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More Moderate Hand Will Equal Less Violence?

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You guys are killing me. I've never seen so many arm chair quarterbacks.

If you've never been in combat it's really hard to describe.

However I don't believe any of you critics would hesitate to light those guys up when they came charging with machetes.

If you say you wouldn't shoot you're a f______g liar!!!

Give me a break and grow up...


well, you know, pepe...there must be a reason for the present worldwide uproar and Thaksin's ban of foreign journalists going to the deep South.

shoot them in the legs so they can't walk no more...shoot them in the balls so they can't fukc and breed no more...better PR...



Actually I've had it with all this. It's starting to bug me.

"If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen."

I'm gone from this type of thread, it's going nowhere."

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