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Playa Del Carmen Mexico

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Didn't quite know where to put this thread as it isn't Thailand and Mexico is not my home country. So my partners contract is ending in Thailand and we are going to relocate to the USA. He needs to go through the visa process to get a green card which will take a little while. So we were thinking of moving to Playa for awhile and applying over there.


It is a stones throw from the USA so I could go get some things accomplished and go back and forth easily. I was there once a long time ago and liked it. Are the beaches still clean? It sounds a bit more protected than some places in Thailand. 


How do prices stack up to Thailand? For this question I am wondering about prices in the middle. Not a room with no window but not a ocean front villa. Does say $1,000 a month get a decent place there? My budget for living is about $3,000 a month is the most I would like to spend. I can spend more or less but that's the limit I would like to because I would like to save and leave Playa with more money than I came.


I eat mostly western food and live in a western style apartment in Bangkok so am interested in comparisons on those kind of things. I think I would save quite a chunk of money on wine over there. I like Mexican food so would maybe even save on eating over there as everything here is expensive in that regard. 


Anyway I have gone on more than I meant to. What are the negatives of Playa and good things about it? Because I put this in the home country forum not everything in this thread has directly relate to Thailand. I am simply looking for a pedestrian friendly beach location near the USA to chill. It can be a little more or less than the price of Thailand and it wouldn't bother me much. 


Look forward to people's thoughts on where they would waste a year in Mexico if not Playa?

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It is a bit specific don't you think ?
I've spent a lot of time in Toluca, but it's cold, industrial, nowhere near the coast and a long way from the US.
Other than that I spent a couple of months in Monterrey, was working and in a hotel so can't comment on accommodation, but the city is really cool, in a mountainous area with some stunning scenery. 2 1/2 to 3 hours drive to Laredo Texas.
Sorry I couldn't help more.

Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

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Just now, Andrew Dwyer said:

I have some colleagues that worked in Merida ( yucatan ) , I can ask them if you want ?

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Not necessary, but thanks. I saw a thread about places to retire and Mexico seems to come up now and then. Was just hoping to compare prices of rent, availability of western goods, cleanliness of the environment and such. Don't worry about it.

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kay how does that stack up price wise with Thailand, and what town in Thailand would you compare it to?

A bit more expensive than Thailand in general for general eating, drinking and transportation etc sort of upper Bangkok prices.
Accommodation I don't know, stayed in a hotel as I was working.

Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
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  • 4 months later...

A lot of folks who live in AZ like me have places in Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) I owned a few condos there but sold them when the drug wars starting moving into the area. I hear it's getting cleaned up. Pretty expensive though.

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