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Frenchman, Russians arrested in Phuket brawl


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9 hours ago, manarak said:

hmmm... the passport of one of the Russians had expired... how was he allowed in? oversight by the immigration officer?

Easy: probably he got new passport just before travel to Thailand, entered Thailand with new passport and use old passport (which is almost expired) as deposit.
In Russia you can apply for new passport 6 months before expiration of old one.

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He is either very paranoid or is transporting millions he is making from renting out bikes on a regular basis !

I haven't been in the foreign legion and have driven around several times with several million bht  in my car on the floor and not once did I think I must get a gun for my own safety !!

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2 hours ago, Phuketboy said:


Correct, nobody is allowed to hold your passport, nobody.  You do not own your passport, it remains the property of the government that issued the passport.  I was told by my embassy a few years ago that it was illegal under international law for someone to hold on to it. 

Do you think Thais (Govt. or civilian) understand or care?  :whistling:

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20 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

He is either very paranoid or is transporting millions he is making from renting out bikes on a regular basis !

I haven't been in the foreign legion and have driven around several times with several million bht  in my car on the floor and not once did I think I must get a gun for my own safety !!

Maybe his problem is, that his legion story is BS and he is therefore not as hardcore as he wants to be.


Had he been in the Foreign Legion or not just been washing dishes there, he would not need a gun and would not want to brag about it.

Edited by khunpa
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2 hours ago, MadMuhummad said:

There's a great little laundry just off Soi BuaKhao that only takes a photocopy which is nice. Bikes are a little old but very well priced.

Fascinating but not much use for people living in Phuket. We welcome your input though.

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Frenchman shoots at 2 Russians?  Seems reasonable to me, give him a gift card at Tesco and let him go.


One more thing to note, I notice he is in cuffs, but he has a gun within reach and bullets.


The Thai Police should visit a Chicago cop shop and try this same scenario with one of the local Chicago youth to play it out.



Edited by TonyClifton
I was overcome with the Lord.
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2 hours ago, Cybervlad said:

Easy: probably he got new passport just before travel to Thailand, entered Thailand with new passport and use old passport (which is almost expired) as deposit.
In Russia you can apply for new passport 6 months before expiration of old one.

But don't they punch holes, or otherwise mark the old passport as "void" upon issuance of a new passport?


I know that whenever I've renewed my passport, I've had to submit the current one with the application, and its returned (with holes punched in it) along with the new passport.

I don't think it's possible for an individual to be in possession of two valid/active passports issued by the same country.

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2 hours ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

Another stable Expat living amongst us. Bad guy in, bad guys out then back in again...

Amongst us???


sorry my friend but you are advertising you are in Shanghai. Last time I looked Shanghai is not (yet) in Greater Thailand......

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2 hours ago, Mousehound said:

Damn! And I spent a whole year studying Jus cogens for nothing. I want my money back.

If you studied it, you know what it's worth... it can't be applied where its application would be needed and nearly all countries have a different understanding of it, ranging from "huh?" to "ius cogens ranks higher than decisions of the UN security council".


Personally, I consider ius cogens to be a bunch of bi- and multilateral conventions and treaties, but there is no "international law", simply because nobody has worldwide jurisdiction and power of enforcement.

The remainder of what has been thought up as ius cogens is negated by reality.


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2 hours ago, ronaldo0 said:

He is either very paranoid or is transporting millions he is making from renting out bikes on a regular basis !

I haven't been in the foreign legion and have driven around several times with several million bht  in my car on the floor and not once did I think I must get a gun for my own safety !!

Can you let me know exactly when you will be transiting Khorat with several million in the car? Only for security sake you understand.




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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

'Mr Pecherstorfer, who according to his Facebook profile was a member of French Foreign Legion from 1986 to 2002, '



So he has a personality disorder.

I agree. One would have to have a few screws loose to join the French Foreign Legion as a mercenary, or the US military for that matter.

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16 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

The Frenchman are in deep shit, shooting a gun twice in the air, not a very smart move.


A good Thai friend of mine are doing similar rental businesses here in Pattaya and he don't use/have a gun.


He will likely be booted out after serving time, unless he got cash, lots of cash.


...he may have thought he was still out in the desert.

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6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

'Mr Pecherstorfer, who according to his Facebook profile was a member of French Foreign Legion from 1986 to 2002, '



So he has a personality disorder.


Probably. Firing guns in the air when you are an expat in a country known for not being too forgiving towards expats does not show a good balance of mind. Unless you have very large sums of disposable income you're willing to spread around.


But according to the post he is 63 which would make him 32-33 ish on joining the FFR. A little on the old side for an initial recruit?

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5 hours ago, Phuketboy said:


Correct, nobody is allowed ito hold your passport, nobody.  You do not own your passport, it remains the property of the government that issued the passport.  I was told by my embassy a few years ago that it was illegal under international law for someone to hold on to it. 

Exactly right, and you have a choice.


Don't leave your PP and don't rent a bike.  I don't like Ieaving mine, but I can't walk from Chiang Mai to MHS and Pai, or Kanchanaburi to Sangklaburi, so......

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4 minutes ago, WM1 said:

Frenchman are (one person?),good thai friend of mine are doing (one person?),he don't use(one person?), unless he got cash (why not say "gots")?


<deleted>, I am not an English native speaker so I am very sorry, NOT.

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Correct, nobody is allowed to hold your passport, nobody.  You do not own your passport, it remains the property of the government that issued the passport.  I was told by my embassy a few years ago that it was illegal under international law for someone to hold on to it. 

Tell that to the Thai border patrols near to a Cambodian casino and see the answer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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