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Protecting Trump Tower cost NY City $24 million from election to inauguration


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23 minutes ago, Credo said:

The President is provided with a presidential retreat, Camp David, which is very well protected and is much more economical and secure for the president and whomever he wishes to entertain.    

It doesn't have gold toilets.

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3 hours ago, Kabula said:

What's up with all the negative Trump news?


Why not publish that he saved many millions of dollars by financing his own  campaign and travel to avoid special interests. 


Not to mention the billions of dollars that will come back in United States with manufacturing returning, and approved oil pipelines and much more coming. And millions saved on new fighter jets.


Oh, why not mention he is trying to save my country from financial ruin and the world from nuclear holocaust. 


What is your bias?

Our bias is the fact that he is a proven liar , sorry you cannot see that.

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5 hours ago, Kabula said:

What's up with all the negative Trump news?


Why not publish that he saved many millions of dollars by financing his own  campaign and travel to avoid special interests. 


Not to mention the billions of dollars that will come back in United States with manufacturing returning, and approved oil pipelines and much more coming. And millions saved on new fighter jets.


Oh, why not mention he is trying to save my country from financial ruin and the world from nuclear holocaust. 


What is your bias?


"Why not publish that he saved many millions of dollars by financing his own  campaign and travel to avoid special interests." I don't know...maybe because that's a complete lie? According to FEC filings, as of the date of the linked article, Trump had just funded a little over $100,000 whereas donors had given $3.8 million, and Trump had loaned, NOT donated, $1.8 million to his campaign (http://ijr.com/2015/11/469588-donald-trump-keeps-saying-his-campaign-is-self-funded-but-that-is-just-not-true/). Trump's campaign spent a total of $322 million, of which he gave only $66 million, and of that, $11 million went back to businesses with his name on them (http://fortune.com/2016/12/09/donald-trump-campaign-spending).


Manufacturing will NOT return. Those jobs are gone and they won't be coming back for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the inability of American manufacturers to absorb the increase in labor costs were those jobs to return. Additionally, as the linked article points out, manufacturing today bears little resemblance to the manufacturing that most of us are familiar with. New ways of boosting productivity, like robotics and computerization of jobs that used to be done by humans have meant the vanishing of what were once good paying, semi-skilled jobs. For example, whereas it used to be that most of the parts that went into a car built in Detroit were also made in Detroit, or somewhere in the US, now those same parts are manufactured all over the world at costs that American manufacturers can't compete with (http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21714330-they-dont-make-em-any-more-politicians-cannot-bring-back-old-fashioned-factory-jobs).


Trump did NOT save $700 million on the F-35. Those savings were already in the pipeline. Trump just took credit for it (http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2017/feb/07/donald-trump/trump-overstates-credit-700-million-savings-f-35s/).


"What is your bias?" My bias is against a so-called President who lies at every opportunity, then, when confronted with the facts, doubles down on the lies and claims "fake news", a claim which is then taken up by his fact-averse supporters. My bias is against people who swallow anything this proven prevaricator vomits up without so much as looking to any source that doesn't agree with his fabrications. My bias is toward anyone, President or otherwise, who lies, manipulates others, cheats, steals, and brazenly dares anyone to try to stop him; who refuses to pay workers and contractors what he owes, then just wears them down with legal costs; who bullies anyone who disagrees with him and threatens to sue anyone who exposes the truth about him. My bias is toward bowing to a coward who refused to serve his country, claiming bogus bone spurs that, miraculously, didn't keep him from playing athletics. My bias is toward a man who called on our enemy to help him by hacking into his opponents computers and who cuddles up to that same enemy for no better reason that to massage his overinflated ego. My bias is toward a so-called President who instructs his National Security Advisor to play footsie with our enemy to curry favor with them (anyone who thinks that Flynn had the cojones to show that level of independence has been sticking their head in the glue bag a bit too much) and then when the feces hit the fan, threw their "bag man" under the bus. My bias is toward having a man-child "leading" this country to ruin.


Does that answer your question?

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22 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

"Why not publish that he saved many millions of dollars by financing his own  campaign and travel to avoid special interests." I don't know...maybe because that's a complete lie? According to FEC filings, as of the date of the linked article, Trump had just funded a little over $100,000 whereas donors had given $3.8 million, and Trump had loaned, NOT donated, $1.8 million to his campaign (http://ijr.com/2015/11/469588-donald-trump-keeps-saying-his-campaign-is-self-funded-but-that-is-just-not-true/). Trump's campaign spent a total of $322 million, of which he gave only $66 million, and of that, $11 million went back to businesses with his name on them (http://fortune.com/2016/12/09/donald-trump-campaign-spending).


Manufacturing will NOT return. Those jobs are gone and they won't be coming back for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the inability of American manufacturers to absorb the increase in labor costs were those jobs to return. Additionally, as the linked article points out, manufacturing today bears little resemblance to the manufacturing that most of us are familiar with. New ways of boosting productivity, like robotics and computerization of jobs that used to be done by humans have meant the vanishing of what were once good paying, semi-skilled jobs. For example, whereas it used to be that most of the parts that went into a car built in Detroit were also made in Detroit, or somewhere in the US, now those same parts are manufactured all over the world at costs that American manufacturers can't compete with (http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21714330-they-dont-make-em-any-more-politicians-cannot-bring-back-old-fashioned-factory-jobs).


Trump did NOT save $700 million on the F-35. Those savings were already in the pipeline. Trump just took credit for it (http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2017/feb/07/donald-trump/trump-overstates-credit-700-million-savings-f-35s/).


"What is your bias?" My bias is against a so-called President who lies at every opportunity, then, when confronted with the facts, doubles down on the lies and claims "fake news", a claim which is then taken up by his fact-averse supporters. My bias is against people who swallow anything this proven prevaricator vomits up without so much as looking to any source that doesn't agree with his fabrications. My bias is toward anyone, President or otherwise, who lies, manipulates others, cheats, steals, and brazenly dares anyone to try to stop him; who refuses to pay workers and contractors what he owes, then just wears them down with legal costs; who bullies anyone who disagrees with him and threatens to sue anyone who exposes the truth about him. My bias is toward bowing to a coward who refused to serve his country, claiming bogus bone spurs that, miraculously, didn't keep him from playing athletics. My bias is toward a man who called on our enemy to help him by hacking into his opponents computers and who cuddles up to that same enemy for no better reason that to massage his overinflated ego. My bias is toward a so-called President who instructs his National Security Advisor to play footsie with our enemy to curry favor with them (anyone who thinks that Flynn had the cojones to show that level of independence has been sticking their head in the glue bag a bit too much) and then when the feces hit the fan, threw their "bag man" under the bus. My bias is toward having a man-child "leading" this country to ruin.


Does that answer your question?

Best post this week. Factually accurate, unlike anything Donald ever says and hits the nail on the head.

Congratulations Sir, on a perfect response to a question posed by an ignorant fellow human being who one hopes has been uplifted by your brilliant reply.

Oh and as to the ignorant chaps comment on nuclear Holocaust, Donald is way more likely to precipitate it than prevent it.

Hey, Redneck Kabula. Smell the coffee! You have been lied to by a professional and have sucked it in.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Edited by darksidedog
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On 2/23/2017 at 7:07 PM, dundee48 said:

But the headline said "from election to inauguration ".

Don`t think he stayed in the Whitehouse before the inauguration.

Well, that makes me feel better.  With DT traveling to golf every weekend, SS at Trump Tower, SS traveling with his kids to protect them on business trips...the bills are much much larger than this~curious to see the tally at the end of one year :partytime2:

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On 2/23/2017 at 10:54 AM, kevkev1888 said:

Really, who cares. Protection of the President costs. Bigger family, more residences, more cost.

So what? Totally irrelevant to anything. Just something else for the loser left to whinge and whine about. 

              Everything about Trump is either a lie or grandstanding based on lies.


              I care about my government grossly wasting money.  Part of Trump's stumping was yelling about how he would cut costs.  He's doing the opposite.  Not just bloated security for him and his family (and his kids when they travel ww to conduct Trump business).    Here's a dare for any Trump fan:  Name one thing Trump asserts which is not a lie, hypocritical or corrupt.  I don't think it's possible.

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On 2/23/2017 at 10:54 AM, kevkev1888 said:

Really, who cares.

Protection of the President costs. Bigger family, more residences, more cost.

So what? Totally irrelevant to anything.

Just something else for the loser left to whinge and whine about. 


I'd be curious to have you answer just one question...are you one of the same "fiscal conservatives" who bitched for eight years about the national debt that was all Obama's fault? The same Obama who, to date, spent about 10% on his security that Trump has spent? Weren't you people "outraged" at the "irresponsible spending" of the last President? Like I said, just curious.

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5 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

I'd be curious to have you answer just one question...are you one of the same "fiscal conservatives" who bitched for eight years about the national debt that was all Obama's fault? The same Obama who, to date, spent about 10% on his security that Trump has spent? Weren't you people "outraged" at the "irresponsible spending" of the last President? Like I said, just curious.

I can't answer for another poster, but pretty much every trip that Obama took, we got a complete breakdown on how useless it was and how much it cost.   Does anyone remember when he took Michelle to dinner on their anniversary in New York City?   We got a complete breakdown of how much that cost.   Oh, and the cost of him attending his grandmother's (who had raised him) funeral.   All of these were posted, ad nauseum, even down to the cost of fuel for AF 1.  



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12 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

I'd be curious to have you answer just one question...are you one of the same "fiscal conservatives" who bitched for eight years about the national debt that was all Obama's fault? The same Obama who, to date, spent about 10% on his security that Trump has spent? Weren't you people "outraged" at the "irresponsible spending" of the last President? Like I said, just curious.

No I was not. Truth be I never took much notice of the Americans before.

Trump got my attention, in a good way.

BTW it is not money that Trump has spent.

As I said before. Protection of the President costs. Bigger family, more residences, more cost.


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2 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

No I was not. Truth be I never took much notice of the Americans before.

Trump got my attention, in a good way.

BTW it is not money that Trump has spent.

As I said before. Protection of the President costs. Bigger family, more residences, more cost.



Actually, it IS money that Trump has spent, and is spending. Were he not taking Air Force One down to Mar-a-Lago almost every weekend, that money would not be spent, ergo, he is the one responsible. Were Melania and Baron not staying in Trump Tower, that money would not be spent, ergo, he is the one responsible. Were his sons not jetting off to foreign countries to do business deals (that benefit Trump), their Secret Service details would not be incurring flight, hotel, ground transportation, meal, and who knows how many other expenses, ergo, he is the one responsible. And that money comes out of the pockets of the American taxpayers. So, yes, it IS money that Trump has spent.

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