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U.S. appeals court upholds suspension of Trump travel ban


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I am trying to keep an open mind about this guy. I was hoping he might have some constructive proposals for the economy. But, he is so bogged down with his immigration extremism, and refuses to acknowledge that extreme vetting has been in place since 9/11. All of the people who got visas and green cards in the past decade were extremely vetted. So, there was no risk in letting them in. He could have established the program, allowed all existing visa and green card holders in, but denied any new applicants, and few would have complained.


The fascinating thing about the megalomaniac, is that he seems to enjoy digging his own holes. He started a war with the media. He created this extreme immigration program, etc. He seems to love a battle. Hope he does not start a major war. Lord Bannon seems to be itching for a war with Iran. I think they would find Iran to be a far worse foe than Iraq, as they have very deep pockets, and it could very well turn into a 40 year war, costing the treasury tens of trillions of dollars, and possibly even bankrupting the United States, leading to major terror attacks on US soil, and destabilizing the planet. My guess is that it would lead to his impeachment. But, I see that coming anyway. I seriously doubt, especially after this ridiculous Nordstrom scandal, that this man will last four years. He will either be impeached, resign, or have an aneurysm. 


As far as the immigration debate goes at least half of the judges that are ruling against Trump, were appointed by Republicans. He is continuing with his Orwellian Alternative facts campaign. Anytime he does not like what happens, or a decision that is made, or a news account, or anything else, it instantly becomes alternative facts. He simply cannot fathom the possibility that it is happening for a good or logical reason. It is an attack against him personally, if it is not in lock step with his wishes. He truly has the mindset of an adolescent, who has always gotten his way. He is ill equipped for his present position, and is not a good give and take sort. Not sure how he is going to be able to negotiate with our allies, much less our enemies, with this attitude of entitlement and his inability to ever express any humility. 


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23 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I think they would find Iran to be a far worse foe than Iraq

Russia is now an active partner with Iran and the G7 with the exception of the US government (but not US companies such as Boeing!) now rushing to engage in business opportunities with Iran. Ironically, the shutdown of Iran's nuclear weapons program will provide billions of dollars in additional funding to strengthen and enlarge its military and national infrastructure that will further complicate a sustained US military intervention.

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2 hours ago, Pib said:

Don't worry....The Donald is giving all of this serious thought.


The picture below has been photoshopped from an actual picture of Donald tweeting thinking

from a White House porcelain throne in the master bedroom.





Good job he's thinking, better than like Merkel who gives things no thought at all....now doing a U turn and deporting 450,000 people with 76 Million dollars in incentives. Its a win win for them.

Keep supporting DJT of the same will happen as has happened to Merkel today.

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11 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

good points but are you saying undocumented folk should stay?  not be held accountable?  in Thailand too?  why not let's have a free-for-all and do away with passports and visas?

           Good questions.  There should be rules balanced with reality.  It doesn't have to be one extreme or the other.   Each person/family should be looked upon for their merits or lack thereof.  


         There are already many rules in place.  It's not perfect, but there can be improvements made.  

One of the biggest problems with Trump-style management, is he's so inexperienced with government and shoots from the hip.  He's like a surgeon who uses a rusty butter knife.  


        He didn't give any notice to Imm authorities when he and Bannon threw out the Muslim ban (which we're not supposed to call a 'Muslim ban').  That's part of the reason there was such chaos at airports.  A baby girl from Iraq was not allowed entry, even though her parents had spent months acquiring a visa to get life-saving heart surgery for the girl.  An Iraqi man who had risked his life as an interpreter for US troops was sequestered for hours. Multiply by 10,000, and you get an idea of the sorts of things that happen as a result of bad planning.  


If stupidity and bad planning were Olympic events, Trump and Bannon would get gold medals.

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Most of those that are being moved through the queue the quickest would be those that have been employed by US military, embassy personnel and US gov't funded programs, I would guess.  Many of these would have been people such as interpreters and their families.   They would be able to get them through more quickly because a part of the vetting would have been done as a part of their application to work for the US gov't.  


On another note, there has been an effect on higher education.   Students are being quite cautious about applying to US schools for University study.   This will have a negative affect on a lot of schools.   It is also an area of recruitment for jobs of some of the best and brightest from overseas.   



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10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

           Good questions.  There should be rules balanced with reality.  It doesn't have to be one extreme or the other.   Each person/family should be looked upon for their merits or lack thereof.  


         There are already many rules in place.  It's not perfect, but there can be improvements made.  

One of the biggest problems with Trump-style management, is he's so inexperienced with government and shoots from the hip.  He's like a surgeon who uses a rusty butter knife.  


        He didn't give any notice to Imm authorities when he and Bannon threw out the Muslim ban (which we're not supposed to call a 'Muslim ban').  That's part of the reason there was such chaos at airports.  A baby girl from Iraq was not allowed entry, even though her parents had spent months acquiring a visa to get life-saving heart surgery for the girl.  An Iraqi man who had risked his life as an interpreter for US troops was sequestered for hours. Multiply by 10,000, and you get an idea of the sorts of things that happen as a result of bad planning.  


If stupidity and bad planning were Olympic events, Trump and Bannon would get gold medals.

Fair points apart from the 'muslim ban' bit. I don't see barring people from countries a 'muslim ban' and even if it was all the terrorists ARE muslim right?  i agree inept execution and poorly thought through but we have to stop the Paris's and the 9/11s and all the rest somehow  

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