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Well as a farang living here for 19 years, I have to say that Thaksin is the best thing that has happened to this country in a long, long time!

If people wish to attack the authorities with weapons, then they must expect to be stopped, and there aren't that many ways to stop an oncoming hostile force that has opened fire.


JASONC said "Thaksin's comment that "other countries should leave him alone" is like a cry baby who can't take any constructive criticism. His actions effect the world community that is dealing with Muslim discontent and killing 107 teenage boys in a mosque doesn't help.'

Boy,you got that right,they should have killed 1070.

I can not see where it is a human rights violation, if they were laying on the ground and then got shot in the back of the head with their hands tied behind their backs,then maybe,just maybe,but not as they were charging a guard post with weapons in their hands[be it a machine gun or a jack knife] or an opposing armed force,not human rights but an act of stupidity on the part of the attackers.

You liberal <deleted> have put the united states just about out of business,I sure hope The Thai govt. doesn't listen to you and cower down.

They have allowed the islamics in P.I. to many human rights and look at what they have got from it,surely not peace.

JASONC said "Thaksin's comment that "other countries should leave him alone" is like a cry baby who can't take any constructive criticism. His actions effect the world community that is dealing with Muslim discontent and killing 107 teenage boys in a mosque doesn't help.'

Boy,you got that right,they should have killed 1070.

The only thing bad about 107 teenage boys being killed is that they did not killed their leader that brainwashed them.

You have to kill the King snake and the rest of the little ones will go back under ground.


The Thai law inforcement, has a history of shooting it's own people. No wonder Toxin would be a reluctant to have an fair and impartial investigation into the matter. From my stand point, we just have another situation, where some people with guns are trying to tell others what to do. That is always a receipe for disaster. The people in the South need some kind of fedralisation, control over their own affairs. Though that is no likely to happen with our illustrious leader in charge, for him control is everything.


This Quote You Can Trust...

Well as a farang living here for 19 years, I have to say that Thaksin is the best thing that has happened to this country in a long, long time!

If people wish to attack the authorities with weapons, then they must expect to be stopped, and there aren't that many ways to stop an oncoming hostile force that has opened fire.

It's the truth from an Economic Point of View. Well there you go, end of Story?

Thaimee. :o

Who wants to criticize. I want to congradulate him for taking the needed action. It is time for the US to take similiar decisive action.

You mean send the military to control those unruly religious fanatics in the south?


I've browsed far-right websites where the members were less gung ho than here, and certainly better informed, then again they were'nt full of Yanks, maybe thats why. Ok you lot can get your jollies from watching a bunch of kids shot up in LOS, ...now where was that blazing Humvee I was enjoying....


All you none Thai people pontificating on Thai matters and things that just do not concern you, make me sick. Always the same people writing the same s**t each and every day, like you are world experts on Thailand or something.

What gives you the right to write such drivel on matters Thai when the only reason you are over there is because you couldn't hack it back home. Either that or you are 1) chasing Thai women from one bar to another, 2) a criminal on the run from home police or doing crime in Thailand.

You are nothing but visitors there, you have no rights or say in anything Thai, except your tiny minds that is. They could have you out tomorrow.

I know, I have been there, seen it all, read the books and seen the films as well as getting the T shirt.

I once knew a guy just like you lot, he ate, drank, spoke and slept Thai all day and night, got into deep s**t over there and was forced to come home. Once here he continued to spout off to anyone who would give him the time on just what a big man he had been over in Thailand. Now he resides at her Majesty's pleasure because he couldn't get his head together.

I wish you lot could join him.


Force was needed but excessive ? no I don't think so. If Thailand are so keen to join the 1st world they have pull their socks up.

The UN will probably investigate and come up with the obvious conclusion, as a result nothing will change.

I repeat force was needed but it was done in the usual overkill manner.

"Please don't intervene. Please leave us alone," Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said
Thailand are on the world stage and should expect comments when such overkill is used. As far as leaving them alone the government is quite keen to interact with other countries if it is to their advantage or benefit and go out of their way to publicise praise from other governments.

Negative comments are the other side of the coin and go hand in hand. If Toxin dosn't like it, tough luck. Thats what happens when you use a sledgehammer to crack a nut.To answer like he has is just showing his lack of political experience and will be recieved as such.

"We are trying to explain this to foreigners. But if they do not understand or ignore our explanation, I don't care because we are not begging them for food," Thaksin said.

A niave comment as Thailand still relies heavily on tourism and trade with other countries, export I believe is at an all time high. If they were reduced by a modest amount say 20-30% they would in fact be begging for food.

As a world leader I think he has a long way to go when dealing with critisism. He just can't take it.

He may be very rich and as to the success of Shincorp I can only guess as to whether it is purely good business sense or the age old tradition here of helping others to help yourself !!!

The next couple of years will see how thailand fares as a dragon of Asia. Vietnam is one to watch and a shift of tourists & trade there would be disasterous for Thailand.

Scrotum you don't have an opinion as you obviously love it so much at home.Please stay there.Some of us live here and some don't but this is the point of a falang forum about Thailand and there are lots of positive posts about many things here. I suspect you don't have the means to be here and resent that. Fine bog off and go to the pub or whatever it is your exciting life demands of you but don't try the troll. :o

All you none Thai people pontificating on Thai matters and things that just do not concern you, make me sick. Always the same people writing the same s**t each and every day, like you are world experts on Thailand or something.

What gives you the right to write such drivel on matters Thai when the only reason you are over there is because you couldn't hack it back home. Either that or you are 1) chasing Thai women from one bar to another, 2) a criminal on the run from home police or doing crime in Thailand.

You are nothing but visitors there, you have no rights or say in anything Thai, except your tiny minds that is. They could have you out tomorrow.

I know, I have been there, seen it all, read the books and seen the films as well as getting the T shirt.

I once knew a guy just like you lot, he ate, drank, spoke and slept Thai all day and night, got into deep s**t over there and was forced to come home. Once here he continued to spout off to anyone who would give him the time on just what a big man he had been over in Thailand. Now he resides at her Majesty's pleasure because he couldn't get his head together.

I wish you lot could join him.

This is Thaivisa forum, it is for expats you moron. That why we post our comments here sh1t for brains. So if you don't want to be sick go to another site and read their forum.

bite me! :o


Thaksin is right ! He has done the best for Thailand. Those who are non-Thai should not be concerned, nor intervene in what Thaksin would do for Thailand. Mind your business ! It would be worse if the Islamic militants would not be punished the same way they had done to Thai people. The majority of Thai people would never live peacefully any more. Have you seen what had happened to the world? What have the Islamic people done to create trouble, difficulties and wars to the world? Please don't do this to Thai and Buddhist people. Islamic people could live happily in Thailand forever without racism and discrimination if they would not create the problem themselves by killing the innocent Thai people.

Its quite obvious that the Thai government used exessive force. Look at the numbers 5 dead on one side 107 dead on the other....now think  about that...who was armed with machine guns and who was not? ....they did the same thing they did a few years ago with the burmese bandits/freedom fighters(whatever you want to call them) who took hostages in the embassy...the kidnappers were tied up and then shot at close range in the back of the head. The Thais do not fool around in situations like this. There is no doubt though they did use exessive force. . Killing everyone in site does not solve the problem.


Battle of Agincourt 1486

6000 near naked, half starved English defended against 20,000 mounted, fully armoured French Knights and nobility

After the third French charge, scores were

- English dead 112 (ONE hundred and twelve)

- French dead 6,000+ (SIX THOUSAND plus)

Similar scores at Crecy a hundred years earlier.

At Agincourt were about 500 Welsh pikemen - they had one job - not to stand in pretty rows and keep the gentlemen on horses away like in earlier and later centuries ... they had to go out among the fallen, between the charges, and using their long spears to stay out of the way of swords, they had to poke the fallen nobility through gaps in their armour and make sure they were dead. Honour in warfare? Never happened, never will.

What about Rorkes drift 120 years ago? 8,000 zulus killed by 120 British for the loss of only 20 British Engineers - not even a combat company - they were engineers!

Sometimes the scores don't reflect the even-ness of the opposing forces, better training, equipment, and communications can be more effective than numbers.

Not yet seen any report about how many of the Muslims got away - what's to say there weren't several hundred more attackers who were beaten back and routed by the casualty numbers already witnessed?

All the facts aren't in on this one yet.

I agree with the attitude to fight islam fundamentalism, as they donot tolerate any other ideas abut how to live.

I love Thailand for their Buddhist tolerant attitude to other beliefs, attitudes etc.

But that does not mean I agree with just massacring a 110 young men armed with machetes and knifes by machine guns, as this only fill feed their hate to the Thai Buddhist sociaty.

But for sure I donot agree with Khun Taxin's refusal to accept any critisism from abroard.

"We are nog begging them for food?"?

What do you think, when the foreign world will treat the Thais as they do now to Myanmar: the richest country of Asia in 1948, but now a beggar ?

25 % of only western Tourists, 20 % of the new investments and just 15 % of all purchases swithing to Vietnam, and Thailand will go bankrupt.

my opinion as a thai-filipina , Thailand is a nuetral country and never been under colony of any other country so, ifever the country get richer or poorer ... it is the Kingdom's responsiblity not the foriegner ... investors or whatever!!!! :o

All you none Thai people pontificating on Thai matters and things that just do not concern you, make me sick.  Always the same people writing the same s**t each and every day, like you are world experts on Thailand or something.

        What gives you the right to write such drivel on matters Thai when the only reason you are over there is because you couldn't hack it back home. Either that or you are 1) chasing Thai women from one bar to another, 2) a criminal on the run from home police or doing crime in Thailand.

        You are nothing but visitors there, you have no rights or say in anything Thai, except your tiny minds that is. They could have you out tomorrow.

        I know, I have been there, seen it all, read the books and seen the films as well as getting the T shirt.

      I once knew a guy just like you lot, he ate, drank, spoke and slept Thai all day and night, got into deep s**t over there and was forced to come home. Once here he continued to spout off to anyone who would give him the time on just what a big man he had been over in Thailand. Now he resides at her Majesty's pleasure because he couldn't get his head together.

      I wish you lot could join him.

This is Thaivisa forum, it is for expats you moron. That why we post our comments here sh1t for brains. So if you don't want to be sick go to another site and read their forum.

bite me!

Please allow me to second the motion.

All you none Thai people pontificating on Thai matters and things that just do not concern you, make me sick. Always the same people writing the same s**t each and every day, like you are world experts on Thailand or something.

What gives you the right to write such drivel on matters Thai when the only reason you are over there is because you couldn't hack it back home. Either that or you are 1) chasing Thai women from one bar to another, 2) a criminal on the run from home police or doing crime in Thailand.

You are nothing but visitors there, you have no rights or say in anything Thai, except your tiny minds that is. They could have you out tomorrow.

I know, I have been there, seen it all, read the books and seen the films as well as getting the T shirt.

I once knew a guy just like you lot, he ate, drank, spoke and slept Thai all day and night, got into deep s**t over there and was forced to come home. Once here he continued to spout off to anyone who would give him the time on just what a big man he had been over in Thailand. Now he resides at her Majesty's pleasure because he couldn't get his head together.

I wish you lot could join him.

Nice one Erco

Enough talk about politics PLEASE!!! 

How will all this effect BF's?

what is a bf ?

It is usually a reference to a bar fine, there are some particular individuals that are only in Thailand to sexually exploit financially vunerable people,,,,,,,,,,,Personally i would like to see Thaksin have a war on sex tourists, get rid of the scum that fly thousands of miles to exploit people.............i would certainly support that war, Kill thousands of them, who would care?

dtoodnut is pathetic


There may exist an alternative explanation for what actually happened down South. The real facts seem to be as follows:

1.)Nervous trigger-happy police and military received an inside tip that there would be attacks on police guard posts;

2.)The police lay in wait for the real (or, imagined) attackers;

3.)At about day light, waves of young men on motorbikes, many carrying machetes, drove towards the police guard posts and the kids were gunned down as they approached;

4.)Approximately 25 percent of those gunned down were innocent Buddhists not blood-thirsty Muslims;

5.)The alternative explanation seems to be that the boys were simply on there way to work in the Rubber Plantations, and that they were carrying with them their only tool or implement, a simple machete;

6.)Have you really thought about the way that all of the after-the-fact photos look? Typical photo on TV: Innocent kid shot off his motor bike, his corpse bounced along the road as he separated from his bike, his bike is laying in a ditch several meters away from his body, but, aha, miraculously, the determined little bugger managed to hang on to his machete, even as he fell off his bike, dying from multiple bullet wounds. Believable? Hardly. The machetes that they dropped were placed back in their hands for the “Good-Cops-Did-Their-Jobs” series of white-wash photos.

7.)The Thai Political Leadership does not want investigations. Of course they don’t. How many of these boys were simply on their way to work when they were gunned down? How many of the boys were actually just innocent Buddhists? The Toxin regime owes answers to those questions to the world community. And, it is the world’s business. Worldwide, there are about a billion Muslims that want to destroy the USA, Israel, and any friends or allies that they still have. Unless the rest of the world is prepared to exterminate all One Billion of them, we need to realize that easy kills (blowing innocent kids off of motor bikes) is counter productive. Is it in the interest of the Thai people for Toxin to ally himself with the Americans? Maybe not. Is it in the interest of the world for any State leader (Bush, Sharon, or Toxin) to have an attitude that in effect says “kill ‘em all, let God sort ‘em out”. (?)

Taking out the really Bad Guys is a good thing, and every Military and Police Force needs to do more to identify the real perpetrators and to go after them. Slaughtering kids on bikes? Ah, come on, even in Thailand, even in the “Land-of-the-Not-Quite-Right”, that does not pass for good Police Work.

Well as a farang living here for 19 years, I have to say that Thaksin is the best thing that has happened to this country in a long, long time!

If people wish to attack the authorities with weapons, then they must expect to be stopped, and there aren't that many ways to stop an oncoming hostile force that has opened fire.

If they were all shooting at the police, fair enough, but most of them had big knives. Wouldn't arrest and interogation be more useful?

If they were all shooting at the police, fair enough, but most of them had big knives. Wouldn't arrest and interogation be more useful?

No, the muslims want to go to heaven rewarded! Remember a dead muslim is a good muslim.


Chances are not one of us really knows what really happened last Wednesday nor since Jan 4 for that matter. In the meantime try to avoid the coming onslaught of the martyrs.


To Giant Boy:

We are watching you, Citizen.

We know you are, and We are not amused. We have your retina scan, your fingerprints, and your brain wave patterns on file. We know who you are. Der Faderlund Zeecurity is waiting to interrogate you. See what happens on your next visa run to Poipet.

To answer your allegations, well, Of Course many of the photos were either staged or faked, we taught the Thais to do that, and we are proud of our work. Toxin is a cooperator with the USA, and we need him in our War on Terrorism.

Do you think for a minute that Toxin even so much as takes a dump without prior permission from my boss, The Station Bureau Chief? We arranged for both the Muslim uprising and for the so-called over-reaction by the Thai Police. It is our job to insure that the world views the Muslim Problem as one universal problem, and not as simply an Amerikan or a Zionist problem.

Body count, it is all about the Body Count. Friendlies or Foes, they all look the same and it makes for good press. I remember when I was a Military Reporter just starting out during the Vietnam War. Ah man, those were the days. Then, and now, you gotta have Body Count to have a good war.

In closing, please understand that we will manipulate The Truth, and you should not question it. The Truth is what ever we say it is.

Reporting from the comfort of my serviced apartment in Chateau de Spook (er, Chateau de Bangkok) I am

Agent Joker, Assistant Director

CIA, Misinformation and Truth Division,

Bangkok Field Office

my opinion as a thai-filipina , Thailand is a nuetral country and never been under colony of any other country so, ifever the country get richer or poorer ... it is the Kingdom's responsiblity not the foriegner ... investors or whatever!!!! :o

I understand the point you are trying to make and the reason for it, but - oh the screams of the historically unaware......

Thailand was conquered and captured several times when it was called Siam

The Burmese captured the majority of the northern provinces ans much of western Laos in 1550's when they took Chiangmai and the Lanna Kingdom - it remained in their hands until 1776.

They sacked Ayutthaya and captured most of the central plains region in the early 1770's but only held the region for a few years.

During the Ayutthaya period, one king had a Japanese personal guard and military commander, another had a Greek Prime Minister. There are many instances in the various chronicles of Thai history where the head of the Sangha was a foreign monk and the relevant kings took more advice from them than from their own countrymen.

Thailand was ruled by Japan for six years in the last century

To say that THAILAND has never been subjected to colonial rule is true in the classical sense of colonial Britain and India ...... but then you also have to think about the date when Siam was renamed Thailand - not been much in the way of colonial acquisition since then, has there?

Prior to that name change, Thailand did not exist. This country was then called Siam and Siam was certainly subjected to Burmese colonial rule. This is a factor that is not taught in the Thai education system.

The same Prime Minister who changed the country's name was also the one who ordered the destruction of all ancient manuscripts and chronicles dated prior to the foundation of Bangkok - thankfully for the world and scholars in particular, most temples (the holders of local chronicles or Tamnan) buried them for safety and only in recent years have they allowed universities to photograph and microfilm them before re-burying them as they fear they will be siezed and destroyed. That Prime Minister was half Thai, half Laotian by the way - seems the mixed origin politicos in this country are the ones who shake-up things the most. Perhaps it's what the country needs?

Conceptually Thailand has never been subjected to foreign rule - I understand the idea of what this modern, politically originated message is trying to say, and why, but in reality, sorry - it's not strictly true.

It also has to be considered in the light of how many principal officers and ministers under the Chakri dynastry absolute-monarchs were foreigners - predominantly UK & US citizens - with so much westernisation and western ideals being taken direct to the throne, surely that was colonial rule in all but name?

(Ducks into kitchen to make coffee before being flamed)

All you none Thai people pontificating on Thai matters and things that just do not concern you, make me sick. Always the same people writing the same s**t each and every day, like you are world experts on Thailand or something.

What gives you the right to write such drivel on matters Thai when the only reason you are over there is because you couldn't hack it back home. Either that or you are 1) chasing Thai women from one bar to another, 2) a criminal on the run from home police or doing crime in Thailand.

You are nothing but visitors there, you have no rights or say in anything Thai, except your tiny minds that is. They could have you out tomorrow.

I know, I have been there, seen it all, read the books and seen the films as well as getting the T shirt.

I once knew a guy just like you lot, he ate, drank, spoke and slept Thai all day and night, got into deep s**t over there and was forced to come home. Once here he continued to spout off to anyone who would give him the time on just what a big man he had been over in Thailand. Now he resides at her Majesty's pleasure because he couldn't get his head together.

I wish you lot could join him.

Can't hack it back home or maybe just smart enough to get out. Stay where you are. You fit in well there.


THe Thai Prime Minister did the right things.

Some peoples from outside may not know the historical

situation in southern Thailand.

If you wear his shoes than you know better what is the

right moments to act for your family safety.

Problems have to solve anyway

You have to do something about it


In view of the gravity of this southern Muslim situation don't you think it would have been much better for CEO just to keep his mouth shut or is that not within his capability. :o

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