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Does it matter if your girl was a hooker?


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1 hour ago, rogeroc said:

 JAFO i don't understand how you indicate you know so much about bargirls if you have never entertained them. I believe that you haven't because your assumptions of low self esteem and taking on all comers are very often not the case. Their job may not be glamorous but quite probably less arduous and potentially more entertaining than working in a chicken factory for 10 hours per day. It always surprises me the number of girls that go back to the bar on their off day just to chat and drink with their friends.


Having been here 10+ years I have seen and witnessed lots.  So here is why I can comment with knowing about prostitutes. When I was stationed here by the company I worked for I was at the JW Marriott in BKK. When I was bored I would go down and sit across the street from the Nana area.  I'd watch what rolled in and out of there. In fact it became my free Friday entertainment as there was always something going on. I got to know the security guard at the office building across the street and we would sit in chairs, have some grub and watch the activities.  Was interesting. So lots of drunks and loud mouth foreigners acting like fools. I'd see gals leave with some dumpy old foreigner to return in a few hours to nestle up next to a new guy.  I'd laugh because that new John had no idea that the gal who is now kissing on him was likely on her knees just a bit a go.  The security guard said "Hope she brushed her teeth" LoL. I'd see staggering drunk foreigners groping girls and they would look bummed about it but money is money. That to me shows low self esteem that they won't say NO that money is more important than self respect.  I found the experience enlightening and rather disturbing  but it was a way to pass some time.  


So I have seen a lot and I heard Pattaya walking street is even worse then Nana. 

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4 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

his post was accurate it's a trade-off and young girls will spend time, for compensation, with 20/30 years older guys - compensations might be a marriage or allowance or payment - why the insult?

"as in norm in society"  this is a fact on what planet  and giving head to geezer  give e a break,, print the whole quote not cherry pick to advance your responce

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1 minute ago, BKKBodhisattva said:

Just because a man uses a prostitute doesn't mean he automatically believes that "we all pay for it" one way or another with ALL women.

I've used hookers but I certainly don't believe 'we all pay for it' or 'we pay for it one way or another' with any woman we get involved with.


Your experiences may differ but I've never paid for something without knowing that I'm paying for it.

If I take a woman out to dinner, I'm not "paying for sex", I'm enjoying her company.

When she takes me out to dinner next time, she's not "paying for sex", she's enjoying my company.

Amazing innit?

not really amazing and don't expect that reciprocal 'she'll pay for next dinner' here!  I dateb a lot and get free sex a lot too (thank God) but it's often an 'unwritten gig' that we have sex later - or at least on  the next date and I have never gone 3 dates and not scored

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3 minutes ago, MANFROMBOCA said:

i dont think you really know anything just pulling statements out of your arse

Yeah, one of those statements was that i'm not sure, another one was "who knows". Why the hostility my friend?

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5 minutes ago, MANFROMBOCA said:

"as in norm in society"  this is a fact on what planet  and giving head to geezer  give e a break

ManF--are you reading things correctly--the norm in Society is that a a person usually (norm as in normal)marries someone close to their age.....you disagree with that---& think that I am living on a different planet......Wow

Edited by oxo1947
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1 minute ago, LannaGuy said:

not really amazing and don't expect that reciprocal 'she'll pay for next dinner' here!  I dateb a lot and get free sex a lot too (thank God) but it's often an 'unwritten gig' that we have sex later - or at least on  the next date and I have never gone 3 dates and not scored

I've been here nearly 10 years so I know my way around, thanks.

I've been taken out for meals by numerous women - sexual partners or otherwise - I don't have expectations, I see more than just a piece of pussy.

Sex isn't always the ultimate goal

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Because instead of spending their time with a younger (their age) stronger virile man--as is the norm in society....they spend it giving head to an old Wrinkly geezer who probably cant put his own socks on without their help...its seems like an equal deal on both sides to me......:coffee1:

Lol. You know, this whole time I assumed we were talking about women within a socially acceptable age range that we genuinely connect with. Outside of that it's a different conversation. You cracked me up though. Thx.

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2 minutes ago, MANFROMBOCA said:

well its a passive aggressive post if your dont know dont post

I thought I was allowed to express my thoughts and ideas. I dont have to back them up with evidence or research unless I claim that they are facts.. 


If you are so interested in how i came to my thoughts and conclusions, let me tell you.


Definition of a hooker = has sex for money

So hookers are willing to do more than a non-hooker for money. 

This leads me to the conclusion that they are also more likely to be willing to marry only for the money. I can't prove this. But, it makes sense in my eyes. 


Are there regular girls that marry only for the money, OFCOURSE

Are there hookers that marry for love, OFCOURSE


I'm just guessing that hookers are more likely to be capable and willing to marry for the money only. Based on that they are willing to have sex for money. 


Also, there seems to be anecdotal evidence that many farangs have been ripped of by marrying thai hookers. But again, there's plenty of men all around the world that have been ripped off by normal girls as well :) 


You see some flaws in my reasoning here? I would be glad to discuss them, but please no more insults, just stick to the argument :)


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Just now, eldragon said:


Lol. You know, this whole time I assumed we were talking about women within a socially acceptable age range that we genuinely connect with. Outside of that it's a different conversation. You cracked me up though. Thx.

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What is a socially acceptable age range ?

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1 minute ago, Don Mega said:

So instead of paying for a taxi I should buy dinner then, that makes the transaction OK according to your idiot logic.

My idiot logic?

Obviously, you're the one who feels ashamed/embarrassed enough about what he's doing/done to pretend to pay for a 'taxi' when what he's really paying for is sex.

Who's the idiot?

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Just now, BKKBodhisattva said:

My idiot logic?

Obviously, you're the one who feels ashamed/embarrassed enough about what he's doing/done to pretend to pay for a 'taxi' when what he's really paying for is sex.

Who's the idiot?

Sorry matey, Ive never paid for sex, well I do give my wife a monthly stipend to take car of the house stuff........ is that paying for sex ?

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30 minutes ago, BKKBodhisattva said:

Men who have little to attract a woman tend to tell themselves "we all pay for it" to make themselves feel better about current or past failures with women.

Often, men with that attitude see sex as the only benefit they get from being involved with a woman.

Now that's fine but while you might think your inducements are having the desired effect, be aware that women can smell that attitude on you and will either suck you dry or take up with the first man who treats them as more than a receptacle.


Most of the hookers I've met are in it for both material gain and supporting family..........it's very rarely one or the other.


Amen to that BKKB.  Funny. Ask most of the men that make that statement and you will likely find they had a terrible previous relationship and got burned.  So this is their response. Cop out IMHO.  Why do men always feel that relationships are about sex all the time. It's clearly odd.  I enjoy my wife's company and things we go off and do together and with her friends.  I don't sit and think. "Ok. I bought her dinner. I better get sex tonight" 

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In replyto opening post:

It's not that black-and-white, especially not in Thailand – there are at least 50 shades of grey...:whistling:


Yes, some girls and ladies are professional gold diggers, and if they hook up with a man, it's for money only, and the man can never be more safe than if someone more handsum and more rich appears, the lady may quickly move to something better.


However, there also girls and ladies, with or without children, coming to find a good foreign husband – a good farang, as they may already have bad experience from a Thai husband or boyfriend, or just heard all the Pretty Woman stories about the prince in the white Mercedes – and as the available foreigners are not likely to show up in a remote Isaan village, they head to areas where the subjects are available. Meanwhile they need to support their own living, and sometimes also kids and/or parents at home, so they need to make money at the same time. The advise from other village ladies, often succesful with a farang husband, is to "work bar". But such a girl or lady can become an excellent wife, taking in consideration, that there are multiple levels of grey between blank and white.


And how do you know that your Thai partner, girlfriend, wife is not a pro..?

In my view, you don't really know – as OP says, any girl who cannot support herself – especially in Thailand where money is a basic part of relationship and marriage; however, in old Western time, it was also the man, who was the provider. I know many a lady that are more in the white spektre of the grey shades, and who has a so-called normal work, but still look for a farang husband to take care of her; she may even accept money, or ask for money, or just expect money on a date – remember, a good husband takes care and provide, a Thai boyfriend may give his girlfriend his whole salary every month and only receive little pocket money – is she a "hooker"..?
Do you know all about your Thai girlfriend's/wife's past part of her life, and had she done anything a Westerner considers being a "hooker"..?

The worst true horror-stories from friends, are about "normal" ladies ripping the man completely off, even a lady from a well respected and well off Chinese family – those ladies seem to be only in it for the money – are they "hookers"..?


Many village marriages are kind of arranged, a financially acceptable match, where the girls are taught that a not too young husband, who can provide, is the best, and when first living together, then love will come later.


I believe it's a question a balance – from both parts, as there is also a cultural gap – and yes, money cannot buy love, but money can buy something that feel and looks exactly like love; and as long as you cannot tell the difference...:smile:

Edited by khunPer
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1 minute ago, khunPer said:

In answer to opening post:

It's not that black-and-white, especially not in Thailand

That's a well thought out post KhunPer.........in light of that , you will probably get flamed to death...........:coffee1:

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4 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

Sorry matey, Ive never paid for sex, well I do give my wife a monthly stipend to take car of the house stuff........ is that paying for sex ?

Oh dear, it seems you're having a stroke.

What does ur wife have to do with this?

Do you leave her a 1000b each morning for her "taxi"?


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3 minutes ago, khunPer said:

In answer to opening post:

It's not that black-and-white, especially not in Thailand – there are at least 50 shades of grey...:whistling:


Yes, some girls and ladies are professional gold diggers, and if they hook up with a man, it's for money only, and the man can never be more safe than if someone more handsum and more rich appears, the lady may quickly move to something better.


However, there also girls and ladies, with or without children, coming to find a good foreign husband – a good farang, as they may already have bad experience from a Thai husband or boyfriend, or just heard all the Pretty Woman stories about the prince in the white Mercedes – and as the available foreigners are not likely to show up in a remote Isaan village, they head to areas where the subjects are available. Meanwhile they need to support their own living, and sometimes also kids and/or parents at home, so the need to make money at the same time. The advise from other village ladies, often succesful with a farang husband, is to "work bar". But such a girl or lady can become an excellent wife, taking in consideration, that there are multiple levels of grey between blank and white.


And how do you know that your Thai partner, girlfriend, wife is not a pro..?

In my view, you don't really know – as OP says, any girl who cannot support herself – especially in Thailand where money is a basic part of relationship and marriage; however, in old Western time, it was also the man, who was the provider. I know many a lady that are more in the white spektre of the grey shades, who has a so-called normal work but still look for a farang husband to take care of her, may even accept money, or ask for money, or just expect money on a date – remember, a good husband takes care and provide, a Thai boyfriend may give his girlfriend his whole salary every month and only receive little pocket money – is she a "hooker"..?
Do you know all about your Thai girlfriend's/wife's past part of her life, and may she has done anything a Westerner considers being a "hooker"..?

The worst true horror-stories from friends, are about "normal" ladies ripping the man completely off, even a lady from a well respected and well off Chinese family – those ladies seem to be only in it for the money – are they "hookers"..?


Many village marriages are kind of arranged, a financially acceptable match, where the girls are taught that a not too young husband, who can provide, is the best, and when first living together, then love will come later.


I believe it's a question a balance – from both parts, as there is also a cultural gap – and yes, money cannot buy love, but money can buy something that feel and looks exactly like love; and as long as you cannot tell the difference...:smile:

Excellent nuanced post, I believe the topic is not black and white, I love the reference to 50 shades of grey :)

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5 minutes ago, BKKBodhisattva said:

Oh dear, it seems you're having a stroke.

What does ur wife have to do with this?

Do you leave her a 1000b each morning for her "taxi"?


Some mornings I do when she wants to go to BKK shopping !!


I was at a beer bar years ago and the cashier was such a sweet lady I bought her a cheap knock handbag from one of those people that walk around selling stuff, A little while later we visited the toilet (she paid the 5b) and she made oral love to my penis. Surely the act of buying a handbag does not label her a prostitute ?

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2 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

A little while later we visited the toilet (she paid the 5b) and she made oral love to my penis. Surely the act of buying a handbag does not label her a prostitute ?

Honestly Don-M....I just want to get this picture out of my head......just TOOooooo much information......:coffee1:

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2 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

Some mornings I do when she wants to go to BKK shopping !!


I was at a beer bar years ago and the cashier was such a sweet lady I bought her a cheap knock handbag from one of those people that walk around selling stuff, A little while later we visited the toilet (she paid the 5b) and she made oral love to my penis. Surely the act of buying a handbag does not label her a prostitute 

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25 minutes ago, BKKBodhisattva said:

I've been here nearly 10 years so I know my way around, thanks.

I've been taken out for meals by numerous women - sexual partners or otherwise - I don't have expectations, I see more than just a piece of pussy.

Sex isn't always the ultimate goal

well going out to dinner with friends, of course sex is not a goal at all, but I assumed we were talking about dating?  dating is ALL about sex in the end but it's true I also see more than just pussy... there's ass and boobs and all sorts   :sleepy:

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1 minute ago, Don Mega said:

Some mornings I do when she wants to go to BKK shopping !!


I was at a beer bar years ago and the cashier was such a sweet lady I bought her a cheap knock handbag from one of those people that walk around selling stuff, A little while later we visited the toilet (she paid the 5b) and she made oral love to my penis. Surely the act of buying a handbag does not label her a prostitute ?

Classy but, yes, she's a prostitute and you're a John, I'm afraid.

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3 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

Some mornings I do when she wants to go to BKK shopping !!


I was at a beer bar years ago and the cashier was such a sweet lady I bought her a cheap knock handbag from one of those people that walk around selling stuff, A little while later we visited the toilet (she paid the 5b) and she made oral love to my penis. Surely the act of buying a handbag does not label her a prostitute ?

I think we know who prostituted themselves, lady pays 5 baht for you to use the toilet and you let her have her way with you.

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