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Age Gaps In Relationships


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I assume most of the Guys on this forum have been married before to a female farang in UK/USA/Aussie etc.

How would you react if your Daughter brought home a bloke who was 20/25/30 years older than her?

Her choice and being a <deleted> about it certainly isnt going to help relations with the daughter.

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Rather a moron than a sexual deviant.

And in my opinion someone who condones an illegal act is just as guilty.

So if the cap fits wear it!!!!!!. Go on knock yerself out

Take your head out of the sand for a moment. I don't know where you live, but in Asia couples have a more natural attitude to relationships and don't run around spouting numbers and laws.

My GF's sister has just become pregnant at age 14 to another Filipino (age 20) in the same village. It wouldn't have been a problem even if he was 30. Everyone is happy about this, and they have the blessings of the local Barangay council. I can guarantee that there will never be any legal repercusions. You could try it yourself if you like... hit an Asian village with your legal team and see if you can get some convictions for underage sex.

If on the other hand the 20 year old was a foreigner, it's possible that the shit would hit the fan. Why? Police looking for a payoff, but morally, in the eyes of the Filipino village community there is no crime...eventhough according to Filipino law there is.

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Rather a moron than a sexual deviant.

And in my opinion someone who condones an illegal act is just as guilty.

So if the cap fits wear it!!!!!!. Go on knock yerself out

Take your head out of the sand for a moment. I don't know where you live, but in Asia couples have a more natural attitude to relationships and don't run around spouting numbers and laws.

My GF's sister has just become pregnant at age 14 to another Filipino (age 20) in the same village. It wouldn't have been a problem even if he was 30. Everyone is happy about this, and they have the blessings of the local Barangay council. I can guarantee that there will never be any legal repercusions. You could try it yourself if you like... hit an Asian village with your legal team and see if you can get some convictions for underage sex.

Another kiddy fiddler :o

I am not in the legal business. I am what I consider to be a NORMAL human being.

The fact that you or anyone else gets your kicks out of having relationships sexual or otherwise with 13 year old children, to me is pathetic. Maybe it is the way that you and I have been brought up?

By the way if you look back over the posts, I was not having a go at YOU having a 19yr old girlfriend, I do not have a problem with that. However 13/14 yr old children is something else!!!!!!!

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My girl was supporting her whole family at age 14....no shit! A family of 8...a very poor family. She built them a house (nothing flash) before she turned 15.

This is the reason that she is willing to sacrafice her childhood to live with you. She is from a very poor background and you are seen as a way out of it.

If she was from a comfortable background and the family had no money issues then my guess is that you would not have got a second look.

Keep on telling us how handsom and in shape you are and you might start to believe it yourself though i doubt the girl your with does.

This is a long thread, but you should really catch up on background information before you start spouting your bs. I already explained earlier that she had a rich BF before me, and at the time I met her she was "dating" a guy that was supporting her. Both of these guys were better prospects financially...apart from the fact that this girl was not desperate for guys. She's a knockout girl and has always had to beat the guys (young and old, rich and poor) off with a stick.

I wonder how successful your relationship is? How old is your woman?

She is 37 and i am 33 we are both profesionals. She is independent and very succesful in her chosen career, she retains her own property both in Japan and Thailand. We are from very simmilar family backgrounds and were both educated overseas. We share the same interests and aspirations in life, i understand her needs, desires and goals for the future. We can talk about any subject together and dont always have to agree.

I know exactly why i am with her and i know why she is with me. We have a large circle of friends here in Thailand, Japan and the UK,they are all well balanced, succesful and respected members of society.

Thanks for asking.

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My GF's sister has just become pregnant at age 14 to another Filipino (age 20) in the same village. It wouldn't have been a problem even if he was 30. Everyone is happy about this, and they have the blessings of the local Barangay council. I can guarantee that there will never be any legal repercusions. You could try it yourself if you like... hit an Asian village with your legal team and see if you can get some convictions for underage sex.

Lets say he sayes no to get married, what do you think would happen then?

If lucky he would be prosecuted and go to jail, if not someone would definetly end his life quite quickly.

Its not as its accepted or condoned, they are just trying to salvage the best they can from something which has already happened.

If they prosecuted him and sent him to jail, then they would at the same time have condemed the mother (A child herself) to single handedly raise a child alone without much chance of being able to get a husband eighter. ( since she is no longer virgin and even more so because she has a child.)

So again its not a mather of free choice, its being practical and choosing the lesser of evils.

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and whoever said asian women go downhill at 30 must have been a female farang .. :o

That was me Jonson.

The decline in health amongst poorer Asian women (most in relationships come from poor families) has a lot to do with their nutrient intake.

If you hit a poor village and have a look around at the women aged 30 plus you might be surprised to see many with missing teeth, bad skin, poor muscle tone and posture and a whole host of other physical ailments. Their life expectancy is much lower than that of the more well fed Western women.

Apart from that, they lack knowledge on how to stay healthy. In the West single women are often working out, eating health food and really taking care of themselves.

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Lets say he sayes no to get married, what do you think would happen then?

If lucky he would be prosecuted and go to jail, if not someone would definetly end his life quite quickly.

Its not as its accepted or condoned, they are just trying to salvage the best they can from something which has already happened.

If they prosecuted him and sent him to jail, then they would at the same time have condemed the mother (A child herself) to single handedly raise a child alone without much chance of being able to get a husband eighter. ( since she is no longer virgin and even more so because she has a child.)

So again its not a mather of free choice, its being practical and choosing the lesser of evils.

Prosecute? Send to jail?

You have a vivid imagination.

What we are talking about here is 2 people very much in love. If they break up, there will be no police getting involved. Her mother will be overjoyed to look after the child and has already suggested it and she will easily find another guy.

You think that viginity is a big deal in poor villages? Get out of here, it's of no importance at all except amongst the middle/upper class.

You get your information from the wrong people.

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and whoever said asian women go downhill at 30 must have been a female farang .. :o

That was me Jonson.

The decline in health amongst poorer Asian women (most in relationships come from poor families) has a lot to do with their nutrient intake.

If you hit a poor village and have a look around at the women aged 30 plus you might be surprised to see many with missing teeth, bad skin, poor muscle tone and posture and a whole host of other physical ailments. Their life expectancy is much lower than that of the more well fed Western women.

Apart from that, they lack knowledge on how to stay healthy. In the West single women are often working out, eating health food and really taking care of themselves.

Well you have to compare poor asians to poor westeners,not poor asians to average westerners.No doubt in my mind who takes better care of themselves...Just look at obesity levels...

Anyhoo,off topic.Please continue your debate.

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Another kiddy fiddler :o

I am not in the legal business. I am what I consider to be a NORMAL human being.

The fact that you or anyone else gets your kicks out of having relationships sexual or otherwise with 13 year old children, to me is pathetic. Maybe it is the way that you and I have been brought up?

By the way if you look back over the posts, I was not having a go at YOU having a 19yr old girlfriend, I do not have a problem with that. However 13/14 yr old children is something else!!!!!!!

Get off your moral bandwagon for a moment and read these posts instead of offering the same knee-jerk, "this is the law" crap. This discussion is over an earlier poster's story about how he dated a 13 year old girl when he was 19.

You say "however 13/14 year old children". A child is prepubescent by definition, so people tell me how it is possible that a 14 year old can become pregnant?

I wouldn't be surprised if you were a kiddy fiddler.

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and whoever said asian women go downhill at 30 must have been a female farang .. :o

That was me Jonson.

The decline in health amongst poorer Asian women (most in relationships come from poor families) has a lot to do with their nutrient intake.

If you hit a poor village and have a look around at the women aged 30 plus you might be surprised to see many with missing teeth, bad skin, poor muscle tone and posture and a whole host of other physical ailments. Their life expectancy is much lower than that of the more well fed Western women.

Apart from that, they lack knowledge on how to stay healthy. In the West single women are often working out, eating health food and really taking care of themselves.

Your first point, 'most in relationships come from poor families'. from this comment i can only assume that you are refering to Asian women in security relationships with foreign men.

As for your comment about Asian woman lacking the knowledge of how to stay healthy, that is just an obserd comment.

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This is just wrong!


I agree, but there are some people out there that have chemical imbalances, and they genuinly believe that what they are doing is ok :o

Sickening to normal people, and as a father myself I can only assume that these people have never been parents themselves :D

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Your relationship is not what I would consider success, your gf is a kid, you're old enough to be her grandfather.

You are the reason why Thailand has the reputation it does... shame.

Chuckie, did you miss the fact that my GF is not Thai? What I do has no effect on Thai reputation...we'll leave that up to idiots like you.

What bright response, you obviously took the time to think about that one, after all, how could you have an effect on Thai reputation... not like this is a Thai forum or anything.

Gold star for you.

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Here is a excerpt from an article regarding the sentencing of an American Marine who got 40 years jail time for raping a filipino girl.

It is true that many Filipino women think that marrying a white man will immediately improve their lives and give them the chance to escape from poverty and a life of misery in the Philippines. The sad fact is that too many white men take advantage of this and treat Filipino women shabbily, acting as if they are their virtual slaves both in bed and out. I think this all stems from a fetishization of race and color by both sides, with the white males having the upper hand.
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She is 37 and i am 33 we are both profesionals. She is independent and very succesful in her chosen career, she retains her own property both in Japan and Thailand. We are from very simmilar family backgrounds and were both educated overseas. We share the same interests and aspirations in life, i understand her needs, desires and goals for the future. We can talk about any subject together and dont always have to agree.

I know exactly why i am with her and i know why she is with me. We have a large circle of friends here in Thailand, Japan and the UK,they are all well balanced, succesful and respected members of society.

Thanks for asking.

Yes of course, you've very happy with your older woman. Let's hear from you in another 10 years when she's 50...I don't envy you at all.

Good luck and enjoy your professional older woman. Keep your eyes off the young babes.

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Another kiddy fiddler :D

I am not in the legal business. I am what I consider to be a NORMAL human being.

The fact that you or anyone else gets your kicks out of having relationships sexual or otherwise with 13 year old children, to me is pathetic. Maybe it is the way that you and I have been brought up?

By the way if you look back over the posts, I was not having a go at YOU having a 19yr old girlfriend, I do not have a problem with that. However 13/14 yr old children is something else!!!!!!!

Get off your moral bandwagon for a moment and read these posts instead of offering the same knee-jerk, "this is the law" crap. This discussion is over an earlier poster's story about how he dated a 13 year old girl when he was 19.

You say "however 13/14 year old children". A child is prepubescent by definition, so people tell me how it is possible that a 14 year old can become pregnant?

I wouldn't be surprised if you were a kiddy fiddler.

Hey Baldrick,

I am well aware of what this discussion is about

You and I seem to disagree over what is construed to be a child . Most people like myself would construe a child as being under 16 yrs of age. Now if you think its ok for someone to have a relationship sexual or otherwise with a 'child' especially one of 13, when that other person is 19, then as I said you and I must have totally different morals!!!

As to accusing me of being a kiddy fiddler, well I think I would be offended if it came from someone with half a brain. Obviously from your previous comments your brain cells are taking a holiday :o

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UlyssesG,I dont know how many decades have passed since you were 19 but for me its just a couple years and i sure as hel_l didnt spend my afternoons waiting outside secondary schools for 'hot' 13 year olds!!

Tracy lords was 15 not 13,there is a big difference,kids change/mature quickly.Sure at my school you would see a few year 8(13) girls with say year 10(15) boys ,even more 14 and 16 year olds together but 13 - 19 ?? not a fuking chance m8.Never! Its bloody wrong.Adult/child relationships are illegal!

As someone already pointed out.This guy might have said he waited 4 years for sex with her,but thats BS imo.No way a 19 year old chap would wait that long,not to mention that the 13 year old girl would be to weak mentally to tell him no.

Edited by Jonson83
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She is 37 and i am 33 we are both profesionals. She is independent and very succesful in her chosen career, she retains her own property both in Japan and Thailand. We are from very simmilar family backgrounds and were both educated overseas. We share the same interests and aspirations in life, i understand her needs, desires and goals for the future. We can talk about any subject together and dont always have to agree.

I know exactly why i am with her and i know why she is with me. We have a large circle of friends here in Thailand, Japan and the UK,they are all well balanced, succesful and respected members of society.

Thanks for asking.

Yes of course, you've very happy with your older woman. Let's hear from you in another 10 years when she's 50...I don't envy you at all.

Good luck and enjoy your professional older woman. Keep your eyes off the young babes.

You would do well to follow your own advice there mate.

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Here is a excerpt from an article regarding the sentencing of an American Marine who got 40 years jail time for raping a filipino girl.
It is true that many Filipino women think that marrying a white man will immediately improve their lives and give them the chance to escape from poverty and a life of misery in the Philippines. The sad fact is that too many white men take advantage of this and treat Filipino women shabbily, acting as if they are their virtual slaves both in bed and out. I think this all stems from a fetishization of race and color by both sides, with the white males having the upper hand.

He's lucky he wasn't hanged!

Note: Your quote said many Filipino women! It doesn't say all Filipino women. We still have middle class and upper class in my country. Not everybody is miserable and poor in my country! There are poor people of course, but some of them are not miserable at all! If we think about it the poor doesn't have to worry (much) because they have nothing to loose!

If you believe that being poor will make people miserable, then you definitely got problems. (Maybe, some poor people don't even have time to be miserable because they're working all the time!) Being rich doesn't make one happy! Happiness is a state of mind Fun2Fun.

While it is true that there are poor people in my country, most of them were born poor! There is nothing wrong with being poor! I've spent hours with fishermen and their families back home. To tell you the truth I find them more real, simple, warm, easier to please than the rich snobs who are pre-occupied trying too hard to keep up with the Jones or worrying about tomorrow.

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You would do well to follow your own advice there mate.

I'm happy with my young babe mate.

You're still young, and it must infuriate you to see older guys with beautiful young ladies when you've chosen to marry an older woman. Your old lady is exactly the same age as my babe's mother...but she's turning 38 next week.

When your old lady's menopause kicks in, you'll be wishing you were me.

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She is 37 and i am 33 we are both profesionals. She is independent and very succesful in her chosen career, she retains her own property both in Japan and Thailand. We are from very simmilar family backgrounds and were both educated overseas. We share the same interests and aspirations in life, i understand her needs, desires and goals for the future. We can talk about any subject together and dont always have to agree.

I know exactly why i am with her and i know why she is with me. We have a large circle of friends here in Thailand, Japan and the UK,they are all well balanced, succesful and respected members of society.

Thanks for asking.

Yes of course, you've very happy with your older woman. Let's hear from you in another 10 years when she's 50...I don't envy you at all.

Good luck and enjoy your professional older woman. Keep your eyes off the young babes.

37 + 10 = 47

I hope you are not helping your child friend with her homework :o

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37 + 10 = 47

I hope you are not helping your child friend with her homework :o

You actually went to the trouble of high lighting those numbers in a quote?

Just to help another pedantic fool....add the word "nearing".

Have you run out of steam already old chap?

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You would do well to follow your own advice there mate.

I'm happy with my young babe mate.

You're still young, and it must infuriate you to see older guys with beautiful young ladies when you've chosen to marry an older woman. Your old lady is exactly the same age as my babe's mother...but she's turning 38 next week.

When your old lady's menopause kicks in, you'll be wishing you were me.

You're a very sick person, I pity you.

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I'm guessing your older than her mother too?

When his old lady's menopause kicks in it'll be around the same time you become impotent and your 'babe' will dissapear off with some young stud!!

leaving you flacid and wishing you were someone else!

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....There are poor people of course, ...

While it is true that there are poor people in my country, most of them were born poor!

Yes, there are some poor in the Philippines.

At least 36 million using the CIA Fact book's 40% below the poverty line criteria. In reality it's probably more than half the population of close to 90 million.

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