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NY Times says Trump campaign had repeated contact with Russian intelligence


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2 hours ago, retarius said:

If it's classified why is is it being leaked to the NYT? Why not declassify it? Let's have some transparency. Corruption and abuse of power thrive in secrecy.

It will all come out in the wash.  DT is keeping it as quiet as possible.  There are multiple investigations going on, and I assume, more to come.  That's what happens when you think you are a king in a Democracy.

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I agree but I think Trump is self destructing anyway.  He is way out of his depth and still under the illusion that he can do whatever he wants to by shouting everyone else down.  I also feel he won't last the year one way or another.

God help us make it so.


"On every principle—loyalty, secrecy, truth, right and wrong—Trump’s circle acknowledges only one standard and one master: Trump
That’s why the catastrophe of this administration won’t end with Flynn’s departure, or even with an investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia. It will end only when Trump is impeached and convicted."
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17 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

God help us make it so.


"On every principle—loyalty, secrecy, truth, right and wrong—Trump’s circle acknowledges only one standard and one master: Trump
That’s why the catastrophe of this administration won’t end with Flynn’s departure, or even with an investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia. It will end only when Trump is impeached and convicted."


God help us make it so.


You may call him Captain





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I could care less whether Trump, Flynn or anyone else had conversations with the Russians. As yet there has been no indication that any of the conversations were about anything trying to affect the outcome of the election.   What's the big deal.  Surely Flynn as former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency was aware that the conversations with the Russians must be tapped. What is evident is that Trump seems to have known about it for a few weeks but decided to end the commotion and he chalks it up to loss of confidence in Flynn for not being as forthcoming as maybe he should have been.  So what if they talked about sanctions,  it seems logical that the topic might come up since they were just recently put in place. This is a lot of media hype with little substance.  What really bothers me is that the intelligence agencies are obviously listening to conversations of American citizens and not treating the information carefully.  It's nice to know that what is said in a private conversation or email is under surveillance by the intelligence agencies and then subject to leaks to the press.  Seems like sending a letter might be a better way to go these days.  I think I am more worried about the intelligence agencies leaking stories these days. Trump better have the Oval Office checked for bugs.  The Democrats and press just won't let anything go. If I was Trump the first thing I would do is have the press secretary do all the twitter releases and stop holding the daily press conferences so the press has very little to feed on. Even the two top idiots in Congress Pelosi and Cummings got duped into quoting a fake twitter account concerning Flynn.  No-one in Washington seems to be able to keep their mouths shut for even 12 hours.  

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Actually, it is what happens when a mostly partisan media and the democratic party is out to get you no matter what.

And the republicans and the greens and everyone else and their dog.  Plus the worlds right wing press and the worlds left wing press plus...etc. etc.     I wonder why that would be?

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Im losing all respect for NYT….they must think people are really stupid.


If I was in cahoots with Putin and wanted it to remain hidden, would I really be going around saying that I admired him.


Clearly not.


They are just taking some observations and spinning it into some sort of dark conspiracy.

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2 hours ago, Trouble said:

I could care less whether Trump, Flynn or anyone else had conversations with the Russians. As yet there has been no indication that any of the conversations were about anything trying to affect the outcome of the election.   What's the big deal.  Surely Flynn as former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency was aware that the conversations with the Russians must be tapped. What is evident is that Trump seems to have known about it for a few weeks but decided to end the commotion and he chalks it up to loss of confidence in Flynn for not being as forthcoming as maybe he should have been.  So what if they talked about sanctions,  it seems logical that the topic might come up since they were just recently put in place. This is a lot of media hype with little substance.  What really bothers me is that the intelligence agencies are obviously listening to conversations of American citizens and not treating the information carefully.  It's nice to know that what is said in a private conversation or email is under surveillance by the intelligence agencies and then subject to leaks to the press.  Seems like sending a letter might be a better way to go these days.  I think I am more worried about the intelligence agencies leaking stories these days. Trump better have the Oval Office checked for bugs.  The Democrats and press just won't let anything go. If I was Trump the first thing I would do is have the press secretary do all the twitter releases and stop holding the daily press conferences so the press has very little to feed on. Even the two top idiots in Congress Pelosi and Cummings got duped into quoting a fake twitter account concerning Flynn.  No-one in Washington seems to be able to keep their mouths shut for even 12 hours.  

Noted, you don't care that Flynn committed a federal felony, lied about it to VP Pence and other administration officials, then the administration tried to cover the whole thing up.  You only care that the cover-up failed because someone leaked information about the crime, lies and cover-up.


Not everyone feels the same way.

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22 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Actually, it is what happens when a mostly partisan media and the democratic party is out to get you no matter what.

Right, they won't let the Trump administration get away with crimes, incompetence, lies, and cover-ups.  So unfair!

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

You make it sound like a conspiracy theory, but in this case you are probably right. There has been some good reporting on the  Intelligence community's war on Trump and -of course - the MSM and the Democrat party are a given. They see determined to ignore the results of the election, discredit him and bring him down.

The President of the United States and his National Security Advisor cannot have one secure phone call. They all end up verbatim in the WaPo. If I was Trump, I'd be firing lots of people now in Ft Meade and Langley. 

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

Actually, it is what happens when a mostly partisan media and the democratic party is out to get you no matter what.


Hysterical hyperbole based on nothing.


Which exists merely in UG's obviously highly biased and partisan "world".


And Trumpeted as fact...


Edited by iReason
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8 hours ago, Trouble said:

I could care less whether Trump, Flynn or anyone else had conversations with the Russians. As yet there has been no indication that any of the conversations were about anything trying to affect the outcome of the election.   What's the big deal.  Surely Flynn as former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency was aware that the conversations with the Russians must be tapped. What is evident is that Trump seems to have known about it for a few weeks but decided to end the commotion and he chalks it up to loss of confidence in Flynn for not being as forthcoming as maybe he should have been.  So what if they talked about sanctions,  it seems logical that the topic might come up since they were just recently put in place. This is a lot of media hype with little substance.  What really bothers me is that the intelligence agencies are obviously listening to conversations of American citizens and not treating the information carefully.  It's nice to know that what is said in a private conversation or email is under surveillance by the intelligence agencies and then subject to leaks to the press.  Seems like sending a letter might be a better way to go these days.  I think I am more worried about the intelligence agencies leaking stories these days. Trump better have the Oval Office checked for bugs.  The Democrats and press just won't let anything go. If I was Trump the first thing I would do is have the press secretary do all the twitter releases and stop holding the daily press conferences so the press has very little to feed on. Even the two top idiots in Congress Pelosi and Cummings got duped into quoting a fake twitter account concerning Flynn.  No-one in Washington seems to be able to keep their mouths shut for even 12 hours.  

You're completely missing the point.  As was mentioned by another member earlier, Flynn broke a very serious law.  And potentially committed espionage.  You spin this to say the leaks are the problem.  Well, don't commit espionage or break the law and you'll not have to worry about leaks!  Chicken and egg thing.


Freedom of the press is a key cornerstone of a functioning democracy.  They are doing a great job.  Except in the eyes of hard core Trump supporters.  Which is kinda scary...

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2 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

The President of the United States and his National Security Advisor cannot have one secure phone call. They all end up verbatim in the WaPo. If I was Trump, I'd be firing lots of people now in Ft Meade and Langley. 

He wasn't the president and Flynn wasn't the National Security Advisor at the time.  Just ordinary citizens potentially committing espionage.  For a long time!  It's been going on for a good party of the campaign.  I'm sure more details will come out, but for now, Flynn can potentially be a traitor.  A serious crime.  Good thing the intelligence community is tracking communications with Russian spies and diplomats.  Look what they found.  Gold.

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

You make it sound like a conspiracy theory, but in this case you are probably right. There has been some good reporting on the  Intelligence community's war on Trump and -of course - the MSM and the Democrat party are a given. They see determined to ignore the results of the election, discredit him and bring him down.

The only one bring Trump down is himself.  Place the blame properly.  And nobody is ignoring the results of the election.  That claim is getting old.

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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

You make it sound like a conspiracy theory, but in this case you are probably right. There has been some good reporting on the  Intelligence community's war on Trump and -of course - the MSM and the Democrat party are a given. They see determined to ignore the results of the election, discredit him and bring him down.

"The intelligence war on Trump", that clearly is a conspiracy theory.


I really wonder (though I am sure you wont answer), why do you want to cover up the truth? And if you dont think "the Russian contacts" is the truth, the orange freak would have nothing to loose, so why not accept investigation in this issue? I guess the problem is that we all know something really fishy is going on, why else would Flynn resign......

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It is just a witch hunt for Trump. The establishment is playing dirty, they do not want a change from the status quo.

Leaking of classified  info to the media from the intelligence agencies. They are trying to take him down from the inside. They want to install another puppet. Who knows how low they will go, this is going to be a HUGE battle.


Trump won the election, and now he is in the fight of his life to overthrow the establishment. 


A true Good against evil battle. I am not religious but Pray for Trump, Pray for America.






Edited by kevkev1888
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6 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

It is just a witch hunt for Trump. The establishment is playing dirty, they do not want a change from the status quo.

Leaking of classified  info to the media from the intelligence agencies. They are trying to take him down from the inside. They want to install another puppet. Who knows how low they will go, this is going to be a HUGE battle.


Trump won the election, and now he is in the fight of his life to over through the establishment. 


A true Good against evil battle. I am not religious but Pray for Trump, Pray for America.






Question for you: what do you think about Clintons emails? Reading the above, I trust you feel that that was real dirty play when these came out! You never thought "lock her up" was a fair statement of course because Clinton was treated very unfairly. It was clearly a witch hunt to bring her down.


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Just now, DriveByTrucker said:

Question for you: what do you think about Clintons emails? Reading the above, I trust you feel that that was real dirty play when these came out! You never thought "lock her up" was a fair statement of course because Clinton was treated very unfairly. It was clearly a witch hunt to bring her down.


The Clinton emails were not leaked by the establishment. She was their next puppet. 

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42 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

It is just a witch hunt for Trump. The establishment is playing dirty, they do not want a change from the status quo.

Leaking of classified  info to the media from the intelligence agencies. They are trying to take him down from the inside. They want to install another puppet. Who knows how low they will go, this is going to be a HUGE battle.


Trump won the election, and now he is in the fight of his life to overthrow the establishment. 


A true Good against evil battle. I am not religious but Pray for Trump, Pray for America.

No witch hunt is needed.  Trump makes his own mess.  He's the one playing dirty by lying and saying nasty things about others.  Sad you can't see that.


Read this article:





U.S. Allies Conduct Intelligence Operation Against Trump Staff and Associates, Intercepted Communications

Sources said the interceptions include at least one contact between former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and a Russian official based in the U.S.



Even Europe is getting nervous and has been investigating this for some time.  You're fighting a losing battle trying to defend Trump.  He's not trying to overthrow anything.  His cabinet includes more billionaires than any previous cabinet.  Clearly, he's brought more of the "establishment" to Washington than any previous administration.  Trump has lost the plot.  Please, read the above article.  This could spell the end of Trump if more dots are connected.  And for good reasons.

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28 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

The Clinton emails were not leaked by the establishment. She was their next puppet. 

So leaking is good when its done by the non-establishment and bad when its done by the establishment? Why dont you just say that leaking is good for you only when it suits your political agenda, because that seems more like the truth. The hypocrisy of the orange freak and his minions is exactly that. Appreciate and heavily use leaked info when it can help you win an election, and whine about it when it causes your diarrhea of lies and treason to surface. Fact is, the current administration is no more than a bunch of criminals hiding behind a facade of corruption, nepotism and lies. Which are probably the things you say "the establishment" does.

Finally, you think that the GOP wanted Clinton as their next puppet, or are the GOP not the establishment? How about Comey? He is the good establishment?

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1 minute ago, DriveByTrucker said:

So leaking is good when its done by the non-establishment and bad when its done by the establishment? Why dont you just say that leaking is good for you only when it suits your political agenda, because that seems more like the truth. The hypocrisy of the orange freak and his minions is exactly that. Appreciate and heavily use leaked info when it can help you win an election, and whine about it when it causes your diarrhea of lies and treason to surface. Fact is, the current administration is no more than a bunch of criminals hiding behind a facade of corruption, nepotism and lies. Which are probably the things you say "the establishment" does.

Finally, you think that the GOP wanted Clinton as their next puppet, or are the GOP not the establishment? How about Comey? He is the good establishment?


I did not say leaking is good. Don't know where you would have gotten that impression.



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1 hour ago, kevkev1888 said:

It is just a witch hunt for Trump. The establishment is playing dirty, they do not want a change from the status quo.

Leaking of classified  info to the media from the intelligence agencies. They are trying to take him down from the inside. They want to install another puppet. Who knows how low they will go, this is going to be a HUGE battle.


Trump won the election, and now he is in the fight of his life to overthrow the establishment. 


A true Good against evil battle. I am not religious but Pray for Trump, Pray for America.






"Trump won the election, and now he is in the fight of his life to overthrow the establishment."

Yes, he's fighting valiantly to protect the poor beleaguered hedge funds, shadow banks, large corporations, corrupt financial advisors and heirs to large fortunes whose rights have been undermined by the evil machinations of the middle class, working class, and the poor. That endangered species, the American billionaire, depends on the survival of the Trump Presidency for its very existence.  Let us all offer a soon-to-be tax exempt prayer for Donald Trump and the .01 percent.

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Just now, DriveByTrucker said:

I got this from your posts!

Why the diversion btw? So that you can avoid replying to the content of my post?

Show me a post where I said leaking was good. You will not be able to.

The rest of your post rant 'hypocrisy of the orange freak and his minions' is not an opinion that I share, and does not warrant a reply.


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Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump

Decision to withhold information underscores deep mistrust between intelligence community and president

U.S. intelligence officials have withheld sensitive intelligence from President Donald Trump because they are concerned it could be leaked or compromised, according to current and former officials familiar with the matter.

The officials’ decision to keep information from Mr. Trump underscores the deep mistrust that has developed between the intelligence community and the president over his team’s contacts with the Russian government, as well as the enmity he has shown toward U.S. spy agencies. On Wednesday, Mr. Trump accused the agencies of leaking information to undermine him.


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6 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

The President of the United States and his National Security Advisor cannot have one secure phone call. They all end up verbatim in the WaPo. If I was Trump, I'd be firing lots of people now in Ft Meade and Langley. 

Please provide links to some of these verbatim phone calls in the Washington Post.

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