by Saudi Arabia,the Gulf states, and ISIL that is pushing for this. Except that in their case, they want it for the world.  We can all be grateful that currently ISIL isn't engaged in just such activity. And if they were, of course, Iran wouldn't be battling them..oh wait. 

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I find your commentary humorous, overly complicating things and giving very extensive supposedly in depth, accurate analysis of all things related to the thread. Thank You for brightening my morning. And get over the Trump thing, please. It's already growing gray whiskers.

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21 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

I find your commentary humorous, overly complicating things and giving very extensive supposedly in depth, accurate analysis of all things related to the thread. Thank You for brightening my morning. And get over the Trump thing, please. It's already growing gray whiskers.

In other words, you got nothing.

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1 hour ago, captspectre said:

once the mulla's were destroyed, the Irian people could take back their country!

Even if that were true (which it's not), you're only going to get new a-holes taking the place of former a-holes.  For a comparison, look at Thailand.


1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

The secret is convincing Iran that the President would respond, without actually having to do it. The Mullahs knew that the last administration would go to any lengths to avoid a confrontation   - even signing "the stupidest deal ever" - but Trump is a wild card and they do not know what he is capable of.  All the malarkey about him being "crazy" might actually scare enemies into better behavior and his plans about building up the military couldn't hurt. It seemed to work for Ronald Reagan.

I used to think that the US could impart better governing and more contentment for the miserable people of that region.  Now I believe it's best for the US to stay out of there, unless their governments are building too big militaries.   In other words, hyper-weapon development threatens Europe and the US, directly or indirectly, and should be lessened (by force, if need-be).  Yet, extended Sharia Law or a Persian/Iraqi/Taliban (or whatever) empire in that region should not be the US's problem.  There are problems at the best of times in Dune countries.  It's not going to get better by Uncle Sam meddling.


As for Ronald Reagan, the patron saint of the Republican party.  He was a bumbler at best.  Everyone who worked in the WH at that time says Nancy ran the show, and she was right of right wing.  Her "Just Say No" anti-drug campaign was as much a failure as her husband's 'trickle down economics' .....unless you were a millionaire getting fed handouts at the time.


32 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Seems to me it all comes down to this....  does Iran still cling to an ultimate goal of a contiguous Islamic Republic from the Middle East to the Iberian Peninsula?  It all comes down to a matter of trust over peaceful co-existence with other nations, faiths and governments, or pursuit of the aforementioned Republic.

'ultimate goal of a contiguous Islamic Republic from the Middle East to the Iberian Peninsula?'

That's the first I've heard of that plan - but even if it's true, So what?  Maybe a new Persian empire is better than the alternatives.

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OMG.  You are such an expert, and funny at the same time.  All you have to do is look at thousands of years of political & military history to see that making simple things complicated has been the downfall of many.


You've not only lost your password, you've also lost the plot! 

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6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


'ultimate goal of a contiguous Islamic Republic from the Middle East to the Iberian Peninsula?'

That's the first I've heard of that plan - but even if it's true, So what?  Maybe a new Persian empire is better than the alternatives.

Goes back to the late 1400s when lands were seized .... and recapturing those lands at some point in time is still important to some. I agree meddling hasn't helped and probably won't help regardless the meddler. As far as Persian Empire stretching that distance and being better for the region and world... it doesn't seem likely. Wild speculation on my part just to address your comment. Cheers.

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8 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

OMG.  You are such an expert, and funny at the same time.  All you have to do is look at thousands of years of political & military history to see that making simple things complicated has been the downfall of many.


You've not only lost your password, you've also lost the plot! 

And you still haven't addressed the substantive points I've raised. Iran is a predominantly Shiite nation, a minority branch of Islam. There is no way it's going to lead to the establishment of a massive Islamic empire. The people who actually are attempting this are members of Isis, the ideological soulmates of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.  Their ideology actually does call for exactly this outcome you fear.  And Iran is battling them.

Maybe you've got vertigo from looking at thousands of years of political and military history. Maybe you should focus on a smaller slice of history - maybe something called the recent past and the present - and actually come up with some facts and a coherent argument.

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

And you still haven't addressed the substantive points I've raised. Iran is a predominantly Shiite nation, a minority branch of Islam. There is no way it's going to lead to the establishment of a massive Islamic empire. The people who actually are attempting this are members of Isis, the ideological soulmates of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.  Their ideology actually does call for exactly this outcome you fear.  And Iran is battling them.

Maybe you've got vertigo from looking at thousands of years of political and military history. Maybe you should focus on a smaller slice of history - maybe something called the recent past and the present - and actually come up with some facts and a coherent argument.

Hell no. Your supposed superior intellect and condescending responses are much more entertaining. LMAO!

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48 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Didn't take long for Obama's trust in the Iranians to be exposed for the misjudgement it was. Thanks to him, they have loadsacash to develop even better missiles to use against the west.

Because the Iranians are suicidal?  You forget that not too long ago George Bush and company were talking about imposing democracy in the Middle East and had a rather formidable army in Iraq.

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