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Sexy graduate pictures - Thai woman goes after those who shared images online


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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

If you got it flaunt it.

If she didnt want the photos shared, she should have covered up her body.

I feel she is only wanting her 15 minutes of fame by complaining.


A side comment, Thai girls at the UNI where I teach in Bkk come to school in very skimpy shorts, have no hesitation to reveal as much top of the leg as possible and often with T shirts which are a bit longer then usual, plus very short shorts, to the point where they appear to be only wearing a T shirt. When wearing very very short skirts their panties are visable.


In reality it's about the same 'dress code' as flousy reveal as much as possible 'pretty girls'.


They get scolded again and again and some have been punished with downgrades of their GPA etc. They just continue to do it. Plus never ending selfies with poses to flaunt as much as possible.


The female and male exchange students in our classes  (95% from Europe) are shocked but never say anything. 


Twice from my awareness many the Thai girls (those mentioned above) have been banned from joining welcoming activities for new exchange students / visits of academics with a day trip to Ayuthaya or wherever.


And of course if any of the boys says something provocative then the girl involved plus her friends head straight for the directors office to complain about the Thai boys saying leud / provocative / invitational things to them. 



Edited by scorecard
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2 hours ago, scorecard said:


A side comment, Thai girls at the UNI where I teach in Bkk come to school in very skimpy shorts, have no hesitation to reveal as much top of the leg as possible and often with T shirts which are a bit longer then usual, plus very short shorts, to the point where they appear to be only wearing a T shirt. When wearing very very short skirts their panties are visable.


In reality it's about the same 'dress code' as flousy reveal as much as possible 'pretty girls'.


They get scolded again and again and some have been punished with downgrades of their GPA etc. They just continue to do it. Plus never ending selfies with poses to flaunt as much as possible.


The female and male exchange students in our classes  (95% from Europe) are shocked but never say anything. 


Twice from my awareness many the Thai girls (those mentioned above) have been banned from joining welcoming activities for new exchange students / visits of academics with a day trip to Ayuthaya or wherever.


And of course if any of the boys says something provocative then the girl involved plus her friends head straight for the directors office to complain about the Thai boys saying leud / provocative / invitational things to them. 



I add a bit more, most of the girls I mentioned above, and there are plenty of them get grades between D+ and C and sometimes F, mostly because they come late to very late to most lessons, they refuse to stop chatting to nearby students and refuse to stop playing games and texting on their smartphones, don't come back after the lunch break, immediately disappear when they are put in case study teams, often don't turn in their assignment or turn them in 2 weeks after grades have been published and at the same time ask for a re-grade, which doesn't happen. 

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2 hours ago, scorecard said:


A side comment, Thai girls at the UNI where I teach in Bkk come to school in very skimpy shorts, have no hesitation to reveal as much top of the leg as possible and often with T shirts which are a bit longer then usual, plus very short shorts, to the point where they appear to be only wearing a T shirt. When wearing very very short skirts their panties are visable.


In reality it's about the same 'dress code' as flousy reveal as much as possible 'pretty girls'.


They get scolded again and again and some have been punished with downgrades of their GPA etc. They just continue to do it. Plus never ending selfies with poses to flaunt as much as possible.


The female and male exchange students in our classes  (95% from Europe) are shocked but never say anything. 


Twice from my awareness many the Thai girls (those mentioned above) have been banned from joining welcoming activities for new exchange students / visits of academics with a day trip to Ayuthaya or wherever.


And of course if any of the boys says something provocative then the girl involved plus her friends head straight for the directors office to complain about the Thai boys saying leud / provocative / invitational things to them. 



Would you be teaching English by any chance?


You can't have much time left for teaching after being forced to watch this dazzling display of Victoria Secret's best undies.

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Okay its a hi-so who has complained. The photographer
Worawat Paiboonsuk is a well known high society photographer especially for graduation photos. His facebook is full of the most beautiful photos. Fabulous work. Far to good not to share. So have a look. I will not publish any of his work as it is not mine.

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Anyone can see sexier girls than that in almost any shopping mall in Thailand......... with great legs and no granny stockings and stupid shoes.  That is why I am a great shopper.  Many girls would be flattered if they were asked to pose for a photo, taking it as a great compliment.  I suppose posing in the University gown is the main problem in this article though.  A maid's outfit would have been OK though!

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She's lovely.Who is she hurting? only all the Secret misogynists that harbour a deep hatred of women.And there seems to be a lot on here.She's a young girl with a good figure.she's not your daughter or grand daughter,why all the nasty comments?This is 2017 not 1807.for gods sake,live and let live,you've always got lady boys to have a go at.

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Why do people make scathing remarks about this girl? Did the critics come here to get away from the vice and the sexual obviousness of girls in their own country."their nothing but tarts and slags,skirts way too short,no wonder they get raped,bimbo's camera seekers".Eerrrm, sorry guys but you came to the wrong country to escape your obsession with young, pretty girls.The salvation Army meets every Friday at 7.30 at he William Boothe Hotel,soi 6.Tambourines and soap boxes optional.

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How unlike a beautiful,sexy,girl with a bust to make your eyes water, pose in the daily rags,with the view of trying to attract a famous footballer for a boyfriend,back in the Uk.Or how unlike former models or beauty queens stripping off for Playboy or any other nudey mag.Also there are the birds that actually advertise their sexual services(the daily star).I think that the saying'high horse" and not getting on it serves here.

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3 hours ago, scorecard said:

I add a bit more, most of the girls I mentioned above, and there are plenty of them get grades between D+ and C and sometimes F, mostly because they come late to very late to most lessons, they refuse to stop chatting to nearby students and refuse to stop playing games and texting on their smartphones, don't come back after the lunch break, immediately disappear when they are put in case study teams, often don't turn in their assignment or turn them in 2 weeks after grades have been published and at the same time ask for a re-grade, which doesn't happen. 

Probably because they've got a bun in the oven.

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1 hour ago, Saraphee said:

bit of a pun really - images show feet larger than head!

So what? 


Why does that matter? 


The point is someone has taken it upon themselves to post images of this woman on the net against her wishes. 


That is wrong in her view and I agree with her. 


Netizens feel they can do, say or post whatever they like.


I like to see those who post images of someone against their wishes punished for doing so. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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Yet most are willing to have their photos taken, and posted, and circulated. What are they thinking, when they have their photo taken? That nobody is going to see it? That it will not be posted on FB? Talk about living in denial. She is completely lost, and her complaint is completely without merit. Another case of not considering anything, not putting any thought into what she was doing, or how she was posing, and then being hit with the realization that actions have consequences, after the fact. 

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