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Alcohol sales BANNED, as police step up security on Makha Bucha Day and Valentine's Day


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1 hour ago, JAG said:

Of course if you work on Zulu time that is 16.59:59

Just to clarify this comment, for the benefit of the author as much as anyone else, 'Zulu Time' is simply the military or aviation term for GMT and is irrelevant to the forgoing conversation.


The military, at least those within NATO, long since dealt with this issue of AM/PM confusion by a: always using the 24hr clock system and b; by never referring to midnight in any way or form. We would only ever use 23:59hrs  if something ended at midnight, or 00:01hrs if something started at midnight. Any other method, as we have seen, can be regarded as arbitrary and subject to confusion.

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2 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

Just to clarify this comment, for the benefit of the author as much as anyone else, 'Zulu Time' is simply the military or aviation term for GMT and is irrelevant to the forgoing conversation.


The military, at least those within NATO, long since dealt with this issue of AM/PM confusion by a: always using the 24hr clock system and b; by never referring to midnight in any way or form. We would only ever use 23:59hrs  if something ended at midnight, or 00:01hrs if something started at midnight. Any other method, as we have seen, can be regarded as arbitrary and subject to confusion.

As an ex-RAF chap I concur. I was stationed at RAF Germany, NATO HQ, Monchengladbach and all orders or notices were thus designated.

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41 minutes ago, aslimversgwm said:

As an ex-RAF chap I concur. I was stationed at RAF Germany, NATO HQ, Monchengladbach and all orders or notices were thus designated.

I reckon that's covered. Ta.



Closing Valentines? Where will the Princess be able to take me out? Looks like it's the reserve plastic baggie of rice moonshine. The only one that the extended family haven't yet found and consumed.. yes, I just checked. Phew!!


Followed by a cocktail of head-ache tablets of various colours.

Edited by andrew55
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So, back to the topic in hand, if I may!


Interesting to note that the theocracy imposes an alcohol ban during a religious holiday, but does little, if anything to curb the excessive consumption that takes place during the rest of the year. That, despite the clear guidance of the 5th precept.


I am no great fan of Islam, (or any other religion for that matter) but they, do at least 'walk the talk' on this issue.




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52 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

Just to clarify this comment, for the benefit of the author as much as anyone else, 'Zulu Time' is simply the military or aviation term for GMT and is irrelevant to the forgoing conversation.


The military, at least those within NATO, long since dealt with this issue of AM/PM confusion by a: always using the 24hr clock system and b; by never referring to midnight in any way or form. We would only ever use 23:59hrs  if something ended at midnight, or 00:01hrs if something started at midnight. Any other method, as we have seen, can be regarded as arbitrary and subject to confusion.

Thanks for the clarification. As an infantryman telling the time was of course largely a matter of knowing what Mickeys big and little hands were pointing at. As I progressed in age, and (by sheer good luck and ability to bluff convincingly) in rank, I came to be aware of the concept of Zulu time. Fiendishly clever intellectuals (engineers and artillery men etc) readily grasped the idea, us mud dwellers struggled.

Anyway it was meant as a joke...

Edited by JAG
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19 hours ago, geovalin said:

Why not tell: the whole Saturday? This is 24 hours and that's it. To refer on Friday or Sunday is confusing.


That might confuse others as closures did not used to be midnight to midnight

Just a few years ago a "Saturday" closure meant closure after Friday nights business had ended, which could be 2AM or later and which could mean a "full" business that night.

Things have changed over the past couple of years.

Nonetheless, it is general 12AM - 12AM these days even if some believe 12AM does not exist.

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16 hours ago, WhizBang said:


Really?  Not all bans are 24 hours.  Some have started at 6pm.   

Never on Macha Bucha day which, I'm pretty sure, is the topic.

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4 hours ago, alex8912 said:

Nothing seems to run on time here except for alchohol bans. I had a girl at 7/11 grab a beer out of my hand at 1:59 pm the other day and ring it up at another register!    

This ban is also brilliant ? Because it prevents people from going out both weekend nights from let's say 9 or 10pm to 2 or 3am.


The 7-11 incident seems to have been "running on time", what's your complaint about that?


The alcohol ban doesn't prevent anyone from going out at any time, what are you talking about?

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1 minute ago, gdgbb said:

The 7-11 incident seems to have been "running on time", what's your complaint about that?


The alcohol ban doesn't prevent anyone from going out at any time, what are you talking about?

The ban starts midnight sat and goes to midnight Sunday so exactly what I said above is true! 

If you go out Fri at 10 pm your night is over at 12. If you want to go out Sat at 9 or 10 you can't have a drink till after midnight and some places just won't be open. So both nights bars and clubs and many restaurants are hit hard. 

At 7/11 in BKK if you try to get a beer at 2:01 pm or 4:55 pm you can't. Not much else runs on that tight a schedule in this country. 

Got it now??

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1 minute ago, alex8912 said:

The ban starts midnight sat and goes to midnight Sunday so exactly what I said above is true! 

If you go out Fri at 10 pm your night is over at 12. If you want to go out Sat at 9 or 10 you can't have a drink till after midnight and some places just won't be open. So both nights bars and clubs and many restaurants are hit hard. 

At 7/11 in BKK if you try to get a beer at 2:01 pm or 4:55 pm you can't. Not much else runs on that tight a schedule in this country. 

Got it now??

Good god, don't you just love these people who like to show themselves up with their keyboard warrior "got it now?" threat when they clearly haven't even "got it" themselves!


What you said was not true at all, you said that people will not be able to go out, that is untrue, anyone can go out at anytime, alcohol ban or not.


I didn't say anything at all about bars or clubs being hit hard but, now that you mention it, by being hit hard you must mean their having to stop alcohol sales, that all, for a few hours?  I doubt if any owners will be crying into their alcohol-free beer over that.


If you weren't complaining about the 7-11 girl serving you one minute before the 2pm cut off, what were you going on about?  Were you congratulating her for legally serving you alcohol during a non-restricted time?

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They should make the ban permanent. Booze is a cause of so much grief that far outweigh the "benefits" (giddiness, horniness, saying and doing stupid regrettable things). Buddhism is fundamentally opposed to inebriation and especially that which is carnal i.e. drunkenness.


It would also have the benefit of ridding Thailand of the numerous farang drunks, like the ones who get their panties twisted over the slightest restrictions on their boozing (sure sign of addiction btw). And it would benefit the thousands of women and girls beaten and/or sexually abused, or murdered, every year by drunken men, Thai mostly of course.


Not that enough men, Thai or farang, care enough about those social ills to  consider reducing them worth impinging on their need for inebriation. Party on boys, your alcoholism is officially sanctioned minus brief periods, stock up ahead of time and you'll get through, be brave!

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They should make the ban permanent. Booze is a cause of so much grief that far outweigh the "benefits" (giddiness, horniness, saying and doing stupid regrettable things). Buddhism is fundamentally opposed to inebriation and especially that which is carnal i.e. drunkenness.
It would also have the benefit of ridding Thailand of the numerous farang drunks, like the ones who get their panties twisted over the slightest restrictions on their boozing (sure sign of addiction btw). And it would benefit the thousands of women and girls beaten and/or sexually abused, or murdered, every year by drunken men, Thai mostly of course.
Not that enough men, Thai or farang, care enough about those social ills to  consider reducing them worth impinging on their need for inebriation. Party on boys, your alcoholism is officially sanctioned minus brief periods, stock up ahead of time and you'll get through, be brave!

More murders and violent crimes have been committed after a cup of coffee in the morning than while drunk.
Think about it!

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

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Can I buy a bottle of wine on Friday afternoon after 5pm and take it to my local restaurant for consumption on Saturday evening before midnight? I would of course pay corkage. It seemed to work for Thai diners last year and when I complained to the restaurant staff,they simple said they had not sold it. I think the group where celebrating the retirement of a local police man,but I couldn't be sure.

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21 hours ago, gdgbb said:

Amazing, a thread about a regular alcohol sale restriction (and one that doesn't exist) and 50% of the posters so far are pedantically discussing whether it starts at midnight or not when the correct timing is perfectly obvious.

Lol.... it's a slow day.


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1 minute ago, bikerbri said:

Can I buy a bottle of wine on Friday afternoon after 5pm and take it to my local restaurant for consumption on Saturday evening before midnight? I would of course pay corkage. It seemed to work for Thai diners last year and when I complained to the restaurant staff,they simple said they had not sold it. I think the group where celebrating the retirement of a local police man,but I couldn't be sure.

Probably not if the restaurant has licence to sell alcohol. Although I am pretty certain these bans don't apply to hotels. 

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1 minute ago, bamboozle40 said:

Better still why not ignore all the numpty's asking about what time the ban starts, because if they can't figure that out,

then it's sure as dammit they won't be able to figure out an explanation in simple English! :D

The thing is, they can understand it, it's just that so many posters here like to be as obtuse as possible and take every opportunity they myopically see to pathetically mock or deride Thais and Thailand.  


If they really can't work out the time it shouldn't concern them because they certainly shouldn't be reducing their abilities any further with alcohol.

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