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NACC suspends inquiry into Prayut's nephew


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NACC suspends inquiry into Prayut's nephew

By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter



Gen. Preecha Chan-ocha, a brother of junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha, greets reporters on Sept. 21, 2016. His son Pathompol is under an investigation for his company that was awarded nearly 200 million baht in army contracts under shady terms.


BANGKOK — An Investigation into accusations of cronyism within the ranks of the ruling junta was suspended along with other cases due to a legal technicality, the National Anti-Corruption Commission, or NACC, said Monday.


In the latest setback in Thailand’s corruption watchdog effort, all inquiries, including that over a construction company run by junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha’s nephew, could not move forward until officials implement the changes in recent amendments to anti-graft laws, according to NACC Sec-gen Sansern Poljiak.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2017/02/14/nacc-suspends-inquiry-prayuths-nephew/

-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2017-02-14
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Ah, so its not only halted for him but many other cases because of some new laws..ok that is acceptable.. if it was just for him it was suspicious. I am actually happy that they indeed are investigating. People said that that was not even done, so obviously it is being done. 


When i read the headline I expected the worst, but it is just bad reporting of a known red newspaper. They are technically right of course but at first they make like its only this investigation while it is a general problem. But of course this sells more papers.. nothing new. 

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12 minutes ago, Allstars said:


I wonder who voted those new laws into effect.


You have any info on that?

Nope, but its a temporary halt so no real news, just read the full article they are talking about the laws being ready next week.. so actually its a storm in a teacup, only brought up to make the junta look bad nothing more. I would have been the first to comment on it because I hate corruption but this is really non news.



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4 minutes ago, WhizBang said:

Ahhh, how convenient.  I wonder how long it will take to get these new laws passed, if ever?

Read the article.. next week its done and they can go on.. its a storm in a teacup.. only brought up to shock people.. khoasod.. red newspaper things like this are to be expected from them.


I thought exactly what they wanted me to think.. until i read the whole article and found out..

- 1 just a weeks delay

-2 its for all cases not just this one because of some law technicalities


Then it dawned on me that this was exactly the kind of response this newspaper wanted by choosing the headline.  

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2 minutes ago, JAG said:

The Duracell Bunny is back I see.....


Better that as an TEFL :smile: , Bet you did not even read the article otherwise with your English skills (should have those in your chosen profession) you would have come to the same conclusion that its non news, and that the title is merely chosen to discredit the junta and does not really show the content.


If they said had a title like... NACC cases suspended until next week when over a legal technicality (sure would be good) but they singled out one case and then later in the full article tell us it goes for many cases not just this one and is only one week.


Sensationalism nothing more. 

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1 minute ago, robblok said:


Better that as an TEFL :smile: , Bet you did not even read the article otherwise with your English skills (should have those in your chosen profession) you would have come to the same conclusion that its non news, and that the title is merely chosen to discredit the junta and does not really show the content.


If they said had a title like... NACC cases suspended until next week when over a legal technicality (sure would be good) but they singled out one case and then later in the full article tell us it goes for many cases not just this one and is only one week.


Sensationalism nothing more. 

have you lived here long?

it is his family

it is his duty to protect them

no matter what

it wont happen

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2 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

have you lived here long?

it is his family

it is his duty to protect them

no matter what

it wont happen

Lived here almost 10 years.. commenting on the article not on the fact if the NACC will find anything or not. Its totally non news as i stated before. Singling out one case while it applies to all is just crazy.


Just saying that this is sensationalism as that is what it is. 


I am not speculating on the outcome of this investigation, I am already happy that they are investigating many said that there would be no investigation.. and there is. I hope the guy gets thrown under the buss (if there is reason for that and I think there is). 

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15 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

It's always amusing to read the reasons why certain forms of corruption can't be investigated.


But when it comes to red-shirts, or other political enemies, there never seems to be a problem.


Funny that?



We always know when important  news needs swiftly placed under the carpet , because suddenly newspapers are awash with..... but but but the rice scheme. 

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Ok, wait and see how long all cases are stopped unto the technicalities fixed; and then how quickly they resume.


This should be a simple case to investigate. Those procurement contracts would have had to follow public procurement guidelines. That usually involves seeking bids via tenders from suitably qualified and approved potential suppliers. The tenders would then be scored on technical and financial criteria, either sequentially or in parallel. And the award made according to pre-set tender rules based on that scoring. 

Very easy to audit and show either way.


So once they're back up and running this shouldn't take too long perhaps? What progress has been made so far or is there a long list of cases before?

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“Our officials are still working as usual.”


That should slow the investigation down down for at least 20 years....or until the opposition wins an election and is able to remain in office. 

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33 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Ok, wait and see how long all cases are stopped unto the technicalities fixed; and then how quickly they resume.


This should be a simple case to investigate. Those procurement contracts would have had to follow public procurement guidelines. That usually involves seeking bids via tenders from suitably qualified and approved potential suppliers. The tenders would then be scored on technical and financial criteria, either sequentially or in parallel. And the award made according to pre-set tender rules based on that scoring. 

Very easy to audit and show either way.


So once they're back up and running this shouldn't take too long perhaps? What progress has been made so far or is there a long list of cases before?

No idea, but recently read an article about the NACC and seems they are not really producing much cases. It also takes ages for them to do anything. I think I read it in the BKK post recently. Strange actually that they don't produce more results. 

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8 minutes ago, jaltsc said:

“Our officials are still working as usual.”



That should slow the investigation down down for at least 20 years....or until the opposition wins an election and is able to remain in office. 

That is part of the problem here.. whoever is in power uses organisations like these to go after their opponents. Those who are in the current government always seem to be protected. The whole rice investigation only started after the government stepped down. 


Would be nice to have a true independent organisation that goes after everyone. 

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Prayuth’s nephew, Pathompol Chan-ocha, is under investigation for his construction company, which was awarded nearly 200 million baht in army contracts since December 2014, despite its record of not having any other major projects before sealing deals with the military.


Wow 200 million contracts with not having any major projects before.


Family business.

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7 minutes ago, robblok said:

That is part of the problem here.. whoever is in power uses organisations like these to go after their opponents. Those who are in the current government always seem to be protected. The whole rice investigation only started after the government stepped down. 


Would be nice to have a true independent organisation that goes after everyone. 

"The whole rice investigation only started after the government stepped down. "


And the award for the most delusional statement for 2017 goes to..

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Just now, Reigntax said:

"The whole rice investigation only started after the government stepped down. "


And the award for the most delusional statement for 2017 goes to..

Do tell me when it started, i can still remember YL bullying people (high government official female), and trying to charge a democrat PM for theft when he had rotting rice with him from a warehouse.  


If I am mistaken tell me and I will accept it. 

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Better that as an TEFL :smile: , Bet you did not even read the article otherwise with your English skills (should have those in your chosen profession) you would have come to the same conclusion that its non news, and that the title is merely chosen to discredit the junta and does not really show the content.
If they said had a title like... NACC cases suspended until next week when over a legal technicality (sure would be good) but they singled out one case and then later in the full article tell us it goes for many cases not just this one and is only one week.
Sensationalism nothing more. 

Since you raised the subject of"English skills" there are 5 fundamental errors in your first paragraph, the second paragraph doesn't actually make sense.
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15 minutes ago, robblok said:

Do tell me when it started, i can still remember YL bullying people (high government official female), and trying to charge a democrat PM for theft when he had rotting rice with him from a warehouse.  


If I am mistaken tell me and I will accept it. 


The government didnt step down. You may remember, no matter how much you would prefer to forget,  the government was overthrown by force by the current self appointed PM and military cohorts.

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Just now, JAG said:


Since you raised the subject of"English skills" there are 5 fundamental errors in your first paragraph, the second paragraph doesn't actually make sense.


Not my chosen profession, and not even my mother tongue. I bet I have mastered English better than you have any other second language. Reason I brought it up is because you started the name calling. 


You could have just looked at the content you could have seen that this whole article is pure sensationalism.  This has nothing the do with the case of the PM his nephew, its just one of many cases affected by a one week (the horror) delay.  But they singled his case out and made it look like it was something special and insinuated stuff with the headline. 

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4 minutes ago, Reigntax said:


The government didnt step down. You may remember, no matter how much you would prefer to forget,  the government was overthrown by force by the current self appointed PM and military cohorts.

They stepped down after the street protest.. the coup came later after they stepped down.  (she was only a caretaker PM)



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3 hours ago, robblok said:

Lived here almost 10 years.. commenting on the article not on the fact if the NACC will find anything or not. Its totally non news as i stated before. Singling out one case while it applies to all is just crazy.


Just saying that this is sensationalism as that is what it is. 


I am not speculating on the outcome of this investigation, I am already happy that they are investigating many said that there would be no investigation.. and there is. I hope the guy gets thrown under the buss (if there is reason for that and I think there is). 

Do you get paid by the word or the post?

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Just now, ddavidovsky said:

Do you get paid by the word or the post?


Would have been nice but unfortunately not. There were some paid for posters active before but they had an other political vision as I had. I guess the man in Dubai pays well, unfortunately nobody pays me to post.  Maybe I should change sides.. but i guess since Robert Amsterdam stopped working for T the paid for posters became less too. So maybe nobody is paying the other side anymore either.


But if you know a place all money is welcome :partytime2:

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