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Suan Dusit Poll: 85% of Thai public think today's youth are out of control!


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85% of Thai public think today's youth are out of control!

100% of Thai public thinks that their own offspring are not concerned ... there is a notable discrepancy in the perception of others compared to their own kids. I think most parents here have zero idea what their kids are doing when on their own. 

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1 minute ago, onthesoi said:


Using violence as a tool for parenting is a little backward!


There you go again. That is exactly what the parents of murderers and rapists, and drug addicts said. Some discipline is required. I am not talking about abuse here. My wife was given physical discipline as a kid, and she turned out to be an amazing woman. A great deal of kindness, consideration, and respect. And she adores her dad. I am sure it was done very judiciously, and without anger. I was not given any discipline as a kid, pushed my parents to the limit, trying to find out what my own limits were, and I realized I did not have any. I became a very bad kid, showed no respect to my parents, and nearly became a career criminal. Only the positive influence of my ex-wife, who did impose some discipline, saved my butt from disaster. Not disciplining your kid is a travesty against him or her. 


I was talking to a good friend of mine last year about his son, who is remarkable. He is now a grown man, kind, smart accomplished, and liked by all. He told me when his son was about ten, he did something really bad to someone. My friend came home from work, and they discussed it. He told him to go to his room, and think about what he had done, and the effect it had on the people he hurt. He also told him to consider how much worse the outcome could have been. He then told him to come back downstairs in two hours, at which time he would get the beating of his life.


He told me his son told him later, that it was the longest two hours of his life, and it changed his life. He determined at that time, to become a better kid, and to consider his actions very carefully. He came downstairs, got a beating, and took it like a strong, young man. He was a better kid for it. He told his dad that was the case, and thanked him for the lesson. He turned out to be a wonderful man. Discipline work. A lack of discipline can be disastrous for kids. Kids are like dogs. They absolutely need to know what their limits are. 

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It's possible to set limits and instil discipline without using violence ...to think otherwise is unimaginative and backward!


9 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

He came downstairs, got a beating ... He was a better kid for it.


9 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

 Kids are like dogs. They absolutely need to know what their limits are. 


lolz ..just no!

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11 hours ago, damo said:

I am starting to think more about my family's safety every time we plan to visit LOS, with every time I get closer to saying this is the last time. I have two girls who I cherish more than a cheap holiday.

I see things in black and white and feel the level of risk for my children to become victims of sexual assault is too high. The corruption and greed that see's innocent people have their lies destroyed for someones personal gain represents an almost unacceptable level of risk. Israel, Lebanon and Turkey is looking good for future holiday's and my lovely Thai wife agrees. Once her parents have passed then that will be Thailand done for us.


I squarely blame drugs.

Dope has always been around what has changed is the desire to use the stuff. Need to abandon the American model of going after the sellers and spend the money educating potential users.

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21 minutes ago, FunkyDunky58 said:

I believe there is a direct correlation between the demise of spanking kids and the explosion of little <deleted> that rule the roost in their houses.


What you believe is neither here nor there ...where is your evidence?


...researchers Elizabeth Gershoff and Andrew Grogan-Kaylor from the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Michigan, respectively, evaluated 75 published studies on the relationship between spanking by parents and various behavioral, emotional, cognitive and physical outcomes among their kids. They found that spanking was associated with 13 out of a total of 17 negative outcomes they assessed, including increased aggression and behavioral and mental health problems as well as reduced cognitive ability and self-esteem.



Beating your kids up is no different from wife beating, in fact there are some very interesting similarities in the effects and the language/excuses/justifications both types of abuser use.  However, beating up your kids might be worse than wife beating in that kids are even more vulnerable and defenceless.


Making this argument about Thailand is even more stupid as Thai parents are already pretty heavy handed even to the point of full blown assaults on their kids, plenty of videos on social media, we had a topic recently of one parent beating his kid outside a school.  Also, Thai teachers already dish out physical assaults on unruly kids so I would be interested to know how you, spidermike & the people who liked his post want this expanded in Thailand to curb the perception that Thai kids are out of control, should Thai teacher's be dishing out more severe beatings than they already are, maybe using weapons or?


And the people who are for beating up kids, they must also be happy for teachers  to beat their kids up at school?

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14 hours ago, damo said:

I am starting to think more about my family's safety every time we plan to visit LOS, with every time I get closer to saying this is the last time. I have two girls who I cherish more than a cheap holiday.

I see things in black and white and feel the level of risk for my children to become victims of sexual assault is too high. The corruption and greed that see's innocent people have their lies destroyed for someones personal gain represents an almost unacceptable level of risk. Israel, Lebanon and Turkey is looking good for future holiday's and my lovely Thai wife agrees. Once her parents have passed then that will be Thailand done for us.


I squarely blame drugs.

 Drugs are just a symptom of an underlying problem, which.is my opinion the Thai societal set-up which to me seems to indoctrinate Thai children that the system is everything and that the individual is of no value.


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Someone pointed out to me today that a big problem is the violence on Thai Soaps- people think it is acceptable and the norm.


When the PM himself sees little or anything wrong with violence towards women where does one start?


Its a society problem and spoiling children is a huge part of it. When children grow up without parents as they are away working and grandparents are left to bring them up its difficult- made worse by the fact that the parents spoil then when they are together and the children, as they grow up come to expect to be coddled.


Look at how many families where the adult sons lounge around all day  in the village whilst the daughters are off in Pattaya and elsewhere selling themselves. The hand is always out for more though.

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4 hours ago, onthesoi said:


Using violence as a tool for parenting is a little backward!

Spare the rod and spoil the child - a 3000 year old wisdom.


Technology may have changed, but human nature has not.


You need to read Lord of the Flies again...

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1 hour ago, onthesoi said:


What you believe is neither here nor there ...where is your evidence?


...researchers Elizabeth Gershoff and Andrew Grogan-Kaylor from the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Michigan, respectively, evaluated 75 published studies on the relationship between spanking by parents and various behavioral, emotional, cognitive and physical outcomes among their kids. They found that spanking was associated with 13 out of a total of 17 negative outcomes they assessed, including increased aggression and behavioral and mental health problems as well as reduced cognitive ability and self-esteem.



Beating your kids up is no different from wife beating, in fact there are some very interesting similarities in the effects and the language/excuses/justifications both types of abuser use.  However, beating up your kids might be worse than wife beating in that kids are even more vulnerable and defenceless.


Making this argument about Thailand is even more stupid as Thai parents are already pretty heavy handed even to the point of full blown assaults on their kids, plenty of videos on social media, we had a topic recently of one parent beating his kid outside a school.  Also, Thai teachers already dish out physical assaults on unruly kids so I would be interested to know how you, spidermike & the people who liked his post want this expanded in Thailand to curb the perception that Thai kids are out of control, should Thai teacher's be dishing out more severe beatings than they already are, maybe using weapons or?


And the people who are for beating up kids, they must also be happy for teachers  to beat their kids up at school?

I would be happy to see a research outcome on number of negatives between spanking and non-spanking of kids...


Perhaps out of 1000, we get 13 negatives for spanking, and 813 for non-spanking?

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27 minutes ago, trogers said:

Spare the rod and spoil the child - a 3000 year old wisdom.


Technology may have changed, but human nature has not.


You need to read Lord of the Flies again...


Nonsense reply,

Humans haven't changed in 3000 years? 

I would suggest people are way more civilised now than they were 3000 years ago.

I've read LOTF many times, can you quote the part that deals with adults using violence to discipline children?

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17 minutes ago, trogers said:

I would be happy to see a research outcome on number of negatives between spanking and non-spanking of kids...


I'm sure you would love to misdirect the conversation away from the 80 real studies referenced to some imaginary research that supports your argument, but unfortunately(for you) the aforementioned studies in the Scientific American article already meet your criteria in spades.

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4 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


Nonsense reply,

Humans haven't changed in 3000 years? 

I would suggest people are way more civilised now than they were 3000 years ago.

I've read LOTF many times, can you quote the part that deals with adults using violence to discipline children?

Human nature has not change in 3000 years, just technology and the extend of carnage one person can cause to his fellow mankind.

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3 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


I'm sure you would love to misdirect the conversation away from the 80 real studies referenced to some imaginary research that supports your argument, but unfortunately(for you) the aforementioned studies in the Scientific American article already meet your criteria in spades.

80 cases against a poll of over a 1000...


I think the real life events of teen violence a year in Thailand is multiple more times this 80...

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3 minutes ago, trogers said:

Human nature has not change in 3000 years, just technology and the extend of carnage one person can cause to his fellow mankind.


Human nature has changed a lot in even just last 50 years   ...you only have to look at the social changes, particularly in regard to equal rights.


Another eg, is how it's now illegal in most western schools for teachers to dish out punishment beatings.

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9 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


Human nature has changed a lot in even just last 50 years   ...you only have to look at the social changes, particularly in regard to equal rights.


Another eg, is how it's now illegal in most western schools for teachers to dish out punishment beatings.

Changes in social values are not changes in human nature...


Perhaps we now elect teens being out of control is the new and acceptable social norm and the latest advancement in social value?


And the cause of teens today being out of control corresponding to society making it illegal for parents and teachers to dish out purnishments?


Against ancient wisdom...

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Polls suggest 80% of kids are spanked.


studies suggest that if spanking is administered fairly (vs abusively) then no negative repercussions are noted


studies admit that there are not enough studies to definitively answer the question as to wether spanking is good or bad


depending on your personal opinion, you can manipulate these studies to suit your own agenda.


if we follow the thinking that spanking results in aggressive behavior... then extrapolate that out to, say, national security requires an aggressive military... then spanking is good for society


non spanking advocates are generally intellectuals.... hard working mum and dad families don't have time to be pussies with time outs and blah blah blah... they need to act, move on, make money, support their family, all of which is good for society.


too many ways to cut the cheese.... harden the eff up.

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The older generation I have always found to be cordial and accommodating, on the other hand, the younger generation are often found to be aggressive, lazy and rude and very xenophobic.


In my opinion the powers that be in Thailand should be very worried for the future.


With Buddhist beliefs' falling and no law and order, things are and could spiral out of control very quickly.


Years of ignorance and not educating the population will come back to haunt this country.




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2 minutes ago, MorristheRunt said:

The older generation I have always found to be cordial and accommodating, on the other hand, the younger generation are often found to be aggressive, lazy and rude and very xenophobic.


In my opinion the powers that be in Thailand should be very worried for the future.


With Buddhist beliefs' falling and no law and order, things are and could spiral out of control very quickly.


Years of ignorance and not educating your young will come back to haunt this country.




I am lucky that I have no children and have no need to worry about the state of society a few decades in the future...

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"WE" which means everybody older then "THEM" are responsible somehow because we "LEAD BY EXAMPLE". Please notice that I am not pointing at anybody in particular. This isn't meant personal but on the other hand very broad and universal. It is the mother of all other rules, whether we are a parent, an employer, headmaster of a school, head of police station, leader of a hospital etc etc you name it we "Lead By Example" all the time.

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10 hours ago, connda said:

Where did they learn their behavior?

I think a mix of a lot of things...


Peer pressure to act like your friends and seem tough.


Movies and TV shows which portray out of control and aggressive behavior as a norm and something to aspire to in order to get respect and win in life.


Video games with extreme violence and use of weapons.


Lack of any fear,  punishments or consequences to their actions.


Parents loosing control over their children as they are not allowed to discipline them.


Young people having to aspirations or goals in life as they can't see a future for themselves.






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On 14/02/2017 at 7:57 AM, FunkyDunky58 said:

People only THINK that Thai youth are out of control? Give me a break. Just sit by the side of any main street on any night and watch them go by. Thai boys are mollycoddled by their mums and as a result stay as boys even when they have mens skin. They can't handle rejection, can't handle being told no by any woman, can't control their anger, and try to look like big men by boasting the weaponry that carry around. Small boys with small dicks and a big ego. What a cocktail.

Many fitting that description now run a large country just south of Canada

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