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Younger guys looking for love... same traps?


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I was very lucky after my divorce[from an ex bar girl] to find in my local town a lovely woman now 39,who speaks great English,and is a non bar girl [though i suspect she may have done some freelancing when she lived in Bangkok], no matter she is good fun and we have a great time and a lot of laughs together,then again i take care of myself[52] and am not some sweating beer sodden huge gutted lout,also unlike some expats i do not look like Chewbacca. As for younger guys well a holiday romance,or if they are very rich yes,i am sure most younger Thai girls would like this sex wise anyway,but really it comes down to if you can actually support them,unless working here in a good job this becomes difficult,my girlfriends ex was a south African who was teaching here about 30,000 a month,he could not provide for her and the 2 kids,i on the other hand can.It really comes down to wallet size,but thats true for most of the world,luckily for me i am fairly wealthy,not that that has been an easy road,my last trip for work in New Guinea nearly ended in death for me and indeed did for some of our native porters,which of course was awful,as after the accident we had to pour our own brandy,still adventuring is not without risk,i still keep a small bit of the large gold nugget we found[shaped like kim Kardashians arse] in my display cabinet,i had it shaped the same ,stupidly i let the guy keep the shavings,but i was at that stage very,very,very drunk.

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I'm now 31 with 4 years here in Thailand, and on my small experience, it's not easier to find a GF or wife when you are 25 years younger than most expats.

Because women in their 20's like everywhere in the world have big dreams and feel invincible. So not attracted by an average falang in his early 30's. How can you make Thai girls dreams come true ? Guess

So I had to dig deep to find what I wanted, she's from group 3 on all aspects except that she did some university. 

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On 06/02/2017 at 7:51 AM, JHolmesJr said:

As I tell anyone who will listen….forget everything else…just focus on your love making skills.


With mad skills in that dept you will be the one being chased not the other way around.


I have a Masters in Cunnilingus and let me tell you: they fall in love very easily when encountering that.



Cunnilingus ? You must have a face like a glazed donut ... sorry couldnt resist :)


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On 31 March, 2017 at 9:33 PM, Macthehat said:

Cunnilingus ? You must have a face like a glazed donut ... sorry couldnt resist :)



An astute observation indeed. But I do wash off the glaze before venturing outside.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dont look youre woman from bars (included western countries) or massage places. Then you are little more safe, but there is still risk. You never know. I had one bad luck after that found goof thai woman who is buddhist by actions too.


Well my wife "belongs" to group 3, doesnt matter I'm not middle class, I'm lower class and I never studies in universities or anything, just basic factory work, even that I have 130 IQ (mensa qualified), I have adhd and asperger so I cant function very well in school, so i left univeristy becasue I felt its better to be in Thailand then finish my degree ( I make stupid mistakes often). But we have happy life. I would never match with any highly studied middle or upper class thai woman. 


On 2/7/2017 at 6:14 AM, blackcab said:

"Thai females that's more aligned to finding genuine love".


I think you need to think about what any Thai female thinks "Love" is. It's normally not the same as the Western concept of love.


Ask Thai women what they think love is and you may find you're looking for something that doesn't actually exist.

I asked and she said its about taking care of other and making others happy. Well thats my concept of love too. What do you mean about this wester concpet of "love" Im sure its same.

Edited by THssii
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On 3/12/2017 at 8:20 PM, prettyawsm said:

Just to spoil all your "love does not exist without a transaction" would say that i'm 26, 4 years in thailand and have never dated a bar girl. Barely talked to them as well and moreover had plenty of absolutely normal girls who would buy me a dinner. If you find a girl who doesn't care about who's paying for dinner then you found a gem. Thailand is a great place for a single young guy and this has nothing to do with bar girls/hoes/goldiggers.

Just curious, your last sentence.  Is Thailand better than your homeland?  If so, why is that you think?

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