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Thai restaurant owner in US advises Thais not to go to America during Trump presidency


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Immigration would be looking for undocumented aliens hence illegal aliens.


Not people on a visa or work permit. No one cares in America if they are working with a green card or without one the immigration officers want proof the people came in the country legally.

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16 minutes ago, chrisandsu said:

Im a green card holder who has been treated very well by America ! But then again I came legally paid all the fees, been working for ten years, I pay social security and all taxes including property taxes . I'd feel a little aggrieved if  someone came here paid none of the above but received all

the benifits of living in such a great country . You break the rules you can't complain when you get turfed out . I know Thais who have overstayed here worked saved a fortune gone home then came back under a different name to do it all again . 

No need to go under a different name. My wife overstated her visa then got a 5 year visa when we applied.

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“Thai restaurant owner in US advises Thais not to go to America during Trump presidency.”


Would kinda make for shorter embassy lines for those that the restaurant owner is trying to get visa's for. I personally advise any and every Thai that can fill out the visa forms and has the money to apply to apply.

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Excellent.  The Trump Plan is working.  A Thai Native, now US citizen, telling Thais that they can't come to the US to work illegally.  Perfect!!!  The word is officially out!


Dry eyes from this expat who legally used to work in Thailand and obeys Thai immigration laws.  Anyone entering the US can do the same.


Those who wish to call the Trump government 'racists' for not allowing illegal immigration/illegal work should, with that same breath, call the Prayut government 'racist' for for not allowing illegal immigration/illegal work.  There is no difference.  Dwell on that conundrum long enough and it's impossible not to see the  hypocrisy

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call the Prayut government 'racist' for for not allowing illegal immigration/illegal work.  There is no difference.  Dwell on that conundrum long enough and it's impossible not to see the  hypocrisy


There are, by most accounts, ~ 3 million illegal/stateless immigrants living in Thailand, so ~ 4.5% of the total population; in the U.S. it might closer to 3.5%.


I am unabashedly in favor of the free flow of capital and labor, with some controls on immigration, and 100% in favor of immigration reform with amnesty/path to citizenship for those currently in the U.S.

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One more point about the generosity of Thais who have become US citizens and hire illegal Thai labor.  These are not philanthropists. These are business owners who are 1) breaking US immigration law, and 2) paying their illegal Thai workers what amounts to slave wages.


A friend of my wife just experienced that fact first hand.  She went to the US to work for a Thai US citizen, she was paid a wage that was less than US minimums, her substandard lodging was docked from her wages, and she still needed to live off of the local economy which is magnitudes more expensive than Thailand.  This is just a step above human trafficking but not by much.  So illegal immigration opens the undocumented workers up to extreme exploitation.  Which is exactly why segments of the US business communities are screaming bloody murder (and pulling the race card) because the cheap, exploitable labor is going to dry up.  As it should.  Exploiting others is immoral (and illegal in the US). 


My wife's friend lasted two months then came back to Thailand.  I've talked to her about her experiences and it was really was criminal on the part of her US employer who coerced her to come with promises of riches, and then flat out exploited her labor. 

Edited by connda
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33 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

call the Prayut government 'racist' for for not allowing illegal immigration/illegal work.  There is no difference.  Dwell on that conundrum long enough and it's impossible not to see the  hypocrisy


There are, by most accounts, ~ 3 million illegal/stateless immigrants living in Thailand, so ~ 4.5% of the total population; in the U.S. it might closer to 3.5%.


I am unabashedly in favor of the free flow of capital and labor, with some controls on immigration, and 100% in favor of immigration reform with amnesty/path to citizenship for those currently in the U.S.

Then you are also 100 % in favor of immigration reform with amnesty/path to citizenship for those currently in Thailand?  Visa-overstayers should have amnesty and a path to citizenship here in Thailand?  Those of us here legally - so sad too bad, you need to break the law first to get that amnesty.
This is what you're advocating in the US.
But what that really means is that those who break immigration law get a free ride to citizenship, and those who played by the rules, obtained proper documentation do not.

See, I think you have it completely backwards.  Those who have submitted their visa applications and have been waiting for months or years should be allowed access to work and a path to US citizenship because they have played by the rules.  To make room for those new migrants who have done everything legally, all the illegals need to be deported - just like they do here in Thailand.
Granting amnesty/citizenship to illegals is a smack in the face and a kick to the stomach of every foreigner who has sought to enter the US legally, especially those whose paperwork is in the queue.  I find that obscene and morally reprehensible in it callousness. 
It's no different than saying that if you steal a car, then the title should be signed over to you.  All those who have bank loans for their cars must continue to pay.  Why is this so difficult to understand how morally wrong that approach is?


Bottom line: "Good guys in; Bad guys out!"

Edited by connda
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  • 3 weeks later...

We do not want you if you are coming in illegally or overstaying your visa, and Americans by a vast majority support curbing the influx of illegals, so Trump is just doing what we elected him to do. If you are coming here legally you have no worries and you are welcome here. The world had just gotten used to America having no borders under Obama and those days are over as they should be.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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