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Spurious Withdrawl From Atm


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I had some money taken from my Visa card on a local ATM a while ago. I withdrew 5,000baht, but when I checked my account the next day a saw another withdrawal a few minutes latter for a further 10,000baht from the same machine. I reported it to my Uk bank straight away. This happened over a month ago and there have been no more spurious withdrawals since. It seems strange that it was only a one off occurrence. I do remember that there was one guy in front of me who took an age to finish his transaction. This is probably just a coincidence as a lot of people do seem to take forever to use the machines here in Thailand. I don’t see how this can have happened, unless it was an internal mistake with the bank. I don’t know what the chances are of me getting reimbursed by the UK bank.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

PS. My card never left my pocket during the occurance.

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